Exploratory Mapping of Blue Ice Regions in Antarctica Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Data
<p>Location of the Schirmacher Oasis depicted on a Landsat image mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) (<a href="https://lima.usgs.gov/" target="_blank">https://lima.usgs.gov/</a>, accessed on 20 January 2022). Antarctic blue-ice regions (BIRs) (Hui et al. [<a href="#B22-remotesensing-15-01287" class="html-bibr">22</a>]) derived using ETM+ and MODIS data are depicted in blue on LIMA. WorldView-2 PAN-sharpened imagery shows the spatial distribution of the 12 tiles considered in this study. Each tile is a small subset of around 200,000 m<sup>2</sup> area on the satellite image.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>(<b>a</b>) A reference manually digitized land cover map showing the spatial distribution of BIRs over the entire study region; and (<b>b</b>) sample WV-2 imagery and reference digitized datasets for two tiles (Tile 1 and 2).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Experimental protocol for semi-automatic extraction of blue ice information.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Workflow for generating a customized Normalized Difference Blue Ice Index (NDBI).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The variation of RMSE among the 16 FE methods utilized for effective blue ice mapping application. RMSE results of the 16 methods were grouped to depict the total RMSE and average RMSE values among the four semi-automatic blue ice feature extraction approaches.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>A visual image analysis of extracted BIRs from the sample Tile-1 using four NDBI methods under the customized NDBI approach and four supervised target detection methods under TD approach. Extracted BIR patches are appended on the WorldView-2 image (RGB: 8,5,1 band combination). The dark blue patches visible on images are non-BIRs.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>A visual image analysis of extracted BIRs from the sample Tile-1 using four spectral processing methods under the SP approach and four supervised pixel-wise classification methods under the PSC approach. Extracted BIR patches are appended on the WorldView-2 image (RGB: 8,5,1 band combination). The dark blue patches visible on images are non-BIRs.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The overall performance of the extraction methods for extracting all the 12 tiles and effect of topographic variation on the accuracy of extracting BIRs, based on misclassified (underestimated or overestimated) area (%). The statistic is depicted for varying topographic tiles separately, i.e., moderate elevation tiles, low elevation tiles and high elevation tiles. The figure also depicts variations of positive bias (m<sup>2</sup>), negative bias (m<sup>2</sup>), RMSE (m<sup>2</sup>) and total bias (m<sup>2</sup>) for the four feature extraction approaches implemented for blue ice extraction.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Visual image analysis of extracted blue ice regions from the entire study area using four NDBI methods under a customized NDBI approach: (<b>a</b>–<b>d</b>) represent reference manually-digitized blue ice over the semi-automatically extracted blue ice to infer the spatial distribution of overestimated blue ice pixels; (<b>e</b>–<b>h</b>) represent the semi-automatically extracted blue ice over reference manually-digitized blue ice to infer the spatial distribution of underestimated blue ice pixels.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Visual image analysis of extracted blue ice regions from the entire study area using WV-2: (<b>a</b>) WV-2 imagery showing the spatial extent of the study area; (<b>b</b>) extent of the present study on LIMA mosaic; (<b>c</b>) BIRs derived using WV-2 appended on PAN-sharpened WV-2 satellite imagery; (<b>d</b>) BIRs derived from MODIS/ETM+ appended on WV-2 satellite imagery; (<b>e</b>) BIRs derived from WV-2 appended on LIMA mosaic, (<b>f</b>) BIRs derived from MODIS/ETM+ appended on LIMA mosaic, (<b>g</b>) BIRs extracted using WV-2 appended on BIRs derived from MODIS/ETM+ to infer the spatial distribution of errors in existing MODIS/ETM+ BIR dataset, as depicted on background WV-2 imagery, (<b>h</b>) BIRs extracted using WV-2 appended on BIRs derived from MODIS/ETM+ to infer the spatial distribution of errors in existing MODIS/ETM+ BIR dataset, as depicted on background LIMA imagery. White patches distributed within the study area extent represent snow.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Percentage contribution of confounding surrounding features and/or topography in misclassification of blue ice. The figure was prepared using repeated visual inspection of the final output blue ice maps generated using the 16 different methods against PAN-sharpened WV-2 imagery and the spectral signatures of confounding features. The factors contributing to the misclassification are; (A) landmass/rocks/nunataks, (B) water bodies (supraglacial ponds/lakes, open/frozen/semi-frozen lakes/melt-lakes/freezing epishelf lakes), (C) meltwater on ice surface, (D) supraglacial debris and streams/crevasses/sastrugi/ripples (E) shadow (topography) (F) elevation (topography; low, moderate, high) (G) background ice/sporadic snow/windswept firn. The colour bar shows the distribution of contribution of land cover or topographical factors constituting the total misclassification imparted by each method. Seven contributing factors caused varying amounts of misclassification for different methods. These variations are depicted using approximate percentage values using colours. Length of the colour bar shows the percentage while the colour shows the contributing factor.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Geospatial Data
2.1. Extent of the Study Area
2.2. Spatial Data Used in This Study
2.2.1. Usage of Satellite Data
2.2.2. Ground Truthing and Supplementary Data
3. Methods and Analyses
3.1. Pre-Processing of Satellite Data
3.2. Blue Ice Detection and Mapping Using Feature Extraction
3.2.1. Customized NDBI Approach
3.2.2. Spectral Processing (SP) or Matching–Based Extraction Approach
3.2.3. Target Detection (TD) Approach
3.2.4. Pixel-Wise Supervised Classification Approach
3.2.5. Practical Execution of Image Processing Routines and Post Processing Corrections
3.3. Accuracy Assessment
4. Results
4.1. Comparing Tile-Wise Accuracy for 12 Manually-Digitized and Ground-Surveyed Tiles
4.1.1. Approaches for Semi-Automatic Extraction of BIRs
- (i)
- Performance of the customized NDBI approach
- (ii)
- Performance of the target detection (TD) approach
- (iii)
- Performance of the spectral processing (SP) approach
- (iv)
- Performance of the pixel-wise supervised classification (PSC) approach
- (v)
- Overall performance of semi-automatic extraction methods
4.1.2. Topographical Influences on the Extraction of BIRs
- (i)
- Comparative analysis of errors for various tiles in different elevation settings
- (ii)
- Comparative analysis of errors for shadow-covered against non-shadow covered tiles.
- (iii)
- Comparative analysis of errors based on amount of blue ice area present in various tiles
4.2. Comparing Areas of Extracted BIRs against Reference BIRs for the Entire Study Region
4.3. Comparison of the Extracted BIRs with Existing BIR Map
4.4. Errors Associated with Manually Digitized Reference Data
5. Discussion
5.1. Testing the Performance of Supervised Information Extraction Methods in the Antarctic Environment
5.2. Effect of New Spectral Bands of the WV-2 Used in NDBI for Blue Ice Mapping
5.3. Comparison with Previous Blue Ice Mapping in Antarctica
5.4. Statistical Significance and Generalization of Performance of Methods
5.5. Beyond Quantitative Analysis and Evaluation of Accuracies
- (1)
- Consistency: customized NDBI-based blue-ice mapping was less sensitive to the background noise (topography, shadows, snow/ice cover) and could consistently extract blue ice from the study area by optimizing the target against the noise using green, yellow, NIR-1 and NIR-2 bands;
- (2)
- Flexibility: the slight variation of the input approximations (threshold values in the case of customized NDBI and ROIs in cases of SP, PSC or TD approaches) should not affect the extraction results significantly. The threshold values used for customized NDBI can be adjusted to suppress the noise with no effect on the extraction of targeted blue ice;
- (3)
- Minimizing of manual editing: a semi-automatic method should eventually minimize manual editing of the extracted BIRs. A visual interpretation of the extracted blue ice showed that the dimensions of BIRs (shape, geometry and size) were well-preserved and manual editing was effectively minimized;
- (4)
- Efficiency: the extraction should be executed, and the results should be available rapidly. The total time required for the extraction should be much less than that by manual digitization. Efficiency is also dependent on reliability, accuracy, and interactivity factors. The average time for extracting the blue ice was the lowest for the customized NDBI, moderate for SP and PSC, and maximal for TD approaches;
- (5)
- Interactivity: the semi-automatic extraction strategy should be an interactive process between the machine learning algorithms and the human operator. This should allow the operator to correct erroneous results immediately after extraction. The customized NDBI approach is highly interactive in terms of threshold definition, and in band selection to rectify wrongly classified pixels;
- (6)
- Robustness: the semi-automatic blue ice mapping method should work well for different types of BIRs in the cryospheric environment. Most of the BIRs in the study area here were influenced by local topography. The customized NDBI method could effectively identify BIRs in various topographical settings in this typical Antarctic coastal oasis environment;
- (7)
- Complexity: any semi-automatic method should ideally be simple to implement on satellite images. The customized NDBI approach is simpler to implement than either the TD or SP algorithms;
- (8)
- Accuracy: extracted information should be correct and geometric errors should be minimized, giving results that are at least comparable to those achieved by manual digitization. The RMSE values obtained from the customized NDBI confirmed that the approach could extract blue ice accurately w.r.t. the manually digitized reference;
- (9)
- Visual comparison: the semi-automatic method should provide extraction results which can be compared visually against the manual reference data. Visual comparison here demonstrated that blue-ice polygons from all 12 tiles were detected in the NDBI images, and that the boundaries of the extracted blue ice polygons matched the actual boundaries of the blue ice in the images or reference digitized data closely;
- (10)
- Error: variation in error should be minimized. A box plot (Supplementary Figures S6 and S7) shows that the customized NDBI had superior performance over the other three approaches tested for extracting BIRs;
5.6. Factors Affecting the Performance of NDBI
5.7. Factors Affecting Blue Ice Mapping in Cryospheric Environments
5.8. Accuracy Analysis and the Measures of Uncertainties
5.9. Future Directions
5.10. Transferability of Methods
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset | Source | Temporal Range (dd/mm/yy) | Utilization of Datasets in the Present Study | ||||
SE | VI | MD | SD | DEA | |||
Worldview-2 MSI and PAN | DigitalGlobe | 5 February 2012 | 🗴 | ✓ | 🗴 | ✓ | 🗴 |
Worldview-2 PAN-sharpened image (0.5 m) | Processed | 5 February 2012 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Google Earth Images (GE) | 31 December 1999 to 26 November 2013 | 🗴 | ✓ | 🗴 | ✓ | 🗴 | |
BIR map derived from MODIS and Landsat ETM+ | Hui et al. [22] | 1999–2004 | 🗴 | ✓ | 🗴 | ✓ | 🗴 |
DGPS Surveying | InSEA | 2008–2015 (September–March) | 🗴 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Tile No. | Total Area (m2) | Reference BIRs | Reference Non-BIRs | ||
(m2) | % | (m2) | % | ||
1 | 202,392.18 | 189,504.78 | 93.63 | 12,887.40 | 06.37 |
2 | 202,119.31 | 133,320.08 | 65.96 | 68,799.23 | 34.04 |
3 | 202,257.09 | 164,433.85 | 81.30 | 37,823.24 | 18.70 |
4 | 201,547.57 | 170,673.36 | 84.68 | 30,874.21 | 15.32 |
5 | 201,630.23 | 169,468.74 | 84.05 | 32,161.49 | 15.95 |
6 | 201,608.05 | 127,106.45 | 63.05 | 74,501.60 | 36.95 |
7 | 201,750.89 | 190,304.24 | 94.33 | 11,446.65 | 05.67 |
8 | 202,171.24 | 104,841.94 | 51.86 | 97,329.30 | 48.14 |
9 | 201,947.31 | 104,285.23 | 51.64 | 97,662.08 | 48.36 |
10 | 201,588.89 | 146,478.47 | 72.66 | 55,110.42 | 27.34 |
11 | 201,444.93 | 137,480.92 | 68.25 | 63,964.01 | 31.75 |
12 | 201,520.04 | 137,752.88 | 68.36 | 63,767.16 | 31.64 |
NDBI | NDBI Model | Mathematical Expression | Threshold Range |
NDBI-1 | NDBI(3−7/3+7) | 0.83−0.95 | |
NDBI-2 | NDBI(3−8/3+8) | 0.87−0.92 | |
NDBI-3 | NDBI(4−7/4+7) | 0.84−0.93 | |
NDBI-4 | NDBI(4−8/4+8) | 0.85−0.96 |
NDBI-1 | NDBI-2 | NDBI-3 | NDBI-4 | |||||
Tile No. | Extracted Area (m2) | Bias in Area (m2) | Extracted Area (m2) | Bias in Area (m2) | Extracted Area (m2) | Bias in Area (m2) | Extracted Area (m2) | Bias in Area (m2) |
1 | 189,540.73 | −35.95 | 189,741.59 | −236.81 | 189,913.57 | −408.79 | 189,969.43 | −464.65 |
2 | 132,971.17 | 348.91 | 133,071.89 | 248.19 | 133,193.03 | 127.05 | 133,293.27 | 26.81 |
3 | 164,849.04 | −415.19 | 164,901.71 | −467.86 | 164,831.11 | −397.26 | 164,801.11 | −367.26 |
4 | 170,279.86 | 393.50 | 170,079.25 | 594.11 | 170,411.25 | 262.11 | 170,411.25 | 262.11 |
5 | 169,810.47 | −341.73 | 169,972.57 | −503.83 | 170,802.57 | −1333.83 | 170,831.73 | −1362.99 |
6 | 126,907.83 | 198.62 | 126,986.98 | 119.47 | 127,031.04 | 75.41 | 126,931.04 | 175.41 |
7 | 189,928.71 | 375.53 | 190,011.38 | 292.86 | 189,901.83 | 402.41 | 190,621.57 | −317.33 |
8 | 103,984.90 | 857.04 | 103,289.61 | 1552.33 | 103,937.55 | 904.39 | 103,326.68 | 1515.26 * |
9 | 103,257.66 | 1027.57 | 103,097.47 | 1187.76 | 103,203.41 | 1081.82 | 103,089.41 | 1195.82 |
10 | 146,967.39 | −488.92 | 147,167.39 | −688.92 | 145,716.82 | 761.65 | 146,599.38 | −120.91 |
11 | 137,598.07 | −117.15 | 137,971.44 | −490.52 | 137,991.03 | −510.11 | 138,381.74 | −900.82 |
12 | 137,421.31 | 331.57 | 137,861.83 | −108.95 | 138,287.58 | −534.70 | 137,399.43 | 353.45 |
|Avg.| | 147,793.10 | 410.97 | 147,846.09 | 540.97 | 147,935.07 | 566.63 | 147,971.34 | 588.57 |
RMSE | 491.65 | 682.58 | 675.21 | 768.46 |
Total Bias (m2) | Total Bias (%) | Positive Bias (m2) | Positive Bias (%) | Negative Bias (m2) | Negative Bias (%) | RMSEt (m2) | ||
NDBI-1 | Present work | 4931.68 * | 0.28 * | 3532.74 | 0.20 | −1398.94 | 0.08 | 491.65 * |
NDBI-2 | Present work | 6491.61 | 0.37 | 3994.72 * | 0.22 * | −2496.89 | 0.14 | 682.58 |
NDBI-3 | Present work | 6799.53 | 0.38 | 3614.84 | 0.20 | −3184.69 | 0.18 | 675.21 |
NDBI-4 | Present work | 7062.82 | 0.40 | 3528.86 | 0.20 | −3533.96 | 0.20 | 768.46 |
Average | 6321.41 | 0.36 | 3667.79 | 0.21 | −2653.62 | 0.15 | 654.48 | |
RMSEm | 6375.33 | 0.36 | 3672.80 | 0.21 | 2775.91 | 0.16 | 662.21 | |
MT-TCIMF | [48] | 9286.29 | 0.52 | 4423.17 | 0.25 | −4863.12 | 0.27 | 860.71 |
OSP | [49] | 11,063.73 | 0.62 | 5462.31 | 0.31 | −5601.42 | 0.32 | 1035.55 |
ACE | [50] | 10,167.08 | 0.57 | 5872.27 | 0.33 | −4294.81 | 0.24 | 941.54 |
CEM | [51] | 12,551.57 | 0.71 | 6837.42 | 0.39 | −5714.15 | 0.32 | 1113.45 |
Average | 10,767.17 | 0.61 | 5648.79 | 0.32 | −5118.38 | 0.29 | 987.81 | |
RMSEm | 10,834.58 | 0.61 | 5714.79 | 0.32 | 5150.79 | 0.29 | 992.40 | |
MTMF | [52] | 12,556.91 | 0.71 | 6064.41 | 0.34 | −6492.50 | 0.37 | 1119.16 |
MF/SAM | [53] | 12,899.18 | 0.73 | 6822.03 | 0.38 | −6077.15 | 0.34 | 1152.36 |
MF | [54] | 15,410.72 | 0.87 | 8701.81 | 0.49 | −6708.91 | 0.38 | 1361.74 |
PCA | [55] | 19,144.35 | 1.08 | 10,500.32 | 0.59 | −8644.03 * | 0.49 * | 1675.11 |
Average | 15,002.79 | 0.84 | 8022.14 | 0.45 | −6980.65 | 0.39 | 1327.09 | |
RMSEm | 15,232.05 | 0.86 | 8205.11 | 0.46 | 7050.05 | 0.40 | 1345.44 | |
SVM | [56] | 22,520.21 | 1.27 | 12,598.20 | 0.71 | −9922.01 | 0.56 | 1976.81 |
SAM | [57] | 25,156.87 | 1.42 | 12,910.34 | 0.73 | −12,246.53 | 0.69 | 2179.90 |
NNC | [46] | 27,370.25 | 1.54 | 17,488.27 * | 0.98 * | −9881.98 | 0.56 | 2503.42 |
MXL | [58] | 26,526.68 | 1.49 | 11,605.36 | 0.65 | −14,921.32 | 0.84 | 2377.57 |
Average | 25,393.50 | 1.43 | 13,650.54 | 0.77 | −11,742.96 | 0.66 | 2259.43 | |
RMSEm | 25,459.89 | 1.43 | 13,837.59 | 0.78 | 11,923.96 | 0.67 | 2268.24 | |
Total Avg. | 14,371.22 | 0.81 | 7747.32 | 0.44 | −6623.90 | 0.37 | 1307.20 | |
Total RMSEm | 16,110.98 | 0.91 | 8731.42 | 0.49 | 7518.65 | 0.42 | 1447.28 |
MP (#) | OP (#) | UP (#) | OP (%) | UP (%) | ||
NDBI-1 | Present work | 19,727 * | 14,131 | 5596 | 71.63 ′ | 28.37 ′ |
NDBI-2 | Present work | 25,966 | 15,979 * | 9988 | 61.54 | 38.47 |
NDBI-3 | Present work | 27,198 | 14,459 | 12,739 | 53.16 | 46.84 |
NDBI-4 | Present work | 28,251 | 14,115 | 14,136 | 49.96 | 50.04 |
Average | 25,286 | 14,671 | 10,615 | 59.07 | 40.93 | |
RMSEm | 25,501.17 | 14,691.06 | 11,103.87 | 59.67 | 41.78 | |
MT-TCIMF | [48] | 37,145 | 17,693 | 19,452 | 47.63 | 52.37 |
OSP | [49] | 44,255 | 21,849 | 22,406 | 49.37 | 50.63 |
ACE | [50] | 40,668 | 23,489 | 17,179 | 57.76 | 42.24 * |
CEM | [51] | 50,206 | 27,350 | 22,857 | 54.48 | 45.53 |
Average | 43,069 | 22,595 | 20,474 | 52.31 | 47.69 | |
RMSEm | 43,338.16 | 22,859.23 | 20,603.21 | 52.46 | 47.86 | |
MTMF | [52] | 50,228 | 24,258 | 25,970 | 48.3 | 51.70 |
MF/SAM | [53] | 51,597 | 27,288 | 24,309 | 52.89 | 47.11 |
MF | [54] | 61,643 * | 34,807 | 26,836 | 56.47 | 43.53 |
PCA | [55] | 76,577 * | 42,001 | 34,576 | 54.85 | 45.15 |
Average | 60,011 | 32,089 | 27,923 | 53.12 | 46.88 | |
RMSEm | 60,928.23 | 32,820.33 | 28,200.35 | 53.22 | 46.97 | |
SVM | [56] | 90,081 | 50,393 | 39,688 | 55.94 | 44.06 |
SAM | [57] | 100,627 | 51,641 | 48,986 | 51.32 | 48.68 |
NNC | [46] | 109,481 | 69,953 | 39,528 | 63.90 | 36.10 |
MXL | [58] | 106,107 | 46,421 | 59,685 | 43.75 | 56.25 |
Average | 101,574 | 54,602 | 46,972 | 53.73 | 46.27 | |
RMSEm | 101,839.54 | 55,350.20 | 47,695.72 | 54.22 | 46.85 | |
Total Average | 57,484.81 | 30,989.19 | 26,495.69 | 54.56 | 45.44 | |
Total RMSEm | 64,443.86 | 34,925.60 | 30,074.62 | 54.96 | 45.93 |
Reference Data | Reference Blue Ice Data | ||||
Reference Map | Total Area (m2) | BIRs (m2) | Non-BIRs (m2) | % BIRs | % Non-BIRs |
Manually digitized BIRs | 173,530,259.00 | 106,875,250.60 | 66,655,008.40 | 61.59 | 38.41 |
MODIS–ETM+ BIRs | 173,530,259.00 | 140,281,789.02 | 33,248,469.98 | 80.84 | 19.16 |
Extracted Blue Ice Area | Total Bias (m2) | Total Bias (%) | Remark | ||
NDBI-1 | Present work | 106,253,876.47 * | 621,374.13 * | 0.58 * | Underestimation |
NDBI-2 | Present work | 107,510,771.62 | −635,521.02 | −0.59 | Overestimation |
NDBI-3 | Present work | 107,493,642.98 | −618,392.38 | −0.58 | Overestimation |
NDBI-4 | Present work | 107,572,503.29 | −697,252.69 | −0.65 | Overestimation |
Average | 107,207,698.59 | 643,135.06 | 0.60 | ||
RMSEm | 107,209,116.94 | 643,926.09 | 0.60 | ||
MT-TCIMF | [48] | 108,050,194.52 | −1,174,943.92 | −1.10 | Overestimation |
OSP | [49] | 108,069,168.73 | −1,193,918.13 | −1.12 | Overestimation |
ACE | [50] | 105,606,034.11 | 1,269,216.49 | 1.19 | Underestimation |
CEM | [51] | 105,584,361.53 | 1,290,889.07 | 1.21 | Underestimation |
Average | 106,827,439.72 | 1,232,241.90 | 1.15 | ||
RMSEm | 106,834,546.85 | 1,233,211.13 | 1.16 | ||
MTMF | [52] | 108,595,298.82 | −1,720,048.22 | −1.61 | Overestimation |
MF/SAM | [53] | 108,639,032.38 | −1,763,781.78 | −1.65 | Overestimation |
MF | [54] | 105,082,210.18 | 1,793,040.42 | 1.68 | Underestimation |
PCA | [55] | 105,013,550.34 | 1,861,700.26 | 1.74 | Underestimation |
Average | 106,832,522.93 | 1,784,642.67 | 1.67 | ||
RMSEm | 106,847,432.04 | 1,785,386.08 | 1.67 | ||
SVM | [56] | 104,108,595.61 | 2,766,654.99 | 2.59 | Underestimation |
SAM | [57] | 104,041,038.89 | 2,834,211.71 | 2.65 | Underestimation |
NNC | [46] | 103,906,014.77 | 2,969,235.83 | 2.78 | Underestimation |
MXL | [58] | 109,840,008.48 * | −2,964,757.88 * | −2.77 * | Overestimation |
Average | 105,473,914.44 | 2,883,715.10 | 2.70 | ||
RMSEm | 105,504,057.77 | 2,885,016.75 | 2.70 | ||
Total Average | 106,585,393.92 | 1,635,933.68 | 1.53 | ||
Total RMSEm | 106,600,768.17 | 1,833,465.00 | 1.72 |
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Share and Cite
Jawak, S.D.; Luis, A.J.; Pandit, P.H.; Wankhede, S.F.; Convey, P.; Fretwell, P.T. Exploratory Mapping of Blue Ice Regions in Antarctica Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1287. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051287
Jawak SD, Luis AJ, Pandit PH, Wankhede SF, Convey P, Fretwell PT. Exploratory Mapping of Blue Ice Regions in Antarctica Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(5):1287. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051287
Chicago/Turabian StyleJawak, Shridhar D., Alvarinho J. Luis, Prashant H. Pandit, Sagar F. Wankhede, Peter Convey, and Peter T. Fretwell. 2023. "Exploratory Mapping of Blue Ice Regions in Antarctica Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Data" Remote Sensing 15, no. 5: 1287. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051287
APA StyleJawak, S. D., Luis, A. J., Pandit, P. H., Wankhede, S. F., Convey, P., & Fretwell, P. T. (2023). Exploratory Mapping of Blue Ice Regions in Antarctica Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing, 15(5), 1287. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051287