Modelling the Proton-Conductive Membrane in Practical Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Simulation: A Review
"> Figure 1
<p>Schematic highlighting the key innovations in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) membranes.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Schematic of different transport phenomena that can be considered in membrane models.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Summary of measured sorption isotherms for Nafion 1100 in the vapour-equilibrated range of <span class="html-italic">a</span><sub>w</sub>.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Summary of measured proton conductivity for Nafion 1100 in the vapour-equilibrated range of λ at room temperature (<span class="html-italic">T</span> = 30 °C).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Summary of measured proton conductivity for Nafion 1100 in the vapour-equilibrated range of λ at typical PEMFC operating temperature (<span class="html-italic">T</span> = 80 °C).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Summary of Fick’s law diffusivities of water in Nafion 1100, in the vapour-equilibrated range of <span class="html-italic">λ</span> at <span class="html-italic">T</span> = 80 °C.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Summary of common parameterisations of electroosmotic drag coefficient for Nafion 1100.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Temperature-dependent parameterisation of the liquid-equilibrated electroosmotic drag coefficient for Nafion 1100.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Permeation coefficients for H<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>2</sub> as a function of temperature, using data summarised by Weber and Newman [<a href="#B65-membranes-10-00310" class="html-bibr">65</a>].</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Henry’s law coefficients for H<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>2</sub> as a function of temperature, using data summarised by Wong and Kjeang [<a href="#B137-membranes-10-00310" class="html-bibr">137</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Proton-Exchange Membrane: Role and Essential Transport Phenomena
2.1. Role of the Membrane
2.2. Membrane Types and Fundamental Material Properties
2.3. Essential Transport Phenomena in the Membrane
- charge;
- proton mass;
- water mass.
- proton flux (current density);
- water flux.
- momentum (flow/mechanical stress, discussed in Section 7);
- heat (discussed in Section 9);
- dilute dissolved gas mass, to account for gas crossover (discussed in Section 10.1);
- dissolved ion mass (other than protons, discussed in Section 10.2).
3. Charge Transport-Only Membrane Models
3.1. Zero-Dimensional (0D, Lumped) Resistance Models
3.2. Constant Hydration Models
4. Sorption of Water
4.1. Sorption Isotherms
4.2. Empirical Sorption Models for Nafion 1100
4.3. Detailed Sorption Models
4.4. Sorption within the Catalyst Layer
5. Coupled Proton-Water Transport
- proton conductivity κ—the ratio of current density to electrolyte potential gradient for uniform water content;
- electroosmotic drag coefficient ξ—the ratio of water flux to current density for uniform water content;
- water diffusivity Dw—the ratio of water flux to water concentration gradient for zero current density.
- membrane-phase electrolyte potential φ as the thermodynamic variable conjugate to the driving force for current flow, under uniform hydration;
- chemical potential of water μw (expressed as required in terms of the local water content λ) as the thermodynamic variable conjugate to the driving force for water flux, at zero proton current.
5.1. Springer Membrane Model
5.2. Weber–Newman Membrane Model
5.3. Binary Friction Model (BFM)
5.4. Proton Conductivity as a Function of Water Content
5.5. Water Diffusivity as a Function of Water Content
5.6. Electroosmotic Drag Coefficient
5.7. Water Transport: Liquid-Equilibrated Conditions
6. Interface-Specific Phenomena
6.1. Interfacial Proton Transport Resistance
6.2. Interfacial Water Transport Resistance: Vapour-Equilibrated Conditions
6.3. Interfacial Water Transport Resistance: Liquid-Equilibrated Conditions
7. Mechanical Phenomena
7.1. Hydraulic Transport of Water (Flow)
7.2. Membrane Expansion and Mechanical Constraint
8. Transient Response of the Membrane
9. Non-Isothermal Phenomena
10. Transport of Other Chemical Species
10.1. Dilute Gas Transport
10.2. Transport of Other Ions
11. Membrane Degradation
11.1. Mechanical Degradation Models
11.2. Chemical Degradation Models
12. Perspective
- The composite nature of reinforced membranes, including its effect on conductivity, diffusivity, water uptake, and mechanical coupling to transport phenomena.
- The introduction of radical scavengers or other membrane ‘additives’.
- Parameterisation at relevant operating conditions (>60 °C), as opposed to at ambient conditions.
- The impact of variations in different membrane chemistries/side-chain length.
- The use of very thin membranes (<50 μm).
- In-plane inhomogeneities in electrode profiles.
13. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Abbreviation | Definition |
BET | Brunauer–Emmett–Teller |
BFM | binary friction model |
CL | catalyst layer |
DEFC | direct ethanol fuel cell |
DMFC | direct methanol fuel cell |
EIS | electrochemical impedance spectroscopy |
ePTFE | expanded polytetrafluoroethylene |
GAB | Guggenheim–Anderson–de Boer |
GDL | gas diffusion layer |
IEC | ion-exchange capacity |
LE | liquid-equilibrated |
MEA | membrane-electrode assembly |
MPL | microporous layer |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance |
PEM | polymer electrolyte membrane |
PEMFC | polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell |
PEMWE | polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolyser |
PFSA | perfluorosulfonic acid |
VE | vapour-equilibrated |
Symbol | Unit | Definition |
Ak | 1 | Empirical coefficient, binary friction model |
Acat | V | Tafel slope (cathode) |
Adeg | m2 | Degraded area |
ak | various | Polynomial coefficients, various models |
apore | m−1 | Effective pore surface area per unit volume, Choi–Datta sorption isotherm |
avol | m−1 | Volumetric surface area, membrane-vapour contact in CL |
aw,vap | 1 | Activity, water vapour in gas phase |
aw | 1 | Activity, sorbed water |
bk | various | Coefficients, various models |
cf | mol m−3 | Sulfonic acid group concentration |
cside-chain | mol m−3 | Side chain concentration, Quiroga degradation model |
cw | mol m−3 | Concentration, sorbed water |
Di | m2 s−1 | Fick’s law diffusion coefficient, dilute species i |
Dcap | kg m−1 s−1 | Capillary diffusion coefficient |
Dw | m2 s−1 | Fick’s law diffusion coefficient, sorbed water |
Dw,T | kg m−1 s−1 K−1 | Thermal diffusion coefficient |
Dλ | m2 s−1 | Effective diffusion coefficient with respect to water content gradient, sorbed water |
Dμ | m2 s−1 | Self-diffusion coefficient, sorbed water |
Dμ,WN | m2 s−1 | Self-diffusion coefficient, sorbed water (binary Weber-Newman definition) |
EA,m | J mol−1 | Activation energy, process m |
Ecell | V | Cell voltage |
EOCV | V | Open-circuit cell voltage |
Emn | kg mol−1 | Empirical coefficients, Meyers sorption isotherm |
F | C mol−1 | Faraday constant |
f | 1 | Mazumder diffusion function |
feff | 1 | Membrane porosity, binary friction model |
∆Hm | J mol−1 | Enthalpy change, process m |
i | A m−2 | Current density |
ifar | A m−2 | Equivalent current density of proton flux from faradaic reaction |
icell | A m−2 | Cell current density |
iref | A m−2 | Reference current density |
Ka,mem | mol m−3 | Acidity constant, sulfonic acid groups |
Kdrag | 1 | Phenomenological ratio of water flux to proton flux |
KH,i | Pa m3 mol−1 | Henry’s law coefficient, species i |
Kmem | Pa−1 | Langmuir equilibrium constant, Mashio sorption isotherm |
K1 | 1 | Empirical coefficient, Thampan BET isotherm / Meyers sorption isotherm |
K2 | 1 | Empirical coefficient, Meyers isotherm |
k | W m−1 K−1 | Thermal conductivity |
kbond | s−1 | Water bonding rate constant, Meng water uptake model |
kdeg | various | Degradation rate constant |
kG | 1 | Empirical coefficient, Klika GAB isotherm |
kint | m s−1 | Interfacial water transport coefficient |
kvol | s−1 | Interfacial water transport coefficient (volumetric) |
kvap | s m−2 kg−1 | Sorption rate constant, Meng model |
Lmem | m | Membrane thickness |
MEW | kg mol−1 | Equivalent weight (polymer mass per 1 mol sulfonic acid groups) |
Mw | kg mol−1 | Molar mass, water |
mw | kg | Mass of water in reference volume V |
Nw | mol m−2 s−1 | Molar flux, sorbed water |
N+ | mol m−2 s−1 | Molar flux, protons |
ni | mol | Content of species in reference volume V |
ncond | 1 | Scaling exponent with water content, proton conductivity |
nw,sat | 1 | Empirical coefficient, Thampan BET isotherm |
p | Pa | Pressure |
pi,k | Pa | Partial pressure, species i in phase k |
p0 | Pa | Reference pressure |
pL | Pa | Absolute pressure in liquid phase |
psat | Pa | Saturation vapour pressure (water) |
pw,vap | Pa | Partial pressure, water vapour in gas phase |
Q | W m−3 | Volumetric heat source |
q | W m−2 | Heat flux |
q | 1 | Empirical coefficient, binary friction model |
RΩ | Ω | Ohmic cell series resistance |
R | J K−1 mol−1 | Gas constant |
Rw | kg m−3 s−1 | Liquid water source |
rcrit | m | Critical maximum/minimum radius of liquid saturation |
rhole | m | Pinhole radius |
SL | 1 | Fraction of available membrane channels expanded by liquid water |
s | 1 | Empirical coefficient, binary friction model |
T | K | Temperature |
T0 | K | Reference temperature |
t | s | Time |
Uano | V | Anode operating potential |
V | m3 | Reference volume |
V(r) | m−1 | Relative volume probability distribution function |
Vdry | m3 | Reference volume, dry conditions |
m3 mol−1 | Molar volume, hydrated membrane | |
m3 mol−1 | Molar volume, sulfonic acid groups | |
m3 mol−1 | Molar volume, sorbed water | |
Ymem | Pa | Young’s modulus, membrane |
zi | 1 | Charge number, species i |
α | 1 | Net number of water molecules transferred per proton |
αλ | 1 | Empirical coefficient, Setzler–Fuller conductivity model |
αw | mol2 m−1 s−1 J−1 | Diffusion coefficient, Weber–Newman model |
β | 1 | Scaling coefficient, Meyers isotherm |
βw | 1 | Swelling coefficient, water sorption |
γw | N m−1 | Surface tension, water-gas interface |
εij | 1 | Strain tensor |
εdeg | 1 | Void proportion of degraded membrane |
θc | 1 | Contact angle of water-gas interface in membrane |
θm | K | Characteristic temperature, process m |
κ | S m−1 | Proton conductivity |
κp | m2 | Permeability |
κsorp | Pa | Pore elasticity, Choi–Datta sorption isotherm |
κk | S m−1 | Proton conductivity, equilibration condition k |
κϕ | m2 | Electroosmotic permeability, Schlögl equation |
κ0 | S m−1 | Proton conductivity, reference conditions |
λ | 1 | Water content |
λcrit | 1 | Critical water content, electroosmotic drag models |
λeq | 1 | Water content, at equilibrium with a defined water activity |
λeq,crit | 1 | Critical water content, Meyers isotherm |
λeq,L | 1 | Water content, liquid-equilibrated conditions |
λeq,V | 1 | Water content, vapour-equilibrated conditions |
λmax,k | 1 | Maximum water content, equilibration condition k, Weber–Newman model |
λmin | 1 | Minimum water content, binary friction model |
λmono | 1 | Water content, effective monolayer |
λsat | 1 | Saturated water content |
λ+ | 1 | Proton content |
λ0 | 1 | Reference water content |
μ | Pa s | Dynamic viscosity, sorbed water |
μw | J mol−1 | Chemical potential, sorbed water |
ξ | 1 | Electroosmotic drag coefficient |
ρ | kg m−3 | Membrane density |
ρdry | kg m−3 | Membrane density (dry conditions) |
ρw | kg m−3 | Density of sorbed water |
ϕ | V | Electrolyte potential, membrane phase |
ϕm | 1 | Effective membrane volume fraction, Flory–Huggins model |
ϕw | 1 | Water volume fraction, membrane phase |
ϕw,crit | 1 | Critical volume fraction, Weber–Newman conductivity model |
ϕw,max | 1 | Conductivity-maximum volume fraction, Weber–Newman conductivity model |
ϕk | 1 | Empirical coefficient, Meyers isotherm |
χ | 1 | Flory–Huggins parameter |
χc | 1 | Degree of constraint, Weber membrane mechanical model |
ψi | mol m−1 s−1 Pa−1 | Permeation coefficient, species i |
ω | 1 | Empirical coefficient, Kosakian conductivity model |
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Coefficient | Value |
a0 | −2.1794 |
a1 | +0.02953 K−1 |
a2 | −9.1837 × 10−5 K−2 |
a3 | +1.4454 × 10−7 K−3 |
Coefficient | Value |
b−1 | −5.8002206 × 103 |
b0 | 1.3914993 |
b1 | −0.048640239 |
b2 | 4.1764768 × 10−5 |
b3 | 1.4452093 × 10−8 |
be | 6.5459673 |
Coefficient | Value |
K1 | 100 |
K2 | 0.217 |
E00 | −0.0417 kg mol−1 |
E+0 | −0.052 kg mol−1 |
E++ | −3.7216 kg mol−1 |
Coefficient | Value |
λmin | 1.65 |
D+0 | 6.5 × 10−9 m2 s−1 |
s | 0.83 |
q | 1.5 |
A+ | 0.084 |
A0 | 0.5 |
θdiff | 1800 K |
Data Source | κ0/S m−1 | λ0 | θcond/K | ncond |
Springer [39] | 0.5139 | 0.6344 | 1268 | 1 |
van Bussel–Kulikovsky [57,87] | 0.5736 | 1.253 | undefined | 1 |
Weber [65] | 0.2646 | 2 | 1800 | 1.5 |
Wiezell [88], fit to Zawodzinski [52] | 0.45 | 0.222 | undefined | 1 |
Meier [58], fit to Zawodzinski [79] | 0.491 * | 0.543 | 1190 | 1 |
i | ai | bi |
0 | −0.8 | −0.1254 |
1 | 0.075 | 0.1832 |
2 | −6.375 × 10−4 | −8.65 × 10−3 |
3 | 1.93 × 10−5 | 9.4 × 10−5 |
Data Source | λcrit | αξ,λ |
Zawodzinski et al. [80] (room temperature) | 14 | 0.1875 |
van Bussel–Kulikovsky (T = 80 °C) [57,87] | 9 | 0.117 |
Data Source | ξ0 | αξ,T/K−1 |
Ge et al. [109] | 1.984 | 0.0126 |
Ise et al. [111] | 1.812 | 0.014 |
Coefficient | H2 | O2 |
ψV0/mol m−1 s−1 Pa−1 | 2.9 × 10−15 | 1.1 × 10−15 |
ψw/mol m−1 s−1 Pa−1 | 2.2 × 10−14 | 1.9 × 10−14 |
ψL0/mol m−1 s−1 Pa−1 | 1.8 × 10−14 | 1.2 × 10−14 |
EA,DV/kJ mol−1 | 21 | 22 |
EA,DL/kJ mol−1 | 18 | 20 |
KH,gas,0/Pa m3 mol−1 | θsoln,gas/K | |
H2 | 2.584 × 103 | −170 |
O2 | 1.348 × 105 | 666 |
HF | 4.149 × 108 | 7400 |
H2O2 | 6.83 × 107 | 7379 |
Gas | Dgas,0/m2 s−1 | θdiff,gas/K |
H2 | 4.1× 10−7 | 2602 |
O2 | 3.1 × 10−7 | 2736 |
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Dickinson, E.J.F.; Smith, G. Modelling the Proton-Conductive Membrane in Practical Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Simulation: A Review. Membranes 2020, 10, 310.
Dickinson EJF, Smith G. Modelling the Proton-Conductive Membrane in Practical Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Simulation: A Review. Membranes. 2020; 10(11):310.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDickinson, Edmund J. F., and Graham Smith. 2020. "Modelling the Proton-Conductive Membrane in Practical Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Simulation: A Review" Membranes 10, no. 11: 310.
APA StyleDickinson, E. J. F., & Smith, G. (2020). Modelling the Proton-Conductive Membrane in Practical Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Simulation: A Review. Membranes, 10(11), 310.