Examining the Satellite-Detected Urban Land Use Spatial Patterns Using Multidimensional Fractal Dimension Indices
<p>Schematic of the Multidimensional Fractal Model (I and II refer to two opposite patch features or spatial distributions for a given land use).</p> ">
<p>Four possible decreasing trends of the lacunarity index: (<b>a</b>) concave curve type, (<b>b</b>) convex curve type, (<b>c</b>) reverse curve type and (<b>d</b>) linear type.</p> ">
<p>Location of Wuhan City.</p> ">
<p>Land use information for four major types in Wuhan: (<b>a</b>) Built-up area, (<b>b</b>) Forest, (<b>c</b>) Farmland and (<b>d</b>) Water.</p> ">
<p>The boundary dimension results for four land use types in Wuhan City: (<b>a</b>) Built-up area, <b>(b</b>) Forest, (<b>c</b>) Farmland and (<b>d</b>) Water.</p> ">
<p>Buffer analysis used to identify area surrounding the given center within different radiuses.</p> ">
<p>The radius dimension results for four land use types in Wuhan City: (<b>a</b>) Built-up area, (<b>b</b>) Forest, (<b>c</b>) Farmland and (<b>d</b>) Water.</p> ">
<p>The information entropy dimension results for four land use types in Wuhan City: (<b>a</b>) Built-up area, (<b>b</b>) Forest, (<b>c</b>) Farmland and (<b>d</b>) Water.</p> ">
<p>The lacunarity dimension results for four land use types in Wuhan City: (<b>a</b>) Built-up area, (<b>b</b>) Forest, (<b>c</b>) Farmland and (<b>d</b>) Water.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Three Typical Fractal Dimensions
2.2. A Novel Fractal Dimension—Lacunarity Dimension
3. Study Area and Data Processing
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Boundary Dimension
4.2. Radius Dimension
4.3. Information Entropy Dimension
4.4. Lacunarity Dimension
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- The utility of multidimensional fractal indices to analyze the spatial patterns of urban land use proved to be more comprehensive than the utility of any single fractal dimension index. The thorough analysis exhibits accurate spatial pattern detection, including correlation coefficients greater than 0.85 and statistically significant with p < 0.001.
- (2)
- It is feasible to use the proposed lacunarity dimension to solve the typical modifiable areal unit problem associated with the scale effects of lacunarity index. It can effectively distinguish the self-organization feature (multiple centers) from the centrality (only one center) as well as the balance (no center) of land use spatial patterns at macro level.
- (3)
- Although the shape complexity of water was found to be highly similar to that of built-up area at micro level in Wuhan, there is a remarkable difference for their macro spatial patterns: Water patches tend to aggregate around multiple individual centers while built-up area only to the urban commercial center.
- (4)
- It is suggested that we should confirm the goodness of fit and the statistical significance of estimated fractal dimensions before using the multidimensional fractal dimension indices to examine the satellite-detected urban land use spatial patterns.
Conflict of Interest
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ID | Land Use Types | Number of Patches | Percentage of Patches (%) | Area (m2) | Percentage of Area (%) |
1 | Built-up area | 7,274 | 10.089 | 607,801,492 | 7.075 |
2 | Forest | 31,849 | 44.174 | 734,558,400 | 8.550 |
3 | Farmland | 15,137 | 20.995 | 6,701,792,036 | 71.023 |
4 | Water | 16,864 | 23.390 | 1,134,048,588 | 13.200 |
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Share and Cite
Wu, H.; Sun, Y.; Shi, W.; Chen, X.; Fu, D. Examining the Satellite-Detected Urban Land Use Spatial Patterns Using Multidimensional Fractal Dimension Indices. Remote Sens. 2013, 5, 5152-5172. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs5105152
Wu H, Sun Y, Shi W, Chen X, Fu D. Examining the Satellite-Detected Urban Land Use Spatial Patterns Using Multidimensional Fractal Dimension Indices. Remote Sensing. 2013; 5(10):5152-5172. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs5105152
Chicago/Turabian StyleWu, Hao, Yurong Sun, Wenzhong Shi, Xiaoling Chen, and Dongjie Fu. 2013. "Examining the Satellite-Detected Urban Land Use Spatial Patterns Using Multidimensional Fractal Dimension Indices" Remote Sensing 5, no. 10: 5152-5172. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs5105152
APA StyleWu, H., Sun, Y., Shi, W., Chen, X., & Fu, D. (2013). Examining the Satellite-Detected Urban Land Use Spatial Patterns Using Multidimensional Fractal Dimension Indices. Remote Sensing, 5(10), 5152-5172. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs5105152