Concept Paper for a Digital Expert: Systematic Derivation of (Causal) Bayesian Networks Based on Ontologies for Knowledge-Based Production Steps
<p>Basic ontological elements applied to an example of cars and their components.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The derivation of a CG using ontological model elements in the example of the involvement of a car in an accident.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The three graphical structures in a directed acyclic graph are shown here in the following color coding: collider in dark blue, mediator in light blue, and confounder in green.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The three stages according to Pearl’s Ladder of Causation [<a href="#B22-make-06-00042" class="html-bibr">22</a>,<a href="#B26-make-06-00042" class="html-bibr">26</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Graphic classification of the research gaps (G) of the studies in a coherent context.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The human ability to make abstract decisions based on individual knowledge compared to the combination of ontologies and CGs. The framework is the application domain of production.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Ontology-based creation of a CG using the simplified example of a process impact chain.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Ontology-based creation of a CG using the simplified example of root cause analysis.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Transformation of ontologies into causal skeletons.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Ontology and (Causal) Bayesian Network—Two (Directed) Graph Models
2.1. Ontology as Knowledge Model
2.2. Causal Bayesian Network as Inference Models
- The association in the form of expresses the probability p of under the condition that the event has occurred.
- In the intervention, the probability of is expressed in the form of the “do-operator” in if was observed after the intervention of the variable value X on x.
- In the context of the counterfactual consideration, ) expresses the probability that the event would have been observed if , although and were observed.
3. Studies on Previous Ontology-Based Bayesian Networks
3.1. Selection of Studies
- TITLE-ABS-KEY (ontology-based OR ontology-driven OR ontological)
- TITLE-ABS-KEY (“bayesian * network”)
- LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Bayesian Network”) OR LIMIT -TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Bayesian Networks”) OR LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Causal Bayesian Network”) OR LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD,“ Causal Inference”) OR LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Causal Inferences”) OR LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Ontology-based”))
- AND NOT (medical)
3.2. Analysis of the Studies
3.2.1. Scientific Publications
- Reduced effort compared to otherwise manual creation;
- Support in the visualization;
- The extension or adaptation of existing algorithmic approaches through the knowledge in ontologies;
- Securing information of a BN in the ontological model;
- The consideration of uncertainties that are otherwise not part of ontologies.
3.2.2. Applications
3.3. Research Gaps
4. Conceptual Model for the Generic Derivation of Causal Bayesian Networks Based on Ontologies
4.1. General Consideration about the Basic Idea
4.2. Approach and Research Proposal
- The logic and language of ontologies: If we look at the logic and language, we are talking about the formal description logic SROIQ and with RDF, RDFS, and OWL also components of the Semantic Web Stack, according to Tim Berners Lee [39]. It seems logical that some aspects exclude causal edges, such as symmetrical relations. The extent to which further conclusions are possible is a subject of research. However, it is already a fact that the subject-predicate-object structure (S-P-O for short) of triples is similar to a CG. According to this, the predicate indicates the edge, while the subject and the object represent the node. This also means determining which relation has a causal meaning in inverse relation pairs. The fact is that there can only be one causal direction.
- The semantic context: Causal analyses are dedicated to questions in a specific domain. Consequently, the ontology-based derivation of a CG must be considered in the context of domain-specific modeling. While the BFO, as a standard top-level ontology, has no domain reference, the IOF Core serves as a reference for representing the industry.
5. Summary and Discussion
6. Outlook
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BFO | basic formal ontology |
BN | bayesian network |
CG | causal graph |
CPT | condition probability table |
DAG | directed acyclic graph |
IOF | Industrial Ontology Foundry |
OWL | Web Ontology Language |
RDF | Resource Description Framework |
RDFS | Resource Description Framework Schema |
SHACL | Shapes Constraint Language |
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Data | Methods and Findings | Research Need |
Cao et al. [31]: “An Ontology-based Bayesian network modeling for supply chain risk propagation” | ||
Knowledge of a concrete supply chain with an Australian producer and exporter, as well as a Chinese importer and online retailer formalized in an ontology about the spread of risks in the supply chain; knowledge collection from (specialist) articles and practical observations; evaluation of customer comments | Expert knowledge for determining probabilities; restriction to domain-specific findings as a result of the application | Need to identify the potential loss of information compared to the consideration of more than two state variables; the lack of historical data required estimates; the extension of the graph to include further concepts (specifically: risk mitigation strategies); linking the models of different parties (using the example of another supply chain) |
Ben Ishak et al. [32]: “Ontology-based generation of Object Oriented Bayesian Networks” | ||
Explanation using the example of a graph on car insurance based on variables such as age, car model, or driving quality; no further information on the type of data (in quantity, collection, or selection) | The extension of the SEM algorithm according to Friedman [33] by the assumption of object orientation; the use of expert knowledge through ontology to create a priori object-oriented BN structure; the investigation of similarity between object-oriented BNs and ontologies to make a priori network | The continuation of the investigation into the extent to which ontological concepts can serve in the creation of the network without naming specific topics in this regard |
Zheng et al. [30]: “An Ontology-Based Bayesian Network Approach for Representing Uncertainty in Clinical Practice Guidelines” | ||
Clinical action guidelines as semantic modeling for the extension of uncertainties using a BN; exemplified by the aspirin treatment of diabetes patients | Manual selection to convert ontological concepts into a BN; own algorithm for calculating the CPT; algorithm for variable minimization according to Zhang et al. [34]; application-related findings, such as determination of uncertainties of target activities in clinical guidelines, simulation of the clinical process under unknown environmental variables, checking for completeness of user input | Does not emphasize the need for research concerning the procedure and methodology; from an application perspective, the following is required: integration into clinical information systems and application with real clinical data. |
BNGen [35] | ByNowLife [36] | BNDomain Explorer [4,5] | BayesOWL [6,7,8,9] | BNTab [1,2,3] | ||
RDFS | class | × | × | × | × | × |
subclass | × | × | × | × | ||
relation | × | × | × | × | × | |
subrelation | × | × | ||||
rdfs:domain | × | |||||
rdfs:range | × | |||||
OWL object characteristic | inverse | × | × | × | ||
transitive | ||||||
symmetric | ||||||
functional | ||||||
OWL object relation restriction | universal | × | ||||
existential | × | |||||
cardinality | × | |||||
OWL class specification | conjunction | × | ||||
disjunction | × | |||||
negation | × |
G1 | G2 | G3 | G4 | G5 | G6 | G7 | |
Chen et al. [27] | × | ||||||
Ben Messaoud et al. [28] | × | × | |||||
Cao et al. [31] | × | × | × | × | |||
Ben Ishak et al. [32] | × | ||||||
Zheng et al. [30] | × | ||||||
BNTab/Fenz [1,2,3] | × | × | × | ||||
BNGen [35] | × | ||||||
ByNowLife [36] | × | ||||||
BN Domain Explorer [4,5] | × | × | |||||
BayesOWL [6,7,8,9] | × | × | × |
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Share and Cite
Pfaff-Kastner, M.M.-L.; Wenzel, K.; Ihlenfeldt, S. Concept Paper for a Digital Expert: Systematic Derivation of (Causal) Bayesian Networks Based on Ontologies for Knowledge-Based Production Steps. Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 2024, 6, 898-916.
Pfaff-Kastner MM-L, Wenzel K, Ihlenfeldt S. Concept Paper for a Digital Expert: Systematic Derivation of (Causal) Bayesian Networks Based on Ontologies for Knowledge-Based Production Steps. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. 2024; 6(2):898-916.
Chicago/Turabian StylePfaff-Kastner, Manja Mai-Ly, Ken Wenzel, and Steffen Ihlenfeldt. 2024. "Concept Paper for a Digital Expert: Systematic Derivation of (Causal) Bayesian Networks Based on Ontologies for Knowledge-Based Production Steps" Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 6, no. 2: 898-916.
APA StylePfaff-Kastner, M. M.-L., Wenzel, K., & Ihlenfeldt, S. (2024). Concept Paper for a Digital Expert: Systematic Derivation of (Causal) Bayesian Networks Based on Ontologies for Knowledge-Based Production Steps. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6(2), 898-916.