A Novel Classification Method Based on a Two-Phase Technique for Learning Imbalanced Text Data
<p>Class overlapping.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Small disjuncts.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>SMOTE procedure.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The CBOW procedure.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The skip-gram procedure.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The LDA concept.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Tackling non-linear problems with SVM.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The process used to vectorize reviews and topics.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The two-phase model procedure.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>The concept for producing a balanced dataset.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The classification concept for the CS-SVM.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>(<b>a</b>) Accuracy of methods in Yelp_α; (<b>b</b>) accuracy of methods in Yelp_β; and (<b>c</b>) accuracy of methods in Yelp_γ obtained by the experiment.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>(<b>a</b>) F-measure of methods in Yelp_α; (<b>b</b>) F-measure of methods in Yelp_β; and (<b>c</b>) F-measure of methods in Yelp_γ obtained in the experiment.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>(<b>a</b>) AGM of methods in Yelp_α; (<b>b</b>) AGM of methods in Yelp_β; and (<b>c</b>) AGM of methods in Yelp_γ obtained in the experiment.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>(<b>a</b>) AUC of methods in Yelp_α; (<b>b</b>) AUC of methods in Yelp_β; and (<b>c</b>) AUC of methods in Yelp_γ obtained in the experiment.</p> ">
:1. Introduction and Background
1.1. Background of Imbalanced Data
1.2. Learning with Imbalanced Text Data
2. Related Studies
2.1. Reviewing Imbalanced Dataset Issues
- (1)
- Feature space heterogeneity:
- (2)
- Class overlapping:
- (3)
- Small disjuncts:
2.2. Oversampling and Undersampling Techniques
2.3. Word Vectorization and Feature Selection
- 2.
- Skip-gram:
2.4. Dealing Imbalanced Datasets with Support Vector Machine
3. Proposed Methodology
- Step 1.
- Normalization: In some cases, text datasets contain multiple languages, which may cause errors during classification because languages have different logic or speaking rules. Therefore, many projects typically use English as the dataset language. Most studies suggest that capital letters in reviews should be converted into lower case letters; however, Li et al. [12] suggested that reviewers use capital letters to enhance word sentiments. In this project, capital letters are retained.
- Step 2.
- Stop words and punctuation filtering: There are many stop word genres, such as conjunctions and particles, which will not provide sentiment to the model but will further increase the model processing time. Therefore, part-of-speech tagging is used to find and delete stop words in this project.
- Step 3.
- Lemmatization: Words usually have different parts of speech that often contain the same meanings. Therefore, lemmatization is used in this project to transform words into the same part of speech. For instance, “civilization” and “civilized” are transformed into “civilize.”
Algorithm 1 Preprocessing and Vectorizing Method | |
Input: Experimental dataset = {review (r), class (c)} | |
Output: Vectorized dataset = {vectors (v), class (c)} | |
Step 1: | For each r do |
Step 2: | Tokenize, normalize, filtering stop words and punctuation, and lemmatize r |
Step 3: | Generate topics by LDA model |
Step 4: | For each word (w) in r do |
Step 5: | Vectorize w by word2vec model |
Step 6: | Calculate weight of w from |
Step 7: | end for |
Step 8: | For each topic (t) do |
Step 9: | Construct topic vectors from |
Step 10: | end for |
Step 11: | Construct review vectors from |
Step 12: | Calculating Euclidean () as new vectors (v) |
Step 13: | end for |
Algorithm 2 Two-Phased Classification—Phase One | |
Input: | Vectorized dataset, chromosome size (D_size), population size (P_size), range of in decimal (_r), range of in decimal _r), require amount of parents (μ), probability of crossover (ν), probability of mutation (φ) and tournament rounds (ω) |
Output: | Balance dataset |
Step 1: | For each generation do |
Step 2: | If generation = 1 then |
Step 3: | Construct chromosomes (D_size, P_size) for in _r. |
Step 4: | Construct chromosomes (D_size, P_size) for in _r. |
Step 5: | end if |
Step 6: | For each chromosome do |
Step 7: | Calculate fitness of chromosome (). |
Step 8: | end for |
Step 9: | Filter fitness in the range of [0.45,0.55]. |
Step 10: | Implement tournament selection to find μ parents (p) with ω rounds |
Step 11: | For each p do |
Step 12: | Crossover with ν probability and produce 2 children in each stage |
Step 13: | Mutate children with φ probability |
Step 14: | end for |
Step 15: | Gather children for next generation |
Step 16: | Find the best set of and to implement LinearSVC algorithm |
Step 17: | Collect data classified as minority samples which distribution is balanced |
Algorithm 3 Two-Phased Classification-Phase Two | |
Input: | Balance dataset, chromosome size (D_size), population size (P_size), range of Γ in decimal (Γ_r), range of cost matrix in decimal _r), require amount of parents (μ), probability of crossover (ν), probability of mutation (φ) and tournament rounds (ω). |
Output: | Results of Model |
Step 1: | For each generation do |
Step 2: | If generation = 1 then |
Step 3: | Construct chromosomes (D_size, P_size) for Γ in Γ_r. |
Step 4: | Construct chromosomes (D_size, P_size) for in _r |
Step 5: | end if |
Step 6: | For each chromosome do |
Step 7: | Calculate fitness of chromosome (). |
Step 8: | end for |
Step 9: | Implement tournament selection to find μ parents (p) with ω rounds. |
Step 10: | For each p do |
Step 11: | Crossover with ν probability and produce 2 children in each stage. |
Step 12: | Mutate children with φ probability |
Step 13: | end for |
Step 14: | Gather children for next generation |
Step 15: | Find the best set of Γ and to implement RBF-SVM algorithm. |
- Step 1.
- Chromosome design: Generating N chromosomes composed of random binary numbers, where these chromosomes are considered as representatives of parameters. Then, instead of trying out every parameter, this study uses the representatives of such parameters to boost efficiency.
- Step 2.
- Fitness function: As mentioned previously, the objectives of the two core stages are where phase one requires a precision of around [0.45,0.55] and a high recall, and phase two requires only a high F-measure. These conditions are used to create a fitness function for chromosomes in order to determine the quality of individual chromosomes.
- Step 3.
- Crossover: After evaluating the fitness of every chromosome, we use tournament selection to choose representatives in crossover stages. This selection technique gives every chromosome a specific probability of being chosen as calculated based on its fitness value. This may preserve chromosomes with low levels of fitness into the crossover stage because these chromosomes may contain crucial information. Consequently, the chosen chromosomes can be obtained to join the next generation of the chromosome selection process.
- Step 4.
- Mutation: As for the new chromosomes generated through crossover, this stage is aimed toward breaking through the local optimum among the chromosomes by mutating them. In addition, the rate of mutation is set in order to apply the NOT function to part of the chromosomes. By doing so, overfitting can be avoided, and the information becomes more general.
4. Experimental Study
4.1. Experimental Design
4.2. Dataset Description
4.3. Evaluation Criteria
4.4. Experimental Results
4.4.1. Accuracy
4.4.2. F-Measure
4.4.3. AGM
4.4.4. AUC
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AGM | Adjusted G-mean |
AUC | Area under the ROC curve |
B1-SMOTE | Borderline-SMOTE1 |
B2-SMOTE | Borderline-SMOTE2 |
CS-SVM | Cost-sensitive SVM |
FN | False negative |
FP | False positive |
GA | Genetic algorithm |
KKT | Karush–Kunh–Tucker conditions |
K-NN | K-nearest neighbors’ algorithm |
LDA | Latent Dirichlet allocation |
RBF | Radial basis function |
SMOTE | Synthetic minority oversampling Technique |
SVM | Support vector machine |
TP | True positive |
TPC | Two-phased classification |
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Item | Experimental Environments |
Hardware | Intel Core i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 graphics chip. |
Software | Python in Anaconda, including the libraries pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow. |
Dataset | Total Instances | Imbalanced ratio | No. of Instances in Minority | No. of Instances in Majority |
Yelp_α | 14,927 | 1:10 | 1300 | 13,627 |
Yelp_β | 16,227 | 1:5 | 2600 | 13,627 |
Yelp_γ | 18,169 | 1:3 | 4542 | 13,627 |
Hypothesis Output | |||
Minority Class | Majority Class | ||
True class | Minority class | TP (True positive) | FN (False negative) |
Majority class | FP (False positive) | TN (True negative) |
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Share and Cite
Li, D.-C.; Chen, S.-C.; Lin, Y.-S.; Hsu, W.-Y. A Novel Classification Method Based on a Two-Phase Technique for Learning Imbalanced Text Data. Symmetry 2022, 14, 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14030567
Li D-C, Chen S-C, Lin Y-S, Hsu W-Y. A Novel Classification Method Based on a Two-Phase Technique for Learning Imbalanced Text Data. Symmetry. 2022; 14(3):567. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14030567
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Der-Chiang, Szu-Chou Chen, Yao-San Lin, and Wen-Yen Hsu. 2022. "A Novel Classification Method Based on a Two-Phase Technique for Learning Imbalanced Text Data" Symmetry 14, no. 3: 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14030567
APA StyleLi, D.-C., Chen, S.-C., Lin, Y.-S., & Hsu, W.-Y. (2022). A Novel Classification Method Based on a Two-Phase Technique for Learning Imbalanced Text Data. Symmetry, 14(3), 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14030567