RDF 1.1: Knowledge Representation and Data Integration Language for the Web
<p>A Resource Description Framework (RDF) graph with four triples.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>A named graph identified by <tt><#people></tt> with three triples.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The top graph is lean and the bottom graph is non-lean.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The top graph entails the bottom graph.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- It is most fundamentally a surrogate.
- It is a collection of ontological commitments.
- It is a fragmental intelligent reasoning theory.
- It is a pragmatically efficient computation medium.
- It is a human expression medium.
1.1. Contributions
- To compare the RDF reification approaches.
- To analyze the RDF 1.1 interpretations, entailments and their complexity.
- To study the RDF blank nodes and their complexity.
- To compare the various RDF data integration approaches.
- To compare the RDF 1.1 serialization formats, including multiple graph syntaxes.
- To compare the RDF binary and compression formats.
1.2. Review Organization
2. Literature Review
- IRIs;
- literals;
- blank nodes.
- rdf:Bag is an unordered container and allows duplicates;
- rdf:Seq is an ordered container;
- rdf:Alt is considered to define a group of alternatives.
3. Modeling Blank Nodes
- Define the information to encapsulate the N-ary association;
- describe reification;
- offer protection of the inner data;
- describe multi-component structures (e.g., RDF containers);
- represent complex attributes without having to name explicitly the auxiliary node.
- 1.
- ;
- 2.
- , for all literals that are nodes of graph;
- 3.
- , for all RDF IRIs that are nodes of graph;
- 4.
- .
- 1.
- M is the identity map on RDF literals and IRIs, i.e.,;
- 2.
- for everysuch that,;
- 3.
- for every,;
- 4.
- .
- Disallow blank node;
- ground semantics;
- well-behaved RDF.
- 1.
- It can be serialized as Turtle without the use of explicit blank node identifiers;
- 2.
- it uses no deprecated features of RDF.
4. Entailments
- 1.
- is a (nonempty) set of named resources (the universe of I),
- 2.
- is a set, called the set of properties of I,
- 3.
- is an extension function used to associate properties with their property extension,,
- 4.
- is the interpretation function which assigns a resource or a property to every element of V such thatis the identity for literals,.
- 1.
- If rdf:langString, then for every language-tagged string E with lexical formand language tag,, whereistransformed to lower case,
- 2.
- For every other IRI,is the datatype identified by d, and for every literal “”^^d,(“”^^d) =, whereis a function from datatypes to their lexical-to-value mapping.
- rdf:Property ()–the class of RDF properties;
- rdf:type ()–the subject is an instance of a class;
- rdf:langString ()–the class of language-tagged string literal values.
- 1.
- ;
- 2.
- , whereis a value space.
- rdfs:Class ()–the class of classes;
- rdfs:Literal ()–the class of literal values;
- rdfs:Resource ()–the class resource, everything;
- rdfs:Datatype ()–the class of RDF datatypes;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf ()–the property that allows for stating that all things related by a given property x are also necessarily related by another property y;
- rdfs:subClassOf ()–the property that allows for stating that the extension of one class X is necessarily contained within the extension of another class Y;
- rdfs:domain ()–the property that allows for stating that the subject of a relation with a given property x is a member of a given class X;
- rdfs:range ()–the property that allows for stating that the object of a relation with a given property x is a member of a given class X;
- rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty ()–the class of container membership properties, rdf:_i;
- rdfs:member ()–a member of the subject resource.
- 1.
- ,
- 2.
- ,
- 3.
- ,
- 4.
- ,
- 5.
- is a language-tagged string },
- 6.
- , whereis a value space,
- 7.
- 8.
- ,
- 9.
- ,
- 10.
- 11.
- ,
- 12.
- 13.
- 14.
- ,
- 15.
- ,
- 16.
- .
rdf:type | ||
foaf:name | ||
foaf:workplaceHomepage | ||
rdfs:label | ||
<#js> | ||
foaf:Person | ||
“John Smith” | ||
<http://univ.com/> | ||
“University” |
5. RDF Data Integration
5.1. Bringing Relational Databases into the RDF
5.2. Bringing XML into the RDF
6. RDF Serializations
6.1. Single Graph Support
- about–an attribute that is an IRI or CURIE [41] specifying the resource the metadata is about (a RDF subject);
- rel and rev–attributes that expresses (reverse) relationships between two resources (a RDF predicate);
- property–an attribute that expresses relationships between a subject and some literal value (a RDF predicate);
- resource–an attribute for expressing a relationship’s partner resource that is not intended to be navigable (a RDF object);
- href–an attribute that expresses the partner resource of a relationship (a RDF resource object);
- src–an attribute that expresses a relationship’s partner resource when the resource is embedded (a RDF object that is a resource);
- content–an attribute that overrides the content of the element when using the property (a RDF object that is a literal);
- datatype–an attribute that specifies the datatype of a literal;
- typeof–an attribute that specifies the RDF types of the subject or the partner resource;
- inlist–an attribute that specifies that the object associated with property or rel attributes on the same element is to be pushed onto the list for that predicate;
- vocab–an attribute that specifies the mapping to be used when a RDF term is assigned in a value of attribute.
- rdf:RDF–a root element of RDF/XML documents;
- rdf:Description–an element that contains elements that describe the resource, it contains the description of the resource identified by the rdf:about attribute;
- rdf:Alt, rdf:Bag and rdf:Seq–elements that are containers used to describe a group of things (see Section 2);
- rdf:parseType="Collection"–an attribute that describe groups that can only contain the specified members;
- rdf:parseType="Resource"–an attribute that is used to omit blank nodes;
- xml:lang–an attribute that is used to allow content language identification;
- rdf:datatype–an attribute that is used to define a typed literal;
- rdf:nodeID–an attribute that identifies a blank node;
- rdf:ID and xml:base–attributes that abbreviate IRIs.
- The simplest triple statement consists of a sequence of subject, predicate, and object, separated by space, tabulation or other whitespace and terminated by a dot after each triple.
- Often, the same subject will be referenced by several predicates. In this situation, a series of predicates and objects are separated by a semicolon.
- As with predicates, objects are often repeated with the same subject and predicate. In this case, a comma should be used as a separator.
- IRIs may be written as relative or absolute IRIs or prefixed names. Both absolute and relative IRIs are enclosed in less-than sign and greater-than sign.
- Quoted literals have a lexical form followed by a datatype IRI, a language tag or neither. Literals should be delimited by apostrophe or double quotes.
- Blank nodes are expressed as underscore, colon and a blank node label that is a series of name characters. Blank nodes can be nested, abbreviated, and delimited by square brackets.
- Collections are enclosed by parentheses.
- The triple statement consists of a sequence of subject, predicate, and object, divided by whitespace, and terminated by a dot after each triple.
- IRIs should be represented as absolute IRIs and they are enclosed in less-than sign and greater-than sign.
- The representation of the lexical form is a sequence of a double quote (an initial delimiter), a list of characters or escape sequence, and a double quote (a final delimiter).
- Blank nodes are expressed as underscore, colon and a blank node label that is a series of name characters.
6.2. Multiple Graphs Support
- @context–set the short-hand names that are used throughout a document;
- @id–uniquely identify things that are being described in the document with blank nodes or IRIs;
- @value–specify the data that is associated with a particular property;
- @language–define the language for a particular string value or the default language of a document;
- @type–set the data type of an IRI, a blank node, a JSON-LD value or a list;
- @container–set the default container type for a short-hand string that expands to an IRI or a blank node identifier;
- @list–define an ordered set of data;
- @set–define an unordered set of data (values are represented as arrays);
- @reverse–used for reverse relationship expression between two resources;
- @index–specify that a container is used to index information;
- @base–define the base IRI against which relative IRIs are resolved;
- @vocab–expand properties and values in @type with a common prefix IRI;
- @graph–express a graph.
- A sequence of directives;
- RDF triples;
- graph statements which contain triple-generating statements.
7. RDF Compression
- Direct compression;
- adjacency list compression;
- a RDF split into the element dictionaries and the statements.
- A header, which includes metadata describing the RDF dataset;
- a dictionary, which organizes all the identifiers in the graph (it provides a list of the RDF terms such as literals, IRIs and blank nodes);
- a triples component, which consists of the underlying RDF graph pure structure.
8. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
CURIE | compact URI expressions |
DOM | Document Object Model |
dRDF | domain-restricted RDF |
EXI | Efficient XML Interchange |
FOAF | Friend of a Friend |
FOL | First-Order Logic |
HDT | Header-Dictionary-Triples |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
IRI | Internationalized Resource Identifier |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
OWL | Web Ontology Language |
QNames | qualified name |
R2RML | RDB to RDF Mapping Language |
RDF | Resource Description Framework |
RDFS | Resource Description Framework Schema |
SPARQL | SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XQuery | XML Query language |
XSLT | Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations |
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Feature | sr | nr | rdr | sp | ng |
Standard | ☑ | ☒ | ☒ | ☑ | |
RDF syntax only | ☑ | ☑ | ☒ | ☒ | □ |
Extra statements | |||||
W3C Working Group Note | |||||
Counted as n-tripleX | |||||
Counted as n-quads |
Rule ID | Body | Head |
rdf1 | “”^^d . | ⇒ _:n . _:n d . |
rdf2 | . | ⇒ . |
Rule ID | Body | Head |
rdfs1 | any IRI | ⇒ . |
rdfs2 | . . | ⇒ . |
rdfs3 | . . | ⇒ . |
rdfs4a | . | ⇒ . |
rdfs4b | . | ⇒ . |
rdfs5 | . . | ⇒ . |
rdfs6 | . | ⇒ . |
rdfs7 | . . | ⇒ . |
rdfs8 | ⇒ . | |
rdfs9 | . . | ⇒ . |
rdfs10 | . | ⇒ . |
rdfs11 | . . | ⇒ . |
rdfs12 | . | ⇒ . |
rdfs13 | . | ⇒ . |
Entailment | Current Semantics | No Blank Nodes |
simple | NP-complete | PTIME |
D* | NP-complete | PTIME |
RDF | NP-complete | PTIME |
RDFS | NP-complete | PTIME |
Approaches | Mapping Represent. | Schema Represent. | Automatic |
[74,75] | n/a | RDFS, OWL, F-Logic | □ |
[71] | SQL | RDFS | ☒ |
[76,77] | Constraint rules | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[78] | D2RQ | RDFS | ☑ |
[79] | RDF, Rel.OWL | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[80] | n/a | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[81] | FOL, Horn | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[82] | SQL | RDFS, OWL | ☒ |
[83] | Logic rules | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[84] | n/a | RDFS | □ |
[85] | XML | RDFS, OWL | ☒ |
[86] | SPARQL | RDFS | |
[87] | R2O | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[88] | RDF | RDFS | ☒ |
[89] | RDF, Rel.OWL | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[90] | D2RQ | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[91] | XPath (XSLT) | RDFS, OWL | ☒ |
[72] | SQL | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[92] | n/a | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[93] | n/a | RDFS, F-Logic | □ |
[94] | FOL | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[73] | SQL | RDFS, OWL | ☒ |
[95] | RDF/XML | RDFS, OWL | ☒ |
[96] | RDF (Direct) | RDFS | |
[97,98] | XQuery | n/a | □ |
Approaches | Existing Vocabulary | Schema Representation | Auto- Matic |
[107] | ☒ | RDFS, DAML+OIL | ☒ |
[108] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[109] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[110] | ☒ | n/a | ☑ |
[111] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[98,112] | ☒ | n/a | □ |
[113] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[114] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[115] | ☑ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[116] | ☑ | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[69] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[117] | ☒ | n/a | □ |
[118] | ☒ | n/a | □ |
[119] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[120] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[121] | ☑ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[122] | ☒ | RDFS | ☑ |
[123] | ☒ | RDFS | ☑ |
[124] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[125] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[126] | ☑ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[127] | ☑ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[128] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[129] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
[130,131] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | □ |
[132] | ☒ | n/a | ☑ |
[133] | ☒ | RDFS | ☑ |
[134] | ☒ | RDFS, OWL | ☑ |
Feature | ttl | nt | tg | nq | jld | rdfa | xml |
Standard | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Human readable | ☑ | □ | ☑ | □ | ☑ | ☑ | □ |
Efficient | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ | □ | ☒ | □ |
Normalized | ☒ | ☑ | ☒ | ☑ | □ | ☒ | ☒ |
Turtle family | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ |
XML family | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ | ☑ | ☑ |
Multiple graphs | ☒ | ☒ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☒ | ☒ |
Feature | hdt | eri | rdsz | cqels | ztr | mr |
Standard | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ | ☒ | |
Binary format | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Streamable | ☒ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Scalable | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Zlib | ☒ | ☒ | ☑ | ☒ | ☑ | ☑ |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Tomaszuk, D.; Hyland-Wood, D. RDF 1.1: Knowledge Representation and Data Integration Language for the Web. Symmetry 2020, 12, 84. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12010084
Tomaszuk D, Hyland-Wood D. RDF 1.1: Knowledge Representation and Data Integration Language for the Web. Symmetry. 2020; 12(1):84. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12010084
Chicago/Turabian StyleTomaszuk, Dominik, and David Hyland-Wood. 2020. "RDF 1.1: Knowledge Representation and Data Integration Language for the Web" Symmetry 12, no. 1: 84. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12010084
APA StyleTomaszuk, D., & Hyland-Wood, D. (2020). RDF 1.1: Knowledge Representation and Data Integration Language for the Web. Symmetry, 12(1), 84. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12010084