Towards Multimodal Machine Learning Prediction of Individual Cognitive Evolution in Multiple Sclerosis
<p>Bias–variance trade-off curve. Bias and variance vary according to model complexity [<a href="#B16-jpm-11-01349" class="html-bibr">16</a>]. The blue curve is E<sub>in</sub>, the within-sample error representing the error on the training dataset. The more complex a function is allowed to be, the more specific the function becomes for the training dataset, i.e., overfitting. The latter is notable by the inception of an increase in E<sub>out</sub> (orange curve, minimal value indicated with the vertical dotted line), the out-of-sample error, representing the error on the validation dataset. A simple function suffers high bias, i.e., it is highly likely to assume a wrong underlying function, since it only allows limited complexity between input and output to be learned (underfitting). By allowing more complexity, the bias decreases, but the function becomes highly variable depending on the dataset used for training (overfitting). An illustration is provided above, where the learned function is the line or curve separating two classes. From visual inspection, the optimal situation would be a smooth curve between the two classes (example in the middle). In the example on the left, underfitting occurs since only a straight line is allowed; many misclassifications occur in both training and validation data. In the example on the right, we observe a curve that squirms around all datapoints to fit the training dataset (overfitting), which, for example, happens when we allow the model to learn a complex function capable of learning measurement errors in a dataset. Hence, the function becomes specific to the training dataset; no misclassifications occur in the training data, but the same curve separating the validation dataset yields many misclassifications.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The confusion matrix and its derived metrics.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. An Introduction to Machine Learning
- Classical approach. The first approach is to analyze the brain MR images, yielding a set of features that describe the image such as volumetric quantifications of brain structures. This allows for the use of more classical supervised learning algorithms such as linear/logistic regression, support vector machines (SVM) and random forests (RF). Table 1 summarizes some frequently used supervised learning algorithms;
- Deep learning. The second option is to use the raw brain MR images as input and use a technique called deep learning, which recently gained popularity as a subtype of machine learning. The major difference compared to classical machine learning is that it mitigates the necessity to manually transform raw data in a meaningful feature representation, the so-called “feature engineering” step, relying on human domain-specific knowledge [14]. Deep learning will automatically create meaningful representations from raw data, thus achieving representation learning [14]. This will typically yield “latent features”, which are hard to interpret by humans, but are deemed by the machine to be relevant. The advantage of deep learning lies in the more complex relationships that can be learned, while a major drawback is the need for large datasets, time and computational power.
3. Caveats for Machine Learning and Potential Solutions
3.1. General Pitfalls in Machine Learning
- Addressing the observations. Upscaling the number of observations is one way of tackling overfitting, but researchers often possess a database with a fixed number of observations. Nonetheless, several techniques exist to increase the number of observations based on those already present, e.g., using data augmentation. Although numerous variants exist, an easy-to-grasp data augmentation method is the insertion of random noise into an observation [18], and can be interpreted as a similar, yet different subject record. A generative adversarial network (GAN) [19] serves the same purpose, which we will explain by means of a metaphor. Imagine a game-like situation in which a radiologist has to find out whether an image is a true MR image of the brain or was produced by a computer, i.e., a “villain”, trying to fool the radiologist. Initially, the radiologist will easily identify which images were produced by the villain, since it had no clue how to generate a representative image. However, since the villain receives feedback on its effort, it will gradually start to understand how to create an image that will give the radiologist a hard time in telling whether it is a true image or a fake one. The radiologist on the other hand is forced to keep on improving classification skills, since it gradually becomes harder to distinguish them, in turn stimulating the villain to propose better images. Hence, the radiologist and the villain will infinitely stimulate each other to perform better. Ultimately, MR images are produced by the villain that could in fact have been the true ones, and which can subsequently be used to expand a dataset. Similar to deep learning, a GAN needs, besides time and computational power, large amounts and diversity of data to create qualitative new observations;
- Addressing the features. The second option to restore an imbalance is the reduction of the number of features that the algorithm will be trained on. In feature selection, only the features that are deemed informative are selected. For an outline of several feature selection techniques in the context of medical sciences, we refer to Remeseiro et al., 2019 [20]. The original set of features can also be transformed to a new set of features. This can, for example, be done with principal component analysis (PCA), where we could say that the features are “reordered”; an equal number of features are obtained—the “principal components”—that explain variance in the data in a decreasing order. Feature selection can then occur on principal components instead of the original features. The additional benefit of PCA is that it is a solution to the problem of multi-collinearity, in which features are mutually correlated. As a result, two variables might contain similar information, while the resulting principal components from PCA are uncorrelated [21].
3.2. Specific Pitfalls for Medical Data
- Study data versus real-world data. Although the standardization of conditions and minimizing missing values are in general considered good practice, for example, when collecting data as part of a research study, it might limit the use of models in daily clinical routine that are known to be contaminated with, e.g., measurement errors, non-standardized test intervals, and missing values. When an algorithm encounters such inconsistencies during training, it could be expected to perform better on out-of-sample data. Although well-curated study data still dominate the field of prognostic modelling, efforts are underway to expand the use of real-world data [27,28];
- Single-center versus multi-center data. This argument is similar to the former; data from different clinical centers might be different due to discrepancies in testing equipment (e.g., MRI scanner), testing protocols, and patient characteristics. Introducing this heterogeneity already during the training phase might increase generalizability;
- Multiple visits of the same patient. Finally, when using multiple visits of a patient as separate observations in a dataset, one should always remain vigilant that the visits do not get intermingled between train, validation, and test datasets. Since visits are often highly comparable, the performance on an unseen test dataset could be biased, performing better than would be the case when adopting a truly independent test dataset. This could be categorized under the hazard called “leakage”, in which information of the test dataset leaks in the training dataset. To prevent this from occurring, Seccia et al., 2020 applied a correctional method called “leave one group out” (LOGO) [27]. With this method, they withdrew all visits of one subject from the training set and used them as a test set, after which the procedure was repeated for all subjects. This hinders models to recognize patients within a dataset. Other methods were, for example, discussed in Tacchella et al., 2018 [29] and Yperman et al., 2020 [28].
4. Designing an ML Study for Cognitive Prognosis
4.1. Which Outcome to Predict?
4.2. Which Features to Take into Account?
4.3. On Which Time-Frame Should Predictions Be Made?
4.4. Which Machine Learning Algorithm to Use?
4.5. How to Assess a Machine Learning Model?
4.6. How Should Authors Report the Performance of Their Machine Learning Model?
4.7. When Is a Model Ready for Clinical Practice?
4.8. Which Data to Use?
5. State-of-the-Art ML-Powered Cognitive Prognostic Models
- Kiiski et al., 2018
- Using the “Elastic Net” [66] as learning algorithm. This is in essence a linear regression approach, but it uses regularization, which is the addition of constraints to the learning process to increase a model’s generalizability. Specifically, it uses a combination of L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) regularization, which both tend to shrink large feature weights, whereas Lasso additionally tends to remove unimportant features from the model [66]. The low complexity of linear regression combined with regularization might have increased generalizability;
- Using cross-validation (CV), which is a technique that allows the use of data for both training and validation purposes by training multiple models. If no CV were used, only one model would have been created on a part of the data, whereas validation would happen on the remaining data. Since this is a balance between few data for training (risk for a poorly trained model) and few data for validation (risk for a poor evaluation of the model), CV is a useful technique to minimize both risks.
- Lopez-Soley et al., 2021
6. ML Trends and Opportunities for Prognostic Modelling in MS
6.1. Alternative Approaches for Prognostication
6.2. Simulation of Treatment Response
6.3. Solutions to Scarcity of Longitudinal Data
7. Conclusions
8. Key Messages
- Machine learning is capable of handling multimodal data and could predict disease course on an individual level;
- The literature on cognitive prognosis using machine learning in MS is scarce. Future studies on machine learning for prognosis in MS should not overlook cognitive deterioration;
- Recommendations for the design of studies on machine learning for cognitive prognosis are proposed;
- Researchers should aim to share as many results as possible to allow benchmarking, solid interpretation, and comparison in the field, for example, by sharing raw predictions;
- Several trends in machine learning could overcome current roadblocks in ML-powered prognostic modelling in MS, such as scarcity of longitudinal data.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Description | Visualization |
Logistic Regression | Logistic regression identifies the optimal sigmoid curve between the two labels to be predicted, yielding a probability of belonging to either of the two groups. In the illustration: the probability that a person will worsen or stabilize over time. | |
Decision Tree | A decision tree is a sequence of decisions that are made on certain criteria. The last leaves of the tree indicate one of the class labels that are to be predicted. | |
Random Forest | This is an example of “ensemble learning”, meaning that learning, and thus the resulting model, relies on multiple learning strategies, aiming to average the error out [15]. In this case, a random forest consists of multiple decision trees, mitigating the bias introduced by relying on one single decision tree. The ultimate prediction of a random forest classifier is the majority vote of the predictions of the individual decision trees in the random forest. | |
SVM | In case of two features, a support vector machine (SVM) tries to find a line or a curve that separates the two classes of interest. It does so by maximizing the distance between the line and the data-points on both sides of the line, thus maximally separating both classes. | |
ANN | An artificial neural network (ANN) was inspired by the neural network of the brain and consists of nodes (weights) and edges that connect the nodes. Input data in either raw form or a feature representation enters the ANN on the left (input layer) and gets modified by the ANN in the hidden layers using the nodes’ weights learned during the training phase, so that the input is optimally reshaped, or “mapped”, to the endpoint that needs to be predicted on the right (output layer). | |
Linear Regression | Linear regression is a technique in which the weight of every input feature is learned, which is multiplied with their respective feature and summed together with the so-called “bias” (also a learned weight but not associated to a feature, i.e., a constant), yielding a prediction that minimizes the error with the ground-truth. In the 2D case, this is the line that minimizes the sum of the squared vertical distances of individual points to the regression line. The learned weights in this case are the slope (β1) and intercept (β0, bias) of the line. | |
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Denissen, S.; Chén, O.Y.; De Mey, J.; De Vos, M.; Van Schependom, J.; Sima, D.M.; Nagels, G. Towards Multimodal Machine Learning Prediction of Individual Cognitive Evolution in Multiple Sclerosis. J. Pers. Med. 2021, 11, 1349.
Denissen S, Chén OY, De Mey J, De Vos M, Van Schependom J, Sima DM, Nagels G. Towards Multimodal Machine Learning Prediction of Individual Cognitive Evolution in Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021; 11(12):1349.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDenissen, Stijn, Oliver Y. Chén, Johan De Mey, Maarten De Vos, Jeroen Van Schependom, Diana Maria Sima, and Guy Nagels. 2021. "Towards Multimodal Machine Learning Prediction of Individual Cognitive Evolution in Multiple Sclerosis" Journal of Personalized Medicine 11, no. 12: 1349.
APA StyleDenissen, S., Chén, O. Y., De Mey, J., De Vos, M., Van Schependom, J., Sima, D. M., & Nagels, G. (2021). Towards Multimodal Machine Learning Prediction of Individual Cognitive Evolution in Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11(12), 1349.