Unravelling the Missing Link: Climate Risk, ESG Performance and Debt Capital Cost in China
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
2.1. Direct Impact of ESG Performance on Debt Capital Cost
2.2. Mediating Effect Based on Debt Default Risk
2.3. Impact of ESG Performance on Debt Capital Cost from a Corporate Pollution Perspective
2.4. Impact of Corporate ESG Performance on Debt Capital Cost from an Equity Perspective
3. Study Design
3.1. Sample Selection and Data Sources
3.2. Definition of Variables
3.2.1. Explained Variables: Debt Capital Cost
3.2.2. Explanatory Variables: Corporate ESG Performance
3.2.3. Control Variables
3.3. Equation Construction
4. Analysis of Empirical Results
4.1. Descriptive Statistics
4.2. Correlation Analysis
4.3. Regression Analysis
4.3.1. Analysis of Principal Regression Results
4.3.2. Robustness Test
- (1)
- Endogeneity test
- (2)
- Replacement of independent variables
4.3.3. Mechanism Analysis
4.3.4. Heterogeneity Analysis
- (1)
- Analysis of pollution heterogeneity
- (2)
- Heterogeneity analysis of property rights
5. Research Conclusions and Suggestions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Types | Variable | Symbol | Definition |
Explained variable | Debt capital cost | DCC | |
Explanatory variable | Corporate ESG performance | ESG | As per the CSI ESG rating system, scores 9 to 1 are assigned, with 9 being the highest score. |
Control variable | Enterprise size | Size | ln (total assets of enterprise) |
Enterprise growth | Growth | ||
Proportion of fixed assets | Fix | ||
Largest shareholder’s shareholding | LarOwn | ||
Equity balance degree | Balance | ||
Number of directors | Board | ln (number of board members) |
Variable | Sample Size | Mean Value | Median | Standard Deviation | Minimum Value | Maximum Value |
DCC | 6300 | 0.012 | 0.014 | 0.022 | −0.057 | 0.050 |
ESG | 6300 | 6.779 | 7.000 | 1.222 | 4.000 | 9.000 |
Size | 6300 | 22.906 | 22.751 | 1.261 | 20.681 | 26.183 |
Growth | 6300 | 0.251 | 0.019 | 1.007 | −1.653 | 5.390 |
Fix | 6300 | 1.418 | 1.420 | 0.196 | 1.044 | 1.821 |
LarOwn | 6300 | 0.330 | 0.311 | 0.143 | 0.100 | 0.662 |
Balance | 6300 | 0.344 | 0.254 | 0.283 | 0.016 | 0.958 |
Board | 6300 | 2.152 | 2.197 | 0.194 | 1.609 | 2.639 |
Variable | DCC | ESG | Size | Growth | Fix | LarOwn | Balance | Board |
DCC | 1 | |||||||
ESG | −0.062 *** | 1 | ||||||
Size | 0.166 *** | 0.415 *** | 1 | |||||
Growth | −0.034 *** | −0.041 *** | −0.155 *** | 1 | ||||
Fix | 0.462 *** | 0.083 *** | 0.452 *** | −0.086 *** | 1 | |||
LarOwn | −0.080 *** | 0.204 *** | 0.271 *** | −0.011 *** | 0.075 ** | 1 | ||
Balance | 0.019 | −0.058 *** | 0.010 | −0.030 *** | −0.015 | −0.608 *** | 1 | |
Board | 0.047 *** | 0.149 *** | 0.230 *** | −0.033 *** | 0.087 *** | 0.057 *** | 0.055 *** | 1 |
Variable | DCC |
ESG | −0.001 *** (−5.50) |
Size | 0.001 ** (2.23) |
Growth | 0.000 (1.41) |
Fix | −0.055 *** (35.38) |
LarOwn | −0.024 *** (−10.69) |
Balance | −0.006 *** (−5.22) |
Board | −0.000 (−0.25) |
Year | Ctrl |
Ind | Ctrl |
Adj-R2 | 0.369 |
N | 6300 |
Variable | DCC |
ESGt−1 | −0.001 *** (−5.12) |
Sizet−1 | 0.001 *** (3.23) |
Growtht−1 | 0.000 (1.19) |
Fixt−1 | 0.051 *** (28.78) |
LarOwnt−1 | −0.025 *** (−9.65) |
Balancet−1 | −0.005 *** (−3.70) |
Boardt−1 | −0.001 (−0.43) |
Year | Ctrl |
Ind | Ctrl |
N | 5040 |
Adj-R2 | 0.348 |
Variable | DCC |
esg | −0.003 *** (−5.11) |
Size | 0.000 *** (1.75) |
Growth | 0.000 (1.39) |
Fix | 0.056 *** (35.89) |
LarOwn | −0.024 *** (−10.69) |
Balance | −0.006 *** (−5.20) |
Board | −0.000 (−0.23) |
Year | Ctrl |
Ind | Ctrl |
N | 6300 |
Adj-R2 | 0.369 |
Variable | Risk | DCC |
ESG | −0.201 *** (−5.91) | −0.001 *** (−4.17) |
Risk | 0.002 *** (13.88) | |
Size | 0.635 *** (14.64) | −0.000 * (−1.95) |
Growth | −0.119 ** (−2.20) | 0.000 ** (2.13) |
Fix | 11.044 *** (40.07) | 0.038 *** (21.65) |
LarOwn | −2.740 *** (−7.00) | −0.020 *** (−8.97) |
Balance | −1.057 *** (−5.72) | −0.004 *** (−3.82) |
Board | 0.405 * (1.94) | −0.001 (−0.80) |
Year | Ctrl | Ctrl |
Ind | Ctrl | Ctrl |
N | 6300 | 6300 |
Adj-R2 | 0.519 | 0.420 |
Sobel test | −0.000 *** (Z = −5.599) | |
Goodman test 1 | −0.000 *** (Z = −5.593) | |
Goodman test 2 | −0.000 *** (Z = −5.605) | |
Mediating effect coefficient | −0.000 *** (Z = −5.599) | |
Direct effect coefficient | −0.001 *** (Z = −4.233) | |
Total effect coefficient | −0.001 *** (Z = −5.612) | |
Mediating effect ratio/% | 27.0 |
Industry | Polluting Enterprises | Non-Polluting Enterprises | State-Owned | Non-State-Owned |
Variable | DCC | DCC | DCC | DCC |
ESG | −0.000 (−1.06) | −0.001 *** (−5.19) | 0.000 (1.51) | −0.001 *** (−3.52) |
Size | 0.001 *** (2.73) | 0.000 (0.95) | 0.000 (1.39) | 0.001 ** (2.30) |
Growth | 0.002 * (1.86) | 0.000 (0.17) | 0.001 (1.63) | 0.000 (0.88) |
Fix | 0.068 *** (23.87) | 0.050 *** (26.02) | 0.047 *** (23.04) | 0.064 *** (26.09) |
LarOwn | −0.019 *** (−4.37) | −0.027 *** (−9.94) | −0.014 *** (−4.74) | −0.024 *** (−6.21) |
Balance | −0.008 *** (−3.75) | −0.005 *** (−3.49) | −0.004 *** (−2.86) | −0.009 *** (−5.02) |
Board | 0.000 (0.23) | −0.001 (−0.93) | 0.003 * (1.89) | 0.002 (0.80) |
Year | Ctrl | Ctrl | Ctrl | Ctrl |
Ind | Ctrl | Ctrl | Ctrl | Ctrl |
N | 1930 | 4225 | 2970 | 3090 |
Adj-R2 | 0.430 | 0.329 | 0.475 | 0.363 |
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Yan, Y.; Cheng, X.; Ong, T. Unravelling the Missing Link: Climate Risk, ESG Performance and Debt Capital Cost in China. Sustainability 2024, 16, 7137. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167137
Yan Y, Cheng X, Ong T. Unravelling the Missing Link: Climate Risk, ESG Performance and Debt Capital Cost in China. Sustainability. 2024; 16(16):7137. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167137
Chicago/Turabian StyleYan, Yu, Xinman Cheng, and Tricia Ong. 2024. "Unravelling the Missing Link: Climate Risk, ESG Performance and Debt Capital Cost in China" Sustainability 16, no. 16: 7137. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167137
APA StyleYan, Y., Cheng, X., & Ong, T. (2024). Unravelling the Missing Link: Climate Risk, ESG Performance and Debt Capital Cost in China. Sustainability, 16(16), 7137. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167137