A Review of the Applications of Remote Sensing in Fire Ecology
"> Figure 1
<p>Example of a fire risk map for Grand Teton National Park, WY and the surrounding area. Fire risk based on available fuel, moisture, slope, aspect, distance from roads, proximity to settlements, and elevation.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Example of LANDFIRE fuel product, 40 Scott and Burgan Fire Behavior Fuel Model.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Example of dNBR derived burn severity levels for the Thomas Fire, CA 2008. Using changes in NIR and SWIR reflectance, burn severity levels can be rapidly assessed.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Fire Risk Assessment and Mapping
3. Fuel Mapping
3.1. Orbital Multispectral Sensors
3.2. Lidar
4. Active Fire Detection
4.1. Orbital Multispectral Sensors
4.2. UAS
5. Burned Area Estimates
6. Burn Severity Assessment
6.1. Orbital Multispectral Sensors
6.2. Lidar
6.3. UAS
7. Post-fire Vegetation Recovery Monitoring
7.1. Orbital Multispectral Sensors
7.2. Lidar
7.3. UAS
8. Future Research
8.1. Fire Risk Assessment and Mapping
8.2. Fuel Mapping
8.3. Active Fire Detection
8.4. Burned Area Estimations
8.5. Burn Severity Assessment
8.6. Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery Monitoring
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Sensor(s) | Spatial Resolution | Advantages | Disadvantages | References |
Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+, OLI | 15–30 * m | Free and easily accessible | Lack of canopy penetration, low temporal resolution | [13,36,37,38,39] |
Sentinel-2 | 10–60 m | Free, relatively high spatial and temporal resolution, multiple near infrared (NIR) bands | Lack of canopy penetration | [32,40,41] |
MODIS | 250 m–1 km | Free and easily accessible, high temporal resolution, large area analysis | Lack of canopy penetration, coarse spatial resolution limits analysis of smaller areas | [42,43,44,45,46,47,48] |
ASTER | 15–90 m | Free and easily accessible, hyperspectral sensor, several short-wave infrared (SWIR) bands | Lack of canopy penetration, low temporal resolution | [18,21,42,49,50] |
IKONOS | 0.8–4 m | High spatial resolution | Decommissioned, limited spectral resolution, high cost | [51,52,53,54,55] |
AVIRIS | 4–20 m | High spatial resolution, hyperspectral sensor | High cost, complicated data processing | [38,56,57] |
GOES | 1–4 km | High temporal resolution, large area analysis | Lack of canopy penetration, coarse spatial resolution limits fine scale analysis | [58,59,60] |
MGS-SERIVI | 3 km | Very high temporal resolution, large area of analysis | Lack of canopy penetration, coarse spatial resolution limits fine scale analysis | [61,62,63] |
Type of Sensor | Appropriate Spatial Resolution | Appropriate Temporal Resolution | Cost | Difficulty of Use |
Geostationary Satellites | No | N/A | Free | N/A |
Coarse Spatial Resolution (>100 m) Orbital Sensors | No | N/A | Free | N/A |
High to Moderate Resolution (<100 m) Orbital Sensors | Yes | Yes | Free | Low |
Lidar * | Yes | Yes | Very High ($10,000) | High |
UAS | N/A | N/A | High ($1000) | N/A |
Type of Sensor | Appropriate Spatial Resolution | Appropriate Temporal Resolution | Cost | Difficulty of Use |
Geostationary Satellites | Yes | Yes | Free | Low-moderate |
Coarse Spatial Resolution (>100 m) Orbital Sensors | Yes | Yes | Free | Low-moderate |
High to Moderate Resolution (<100 m) Orbital Sensors | N/A | No * | Free | N/A |
Lidar | N/A | N/A | Very High ($10,000) | N/A |
UAS | Yes * | Yes * | High ($1000) | High |
Type of Sensor | Appropriate Spatial Resolution | Appropriate Temporal Resolution | Cost | Difficulty of Use |
Geostationary Satellites | No | N/A | Free | N/A |
Coarse Spatial Resolution (>100 m) Orbital Sensors | Yes | Yes | Free | Low-moderate |
High to Moderate Resolution (<100 m) Orbital Sensors | Yes * | Yes * | Free | Low |
Lidar | N/A | N/A | Very High ($10,000) | N/A |
UAS | Yes * | Yes * | High ($1000) | High |
Red-edge Spectral Indices | Colum Equation | References |
Chlorophyll Index red-edge | [32,151,152] | |
Modified Simple Ratio red-edge | [32,153,154] | |
Modified Simple Ratio red-edge narrow | ||
Normalized Difference re-edge 1 | [32,152,154,155] | |
Normalized Difference re-edge 1 modified | [32,155] | |
Normalized Difference red-edge 2 | [32,152,153] | |
Normalized Difference red-edge 2 modified | [32] | |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index red-edge 1 | [32] | |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index red-edge 1 narrow | [32] | |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index red-edge 2 | [32] | |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index red-edge 2 narrow | [32] | |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index red-edge 3 | [32] | |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index red-edge 3 narrow | [32] | |
Simple Ratio red-edge 1 | [32] | |
Simple Ratio red-edge 2 | [32] |
Type of Sensor | Appropriate Spatial Resolution | Appropriate Temporal Resolution | Cost | Difficulty of Use |
Geostationary Satellites | No | N/A | Free | N/A |
Coarse Spatial Resolution (>100 m) Orbital Sensors | No | N/A | Free | N/A |
High to Moderate Resolution (<100 m) Orbital Sensors | Yes | Yes * | Free | Low |
Lidar | Yes | Yes | Very High ($10,000) | High |
UAS | Yes | Yes | High ($1000) | Moderate-High |
Type of Sensor | Appropriate Spatial Resolution | Appropriate Temporal Resolution | Cost | Difficulty of Use |
Geostationary Satellites | No | N/A | Free | N/A |
Coarse Spatial Resolution (>100 m) Orbital Sensors | No | N/A | Free | N/A |
High to Moderate Resolution (<100 m) Orbital Sensors | Yes | Yes | Free | Low |
Lidar | Yes | Yes | Very High ($10,000) | High |
UAS | Yes | Yes | High ($1000) | Moderate-High |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Szpakowski, D.M.; Jensen, J.L.R. A Review of the Applications of Remote Sensing in Fire Ecology. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2638. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11222638
Szpakowski DM, Jensen JLR. A Review of the Applications of Remote Sensing in Fire Ecology. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(22):2638. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11222638
Chicago/Turabian StyleSzpakowski, David M., and Jennifer L. R. Jensen. 2019. "A Review of the Applications of Remote Sensing in Fire Ecology" Remote Sensing 11, no. 22: 2638. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11222638
APA StyleSzpakowski, D. M., & Jensen, J. L. R. (2019). A Review of the Applications of Remote Sensing in Fire Ecology. Remote Sensing, 11(22), 2638. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11222638