Deriving a Forest Cover Map in Kyrgyzstan Using a Hybrid Fusion Strategy
"> Figure 1
<p>The study area and its geographical datasets: (<b>a</b>) the study area; (<b>b</b>) forest in the GlobeLand30 product; (<b>c</b>) tree cover percentage in the USGS TreeCover2010; (<b>d</b>) Landsat TM image; (<b>e</b>) the digital elevation model (DEM); and (<b>f</b>) the land surface temperature (LST) product.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>A flowchart of deriving forest cover map using a hybrid fusion strategy.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Comparisons of our forest cover maps at different tree cover threshold values (α) with the USGS TreeCover2010 and the GlobeLand30 in terms of (<b>a</b>) kappa, (<b>b</b>) G, and (<b>c</b>) F1 score.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Forest cover map derived from our method.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Validation of the accuracy of our product overlaid with Google Earth images on different dates in 2010 for the 8 different sites: (<b>a</b>) August of 2010; (<b>b</b>) July of 2010; (<b>c</b>) August of 2010; (<b>d</b>) October of 2010; (<b>e</b>) June of 2010; (<b>f</b>) July of 2010; (<b>g</b>) October of 2010; (<b>h</b>) July of 2010.</p> "> Figure 5 Cont.
<p>Validation of the accuracy of our product overlaid with Google Earth images on different dates in 2010 for the 8 different sites: (<b>a</b>) August of 2010; (<b>b</b>) July of 2010; (<b>c</b>) August of 2010; (<b>d</b>) October of 2010; (<b>e</b>) June of 2010; (<b>f</b>) July of 2010; (<b>g</b>) October of 2010; (<b>h</b>) July of 2010.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Influence of auxiliary geographical information on model accuracy in different scenarios: (<b>a</b>–<b>c</b>) kappa, G, and F1 score calculated with (tree cover threshold value) α = 50% and (forest sample size) n = 100,000; (<b>d</b>–<b>f</b>) kappa, G, and F1 score calculated with α = 50% and n = 20,000; (<b>g</b>–<b>i</b>) kappa, G, and F1 score calculated with α = 30% and n = 100,000.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Influence of sample size on model accuracy at different tree cover threshold values: (<b>a</b>) α = 10%; (<b>b</b>) α = 20%; (<b>c</b>) α = 30%; (<b>d</b>) α = 40%; (<b>e</b>) α = 50%; (<b>f</b>) α = 60%.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. The Study Area and Its Geographical Datasets
2.1. The Study Area
2.2. The Geographical Datasets and Their Preprocessing
2.2.1. The GlobeLand30 Product
2.2.2. The USGS TreeCover2010 Dataset
2.2.3. Landsat Images
2.2.4. The Ancillary Geographical Datasets
3. Methodologies
3.1. Land Cover Product Fusion
3.2. Geographical Feature Fusion
3.3. Classifier Fusion
3.3.1. Preliminaries on Classifiers
3.3.2. Base Classifier
3.3.3. Meta-Classifier
3.3.4. The Two-Layer Structured Classification System
3.4. Selection of Optimal α to Derive Forest Cover Map with High Accuracy
4. Results
5. Discussions and Limitations
5.1. Influence of Auxiliary Geographical Information on Model Accuracy
5.2. Influence of Sample Size on Model Accuracy
5.3. Comparison with Other Forest Cover Products
5.4. Limitations of This Study
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Forest in the USGS TreeCover2010 with Different Tree Cover Threshold Values | Forest in the GlobeLand30 | |||||||||
10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | ||
Area (104 ha) | 89.61 | 71.79 | 58.53 | 47.89 | 27.51 | 16.48 | 12.38 | 6.13 | 0.01 | 155.64 |
Percentage (%) | 4.48 | 3.59 | 2.93 | 2.39 | 1.38 | 0.82 | 0.62 | 0.31 | 0.0004 | 7.78 |
Our Product | Forest | Non-Forest | Overall | PA (%) | F1 Score (%) |
Forest | 1642 | 256 | 1898 | 86.51 | 91.78 |
Non-Forest | 38 | 7987 | 8025 | 99.53 | 98.19 |
Overall | 1680 | 8243 | 9923 | ||
UA (%) | 97.74 | 96.89 |
USGS TreeCover2010 (40%) | Forest | Non-Forest | Overall | PA (%) | F1 Score (%) |
Forest | 1437 | 461 | 1898 | 75.71 | 84.04 |
Non-Forest | 85 | 7940 | 8025 | 98.94 | 96.67 |
Overall | 1522 | 8401 | 9923 | ||
UA (%) | 94.42 | 94.51 |
GlobeLand30 | Forest | Non-Forest | Overall | PA (%) | F1 Score (%) |
Forest | 1509 | 389 | 1898 | 79.50 | 72.17 |
Non-Forest | 775 | 7250 | 8025 | 90.34 | 92.57 |
Overall | 2284 | 7639 | 9923 | ||
UA (%) | 66.07 | 94.91 |
Kappa (%) | G (%) | F1 Score (%) | ||
Base classifiers | DTB | 73.57 | 85.64 | 73.83 |
EXT | 73.28 | 84.35 | 73.54 | |
RF | 73.29 | 85.11 | 73.56 | |
MLP | 69.54 | 81.61 | 69.84 | |
KNN | 67.87 | 81.53 | 68.18 | |
Meta classifier | GBM | 73.73 | 86.17 | 74.00 |
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Share and Cite
Jia, T.; Li, Y.; Shi, W.; Zhu, L. Deriving a Forest Cover Map in Kyrgyzstan Using a Hybrid Fusion Strategy. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2325.
Jia T, Li Y, Shi W, Zhu L. Deriving a Forest Cover Map in Kyrgyzstan Using a Hybrid Fusion Strategy. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(19):2325.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJia, Tao, Yuqian Li, Wenzhong Shi, and Ling Zhu. 2019. "Deriving a Forest Cover Map in Kyrgyzstan Using a Hybrid Fusion Strategy" Remote Sensing 11, no. 19: 2325.
APA StyleJia, T., Li, Y., Shi, W., & Zhu, L. (2019). Deriving a Forest Cover Map in Kyrgyzstan Using a Hybrid Fusion Strategy. Remote Sensing, 11(19), 2325.