3. Results
Table 4, the classroom teachers who participated in the research were asked ‘Do you have any students in your class that you think are gifted? What behaviour, if any, of the student makes you think he or she is gifted?’. The answers to the question were divided into categories and themes. Overall, 64% of the teachers stated that there are students in their class that they think are gifted. A total of 28% of the teachers said that they have quick grasp and reasoning skills, 16% said that they produce alternative solutions in problem-solving, 12% said that they have a special interest and talent in painting, 12% said that they have different interests (science–arts), and 12% said that they think their students are talented in asking a lot of questions and being curious; 8% of the teachers stated that they found their students talented in having developed visual memory, 8% said that they have the ability to perform high-level mathematical problem-solving mentally, and 8% said that they are independent learners. In addition, 4% of the teachers stated that their students were talented in terms of having the ability to read and write quickly, 4% stated the ability to interpret, and 4% stated the ability to notice details and take interest. A total of 36% of the classroom teachers who participated in the research stated that there were no students in their classes that they thought were gifted.
Direct quotations of the opinions of the classroom teachers regarding the question are given below.
Code 6: “My student solves high-level math problems with mental operations’.”
Code 9: “A student of mine approaches from very different perspectives. It offers solutions that I would never have thought of. Also, the things he likes are very different from other kids. My other student is also a student who immediately understands, comprehends, reasoning.”
Code 10: “I have a student who I think is talented in painting. He can draw cartoon char-acters he sees. He enjoys making paper objects.”
Code 14: “My student is quick to comprehend, he has different interests than his friends’.
Code 15: “He learned to read and write very quickly. She grasps everything that is said very quickly. He is also very talented at painting. He uses colours very well.”
Code 19: “When my student was solving math problems, he preferred to solve them in a different way than everyone else.”
Code 20: “Asking a lot of questions, being curious and doing and sharing self-research on extracurricular (science-arts) topics.”
Code 22: “My student has speed reading and writing skills. He pays attention to details. His visual memory is very strong.”
As shown in
Table 5, the teachers were asked the question ‘How should the gifted education program be given to teachers in the form of distance education?’. The answers to the question are divided into categories and themes. Overall, 76% of the teachers gave suggestions regarding the content of the gifted education programme. A total of 36% of the teachers stated gaining the ability to distinguish gifted students, 24% stated raising awareness in teachers, 20% stated giving education and training methods to be used in the education of gifted students, 12% stated gaining skills to create teacher–parent co-operation, and 8% made suggestions that they should give information about gifted education across the world and in Turkey; 44% of the classroom teachers made suggestions for the in-service training programme in gifted education programmes that can be given to teachers in the form of distance education, 26% of the teachers developed suggestions that the necessary materials should be introduced and provided, 20% stated that it should be given as a case study, 12% stated that it should be repeated at regular intervals, and 8% stated that it should be given by field experts. On the other hand, 20% of the classroom teachers made suggestions for teacher-training policies. While 8% of the teachers stated that gifted education should be given a more prominent place in the curriculum, 8% stated that internships should be made for gifted students.
Direct quotations of the opinions of the classroom teachers regarding the question are given below.
Code 4: “Education should be given to gifted students on the developmental characteristics of gifted students and which education and training methods can be used in the normal classroom environment.”
Code 6: “Courses for gifted students should be added to faculties of education at universities. While going to internships in schools, internships should be done in schools where these children are present, even if it is only one lesson.”
Code 11: “There should be easy access to the materials to be used during distance education. In addition, teacher–parent co-operation should be ensured.”
Code 13: “An educational content should be created to identify gifted students and raise awareness among teachers.”
Code 18: “One-to-one training should be provided by an expert in the field in in-service training.”
Code 21: “The situation of the students and their behaviours can be explained. Videos can be prepared by providing animation with various case studies. Activities that can increase teachers’ awareness of gifted students can be organised.”
Table 6, it is seen that the classroom teachers who participated in the research were asked ‘Which subjects should be included in the gifted education program that can be given to teachers in the form of distance education?’. Their answers to the question were evaluated. Teachers marked more than one option.
Table 6, the classroom teachers participating in the research were asked ‘Which of the following subjects should be included in the gifted education program that can be given to teachers in the form of distance education?’. The answers given to the question were given by the sorting method. A total of 92% of the teachers stated family education and guidance for families, 88% stated mind-intelligence games for the gifted, 88% stated student psychology, 80% stated the characteristics of the gifted students, 76% stated the education programs for the gifted students, 72% stated the educational problems of the gifted students, and 72% stated that they should be given an education that includes concepts and definitions related to giftedness. A total of 72% of the teachers stated child psychology, 72% stated gifted identification tests (ability tests and intelligence tests), 72% of the teachers stated strategies in the education of gifted students, 72% stated art education with the gifted students, 68% stated techniques for getting to know the individual, and 64% stated that educational content related to the studies for gifted people and practices in our country should be created. A total of 64% stated multiple intelligence theory, 64% stated the role of the family in developing talents, 64% stated memory techniques, 60% stated differences between children, 56% stated curriculum enrichment and material design, 56% stated mind maps, 56% stated STEM for the gifted students, and 52% stated that content related to scales and assessment tools to be used in our country should be created. A total of 52% of the teachers stated academic resources (theses, books, and selected articles), 48% stated thinking skills, 48% stated theories of giftedness, 48% stated institutions and organizations related to the gifted students, 44% suggested creating educational content about the legal status of the gifted students, 44% stated productive activities, and 40% stated virtual classroom applications.
Table 7, the classroom teachers participating in the research were asked ‘With which model of distance education can the gifted education program for teachers be effective?’. Their answers to the question were evaluated. Teachers stated their reasons for their preference.
Table 7 shows that the classroom teachers who participated in the research were asked ‘With which model of distance education can the gifted education program for teachers be effective?’. The answers to the question were divided into categories and themes. While 92% of the teachers answered face-to-face and distance education, 8% of them answered completely distance education. Teachers stated that they preferred the education programme to be given in the form of face-to-face and distance education because of the advantages of saving time, the comfort of the learning environment, education in different learning environments, and efficient communication environment and learning environments. Teachers who said that it should be completely distance education justified this because it is a new-generation learning environment and technology-supported learning environment.
Direct quotations of the opinions of the classroom teachers regarding the question are given below.
Code 1: “The blended education model will be more efficient.”
Code 2: “I find it more efficient for both face-to-face and distance education. In face-to-face education, sharing the same environment with the student, and communicating with him/her by making eye contact will be more active in terms of learning. It will be more productive to explore the differences between children in the classroom environment and to teach and do research on their skills.”
Code 7: “It should be in the form of face-to-face and distance education. Using various e-contents with distance education is a great advantage. However, it will be both easier and more permanent to implement face-to-face training by doing and living.”
Code 13: “I think it should be both face-to-face and distance education. I think that applied courses should be done in the classroom environment and theory courses should be distanced.”
Code 24: “Education programs, studies, materials, methods, and techniques should be introduced with face-to-face education, and application studies should be done. With distance education, the classroom models of the countries that carry out this work, the studies and the information of the people who make the application should be transferred.”
Code 25: “It should be completed in the form of distance education. Distance education ap-plications are more suitable for teachers in terms of time management. Training in flexible hours at home is more productive for teachers. Face-to-face training in and out-of-school hours may lead to a decrease in the in-school performance of teachers.”
As outlined in
Table 8, another question to the classroom teachers who participated in the research was ‘What kind of advantages will it provide compared to face-to-face education if the gifted education program that can be given to teachers is given entirely in the form of distance education?’. Their answers to the question were evaluated.
As outlined in
Table 8, the classroom teachers who participated in the research were asked ‘What kind of advantages will it provide compared to face-to-face education if the gifted education program that can be given to teachers is given entirely in the form of distance education?’. The answers to the question were categorised. In total, 68% of the teachers stated saving space and time, 56% stated easy access to a computer and internet-oriented materials, 44% stated the opportunity to watch the lessons again, and 28% stated easy access to resources as an advantage. In addition, 20% of the teachers stated technology-supported learning opportunities, 16% stated online expert consultancy, 12% stated benefiting from a large number of educational contents in a short time, and 8% stated that it is economically convenient.
Direct quotations of the opinions of the classroom teachers regarding the question are given below.
Code 5: “It can save time. It provides the opportunity to be done at the desired time and the desired place.”
Code 8: “Since distance education will be computer and internet-oriented, it will be easy to access many presentations, slides, videos, and internet materials in a short time.”
Code 12: “While most experts cannot be reached in face-to-face education, it is possible to work with more experts in distance education.”
Code 16: “I think it is advantageous in terms of time. Another advantage is in terms of cost. I think it is more economical.”
Code 17: “I think that learning with technology has a significant impact on teaching with technology. It can also be more time efficient.”
Code 18: “It provides easier access to internet materials, makes it easier to benefit from a large number of educational contents in a short time. If this training is given in the form of distance education, there will be no loss of time.”
Code 34: “The advantages of distance education can be that the person can attend the training whenever he wants, save time and listen to the lesson again if he wants without external influences.”
As outlined in
Table 9, teachers were asked ‘How can effective communication be established with the teachers participating in the training if the gifted education program that can be given to the teachers is given entirely in the form of distance education?’. Their answers to the question were evaluated.
As presented in
Table 9, teachers were asked ‘How can effective communication be established with the teachers participating in the training if the gifted education program that can be given to the teachers is given entirely in the form of distance education?’. The answers to the question were categorised. A total of 52% of the teachers answered through online communication tools, 40% answered in the form of questions and answers, 32% answered through sample applications, 24% answered through audio and video programs, and 20% answered through exchanging ideas. In addition, 16% of the classroom teachers who participated in the research stated that if the gifted education programme for teachers is given completely in the form of distance education, effective communication with the teachers participating in the training can be achieved through studies aimed at increasing attention and motivation. On the other hand, 16% of the classroom teachers who participated in the research answered that they do not think that effective communication will be achieved with the teachers participating in the training if the gifted education programme for teachers is given entirely in the form of distance education.
Direct quotations from the opinions of the classroom teachers regarding the question are given below.
Code 3: “When complete distance education is given, communication with teachers can be achieved through applications such as e-mail and WhatsApp.”
Code 6: “It is possible to communicate with the teachers participating in the training via Zoom. In addition, teachers can set up a WhatsApp group and communicate from there.”
Code 12: “I think it will be more efficient if teachers’ questions are provided on a platform where they can get questions and answers online.”
Code 14: “Communication can be achieved through various audio and video pro-grams on the computer. For example, Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.”
Code 17: “Attention and motivation-increasing activities should be done. In this way, communication can be made healthier by exchanging ideas.”
Code 20: “I do not think that distance education can be as effective as face-to-face education. Since the education to be given will be on the subject of gifted students, the education should be more sensitive, followed, and kept in constant communication with the teachers participating in the education.”
Table 10, it is seen that the classroom teachers who participated in the research were asked ‘If the gifted education program that can be given to teachers is given entirely in the form of distance education, which of the following distance education applications is more important?’. Their answers to the question were evaluated. Teachers ranked the education programmes in order of importance by giving points. Educational programs were scored by classroom teachers as 4 = most important, 3 = second-most important, 2 = third-most important, and 1 = fourth-most important.
Table 10, it is seen that the classroom teachers who participated in the research were asked ‘If the gifted education program that can be given to teachers is given entirely in the form of distance education, which of the following distance education applications is more important?’. The answers given to the question were given in order according to the sum of points. In the educational practices listed according to the answers given by the teachers, simultaneous (online) education is ranked first, the hybrid model is third, and the simultaneous and different-timed co-education practices are listed fourth.
Table 11, the teachers who participated in the research were asked ‘If the gifted education program that can be given to the teachers is given entirely in the form of distance education, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the learning environments in your opinion?’. Their answers to the question were evaluated.
Table 11, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the simultaneous (online), different-time, hybrid models, and simultaneous and different-time co-learning environments are categorised. While 68% of the teachers simultaneously expressed the advantages of online education, 52% of them stated their disadvantages. While accessing more resources, saving time, convenience in the environment, and enabling planned work were expressed by the teachers as the advantages of online education; simultaneously, technological disruptions, motivation problems, timing problems, difficulty in learning, and communication problems were stated as the disadvantages. While 48% of the teachers stated the training to be given at different times as an advantage, 40% recognised it as a disadvantage. While convenience in terms of timing, comfort in taking notes, and an effective listening environment were expressed by the teachers as advantages, learning at different times, communication problems, difficulties in behavioural training, and difficult question–answer activities were determined as disadvantages. While 36% of the teachers saw the hybrid model as an advantage, 24% viewed it as a disadvantage. The advantages of the hybrid model by teachers are that it is categorised as a more effective form of communication, increases success in education, and provides a qualified working environment. The disadvantages are technological failures expressed as problems arising from teachers being alone in solving problems and transferring the teacher’s behaviours to the instant external environment. While 20% of the teachers stated the advantage of simultaneous and different-time co-education, 12% stated it as a disadvantage. Accordingly, the advantages of simultaneous and different-time co-education are determined by the teachers as fewer technological disruptions and benefiting from different learning environments; the fact that the educational content was not remarkable to students was stated as a disadvantage.
Direct quotations from the opinions of the classroom teachers regarding the question are given below.
Code 1: “If simultaneous and different time training is provided, the situations where internet and computer-related problems can be reduced to a lesser extent. Continuing this program with only online education can create time-related problems. On the other hand, training that is only at different times can turn into training where the participants are independent of each other, and communication is disconnected.”
Code 5: “Distance education can be an advantage as it will save time and will be in the desired place and room. But since people will only see each other in front of the screen, there may be a lack of motivation.”
Code 11: “In distance education, there may be internet disconnections, audio malfunctions, and image freezes.”
Code 14: “Motivation of people becomes difficult in distance education. However, many sources can be accessed via video at the same time.”
Code 19: “Training given at different times provides convenience in terms of timing. It also facilitates more comfortable note-taking and effective listening. However, there may be some communication difficulties and it becomes difficult to provide behavioural training in this form of training.”
Code 21: “Planned work is allowed in simultaneous education. In different-time education, individuals can work whenever they want. However, doing question-and-answer activities can be difficult. I think the hybrid model will be more successful than the others. It offers a better working environment.”
Code 25: “The fact that it is different in time allows us to listen comfortably by taking notes.”
Table 12, the class teachers who participated in the research were asked ‘If you have any additional opinions about the gifted education program that can be given to teachers, please specify’. Their responses to the section were evaluated.
Table 12, the additional opinions of the classroom teachers participating in the research regarding the gifted education programme for teachers are categorised. A total of 64% of the teachers said that a crowded classroom environment should be organised, 52% of them said that training should be given to parents, 40% of them stated that more importance should be given to the education of gifted students in our country, 32% of them said that activity creation training should be given to gifted students, 24% stated that teachers should be provided with resources for gifted students, 20% suggested that the educational content should be arranged according to the interests and abilities of the gifted students, 12% suggested that the families of the gifted students should be relieved of their economic concerns about education, and 4% suggested that the gifted students should co-operate with the experts in their fields.
Direct quotations from the opinions of the classroom teachers regarding the question are given below.
Code 2: “Classroom teachers should be given distance training on the adaptation of gifted students to the classroom and additional activities that can be given.”
Code 5: “Programs must be given according to the interests and expectations of gifted children. Awareness-raising activities should be carried out by involving the parents.”
Code 7: “I think that nothing has been done for gifted students in our country so far. It has to be done after that. These children get lost in classes of 30–40 people. Especially if there are no conscious parents at home, if there is no guidance and difference at school, these children disappear. This needs to be changed.”
Code 16: “Families do not have the opportunity to direct the education of these children economically. These families must be supported by the state.”
Code 17: “We do not have sufficient resources for the education of gifted students. Teachers need to be supported to provide these resources. It is also very important to co-operate with teachers who are experts in their fields.”
Code 20: “Crowded classroom environments need to be changed. Family members should be made aware. Teachers should be given training on what kind of activities will be applied in the education of gifted students.”