1. Introduction
The underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) are widely used to acquire underwater information [
3]. Due to the complex and changeable underwater environment [
6], the data transmission rate is slow, the transmission distance is limited, and it is also interfered with by many factors. In a large-scale underwater environment, deployed nodes are usually sparse [
8], and due to the influence of underwater ocean currents and other factors, the location of nodes is usually uncertain and variable [
10]. Therefore, in practical situations, the localization scheme must be considered from many aspects, such as information utilization rate, network energy consumption, and localization cycle.
UASNs are mainly composed of ordinary and anchor nodes. The anchor node has accurate location information, which is used to help the ordinary node locate. After the ordinary node obtains the location information, it can also help to locate other unknown nodes. However, this process usually has a problem: the localization error gradually enlarges. Hence, it must be analyzed again and adjusted after localization is completed to achieve the most accurate node localization with the least energy consumption. In addition, the mobility of nodes in UASNs means that localization is impermanent and needs to be carried out periodically.
Because of the environment’s complexity, UASNs are more vulnerable to attacks than terrestrial networks [
12], so security is crucial. However, in UASNs [
13], there is much research on precise low-energy localization, but the security problems engendered by attacks should be considered more. In the context of military applications, belligerents can easily find and destroy a buoy floating on the ocean surface. Attacks on information transmission cause some nodes to be destroyed by belligerents and to be used to transmit misleading information to prevent the accurate localization of unknown nodes [
17]. To determine the sensor nodes’ location conveniently and safely, we modified the buoy into a base fixed on the seabed and connected it with an underwater data center with submarine cables [
19], achieving precise control of the anchor nodes’ movement in the vertical direction. Therefore, the cable on the vertical line where the anchor node is located plays the role of adjusting the anchor node’s depth and transmitting the information. An underwater cable [
21] is characterized by strong transmission capacity, high reliability, a high safety index, long service life, and low maintenance cost, and is buried in the seabed by different technologies according to different environments for signal transmission.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
A new UASN architecture was proposed in which the sensor nodes can move vertically, and the cable and data center realize the interaction and control of underwater information;
A referable node filtering mechanism was proposed. After direct localization based on anchor nodes, the trusted referable nodes were filtered out based on the distance sent by the reverse information and the distance difference calculated by the localization result, and these nodes were used in the subsequent iterative localization;
To make full use of the anchor node’s computing resources, a self-detection mechanism of the anchor node was proposed, which estimated its position by using the nodes around it and judging whether it is being attacked or not based on the difference between the estimated location and the actual location;
To periodically optimize the network, an anchor node depth-adjustment strategy was proposed. A virtual force vector was introduced to describe the cost of depth adjustment, and the WOA was used to converge to the depth with a minimum total cost.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 introduces the previous work related to this paper.
Section 3 introduces the network model of the proposed UASN.
Section 4 introduces the localization mode, attack mode, and secure localization algorithm, then introduces the anchor nodes’ self-detection mechanism and depth-adjustment mechanism. In
Section 5, our proposed scheme is verified through simulation analysis. Finally,
Section 6 summarizes our work and discusses future research directions.
2. Related Work
The most classic localization algorithms for WSNs include ToA [
22], TDoA [
23], AoA [
24] and RSSI [
25]. However, these algorithms cannot guarantee the accuracy and energy of localization when they are used in sparse and harsh underwater environments. Recently, people have proposed many improved localization schemes based on these algorithms. In [
26], Liang et al. proposed a TDoA algorithm for the underwater environment. The improved UWB Saleh Valenzuela (S-V) model was applied to characterize the underwater acoustic fading channel. The introduction of underwater channel modeling enables the application of TDoA in underwater environments but cannot guarantee security in attack scenarios. A robust target-tracking algorithm based on TDoA can be used to estimate the target location when the sensor network obtains insufficient and inaccurate information [
Due to the limitation of moving range, ordinary nodes can only send location information to adjacent sensor nodes within their communication radius. When the nodes’ number is insufficient, the localization rate greatly reduces. In this case, sensor nodes with autonomous mobility, such as AUVs and mobile beacons, can deal with this problem. In [
28], Hao et al. proposed an AUV-assisted TDoA localization algorithm. The cost of moving beacons is lower compared with AUV, but in most cases, they can only move in one direction. In [
29], Erol-Kantarci et al. used DNR beacons to locate. These beacons obtain coordinates from GPS when floating on the water and then dive into the water to broadcast their locations during sinking and rising to locate the unknown nodes. The DNR beacon can provide relatively accurate location information, but it needs to float on the water surface and dive regularly, requiring high maintenance costs, and it may be maliciously salvaged. In [
30], Su et al. proposed an iterative localization mechanism based on mobile beacons. Layering mobile beacons underwater can help locate unknown nodes. The introduction of mobile nodes can help improve localization coverage, but it requires accurate path planning and control, and, considering both cost and security issues, requires specialized hardware design.
However, these existing localization schemes often fail in the presence of attacks. Han et al. [
31] proposed a collaborative secure localization algorithm based on a trust model (CSLT) aimed at malicious nodes in various attacks. The proposed algorithm conducts trust evaluation for node selection. However, this algorithm cannot find malicious nodes for each type of attack in mixed attack scenarios. Analogously, Misra et al. [
32] proposed the SecRET algorithm based on the trustworthiness of nodes. This algorithm uses the Dempster–Shafer theory (DST) to combine evidence from different nodes autonomously and evaluates the nodes’ trust level using multidimensional trust metrics. However, the localization accuracy of SecRET decreases with increasing node density. For different attacks, Shanthi et al. [
33] estimates the parameters of the probability scheme by generating the required training set under various attacks and uses the proposed probability scheme and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to isolate malicious nodes. However, this algorithm cannot generate the optimal training set for the best performance due to the UASN’s complex and dynamic environment. Regarding signal processing in transmission, Baranidharan et al. [
34] proposed an improved secure localization algorithm based on the gradient descent algorithm (GDA) to remove misleading information. However, this algorithm does not consider the existence of malicious nodes among anchor nodes. Gao et al. [
35] proposed a resilient target localization algorithm to counteract false clock data attacks (FCDA) in synchronization processes. It utilizes adaptive threshold secure testing to determine position accuracy and a deviation-tolerant secure target localization consensus algorithm (DLCA) to reduce the weight of attacked estimates. However, average clock synchronization approximation may cause computational errors in real environments, and the calculation of adaptive thresholds wastes transmission time and increases the workload on sensors.
In common network architecture, the underwater information is transmitted to the surface beacon node through multi-hop nodes, and then the information is shared through satellite. Unique network architecture was presented in [
36], in which the information obtained by sensors was directly transmitted to the land base station through cables erected on the seabed, which can solve the malicious capture of buoys on the surface. In [
37], a secure localization algorithm for information transmission attacks was proposed, which combines iterative gradient descent with selective pruning of inconsistent measurement to achieve accurate localization in attack scenarios. These two articles provide solutions to attacks on devices and information transmission in underwater sensor networks, respectively.
Therefore, this article proposed a localization scheme of secure UASNs based on anchor node self-adaptive adjustment to ensure localization accuracy and coverage and to minimize energy consumption in sparse underwater environments with attacks.
3. System Model
This paper proposed new UASN architecture consisting of sensor nodes, submarine cables, anchoring equipment, and an underwater data center. Sensor nodes were divided into anchor nodes and ordinary nodes. As shown in
Figure 1, anchor nodes with accurate location information were anchored on the seabed by anchoring equipment, can directly communicate with the underwater data center, and have vertical mobility. The ordinary nodes need to locate themselves. Each sensor node has a CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) sensor [
38], which can estimate the sound-propagation speed underwater. Submarine cables are divided into the main cable and sub-cables. The main cable connects the underwater data center and the seashore control center to realize the information exchange between land and underwater. The sub-cable connects the underwater data center and the anchor nodes through anchoring equipment to realize underwater information collection and global control of the distribution of the anchor nodes.
In the three-dimensional underwater space, each node in the network is equipped with a corresponding ID, and there are m anchor nodes, which can be expressed as The location of is expressed as . There are j ordinary nodes, which can be expressed as . The estimated location of using the localization algorithm is expressed as , and its precise location is expressed as . is an upgraded node, after it is located, and subsequently participates in the localization of other unknown nodes after filtering.
Intentional attacks on UASNs may destroy some nodes and prevent the accurate localization of the remaining sensors by the transmission of misleading information. Since a belligerent’s attack on ordinary nodes is not cost effective, we only considered attacks on anchor nodes that can affect a whole network’s information transmission. Specifically, an anchor node destroyed by belligerents may report incorrect measurement information, causing the estimated location of the ordinary node to be inaccurate. In the simulation, we can model the attack as the influence on a parameter in the algorithm that can affect the accuracy of the result. This is because modifying any other parameter can be converted into an equivalent value modification. The specific modeling of intentional attacks is proposed in
Section 4.1.2.
4. Description of Localization Scheme
Since localization is carried out periodically, our proposed scheme has the following objectives: exclude the nodes affected by the attack to ensure localization accuracy in attack scenarios, improve localization coverage, and reduce average energy consumption. To achieve these goals, the proposed localization scheme comprises the following three phases. Firstly, only anchor nodes were used to locate unknown nodes in the network, and then a list of trusted referable nodes was filtered out for subsequent iterative localization. Secondly, the filtered anchor nodes that may be attacked conducted self-detection with a threshold. Finally, the location of anchor nodes was adjusted periodically to achieve higher localization coverage and less energy consumption in the following cycles with the underwater data center’s assistance. The overall flow chart of the ASAL scheme is shown in
Figure 2.
4.1. Localization Based on TDoA
4.1.1. Overview of TDoA Localization
TDoA is a hyperbolic localization method based on time difference. In our algorithm, two-way message exchange estimated the propagation delay sent by the unknown nodes to two reference nodes. At time
t = T
0, the unknown node sends a ranging request data packet. Then, the two reference nodes send an acknowledgment packet back to the unknown node after receiving this data packet, which contains the location information of the two reference nodes. Meanwhile, it is assumed that the unknown node receives the acknowledgment packets from the two reference nodes at times
, respectively.
, and
are all measured by the unknown node’s local clock. Therefore, the time difference between sending and receiving information by unknown nodes is expressed as follows:
is the time sending information from the nodes unknown to the reference,
is the time sending back, and
δ is the clock drift. Then, the unknown node can estimate the propagation delay as
and multiply the arrival time difference with the sound speed to obtain the propagation distance difference
Let the location of the unknown node
and the coordinates of the reference node
= 1,2,3,4, where
is the confidence node and
are known. Then, the distance from each reference node to the unknown node is recorded as follows:
when the signals’ propagation difference arriving at two anchor nodes is constant, a hyperbola with the reference node as the focus and the distance difference as the long axis can be made. The intersection of multiple hyperbolas is the node’s location. Then, the hyperbolic equations are as follows:
Chan’s method is used to solve the problem, and the specific steps are as follows:
, then we can obtain:
. The location of the node to be located is as follows:
4.1.2. Intentional Attack Model
A method similar to the uncoordinated attacks in [
38] was used for intentional underwater attacks. In the three-dimensional environment, supposing that there is a set of measurement values
are the coordinates of
, respectively, and
is the distance difference between them. The unknown node’s estimated location
can be obtained by solving the following equation:
In the TDoA scenario, an opponent is interfering with the distance difference reported to the unknown node to prevent accurate localization. Specifically, the attack is modeled by adding an independent and evenly distributed disturbance to the distance difference provided by each attacked anchor node. Without losing generality, assuming that every anchor node attacked by malicious nodes modifies the distance difference. This is because modifying any other parameter can be converted into an equivalent value modification. Therefore, the localization process with the anchor node will have an unreal distance difference, leading to localization failure.
Let the distance difference between the unknown node and two reference nodes be
. Then,
affected by the attack is defined as follows:
is an independent zero-mean uniform random variable, its variance
models the disturbance introduced by the attack, and
is an independent Gaussian
variable, representing the measurement noise. Furthermore, the unknown nodes receive the measured values of the reference nodes
and use this information to determine their location.
4.1.3. Secure Localization Algorithm
The proposed localization algorithm was divided into three stages. In the first stage, only anchor nodes were used to locate ordinary nodes in unknown locations. Due to the limited referable nodes, many unknown nodes remained after localization was completed. In the second stage, the list of trusted referable nodes was filtered out. In the third stage, the iterative localization method was used to locate the remaining unknown nodes.
A. Direct localization based on anchor
In the initial localization stage, only the location information of anchor nodes in the network is known. Unknown nodes can only use the anchor nodes that should communicate with them as reference nodes to estimate their location. After obtaining the location information, ordinary nodes are upgraded to u-nodes, which are qualified to reply to the following messages to the unknown nodes that send localization requests to them. The content of the information is shown in
Figure 3.
At this stage, only the anchor node can be used as a reference node and the localization coverage is low. Furthermore, the localization accuracy of all upgraded nodes is only related to the anchor node. U-nodes and anchor nodes participate in the next iterative localization. If u-nodes and attacked anchor nodes with large location errors are not eliminated in time, the localization error will be enlarged, generation by generation, in the iterative process, leading to network localization failure. To avoid this situation, we introduced a referable node filtering mechanism.
B. Referable nodes filtering mechanism
According to
Section 4.1.2, the anchor node may be attacked, which may cause the unknown node to obtain the wrong distance difference between the two reference nodes and become a u-node with inaccurate localization. However, since the upgrade node will not be attacked, there will be no error in the arrival time of the information sent out to the anchor node after its localization. Hence, the error of distance difference between
is defined as follows:
is greater than the threshold, the node is considered to have failed in localization and is downgraded to a node, which needs to be relocated. On the contrary, it becomes a confidence u-node.
In addition to filtering u-nodes in reference nodes, the attacked anchor also needs to be filtered out. Ordinary nodes that still maintain the identity of the u-node have high localization accuracy and are considered to be successful in localization. Because only the anchor node participates in localization at this stage, the localization accuracy of the node is only related to the anchor node. Therefore, when an anchor node appears in the reference node list used in a certain trusted u-node localization, it becomes a trusted anchor node and participates in the next localization. Otherwise, it no longer participates in localization.
The trusted u-node and the trusted anchor filtered by these two parts form a list of trusted referable nodes. Furthermore, the nearest referable nodes are selected as the reference nodes first to complete the localization of unknown nodes that need to be located.
C. Iterative localization based on trusted referable nodes
At this stage, the iterative localization method was used to locate the remaining unknown nodes. It is the same as the first stage localization process. However, as shown in
Figure 4, they were directly upgraded to u-nodes to participate in the localization of the remaining nodes after the localization is completed, without detection and filtering. This is because the reference nodes used in the next unknown node localization are all credible.
After the three stages, all unknown nodes know their location information and are upgraded to u-nodes.
4.2. Self-Detection Mechanism of the Anchor Nodes
In part B of
Section 4.1.2, the basis of filtering the trusted anchor is determining whether or not it is a reference node of a trusted u-node, which may cause the anchor node that has not been attacked to be missed and unable to participate in the next localization, wasting limited high-quality computing resources.
In the localization stage, the attacked anchor node’s influence is excluded, and the u-node can obtain a more accurate location. Hence, the excluded anchor nodes utilize the surrounding u-nodes’ self-detection to judge whether it is attacked. They send a localization request to the four nearest u-nodes, and if the anchor is really attacked,
will deviate, leading to a difference between the estimated and real locations, as shown in
Figure 5:
If the location error is greater than the threshold, the anchor node will confirm that it has been attacked and will not participate in network localization in the next cycle. However, it will still carry out self-detection, and the anchor node whose localization error is less than the threshold will regain its qualification to participate in localization after the whole network localization is completed in the next cycle.
4.3. Depth-Adjustment Mechanism of Anchor Nodes
With time, unbalanced residual energy will appear in the network. For ordinary nodes with low residual energy, we hope to make them closer to the anchor nodes. In addition, we also hope to cover more ordinary nodes within the communication radius of anchor nodes. Therefore, the trusted anchor nodes’ depth was adjusted with the assistance of underwater cables and the data center.
4.3.1. Depth-Adjustment Mechanism
The set of ordinary nodes within the communication radius of each anchor node was recorded as
, and the anchor nodes transmitted the location information and residual energy of these nodes to the submarine data center through underwater cables. After collecting the data of all anchor nodes, the data center calculated the number of times that different anchor nodes covered each ordinary node. Furthermore, the more times a node was covered by anchor nodes, the better. The number of times a node should be covered is as follows:
To synthesize the influence of all ordinary nodes within the communication radius of the anchor node and find the optimal depth, the “virtual force vector” was introduced to describe the cost of depth adjustment.
The vector size between
is as follows:
, respectively, represent the initial energy and residual energy of the ordinary node pointed by this force vector, and
are adjustment factors, where
. All the vectors within the communication range of the anchor node were synthesized, and the component of the synthesized force in the vertical direction was taken as the resultant force, as shown by the orange vector in
Figure 6.
The orientation is positive, and the vertical component of each “virtual force vector” is calculated as follows:
takes −1; when
takes 1.
is the location of the anchor node. Therefore, the resultant force
. When the depth of the anchor node changes, the ordinary node within its communication radius will change, or the location of the ordinary node relative to the anchor node will change, which may lead to a change in the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. Therefore, every point on the vertical line where the anchor node is located corresponds to a resultant force, as shown in
Figure 7.
The problem of finding the optimal depth can be described as an optimization problem. Therefore, the whale optimization algorithm (WOA) is used to solve it, and the objective function used in the algorithm is as follows:
Both and will change with the change in ’s depth and both can be fitted as functions of depth, and and are adjustment factors, where .
4.3.2. Whale Optimization Algorithm
The WOA is a new swarm intelligence optimization algorithm that imitates the predatory behavior of whales in nature [
39], which is mainly divided into the following three categories:
A. Encircling prey
The best whale location is
, and the individual whale location is
. Then, the formula for calculating the next location of whale individual
under the influence of the best whale
. The formula of
is as follows:
is linearly decreased from 2 to 0 throughout iterations (in both exploration and exploitation phases),
is a random vector in [0,1], and
are coefficient vectors.
B. Bubble-net attacking method
Bubble-net attack is a unique bubble-spitting predation behavior of humpback whales. Two mathematical models are used to express this predation behavior as follows:
This predation behavior is almost identical to the above mathematical encircling prey behavior model, but the range of is adjusted from the original [−a, a] to [−1,1].
- b.
Spiral updating location
An individual whale approaches the current best individual whale in a spiral way:
b is a logarithmic spiral shape constant, and
l is a random number in [−1,1]. When hunting prey, each humpback whale decides to perform shrink encirclement or swim to the prey in a spiral form with a probability of 50%. The mathematical model is as follows:
p is a random number in [0,1]. In addition to the bubble-net method, humpback whales search for prey randomly. The mathematical model of the search is as follows.
C. Search for prey
In the mathematical model of predation behavior surrounded by contraction, the value range of the
vector is limited to [−1,1]. While the value of
is not [−1,1], the current individual whale may not approach the current best individual whale, but randomly select an individual whale from the current whale population to approach, which is the idea of searching for prey. Although searching for prey may make the current individual whale deviate from the target prey, it will enhance the global search ability of the whale population. The mathematical model of searching for prey is as follows:
is a random location vector (a random whale) chosen from the current population.
The depth-adjustment mechanism’s pseudo-code is detailed in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 Depth-Adjustment Algorithm |
Input: Residual energy Eres and location coordinate of the ordinary node. Location coordinates Pn of trusted anchor node.
Output: Optimal depth of the anchor node
- 1:
Initialize the whales population - 2:
Calculate the resultant force and anchor node coverage - 3:
Calculate the fitness of each search agent by the Equation (14) - 4:
= the best search agent - 5:
while (t < maximum number of iterations) do - 6:
for each search agent do - 7:
Update a, A, C, l, and p - 8:
Select search behavior - 9:
Update the location of the current search - 10:
end for - 11:
Calculate the fitness of each search agent - 12:
Update if there is a better solution - 13:
t = t + 1 - 14:
end while - 15:
5. Simulation Results
5.1. Simulation Settings
In the network scenario of the proposed scheme, 50 sensor nodes were arranged in an area of 500 m × 500 m × 500 m. We compared ASAL to 3DUL [
40], which uses three beacons on the water surface and performs iterative localization, and TDoA [
41], which is the basic localization algorithm of ASAL. In addition, by comparing different simulation results, we assumed that
, and
. In
Table 1, some related parameter settings are shown.
5.2. Results Analysis
5.2.1. Localization Coverage Changes with Communication Radius
Figure 8a, the coverage rate is shown to have increased with the increase in the communication radius, and ASAL had higher coverage than 3DUL. The average localization coverage of 3DUL was 48.38%, and that of ASAL with 10% anchors, ASAL with 20% anchors, and ASAL with 30% anchors was 61.6%, 69.85%, and 73.22%, respectively. In ASAL, higher proportions of anchor nodes correspond to higher location coverage, which is because the direct localization rate of anchor nodes increases. In
Figure 8b, we can see that when the communication radius was the same, smaller thresholds corresponded to smaller corresponding coverage. This is because smaller thresholds cause harsher conditions for filtering the trusted reference nodes. The three curves with thresholds of 0.5, 1, and 10 and the two curves with thresholds of 0.05 and 0.1 were relatively close because the points filtered by them were not very different. Therefore, ASAL can obtain a higher node location rate by increasing the anchor node ratio, threshold, and communication radius.
5.2.2. Localization Coverage Changes with the Ratio of Malicious Nodes under Different Thresholds
Figure 9 shows that with the increase in the malicious node ratio, the coverage of node localization decreased. The ratio of malicious nodes increased, that is, the number of attacked anchor nodes increased, which led to an increased effect on the u-node after direct localization was completed. More referable nodes were filtered out. When the ratio of malicious nodes was the same, the threshold decreased, and the localization coverage decreased. This is because smaller thresholds correspond to harsher conditions for filtering the trusted reference nodes.
5.2.3. Localization Error Changes with Attack Intensity
Figure 10, the localization error is shown to have increased with the increase in attack intensity. The error sources of ASAL were mainly affected by attacks and the increase in iteration times. When the threshold was 0.1, all the nodes affected by the attack were filtered out, and the error was close to zero. When the threshold was 10, the error did not always rise. When the attack intensity was low, many nodes affected by the attack were not filtered out, and there were more referable nodes than ASAL with a threshold of 0.1 and less than TDoA, which led to greater errors caused by the attack than ASAL with a threshold of 0.1 and greater errors caused according to iteration times than TDoA. When the attack intensity was further increased from 5 to 7, the direct error caused by the attack increased, which made it easier to filter out than before, thus gradually eliminating the influence of the attack and rapidly decreasing the error. Additionally, the error caused by the increase in iteration times assumed the main location and slowly rose when the attack intensity was greater than 7. When comparing ASAL with 3DUL and TDoA, the average localization error decreased by about 99.82% and 98.25%, respectively.
5.2.4. Localization Error Changes with the Ratio of Malicious Nodes
Figure 11, there may be one, two, or three anchor nodes attacked in 3DUL, and the error was obviously higher than in other cases due to the large number of iterations. TDoA did not filter out malicious nodes, and the error increased slowly with the increase in the attack node ratio. For ASAL, almost all malicious nodes were filtered out when the threshold was 0.1, and the error curve rose rapidly as many nodes affected by the attack were not filtered out when the threshold was 10. Similar to the analysis in
Figure 10, its error was larger than ASAL with a threshold of 0.1 and TDoA. The average localization error decreased by about 99.82% and 98.59% when compared ASAL with 3DUL and TDoA, respectively.
5.2.5. Localization Error Changes with Communication Radius under Different Thresholds
Figure 12, errors with thresholds of 0.5, 0.1, and 0.05 are shown to have all been close to zero, and most malicious nodes were filtered out. However, the ASAL error with thresholds of 10 and 1 was relatively large. These two curves can be divided into three stages. Firstly, the communication radius of nodes was small, and the localization coverage was low. Then, with the increase in communication radius, the coverage rate increased. However, due to the large threshold, the error caused by the attack could not be filtered out. After that, as the communication radius continued to increase, the anchor node directly located more nodes, the number of iterations decreased, and the error gradually decreased.
5.2.6. Evaluation of Performance Metrics between Cycles with Radar Graph (Localization Error, Localization Coverage, Energy Consumption)
In each cycle of ASAL, localization was performed first, and then depth adjustment was performed. As shown in
Figure 13, TDoA had the highest localization coverage, but the localization error and energy consumption were also the largest. Because TDoA did not filter out the nodes affected by the attack and there were many referable nodes, the error was large, but the localization coverage rate was also higher than that of ASAL. Since the nodes affected by the attack were filtered out, there was little difference in the localization error between the two cycles of ASAL. However, the average energy consumption in the second cycle of ASAL was smaller than that in the first cycle because the adjustment of anchor node depth led to the optimization of the network structure, which in turn led to the reduction in energy consumption. The depth-adjustment mechanism is therefore feasible. From the results, regarding TDoA as a baseline, the localization error of ASAL decreased by about 92.67%. After the adjustment of anchor node depth, the localization coverage of ASAL attained a 4.37% increase and a 12.28% decrease in energy consumption.
5.2.7. Motion Trajectory Tracking
Figure 14 shows the underwater trajectory tracking based on ASAL. The blue line represents the actual three-dimensional motion trajectory, and the red marker points are the estimated locations of trajectory tracking, so most locations can be accurately located.
5.2.8. Finding the Optimal Depth with the WOA
In this stage, an optimization method combined with the WOA was proposed for the depth-adjustment strategy. Each depth had corresponding
. Then, the virtual force vector corresponding to each depth could be calculated for adjustable anchor nodes. Therefore, these variables were discretely distributed in three-dimensional space. The WOA was used to find the optimal value in these discrete points. We express it in the form of slices in three-dimensional space, and the intersection of slices is one of the feasible solutions. The size of the virtual force vector changed with color, as shown on the right of
Figure 15a. We hope that the anchor node can move to a depth where the resultant force vector is minimal.
Figure 15b shows the iterative process of the WOA, and the optimal force vector value is demonstrated. The number of iterations was from 1 to 6, and the value of the force vector decreased continuously. When the iteration value was 6, the value of the force vector decreased to about 0.33 and then remained stable.
6. Conclusions
This article proposed a localization scheme, ASAL, to deal with attacks in UASNs. In UASNs, accurate node localization is crucial. In attack scenarios such as equipment destruction, signal interference, and node deception, the node location information may be inaccurate, which affects the reliability and efficiency of the network.
To resist the attack, a referable node was selected for iterative localization after direct localization based on anchor nodes. After the localization was completed, the filtered anchor node utilized the ordinary nodes around it to locate reversely and judged whether it was attacked to adjust the state of participating in the localization in the next cycle. In addition, we optimized the network structure through a depth-adjustment strategy of anchor nodes, introduced a virtual force vector to describe the cost of depth adjustment, and used the WOA to converge to the depth with the minimum total cost. Compared to 3DUL and TDoA, the simulation results of ASAL showed that it achieved better localization accuracy and coverage and less energy consumption in attack scenarios. In addition, we also proved that ASAL can be used to track mobile nodes with small localization errors in attack scenarios.
ASAL still has some limitations, such as not verifying more attack types. In future work, we will optimize the referable node selection scheme based on its contribution to adapt to more complex underwater attack scenarios. In addition, we will carry out verification of ASAL in real underwater scenarios.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, P.D. and Z.Z.; methodology, P.D. and Z.Z.; software, Z.Z.; validation, P.D., Z.Z., J.M., G.X., Z.J. and Y.C.; formal analysis, Z.J.; investigation, Y.C.; resources, Z.J. and Y.C.; data curation, Z.J. and Y.C.; writing—original draft preparation, P.D. and J.M.; writing—review and editing, P.D., J.M. and G.X.; visualization, P.D., J.M. and G.X.; supervision, Z.J. and Y.C.; project administration, Y.C.; funding acquisition, Z.J. and Y.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This work has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number (52171337), and the Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province, grant number (RZ2100000416, SQ2024MSXM0152), and supported in part by the key project of Hainan Province under the grant (ZDYF2020199).
Institutional Review Board Statement
Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement
Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading and valuable comments.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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