Selecting South American Popcorn Germplasm for Bipolaris maydis Resistance at Contrasting Nitrogen Levels
<p>Severity means of Southern Corn Leaf Blight (<span class="html-italic">Bipolaris maydis</span>) in popcorn inbred lines (G) evaluated at low (LN) and optimal (ON) levels of nitrogen (N). The superscript characters in the sources of variation (G, N, and interaction G × N) refer to the statistical significance of the effects in the ANOVA: ns (not significant); * (significant at 0.05 error probability); and ** (significant at 0.01 error probability). Bars followed by the same letter in the same nitrogen condition and same assay did not differ statistically from each other according to the Scott-Knott algorithm at a 5% probability.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Number of popcorn inbred lines considered resistant (R) and susceptible (S) to <span class="html-italic">Bipolaris maydis</span> in each origin population, considering optimal nitrogen levels (ON) and low nitrogen levels (LN) in field experiments.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Averages of Southern Corn Leaf Blight severity (caused by <span class="html-italic">Bipolaris maydis</span>) for groups of popcorn inbred lines classified as resistant (R), susceptible (S), and controls (R and S) in environments under low and optimal nitrogen fertilization levels. The bars represent confidence intervals based on <span class="html-italic">t</span>-tests at a 5% probability of error.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Detached leaves of the susceptible control (L80) and resistant controls (P7, P2, and L75) in response to <span class="html-italic">Bipolaris maydis</span>.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Precipitation (mm) and maximum, average, and minimum temperatures (°C) observed during the experimental period in the 2018–2019 crop year. Source: National Institute of Meteorology/Brazil (INMET).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Results
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Characterization of Environments in Relation to Nitrogen Availability
4.2. Evaluated Traits
4.3. Statistical Analysis
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Resistant Only in LN | Resistant Only in ON | |||||||
L201 | L593 | L653 | L655 | L562 | L322 | L361 | ||
Resistant in LN and ON | Susceptible in LN and ON | |||||||
L204 | L270 | L328 | L390 | L506 | L205 | L207 | L212 | L295 |
L206 | L271 | L330 | L392 | L509 | L594 | L652 | L483 | L656 |
L214 | L272 | L332 | L393 | L510 | L561 | L232 | ||
L215 | L274 | L351 | L395 | L511 | ||||
L216 | L291 | L352 | L411 | L512 | ||||
L217 | L292 | L353 | L413 | L531 | ||||
L234 | L293 | L354 | L441 | L563 | ||||
L235 | L294 | L355 | L442 | L592 | ||||
L236 | L296 | L360 | L471 | L623 | ||||
L237 | L298 | L363 | L472 | L624 | ||||
L238 | L321 | L366 | L474 | L626 | ||||
L241 | L324 | L381 | L476 | L628 | ||||
L261 | L325 | L382 | L477 | L654 | ||||
L262 | L326 | L384 | L478 | |||||
L263 | L327 | L385 | L482 |
Inbred Lines | N | Origin Populations | Country | Institution | References (Accessed on 10 November 2024) |
L201 to L217 | 10 | IAC 125 | BR * | IAC | |
L232 to L241 | 7 | BOZM 260 | BOL** | CIMMYT |* |
L261 to L274 | 7 | PARA 172 | PRY ** | CIMMYT | |
L291 to L298 | 7 | URUG 298 | URY ** | CIMMYT | |
L321 to L332 | 9 | UFVM 2—Barão de Viçosa | BR * | UFV | |
L351 to L366 | 9 | PR 023 | BR * | UENF | - |
L381 to L395 | 8 | SAM | USA ** | UENF | - |
L411 | 1 | CHZM 13 134 | CHL ** | CIMMYT | |
L413 and L506 to L512 | 6 | PA 170 ROXO | PRY ** | UENF | - |
L441 and L442 | 2 | BOYA 462 | COL * | CIMMYT | |
L471 to L483 | 8 | SE 013 | BR * | UENF | - |
L531 | 1 | ARZM 07 049 | ARG ** | CIMMYT | |
L561 to L563 | 3 | ARZM 05 083 | ARG ** | CIMMYT | |
L592 to L594 | 3 | RS 20 | BR * | IPAGRO | |
L623 to L628 | 4 | PA 091 | BR * | UENF | - |
L652 to L656 | 5 | ARZM 13 050 | ARG ** | CIMMYT | |
Soil Layers | pH | P | K | Ca | Mg | Al | H + Al | Na | C | MO |
H2O | mg/dm−3 | mmolc/dm−3 | g dm−3 | |||||||
0–10 cm | 5.9 | 27 | 3.3 | 15.8 | 8 | 0 | 28.5 | 1.1 | 12.4 | 21.3 |
10–20 cm | 5.8 | 28 | 2.4 | 17.6 | 8.6 | 0 | 38.1 | 0.8 | 13.4 | 23.1 |
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Souza, Y.P.; Gonçalves, G.M.B.; Saluci, J.C.G.; Almeida, R.N.; Santos, J.S.; Pereira, H.S.; Souza, R.F.; Souza, A.L.R.; Vasconcelos, L.C.; Andrade, M.S., Jr.; et al. Selecting South American Popcorn Germplasm for Bipolaris maydis Resistance at Contrasting Nitrogen Levels. Plants 2025, 14, 302.
Souza YP, Gonçalves GMB, Saluci JCG, Almeida RN, Santos JS, Pereira HS, Souza RF, Souza ALR, Vasconcelos LC, Andrade MS Jr., et al. Selecting South American Popcorn Germplasm for Bipolaris maydis Resistance at Contrasting Nitrogen Levels. Plants. 2025; 14(3):302.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSouza, Yure P., Gabriel M. B. Gonçalves, Julio C. G. Saluci, Rafael N. Almeida, Juliana S. Santos, Hércules S. Pereira, Rysley F. Souza, Ana Lucia R. Souza, Luana C. Vasconcelos, Marcelo S. Andrade, Jr., and et al. 2025. "Selecting South American Popcorn Germplasm for Bipolaris maydis Resistance at Contrasting Nitrogen Levels" Plants 14, no. 3: 302.
APA StyleSouza, Y. P., Gonçalves, G. M. B., Saluci, J. C. G., Almeida, R. N., Santos, J. S., Pereira, H. S., Souza, R. F., Souza, A. L. R., Vasconcelos, L. C., Andrade, M. S., Jr., Amaral, A. T., Jr., & Vivas, M. (2025). Selecting South American Popcorn Germplasm for Bipolaris maydis Resistance at Contrasting Nitrogen Levels. Plants, 14(3), 302.