A Universal Routing Algorithm Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision-Making in Opportunistic Social Networks
<p>Real-life scenarios.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The formation process of trust tendency.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Flow chart of IFMD routing algorithm.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Simulation scene diagram.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Delivery ratio and time for IFMD in different models.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Average end-to-end delay and time for IFMD in different models.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Average overhead and time for IFMD in different models.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Energy consumption and time for IFMD in different models.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Delivery ratio of the IFMD algorithm in different buffer spaces.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Average end-to-end delay of the IFMD algorithm in different buffer spaces.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Average overhead with various cache space.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Energy surplus with various cache space.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- In the warm-up phase, we collect and update records (trust list and blacklist) stored in nodes. After analyzing all possible social scenarios of opportunistic social networks, we propose two indicators to measure node attributes: population status and social similarity.
- In this paper, the idea of intuitionistic fuzzy sets is applied to opportunistic social networks for the first time, and intuitionistic fuzzy decision matrices are constructed for the social attributes corresponding to nodes.
- In order to effectively evaluate and select the best relay node, in this paper the entropy weight method and the weighted average operator are used to obtain the comprehensive attribute value of the nodes, and then the comprehensive score value of each node is calculated by the similarity function and sorted according to the order from large to small. Finally, the node with the highest comprehensive score value is selected as the next hop node for information forwarding.
- The experiment uses the simulation tool The One and obtains the real network topology of Stanford University from the Open Street Map. The experimental results show that the IFMD algorithm proposed in this paper is of great significance for enhancing the success rate of routing and reducing network overhead.
2. Related Work
2.1. Existing Social-Ignorant Routing Algorithm
2.2. Existing Social-Aware Routing Algorithm
3. Model Design
3.1. The Establishment Stage of Trust Tendency
3.2. Calculate the Social Attributes of Nodes
3.2.1. Population Status
3.2.2. Social Similarity
3.3. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision-Making Model
3.3.1. Principle of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
3.3.2. Constructing Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision Matrix
3.3.3. Determine the Attribute Weights of Nodes by Entropy Weight Method
3.3.4. Ranking of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
4. Complexity Analysis
Algorithm 1 Routing Forwarding Algorithm Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy |
Decision-Making Model |
Input: all nodes in the opportunistic social network; |
Output: the optimal next hop nodes; |
1. Begin |
2. //Social feature analysis; |
3. Calculate population status and social similarity; |
4. //Intuitionistic fuzzy decision-making matrix is constructed |
5. For each node |
6. The intuitionistic fuzzy number of the characteristic attributes corresponding to |
each node is calculated and transformed into an intuitionistic fuzzy set; |
7. End for |
8. //The weight of each intuitionistic fuzzy set in intuitionistic fuzzy decision-making |
matrix is determined by using entropy weight method |
9. For each intuitionistic fuzzy set |
10. Convert to the corresponding intuitionistic fuzzy number; |
11. The standardized intuitive fuzzy number is ; |
12. Get the proportion of the i-th node in the -th attribute by ; |
13. Get the information entropy of each attribute ; |
14. Calculate the information entropy redundancy rate ; |
15. Get the weight of each attribute ; |
16. All the elements of i-th line in the decision-making matrix D are integrated |
utilizing IFWA; |
17. Get the comprehensive attribute values of n nodes |
18. End for |
19. The similarity function is used to calculate the comprehensive score of |
each node ; |
20. If then |
21. If then |
22. get the optimal next hop node is ; |
23. End if |
24. End if |
25. End |
5. Simulations
5.1. Simulation Parameters
5.2. Evaluation Indicators
- Delivery ratio: Delivery ratio refers to the proportion of the number of messages successfully received by the destination node to the number of messages sent by the source node. As shown in Equation (13), is the number of messages obtained by the destination node and is the number of messages transmitted by the source node.
- Average end-to-end delay: This index analyzes the delays caused by routing, such as waiting delay and transmission delay of relay nodes. The formula of average end-to-end delay is shown in (14), where refers to the total delay in the process of messages arriving from the source node to the destination node and the number of nodes in the communication area that successfully obtain messages.
- Overhead on average: The indicator represents the network load of a pair of nodes successfully forwarding messages, which can be formally expressed as shown in Formula (15), where represents the total time of data forwarding and represents the total time of data forwarding between nodes:
- Surplus energy: The index describes the residual energy of nodes in the process of forwarding. Because the energy in mobile communication devices carried by human beings is a limited resource, it is very useful to consider the residual energy of nodes to enhance the performance of routing policies.
5.3. Analysis of Simulation Results
The Influence of Moving Model on IFMD Algorithm
5.4. Analysis of Experimental Result
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ONE | Opportunistic Networking Environment |
FCNS | Fuzzy Routing-Forwarding Algorithm |
IFMD | A Universal Routing Algorithm Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-attribute Decision-making |
NSFRE | an adaptive control scheme based on intelligent fuzzy decision-making system |
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(0.3, 0.6) | (0.6, 0.2) | (0.4, 0.3) | |
(0.5, 0.2) | (0.4, 0.1) | (0.3, 0.2) | |
(0.4, 0.4) | (0.5, 0.3) | (0.7, 0.1) | |
(0.6, 0.3) | (0.2, 0.4) | (0.5, 0.4) | |
(0.3, 0.0) | (0.8, 0.1) | (0.5, 0.3) |
(0.133, 0.815) | (0.240, 0.617) | (0.142, 0.697) | |
(0.242, 0.525) | (0.142, 0.501) | (0.101, 0.617) | |
(0.185, 0.693) | (0.188, 0.697) | (0.303, 0.501) | |
(0.350, 0.618) | (0.065, 0.760) | (0.188, 0.760) | |
(0.602, 0.000) | (0.383, 0.501) | (0.188, 0.697) |
Simulation Parameters | Values |
Simulator | Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) |
Mobility model | Shortest Path Map Based Movement |
Communication area | 2500 m × 3600 m |
Nodes’ speed (pedestrians, cars) | 5 (km/h), 60 |
Number of nodes | 1000 |
Simulation time | 12 h |
Initial energy | 100 J |
Transmit range | 20 m |
Nodes’ buffer | 5 (MB), 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 |
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Share and Cite
Yu, Y.; Yu, J.; Chen, Z.; Wu, J.; Yan, Y. A Universal Routing Algorithm Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision-Making in Opportunistic Social Networks. Symmetry 2021, 13, 664. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13040664
Yu Y, Yu J, Chen Z, Wu J, Yan Y. A Universal Routing Algorithm Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision-Making in Opportunistic Social Networks. Symmetry. 2021; 13(4):664. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13040664
Chicago/Turabian StyleYu, Yao, Jiong Yu, Zhigang Chen, Jia Wu, and Yeqing Yan. 2021. "A Universal Routing Algorithm Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision-Making in Opportunistic Social Networks" Symmetry 13, no. 4: 664. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13040664
APA StyleYu, Y., Yu, J., Chen, Z., Wu, J., & Yan, Y. (2021). A Universal Routing Algorithm Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision-Making in Opportunistic Social Networks. Symmetry, 13(4), 664. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13040664