Feasibility of Invasive Grass Detection in a Desertscrub Community Using Hyperspectral Field Measurements and Landsat TM Imagery
<p>Photos of four <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span>-infested hot spots identified in the Santa Catalina Mountains. <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span> stands out in these images by its golden hue and smooth texture, which contrasts from the beige tones and speckle associated with uninvaded areas. The golden hue is characteristic of post-monsoon curing and although the golden hue fades, standing senesced vegetation remains a fuel concern throughout the year. The homogeneous texture is characteristic of connected grass cover, whereas the heterogeneous textures of uninvaded habitat represents a mixture of exposed soil, rocks, shrubs, cacti, and trees.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Flow diagram indicates the source of simulated and real Landsat TM scenes and classification models.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Map of study area showing validation points overlaid on Landsat TM Image from 26 May 2007 (path 36, row 38). The yellow overlay shows Southwest Regional GAP Analysis cover classes in which <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span> is common.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Reflectance of abundant cover types found in measured plots on six different dates in 2007 as measured by ASD (left column) and convolved to Landsat TM (right column). <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span> is denoted by a thick black line while five dominant native cover types are denoted by thick colored lines. Less abundant cover types are light grey.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Correlation of reflectances (top row) and mean reflectance differences (bottom row) between <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span> and native cover types for full spectra (left column) and TM-convolved spectra (right column) for six dates in 2007. Five most abundant cover types are denoted by thick colored lines, whereas less abundant cover types are denoted by light grey.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Reflectance differences of six abundant cover types by time (y-axis) and wavelength (x-axis). Positive values (blue) indicate the target is more reflective than <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span> for the given wavelength and acquisition date while negative values (green) indicate that <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span> is brighter.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Mean simulated reflectance of densely infested (≥50% <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span>), moderately infested (5–50% <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span>) and uninfested (<5% <span class="html-italic">P. ciliare</span>) plots used in study by Olsson <span class="html-italic">et al.</span> [<a href="#B15-remotesensing-03-02283" class="html-bibr">15</a>]. Wavelengths for which reflectance in densely infested plots are significantly different than in moderately infested and uninfested plots are indicated by full height and half-height grey background, respectively.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Mean Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values of training points based on Landsat-5 TM scenes from seven dates over 15 months between 2006 and 2008.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Classification and regression tree (CART) classification accuracy (top row) and AUC values of logistic regression model (bottom) of simulated Landsat TM scenes (left column) and real Landsat TM scenes (right column). The classifications were based on the original 6 Landsat TM bands (Reflectance), the Spectral mixture analysis (SMA)-derived fractions of Photosynthetic vegetation (PV), non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV), and NPV (SMA All), the SMA-derived fraction of vegetation (SMA Vegetation), and the vegetation indices, Normalized Vegetation Difference Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI). The baseline y-axis values for accuracy have been shifted to 0.5 to show greater detail. A grey line on the AUC plots denote the 0.5 line, which represents the point where models are no better than random.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>CART classification accuracy (top row) and logistic regression AUC (bottom row) of two-scene models for all date combinations using simulated (left column) and real Landsat TM data (right column). Each pixel represents the suite of models developed using the dates denoted by the column and row. Model types are Reflectance (o), SMA (square), SMA PV (triangle), NDVI (star), EVI (diamond), and SAVI (+). Accuracy and AUC are denoted by the color level. Note that axes differ between plots because of different acquisition dates, as do color levels due to large overall differences in accuracy and AUC between simulated and real TM classifications.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
- (1)
- From the standpoint of cover, P. ciliare replaces soil. Sub-canopy P. ciliare is less likely to have a profound effect on reflectance of a mixed pixel.
- (2)
- Native grasses do not form dense stands in the upland habitats in which P. ciliare is invading.
- (3)
- P. ciliare is visible from a distance with the human eye at different times of the year.
1.2. Objectives
- (1)
- Identify spectral characteristics that distinguish P. ciliare from uninvaded Arizona Upland cover types throughout the year
- (2)
- Determine best time of year to discriminate between P. ciliare and uninvaded Arizona Upland vegetation
- (3)
- Assess the potential of multi-date analysis to improve upon single-date analysis to discriminate between P. ciliare and uninvaded Arizona Upland vegetation
2. Data and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Field Data Collection—Cover Measurements
2.3. Field Data Collection—Spectral Data Acquisition
2.3. Spectral Separability of Pennisetum ciliare from Native Cover Types
2.4. Spectral Separability of Mixed Landscapes
2.5. Simulated Landsat TM Scenes
2.6. Landsat TM Scenes
2.7. Landsat TM Training and Validation Sites
2.8. Scene Classification—Classification Data Models
- Pure reflective (Refl)
- Spectrally unmixed PV, soil, and NPV (SMAAll)
- Spectrally unmixed PV (SMAPV)
- Normalized Vegetation Difference Index (NDVI)
- Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI)
- Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)
2.9. Classification and Regression Trees (CART)
2.10. Logistic Regression
2.11. Landsat TM Scene Visualization
3. Analysis of Results
3.1. Spectral Separability of Pennisetum ciliare Over Time
3.2. Mixed Pixel Separability of P. ciliare from Natives in Arizona Upland Landscapes
3.3. Single Date Results
3.4. Multidate Results
4. Discussion
4.1. Invaded Areas are Greener than Uninvaded Areas
4.2. P. ciliare Dries out and Senesces before Native Vegetation
4.3. Invaded Areas are Redder during the Senesced Phase
4.4. Best Dates for Distinguishing P. ciliare from Native Vegetation
5. Concluding Remarks
EVI | Enhanced vegetation index |
MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
NDVI | Normalized difference vegetation index |
NPV | Non-photosynthetic vegetation |
PV | Photosynthetic vegetation |
SAVI | Soil-adjusted vegetation index |
SMA | Spectral mixture analysis |
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Olsson, A.D.; Van Leeuwen, W.J.D.; Marsh, S.E. Feasibility of Invasive Grass Detection in a Desertscrub Community Using Hyperspectral Field Measurements and Landsat TM Imagery. Remote Sens. 2011, 3, 2283-2304. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs3102283
Olsson AD, Van Leeuwen WJD, Marsh SE. Feasibility of Invasive Grass Detection in a Desertscrub Community Using Hyperspectral Field Measurements and Landsat TM Imagery. Remote Sensing. 2011; 3(10):2283-2304. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs3102283
Chicago/Turabian StyleOlsson, Aaryn D., Willem J.D. Van Leeuwen, and Stuart E. Marsh. 2011. "Feasibility of Invasive Grass Detection in a Desertscrub Community Using Hyperspectral Field Measurements and Landsat TM Imagery" Remote Sensing 3, no. 10: 2283-2304. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs3102283
APA StyleOlsson, A. D., Van Leeuwen, W. J. D., & Marsh, S. E. (2011). Feasibility of Invasive Grass Detection in a Desertscrub Community Using Hyperspectral Field Measurements and Landsat TM Imagery. Remote Sensing, 3(10), 2283-2304. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs3102283