A Large Scale, App-Based Behaviour Change Experiment Persuading Sustainable Mobility Patterns: Methods, Results and Lessons Learnt
<p>A selection of screenshots of the <span class="html-italic">GoEco!</span> app: (<b>a</b>) List of tracked routes; (<b>b</b>) Validation of the transport mode; (<b>c</b>) Goal setting; (<b>d</b>) Weekly summary of mobility patterns and progress towards goal achievement; (<b>e</b>) Hall of fame and leaderboard. Screenshots (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) are also offered by the <span class="html-italic">GoEco! Tracker</span> app.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Timeline of the <span class="html-italic">GoEco!</span> experiment, showing the three tracking periods and the final questionnaire and interviews. All activities are performed in parallel in Ticino and Zurich.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Comparison between <span class="html-italic">GoEco!</span> (n = 52, 24 mobility tracking weeks overall), based on data provided by [<a href="#B56-sustainability-11-02674" class="html-bibr">56</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Baseline mobility patterns of the n = 52 active <span class="html-italic">GoEco!</span> participants, against average mobility patterns of the population in Zurich and Ticino, as indicated by the 2015 Swiss Mobility and Transport Census data.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- results could not be generalized to the whole society,
- long-term behavior change could not be measured, and
- potential changes in their mobility behavior could not unequivocally be attributed to the app alone, since they might also be due to other external factors.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. The GoEco! App
2.2. Research Hypotheses
2.3. Design of the Experiment
- period A (March–April 2016) aims at collecting pre-intervention, baseline mobility data, through the GoEco! Tracker app;
- period B (October 2016–January 2017) aims at collecting “persuaded” mobility data while using the GoEco! app for the treatment groups and at collecting counterfactual mobility data for the control groups, through the GoEco! Tracker app;
- period C (March–April 2017) aims at collecting post-intervention mobility data, again through the GoEco! Tracker app.
2.4. The Experimental Sample
2.5. Randomization and Assignment to Treatment and Control Groups
- consider only days with at least one validated route (→ “active days”; no difference is made between working and non-working days);
- consider only weeks with at least four “active days” (→ “active weeks”);
- if the participant has at least three active weeks, at least fifty routes, and at least validated 80% of the routes (→ “active participant”), she can enter period B and has to be randomly attributed to treatment or control group; otherwise, she has to be excluded from the experiment.
2.6. Retention of the Experimental Sample over Time
- jackpot: in the three tracking periods, every week a participant is randomly chosen and rewarded with a 50 CHF voucher if she has confirmed the transport mode (validation) for all her routes registered by the GoEco! app;
- quizzes: three monthly quizzes are run during tracking period B, each one offering two vouchers of the value of 100 CHF each;
- random draw: a final random draw at the end of tracking period C offers larger prizes, such as a folding bicycle, a tablet, a smartphone or vouchers for walking holidays.
2.7. Overall Effectiveness of the Intervention—Test of Hypothesis H1
- CO emissions per km [gCO/km];
- average energy consumption per km [kWh/km].
2.8. Effect of the Intervention on Systematic Routes—Test of Hypothesis H2
3. Results
3.1. Overall Effectiveness of the Intervention—Test of Hypothesis H1
3.2. Effect of the Intervention on Systematic Routes—Test of Hypothesis H2
4. Discussion
- whether baseline and control data are reliable, considering they were collected through a mobility tracking app with which the experimental sample regularly had to interact with—and, if not, how to reduce biases;
- if and how attrition bias can be reduced, thus strengthening the internal validity of the experiment;
- whether the final experimental sample reflects the characteristics of the GoEco! target group, or instead is polarized by already “converted” public transport and soft mobility users—and, if so, if this can be avoided.
4.1. Mobility Tracking: Does It Influence Individual Mobility Patterns?
4.2. Abandonment over Time: How Can We Limit Attrition and Keep Interest Alive?
- it might endanger the internal validity of the experiment itself: if abandonment in the control and the treatment groups is not randomly distributed, but follows specific, and different patterns, such groups end up not to be comparable;
- if the abandonments occur so frequently in the frame of a research experiment that they lead at least some of the participants to feel morally obliged to remain active (as they declared in the interviews), one can expect that the use of a GoEco!-like app in real life would be flawed by even stronger drop-out rates, which would prevent attaining tangible benefits for urban mobility problems;
- it reduces the power of the experiment, i.e., if this is indeed the case, that the intervention has been effective.
- increase the frequency of push-notifications, provided that they are made more user-specific and personal;
- make the eco-feedback more intuitive and improve its connection to the specific user’s value system (such as, if she values money more than the environment, provide her with monetary feedback);
- offer more occasions for social interaction and add “social network”-like features;
- create the need for users to access the app more frequently, by integrating a multi-modal travel planning component.
4.3. Representativeness of the Sample: Are We “Preaching to the Converted”?
- soft eco: uses PMT less than average, however travels more than daily average;
- hard eco: uses PMT less than average and also travels less than daily average;
- soft private motorised: uses PMT more than average, however travels less than daily average;
- hard private motorised: uses PMT more than average and also travels more than daily average.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Stages of Change | Processes of Change | GoEco! Components/Features |
Pre-contemplation | Consciousness raising Increase awareness for causes, consequences and cues about a behavior | Feedback on each travelled route Baseline mobility patterns |
Contemplation | Self-reevaluation Cognitive and affective assessment of one’s self-image, with and without a particularly unhealthy habit | Alternatives for systematic routes Overall potentials for change |
Preparation | Self-liberation The belief that one can change and commitment to act on such a belief | Goal setting |
Counterconditioning Learning of more sustainable behaviours, that can substitute the less sustainable ones | Challenges Weekly report | |
Action and Maintenance | Contingency management Provide consequences (rewards) for taking steps in a particular direction | Trophies and Badges Leaderboard/Hall of Fame |
Helping relationship Social support (care, trust, openness, acceptance and general support) for new behaviour | Notification system to stimulate action maintenance In-person events outside the app |
CO Emissions per km | Energy Consumption per km | ||
p-values | Ticino | 0.12 | 0.12 |
(one side Wilcoxon signed-rank test) | Zurich | 0.19 | 0.19 |
Average difference between periods | Ticino | −12.03 gCO/km | −0.05 kWh/km |
C and A () | Zurich | 5.96 gCO/km | 0.02 kWh/km |
CO Emissions per km | Energy Consumption per km | ||
p-values | Ticino | 0.023 * | 0.018 * |
(one side Wilcoxon signed-rank test) | Zurich | 0.342 | 0.458 |
Average difference between periods | Ticino | −23.931 * gCO/km | −0.107 * kWh/km |
C and A () | Zurich | −7.776 gCO/km | −0.047 kWh/km |
CO Emissions per km | Energy Consumption per km | ||
p values | Ticino | 0.049 * | 0.036 * |
(one side Wilcoxon rank sum test) | Zurich | 0.157 | 0.264 |
Difference between treatment and control group | Ticino | −33.137 * gCO/km | −0.136 * kWh/km |
()Treatment− ()Control | Zurich | −1.439 gCO/km | −0.036 kWh/km |
Ticino (n = 29) | Zurich (n = 19) | |
M (SD) | M (SD) | |
Climate change is a problem for society | 6.59 (.87) | 6.32 (.82) |
Saving energy helps to limit climate change | 6.31(.97) | 5.90 (1.20) |
The quality of our environment will improve if we use less energy | 6.41 (.98) | 6.32 (.82) |
I feel responsible for pollution and climate change: it is not just a matter of governments and industries | 5.72 (1.64) | 5.47 (1.12) |
I try to use the car as little as possible | 5.59 (1.32) | 5.16 (1.34) |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Cellina, F.; Bucher, D.; Mangili, F.; Veiga Simão, J.; Rudel, R.; Raubal, M. A Large Scale, App-Based Behaviour Change Experiment Persuading Sustainable Mobility Patterns: Methods, Results and Lessons Learnt. Sustainability 2019, 11, 2674. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11092674
Cellina F, Bucher D, Mangili F, Veiga Simão J, Rudel R, Raubal M. A Large Scale, App-Based Behaviour Change Experiment Persuading Sustainable Mobility Patterns: Methods, Results and Lessons Learnt. Sustainability. 2019; 11(9):2674. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11092674
Chicago/Turabian StyleCellina, Francesca, Dominik Bucher, Francesca Mangili, José Veiga Simão, Roman Rudel, and Martin Raubal. 2019. "A Large Scale, App-Based Behaviour Change Experiment Persuading Sustainable Mobility Patterns: Methods, Results and Lessons Learnt" Sustainability 11, no. 9: 2674. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11092674
APA StyleCellina, F., Bucher, D., Mangili, F., Veiga Simão, J., Rudel, R., & Raubal, M. (2019). A Large Scale, App-Based Behaviour Change Experiment Persuading Sustainable Mobility Patterns: Methods, Results and Lessons Learnt. Sustainability, 11(9), 2674. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11092674