An Overview of Olfactory Displays in Education and Training
:1. Introduction
2. Techniques for Storing, Generating and Diffusing Odors at the Computer Interface
- Using scented waxes or oils that will release odors when they are in contact with the air. Brewster et al. (2006) [35] used commercially available plastic cubes containing scented oils in an experiment that examined the use of odors to help memorization of features from photographs. Results showed that recall using olfaction was above chance. Another slightly different technique is heating a scented liquid or wax for releasing its smell. This technique has been widely used in commercial aromatherapy products and in household air fresheners and aromatizers. In addition, Braga (2006) [36] proposed the design of a simple electronic odor generator interface where a time-controlled resistor heats a scented liquid, and a small fan diffuses the scent towards the user.
- Keeping a scent compressed in a bottle and spray it into the air. This is another technique widely used in commercial household aromatizers and has been employed in some research projects where an odor is sprayed using an electronically controlled solenoid. Nakamoto et al. (2009) [37] developed an olfactory display system where some video clips were “aromatized” using this technique. Tests indicated that most participants enjoyed watching and smelling the scented videos.
- Encasing a scented substance in a cartridge and dispersing it using inkjet technology, which diffuses very small drops of the scent towards a user (Sugimoto et al., 2010) [38]. Preliminary tests indicated favorable and effective use of scented movies. Czyzewski et al. (2010) [39] used a similar technique called “cold air diffusion”, which delivers very tiny drops of scented oil, previously stored in a glass pipe and rapidly released to the environment using compressed air.
- Producing a cool or warm scented mist by using a metal diaphragm (an ultrasonic transducer) vibrating at high frequency and placed on a scented liquid, generally water. The water molecules from the generated mist are very small, measuring about some microns in diameter, being rapidly absorbed into the air. This technique is used by commercial off-the-shelf humidifiers [13]. A similar technology is a vaporizer that boils scented water, releasing a fine steam and moisture into the air.
- Using scratch-and-sniff stickers and other similar materials forms the basis of the technique of smell microencapsulation, where users rub the sticker to break the micro capsules placed on the surface of the stickers and release a smell. A number of patents have included the proposed use of scratch-and-sniff stickers for learning and teaching, but to our knowledge there are no reported research projects that are examining educational olfactory HCI using this technique. However, stickers, books, and other educational materials with impregnated smell have been widely used in classrooms for years for supporting learning (for example, see Schultz, 1987 [40]; McGee and Tompkins, 1982 [41]).
3. Classification of Smell Presentation in Human–Computer Interaction
4. Educational Theories That Take Olfactory Stimuli into Account
5. Review of Research on Educational Olfactory Applications
6. Review of Research on Olfactory Applications That Support Training
7. Advantages of Olfactory Human–Computer Interfaces
- Odors can effectively work as cues for solving a problem in educational software.
- Odors can serve as an attention grabber in an educational setting.
- Odors can be used to provoke positive emotions in students, thus lowering their stress levels at school.
- Odors help immerse learners and trainees in educational virtual environments.
- A number of odor properties can be successfully exploited in a computer interface, such as persistence, directionality, intensity, the chemical nature of the odor, and hierarchy, among others.
- An olfactory display can convey useful information to students by employing either olfactory icons (odors that are semantically linked to the conveyed information) or smicons (smells that have an abstract link with the mapped information).
- Odors can stimulate emotional responses in learners. They can work as a “mood enhancer” and increase alertness.
- Olfaction is a powerful memory recall stimulant.
- Odors in computer interfaces may complement other senses, which can be exploited in educational multimodal interfaces.
- Disabled students may use olfactory displays for supplementing other senses.
- Simple odor diffusion techniques can work effectively in educational settings, such as scratch and sniff stickers, and spraying smells over the air.
8. Challenges of Olfactory Human–Computer Interfaces
- Educational olfactory displays are in their infancy. Despite the efforts made by researchers and practitioners to deliver multisensory digital experiences, there is still a long way to go before this goal is accomplished [87]. Greater research and development is still required to improve the generation and delivery of odors in educational settings. Greater work is also required regarding the short, medium, and long-term pedagogical effects of olfactory displays.
- Most olfactory display hardware developed in past research projects and commercial devices seems cumbersome and expensive to implement and use. However, recent low-cost single-board microcontroller boards such as the Arduino™ series can be easily used to create olfactory displays with a minimum of programming and set up [21,93], which may suit schools with limited budgets.
- As Ghinea (2011) [16] pointed out, it can be difficult to effectively measure the user experience (UX) on the quality of olfactory data presented through olfactory displays. This is important because UX will, in turn, affect students’ motivation and engagement when using olfactory displays.
- There is very little research on how to efficiently and promptly remove unused artificially generated odors from an educational setting (e.g., a classroom, a computing laboratory, etc.).
- Basdogan and Loftin (2009) [25] warn that it can be challenging to generate a specific smell that suits the context of a training application. Similarly, it can be difficult to find a suitable odor that can be used effectively as a smicon that conveys abstract information.
- To our knowledge, there are no standard or commonly used programming libraries for developing olfactory human–computer interfaces.
- Strong and proven olfactory display design guidelines are needed to develop usable (effective, efficient and pleasant) educational smell interfaces.
- Some researchers argue that Western culture is predominantly visual (e.g., Mirzoeff, 2009) [94], which may have slowed down the widespread use of olfactory displays. However, although Western learning styles are generally visual, this does not exclude using other learning styles or incorporating other senses in learning and training.
- There is no consensus within olfaction regarding how to classify odors effectively [18]. This may affect the design and development of olfactory displays with multiple odors.
- Some users may have medical conditions that affect smell perception in computer interfaces, such as anosmia (the inability to perceive any odor) or hyposmia (a decreased ability to smell). In addition, the common cold is the usual cause for temporary or partial loss of smell.
- The usability testing of olfactory icons and smicons can be rather challenging. Past usability testing of olfactory displays has been conducted by experienced HCI specialists as participants [42], thus this may affect the objectivity of the results. To evaluate olfactory displays based on smicons, most of the time it is necessary to train testers on the mappings between the smicons and their meanings. This may produce a smell habituation effect in them. In addition, results of usability testing may be affected by test environment conditions, for example, the smell of chemical carpet cleaners lingering around.
- Information overload, that is, too much sensory stimulation, at the computer interface can affect learners’ task performance. Additional modalities (including smell) with incongruent information can increase cognitive load when not carefully balanced with the main means of communication [95].
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Reviewed Research | Olfactory Technology Used in the Research | Experimental/Testing Main Findings |
Lai (2015) [63] developed an interactive art exhibition where patrons perceived five odors | Mist diffusers | Odors worked as a powerful communication medium and complemented other senses in the artistic perception |
Visitors of London’s Tate Gallery held and smelled 3D printed scented objects that were related to some paintings (Vi et al. (2017) [64]) | 3D printed scented objects | Smells were useful in supporting understanding the paintings’ meaning and artistic renderings |
Tijou et al. (2006) [65] developed a fully immersive desktop virtual reality (VR) system to investigate the effects of olfaction on learning, recall and retention of 3D structures of organic molecules | Scented gels stored into cartridges and fans | The paper demonstrated the feasibility of a multimodal VR system (including smell) used for learning in the sciences |
Richard et al. (2006) [66] introduced the ‘‘Nice-smelling Interactive Multimedia Alphabet’’ project that involved developing a multimodal computer application that included olfactory, visual and auditory information | Scented gels stored into cartridges and fans | No reported research results |
Miyaura et al. (2011) [67] developed an olfactory display to help learners re-engage in math tasks | ink-jet technology with scented droplets | The researchers reported that the odors helped to decrease errors in the additions |
Kwok et al. (2009) [68] developed and tested a multimodal ambient room for learning with visual, auditory and olfactory stimuli | Olfactory display system with spray dispensers | Preliminary findings of post-tests applied to learners showed that the multimodal ambient room influenced students’ affective experiences, improving their learning effectiveness |
Garcia-Ruiz et al. (2008) [69] developed a 3D virtual environment for learning English language | Fresh leaves of mint (Mentha Spicata) | The students perceived the usability of the multimodal virtual environment as very good. In addition, students reported that the mint odor helped students lower their anxiety when listening to the oral instructions in English |
Czyzewski et al. (2010) [39] developed a multimodal educational software showing animated cartoons of animals | A device that generated small drops of scented oil, previously stored in a glass pipe, and rapidly released to the environment using compressed air | Initial tests helped to fix technical problems from the device and to analyze the effectiveness of the olfactory device, although their testing results were inconclusive |
Covaci et al. (2018) [75] developed a multiplayer serious game intended to teach high-school students about the seventeenth century’s Age of Discovery | Small jars containing odors of real spices and beans | Multisensory stimulation in the serious game engaged the users, potentially improving the learning process. However, pre-test and post-test knowledge questionnaire results showed that the olfactory feedback did not yield an improvement in students’ performance |
Klašnja-Milićević et al. (2018) [84] investigated olfaction-based applications in multimodal VR application for learning the solar system | Essential oil vapors | A within-groups test showed that participants who consumed the chocolate, drank the coffee and smelled the citrus oil vapor while using the VR learning application scored higher in a knowledge pre-/post-test |
Alkasasbeh and Ghinea (2019) [85] developed a multimodal website for learning about geography | Dry-air scent diffuser and fans | Results showed that the questions from the post-test in which the olfactory media was synchronized with the audiovisual media was significantly different (improved with higher than average scores) compared to those who were not provided with any olfactory stimuli. However, the odor-only related questions yielded no significant difference |
Reviewed Research | Olfactory Technology Used in the Research | Experimental/Testing Main Findings |
Cater (1996) [32] developed a virtual reality system for training firefighters, | Wearable olfactory display that generated different types of smoke | Strong smoke caused extreme discomfort in trainees |
Spencer (2006) [89] and Kent et al. (2016) [90] conducted literature reviews of research projects that developed and tested medical simulators that incorporated olfactory displays | Various virtual reality technologies | The literature reviews highlighted the feasibility of virtual reality and olfactory displays in medical training, where this technology may support medical diagnoses and benefit training of medicine students |
Vlahos (2006) [91] reported that theme park designers and the University of Southern California developed a virtual reality system with an olfactory display for training soldiers | Soldiers don a collar with cartridges that activate wirelessly. The collar has four smell-soaked wicks that send the smells to the trainee’s nose with micro fans | Smell improved soldiers’ mental immersion in the simulated war scenario, positively supporting training |
Tsai and Hsieh (2012) [21] used odors for supporting training of computer programmers for improving coding style and identifying coding errors | Arduino™ microcontroller board connected to a pair of off-the-shelf household aromatizers | More than 80% of participants in a test declared that smells were useful for identifying coding errors |
Narciso et al. (2019) [92] developed a virtual reality system with olfactory display for supporting training of firefighters | A commercial olfactory system that diffused smell of burnt wood with compressed air | A between-groups experimental results shown that overall, the multimodal virtual reality system supported knowledge transfer but the experimental group with the smell condition did not significantly improve participants’ presence, cybersickness, fatigue, stress and knowledge transfer |
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Garcia-Ruiz, M.A.; Kapralos, B.; Rebolledo-Mendez, G. An Overview of Olfactory Displays in Education and Training. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2021, 5, 64.
Garcia-Ruiz MA, Kapralos B, Rebolledo-Mendez G. An Overview of Olfactory Displays in Education and Training. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2021; 5(10):64.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcia-Ruiz, Miguel Angel, Bill Kapralos, and Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez. 2021. "An Overview of Olfactory Displays in Education and Training" Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 5, no. 10: 64.
APA StyleGarcia-Ruiz, M. A., Kapralos, B., & Rebolledo-Mendez, G. (2021). An Overview of Olfactory Displays in Education and Training. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 5(10), 64.