Uveal Melanoma Cells Elicit Retinal Pericyte Phenotypical and Biochemical Changes in an in Vitro Model of Coculture
<p>Imatinib prevents marker expression changes in human retinal pericytes (HRPC) induced by the interaction with 92.1 uveal melanoma (UM) cells. Human retinal pericytes were grown alone (control HRPC) or were conditioned in the presence of 92.1UM (cHRPC) with or without 5 μM of imatinib (c/IMAHRPC) for 6 days (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>): representative images of HRPC (<b>a</b>), cHRPC (<b>a’</b>), and c/IMAHRPC (<b>a’’</b>) after 6 days of conditioning. (<b>C</b>): Western blot analysis of NG2, vimentin, TGF-β1, α-SMA, and FSP-1 proteins in control pericytes (HRPC), cHRPC, and c/IMAHRPC. β-actin detection indicates the same loading of 30 μg of protein in each lane. (<b>D</b>): immunoblot quantification of through densitometric analysis of each band (in arbitrary densitometry units, a.d.u.), carried out with the Image J program. (<b>E</b>): quantification of PDGF-A, PDGF-B, PDGF-C, and PDGF-D mRNA expression levels by qRT-PCR in both HRPC and 92.1UM grown alone and in coculture with or without 5 μM of imatinib. Bars represents the means ± SEM from three independent experiments. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. control (HRPC or 92.1UM); # <span class="html-italic">p</span> <0.05 vs. coculture without imatinib. One-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s test.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Imatinib reduces the increased cell migration and proliferation in human retinal pericytes (HRPC) induced by 92.1UM. Cell migration and proliferation were evaluated in HRPC cultured alone (control, HRPC) or in the presence of 92.1 without (cHRPC) or with 5 μM of imatinib (c/IMAHRPC) for 6 days. (<b>A</b>): schematic representation of performed experimental model. (<b>B</b>): wound healing assays with representative images of control HRPC, cHRPC, and c/IMAHRPC immediately after the scratch at 0 h (<b>a</b>, <b>a’</b> and <b>a’’</b>, respectively), after 24 h (<b>b</b>, <b>b’,</b> and <b>b’’</b>, respectively), and after 48 h of incubation (<b>c</b>, <b>c’,</b> and <b>c’’</b>, respectively). Percentage of wound closure was quantified by Image J software (<b>C</b>). Crystal violet assays were carried out in coculture after 6 days of conditioning. (<b>D</b>). All data represent mean ± SEM obtained from at least three independent experiments * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. control (HRPC); # <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. coculture conditions without imatinib. One-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s test.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>HRPC interacting with 92.1UM show an anti-inflammatory marker profile, an effect reduced by imatinib. Quantitative analysis of TGF-β1 (<b>A</b>), IL10 (<b>B</b>), TNFα (<b>C</b>), IL-1β (<b>D</b>), IFNγ (<b>E</b>), CCL18 (<b>F</b>), CXCL11 (<b>G</b>), and VEGF (<b>H</b>) mRNA levels in pericytes cultured alone (HRPC) or in the presence of 92.1UM without (cHRPC) or with 5 μM of imatinib (c/IMAHRPC) for 6 days. Results are relative to those of basal levels in control HRPC cultured for 6 days alone and normalized to the housekeeping reference gene ribosomal 18S RNA expression. All data represent mean ± SEM obtained from three independent experiments. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. control (HRPC); # <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. coculture conditions without imatinib. One-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s test.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Immunocytochemical staining associated with high-content screening was used to analyze phospho-PDGFRβ (p-PDGFRβ), total PDGFRβ, and phospho-STAT3 (p-STAT3), in HRPC cultured alone (control, HRPC) or in the presence of 92.1UM (cHRPC) without or with 5 μM of imatinib (c/IMAHRPC) for 6 days. (<b>A</b>): representative images of double immunocytochemical stained HRPC, cHRPC, and c/IMAHRPC for p-PDGFRβ (in green; <b>a</b>, <b>b,</b> and <b>c</b>, respectively) and PDGFRβ (in red; <b>a’’</b>, <b>b’’,</b> and <b>c’’</b>, respectively). Moreover, relative NucBlue-stained nuclei (<b>a’’</b>, <b>b’,</b> and <b>c’</b>, respectively) and merged channels (<b>a’’’</b>, <b>b’’’,</b> and <b>c’’’</b>, respectively) are shown. High-content screening analysis was used to quantify green fluorescence (Alexa Fluor 488) relative to p-PDGFRβ staining (<b>B</b>) and red fluorescence (Alexa Fluor 546) relative to total PDGFRβ staining (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>): representative images relative to immunostaining for p-STAT3 (red) in HRPC, cHRPC, and c/IMAHRPC (<b>a</b>, <b>b,</b> and <b>c</b>, respectively), the NucBlue-stained nuclei (<b>a’</b>, <b>b’,</b> and <b>c’</b>, respectively), and merged channels (<b>a’’</b>, <b>b’’,</b> and <b>c’’</b>, respectively). White arrowheads indicate p-STAT3-negative nuclei, whereas white arrows indicate p-STAT3-positive nuclei. (<b>E</b>): quantification of p-STAT3-positive nuclei in HRPC, cHRPC, and c/IMAHRPC carried out by high-content screening analysis (<a href="#sec4dot7-ijms-21-05557" class="html-sec">Section 4.7</a>). All images were acquired with the Operetta High-Content Imaging System using a 20× magnification; scale bar = 100 μm. Data are expressed as media ± SEM from at least six fields/well randomly selected and each reporting more than 15 cells/field. All data represent mean ± SEM obtained from at least three independent experiments. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. control (HRPC); # <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. coculture conditions without imatinib. One-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s test.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Role of imatinib in the prevention of 92.1UM increasing invasiveness induced by conditioned HRPC. Invasion assay was used to detect the effect of conditioned pericytes on 92.1UM invasiveness. Human retinal pericytes were grown on the lower well alone (HRPC) or cocultured with 92.1UM (seeded into the transwells) without (cHRPC) or with 5 μM of imatinib (c/IMAHRPC) for 6 days. Then, invasion assays were carried out by replacing the transwells with Boyden chambers with fresh 92.1UM and incubating for 24 h. (<b>A</b>): diagram representing in vitro model. (<b>B</b>): representative images of basolateral Boyden chamber obtained using an inverted optical microscope showing migrated 92.1UM through the membranes in response to serum-free coculture medium as negative control (<b>a</b>), control HRPC (<b>b</b>), cHRPC (<b>c</b>), and c/IMAHRPC (<b>d</b>) and in the presence of serum-containing coculture medium as positive control (<b>e</b>). (<b>C</b>): number of migrated cells counted in randomly selected fields. (<b>D</b>): trypan blue quantification of stained 92.1UM after migration (migration index) through optical density evaluation. (<b>E</b>): Western blot analysis of pro- and active MMP9 in 92.1UM after interaction with control HRPC (92.1), cHRPC (c92.1), and c/IMAHRPC (c/IMA92.1), respectively. β-actin detection indicates the same loading in each lane of protein (30 μg) per lane. (<b>F</b>): ratio of immunoblot quantification of active vs. pro-MMP9 protein; densitometry analysis of each band (in arbitrary densitometry units, a.d.u.), was carried out with the Image J program. All data are expressed as means ± SEM from three independent experiments. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. control (HRPC); # <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 vs. coculture conditions without imatinib. One-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s test.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Putative signaling pathway involved in HRPC–CAF transition mediated by PDGF-BB increase. In the proposed model, PDGF-BB is involved in HPRC-CAF transition induced by 92.1UM, confirmed by the significantly increased of CAF markers. PDGF-BB released by activated HRPC binds in an autocrine manner to the receptor PDGFRβ, allowing its activation by dimerization and autophosphorylation. In our model, we verified the involvement of the JAK/STAT pathway as indicated by the nuclear translocation of phospho-STAT3 following activation by 92.1UM. STAT3 transcription factor is known to increase the transcription of specific genes such as IL-10, TGF-β1, CCL10, CXCL11, and VEGF as observed in HRPC cocultured with 92.1UM. Indeed, activated HRPC could support different activities of 92.1UM (proliferation, migration, invasion, angiogenesis, and immune escape) by producing different cytokines and chemokines. Imatinib inhibits PDGFRβ activation and, consequently, CAF transition and tumor invasiveness. Abbreviations: 92.1UM, human uveal melanoma; HRPC, primary human retinal pericytes; CAF, cancer-associated fibroblasts; TGF-β1, transforming growth factor beta; α-SMA, alpha-smooth muscle actin; FSP1, fibroblast-specific protein 1; NG2, neural/glial antigen 2; PDGFR, platelet-derived growth factor receptor; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; STAT, signal transducer and activator of transcription; IL-10, interleukin 10; CXCL11, C-X-C motif chemokine 11; CCL18, C-C motif chemokine ligand 18;VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Pericytes in the Tumor Microenvironment
1.2. Pericyte Markers in Physiological and Pathological Conditions
1.3. PDGF-BB/PDGFRβ Signaling in Pericyte-CAF Transition
1.4. Involvement of Pericytes in Uveal Melanoma Progression
2. Results
2.1. PDGF-BB is Involved in the Modulation of Pericyte Marker Protein Levels in HRPC Conditioned by 92.1UM
2.2. Imatinib Blocked the Enhanced HRPC Migration and Proliferation Induced by 92.1UM
2.3. Long-Lasting Interaction with 92.1UM Induce Pericytes Switch a Pro- to Anti-Inflammatory Phenotype, an Effect Reverted by Imatinib
2.4. Imatinib Prevented 92.1UM-Mediated Nuclear Translocation of Phospho-STAT3 and PDGFRβ Activation in HRPC
2.5. Imatinib Prevented 92.1UM-Mediated Nuclear Translocation of Phospho-STAT3 and PDGFRβ Activation in HRPC
3. Discussion
3.1. 92.1UM Induce Upregulation of Specific CAF Markers in HRPC
3.2. In Vitro Interaction with 92.1UM Modulate mRNA Levels of PDGF Isoforms in Both HRPC and Uveal Melanoma
3.3. HRPC Motility Increase Following In Vitro Interaction with 92.1UM
3.4. High Levels of PDGF-BB Correlate with Tumor Infiltrating Components and Aggressiveness
3.5. 92.1UM-Activated HRPCs are Characterized by a Tumor-Supporting Pattern of Cytokine and Chemokine mRNA Levels
3.6. STAT3 Nuclear Translocation Mediate HRPC-CAF Transition
3.7. Limitations and Weaknesses of the Study
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Reagents
4.2. Cell Cultures
4.3. HRPC Conditioning by 92.1UM in an “In Vitro” Model of Coculture
4.4. Wound Healing Assay
4.5. Proliferation Assay
4.6. Extraction of Total RNA and Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)
4.7. High-Content Screening (HCS) and Image Analysis
4.8. Western Blot Analysis
4.9. Invasion Assay of 92.1UM Cells
4.10. Statistical Analysis
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Gene | Sequence (5’-3’) | Amplicon (bp) | Accession Number |
CCL18 | Fw: CTCCTTGTCCTCGTCTGCAC | 248 | NM_002988.4 |
CXCL11 | Fw: GCCTTGGCTGTGATATTGTG | 235 | NM_001302123.2 |
IFN- γ | Fw: AGATGACTTCGAAAAGCTGACT | 95 | NM_000619.3 |
IL10 | Fw: GACTTTAAGGGTTACCTGGGTTG | 112 | NM_000572.3 |
IL-1 β | Fw: AGCTACGAATCTCCGACCAC | 186 | NM_000576.3 |
TGF- β1 | Fw: CGTCTGCTGAGGCTCAAGT | 74 | NM_000660.7 |
TNF-α | Fw: AGCCCATGTTGTAGCAAA CC | 134 | NM_000594.4 |
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Anfuso, C.D.; Longo, A.; Distefano, A.; Amorini, A.M.; Salmeri, M.; Zanghì, G.; Giallongo, C.; Giurdanella, G.; Lupo, G. Uveal Melanoma Cells Elicit Retinal Pericyte Phenotypical and Biochemical Changes in an in Vitro Model of Coculture. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 5557. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21155557
Anfuso CD, Longo A, Distefano A, Amorini AM, Salmeri M, Zanghì G, Giallongo C, Giurdanella G, Lupo G. Uveal Melanoma Cells Elicit Retinal Pericyte Phenotypical and Biochemical Changes in an in Vitro Model of Coculture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020; 21(15):5557. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21155557
Chicago/Turabian StyleAnfuso, Carmelina Daniela, Anna Longo, Alfio Distefano, Angela Maria Amorini, Mario Salmeri, Guido Zanghì, Cesarina Giallongo, Giovanni Giurdanella, and Gabriella Lupo. 2020. "Uveal Melanoma Cells Elicit Retinal Pericyte Phenotypical and Biochemical Changes in an in Vitro Model of Coculture" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, no. 15: 5557. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21155557
APA StyleAnfuso, C. D., Longo, A., Distefano, A., Amorini, A. M., Salmeri, M., Zanghì, G., Giallongo, C., Giurdanella, G., & Lupo, G. (2020). Uveal Melanoma Cells Elicit Retinal Pericyte Phenotypical and Biochemical Changes in an in Vitro Model of Coculture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(15), 5557. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21155557