Investigation on Thermally Radiative Mixed Convective Flow of Carbon Nanotubes/Al2O3 Nanofluid in Water Past a Stretching Plate with Joule Heating and Viscous Dissipation
<p>Physical configuration of the flow model.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The flow chart of bvp4c (<b>a</b>) and HAM (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 3
<p><math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>h</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math>-curves of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msup> <mi mathvariant="script">F</mi> <mrow> <mo>″</mo> </mrow> </msup> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mn>0</mn> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>a</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msup> <mo>Θ</mo> <mo>′</mo> </msup> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mn>0</mn> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The contrast of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msup> <mi mathvariant="script">F</mi> <mo>′</mo> </msup> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mo>Υ</mo> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> against <span class="html-italic">M</span> (<b>a</b>), <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>f</mi> <mi>w</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>b</b>), <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>i</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>c</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>λ</mi> </semantics></math> (<b>d</b>) for SWCNTs (solid line), MWCNTs (dashed line) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>A</mi> <msub> <mi>l</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> <msub> <mi>O</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> </mrow> </semantics></math> nanofluid (dotted line).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The contrast of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>Θ</mo> <mo>(</mo> <mo>Υ</mo> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math> against <span class="html-italic">M</span> (<b>a</b>), <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>B</mi> <mi>i</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>b</b>), <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>c</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>E</mi> <mi>c</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>d</b>) for SWCNTs (solid line), MWCNTs (dashed line) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>A</mi> <msub> <mi>l</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> <msub> <mi>O</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> </mrow> </semantics></math> nanofluid (dotted line).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The contrast of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>Θ</mo> <mo>(</mo> <mo>Υ</mo> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math> against <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>H</mi> <mi>g</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>a</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>ϕ</mi> </semantics></math> (<b>b</b>) for SWCNTs (solid line), MWCNTs (dashed line) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>A</mi> <msub> <mi>l</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> <msub> <mi>O</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> </mrow> </semantics></math> nanofluid (dotted line).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The contrast of the skin friction coefficient for different combinations of <span class="html-italic">A</span> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>i</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) and <span class="html-italic">M</span> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>λ</mi> </semantics></math> (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) with convective heating (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) and convective cooling (<b>b</b>,<b>d</b>) cases for SWCNTs (solid line), MWCNTs (dashed line) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>A</mi> <msub> <mi>l</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> <msub> <mi>O</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> </mrow> </semantics></math> nanofluid (dotted line).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The contrast of LNN for different combinations of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>E</mi> <mi>c</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>f</mi> <mi>w</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) with convective heating (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) and convective cooling (<b>b</b>,<b>d</b>) cases for SWCNTs (solid line), MWCNTs (dashed line) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>A</mi> <msub> <mi>l</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> <msub> <mi>O</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> </mrow> </semantics></math> nanofluid (dotted line).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The contrast of LNN for different combinations of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>H</mi> <mi>g</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>i</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) with convective heating (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) and convective cooling (<b>b</b>,<b>d</b>) cases for SWCNTs (solid line), MWCNTs (dashed line) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>A</mi> <msub> <mi>l</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> <msub> <mi>O</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> </mrow> </semantics></math> nanofluid (dotted line).</p> "> Figure 10
<p>The diminishing percentage of SFC for <span class="html-italic">A</span> (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) and <span class="html-italic">M</span> (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) with convective heating (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) and convective cooling (<b>b</b>,<b>d</b>) cases.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The diminishing/improving percentage of SFC for <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>λ</mi> </semantics></math> (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>i</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) with convective heating (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) and convective cooling (<b>b</b>,<b>d</b>) cases.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>The diminishing/improving percentage of LNN for <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>i</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) with convective heating (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) and convective cooling (<b>b</b>,<b>d</b>) cases.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>The diminishing/improving percentage of LNN for <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>E</mi> <mi>c</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>H</mi> <mi>g</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) with convective heating (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) and convective cooling (<b>b</b>,<b>d</b>) cases.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- To investigate the MHD flow over a stretchy plate inserted in a porous medium.
- The impacts of Joule heating, viscous dissipation and radiation are also added to the heat expression.
- These types of modeled problems are used in the thermal industry for designing equipment, such as the design of electric ovens, electric heaters, microelectronics, wind generators, etc.
2. Mathematical Formulation
- The time-dependent, 2D, incompressible, electrically conducting flow of CNTs past a stretchy plate is embedded in a porous medium.
- Let the -coordinate be delineated in the plate, the -coordinate is normal to it, and the flow occurs when .
- The surface of the plate has a constant temperature , which is bigger than the ambient fluid temperature .
- The fixed magnetic field of quantity B is employed in the -coordinate; see Figure 1.
- The induced magnetic field is omitted because of the small size of the Reynold’s number.
- The availability of heat consumption/generation, Joule heating, and radiation impacts are included to analyze the variations of velocity, temperature, SFC and LNN.
- The characteristics of fluids are regarded as constants.
3. Solutions
3.1. Numerical Solutions
3.2. Analytical Solutions
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Larger magnetic field and porosity parameters lead to declines in the fluid velocity.
- The fluid temperature is strengthened in opposition to the larger Biot number, Eckert number and radiation parameter.
- Decay in surface drag force is noted against a larger magnetic field and unsteady parameters.
- The radiation parameter leads to an improvement in the heat transfer gradient in the convective heating case, while it decays in the convective cooling case.
- The MWCNTs have higher skin friction values compared to SWCNTs and nanofluid.
- The lower heat transfer gradient appears in SWCNTs compared to MWCNTs and nanofluid.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
a | |
B | |
Q | |
Appendix A
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Physical Characteristics | SWCNTs | MWCNTs | Water | |
k | 6600 | 3000 | 40 | |
2600 | 1600 | 3970 | ||
425 | 796 | 765 | 4179 |
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25 |
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25 |
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Share and Cite
Prabakaran, R.; Eswaramoorthi, S.; Loganathan, K.; Sarris, I.E. Investigation on Thermally Radiative Mixed Convective Flow of Carbon Nanotubes/Al2O3 Nanofluid in Water Past a Stretching Plate with Joule Heating and Viscous Dissipation. Micromachines 2022, 13, 1424.
Prabakaran R, Eswaramoorthi S, Loganathan K, Sarris IE. Investigation on Thermally Radiative Mixed Convective Flow of Carbon Nanotubes/Al2O3 Nanofluid in Water Past a Stretching Plate with Joule Heating and Viscous Dissipation. Micromachines. 2022; 13(9):1424.
Chicago/Turabian StylePrabakaran, R., S. Eswaramoorthi, Karuppusamy Loganathan, and Ioannis E. Sarris. 2022. "Investigation on Thermally Radiative Mixed Convective Flow of Carbon Nanotubes/Al2O3 Nanofluid in Water Past a Stretching Plate with Joule Heating and Viscous Dissipation" Micromachines 13, no. 9: 1424.
APA StylePrabakaran, R., Eswaramoorthi, S., Loganathan, K., & Sarris, I. E. (2022). Investigation on Thermally Radiative Mixed Convective Flow of Carbon Nanotubes/Al2O3 Nanofluid in Water Past a Stretching Plate with Joule Heating and Viscous Dissipation. Micromachines, 13(9), 1424.