Multi-Omics Integration Analysis Pinpoint Proteins Influencing Brain Structure and Function: Toward Drug Targets and Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Neuropsychiatric Disorders
<p>Study design. We developed a systematic omics-integration analytic framework by sequentially using ‘Protein-IDP association analysis’ (including proteome-wide association study, mendelian randomization, colocalization analysis, and Fisher’s exact test) to identify the potentially causal brain and plasma proteins for IDPs, and ‘Pleiotropy and mediation analysis’ (including pleiotropy analysis, drug exploration, and mediation analysis) to identify potential mediation pathways of pleiotropic proteins to NDs and candidate drug targets. Abbreviations: pQTL: protein quantitative trait loci; ARIC: atherosclerosis risk in communities; ROS/MAP: religious orders study/memory and aging project; DTI: diffusion tensor imaging; ACR: anterior corona radiata; ALIC: anterior limb of internal capsule; SCC: splenium of corpus callosum; ROI: region-of-interest; FA: fractional anisotropy; ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; AN: Anorexia nervosa; ANX: anxiety disorder; ASD: Autism spectrum disorder; BIP: bipolar disorder; MDD: major depressive disorder; OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder; PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder; SCZ: Schizophrenia; TS: Tourette syndrome; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; ALS: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; LBD: Lewy body dementia; MS: multiple sclerosis; PD: Parkinson’s disease; IDPs: image-derived phenotypes; NDs: neuropsychiatric disorders; DGIdb: drug-gene interaction database.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The quantitative characterization of protein-IDP association analysis. (<b>A</b>): The number of protein-DTI associations identified by PWAS analysis. The number of associations for each DTI parameter with brain and plasma proteins is presented on the outer layer and middle layer, respectively, with the number of overlapped brain and plasma proteins illustrated on the inner layer. (<b>B</b>): The number of protein-ROI associations identified by PWAS analysis. The number of associations for each ROI volume with brain and plasma proteins is presented on the outer layer and middle layer, respectively. The number of overlapped brain and plasma proteins is not shown due to fewer associations. The <span class="html-italic">p</span>-value < 0.05, corrected by the false discovery rate (FDR), was set as the significant threshold. (<b>C</b>): The Venn plots of significant proteins were identified after PWAS, MR, and COLOC analyses for DTI parameters and ROI volumes. (<b>D</b>): The compound bar graph of phenotype enrichment analysis for significant proteins identified after PWAS, MR, and COLOC analyses. Distinct colors represent different phenotype groups, including behavior/neurological phenotype, nervous system phenotype, both, and neither. Abbreviations: pQTL: protein quantitative trait loci; DTI: diffusion tensor imaging; ROI: region-of-interest; PWAS: Proteome-wide association study; MR: Mendelian randomization; COLOC: Colocalization.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The overall landscape of the pleiotropic proteins influencing brain image-derived phenotypes and neuropsychiatric disorders. A circular dendrogram involved 79 unique pleiotropic proteins that causally associated with both brain image-derived phenotypes (IDPs) and at least one of 15 neuropsychiatric disorders (NDs), including 47 brain proteins for 87 DTI parameters and 12 NDs, 13 plasma proteins for 51 DTI parameters and 6 NDs, 26 brain proteins for 26 ROI volumes and 12 NDs, and 5 plasma proteins for 11 ROI volumes and 4 NDs. Of these, 8 brain-based genes and 2 plasma-based genes were associated with both DTI parameters and ROI volumes (marked by a bold letter). The outer layer showed NDs associated with pleiotropic proteins, the middle layer provided protein-coding genes for pleiotropic proteins, and the inner layer presented the number of IDPs associated with each pleiotropic protein. We utilized the drug-gene interaction database (DGIdb) to prioritize potential drug targets. Five unique pleiotropic proteins identified from the comprehensive analyses above have been identified as therapeutic targets for existing NDs drugs (marked by **), and 41 unique pleiotropic proteins can serve as potential therapeutic targets (marked by *). A total of 9 potential mediation pathways were identified to illustrate the mediating roles of the IDPs in the causal effect of the pleiotropic proteins on NDs in further mediation analysis. The red line between the pleiotropy protein and NDs indicates the presence of a mediating pathway. Detailed results from pleiotropy analysis (<a href="#app1-ijms-25-09223" class="html-app">Tables S15–S18 and S27–S30</a>), druggable prioritization information (<a href="#app1-ijms-25-09223" class="html-app">Tables S4 and S5</a>), and mediation analysis (<a href="#ijms-25-09223-t001" class="html-table">Table 1</a>) were also provided. Abbreviations: IDPs: image-derived phenotypes; NDs: neuropsychiatric disorders; DGIdb: drug-gene interaction database; DTI: diffusion tensor imaging; ROI: region-of-interest; RLIC: retrolenticular part of internal capsule; IFO: inferior fronto-occipital fasciculu; PLIC: posterior limb of internal capsule; SCC: splenium of corpus callosum; CGC: cingulum (cingulate gyrus); CST: corticospinal tract; MO: mode of anisotropy; RD: radial diffusivity; FA: fractional anisotropy; ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; AN: Anorexia nervosa; ANX: anxiety disorder; ASD: Autism spectrum disorder; BIP: bipolar disorder; MDD: major depressive disorder; OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder; PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder; SCZ: Schizophrenia; TS: Tourette syndrome; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; ALS: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; LBD: Lewy body dementia; MS: multiple sclerosis; PD: Parkinson’s disease.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. PWAS Identified 2557 Protein-IDP Associations
2.2. MR Identified 2184 Protein-IDP Associations
2.3. COLOC Identified 1085 Protein-IDP Associations
2.4. The Phenotype Enrichment Analysis
2.5. Pleiotropy Analysis with Neuropsychiatric Disorders
2.6. Druggable Targets Exploration
2.7. Mediation Analysis
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Data Sources
4.1.1. GWAS Summary Statistics
4.1.2. Human Brain pQTL Data
4.1.3. Human Plasma pQTL Data
4.2. Statistical Analysis
4.2.1. Proteome-Wide Association Studies
4.2.2. Mendelian Randomization Analysis
4.2.3. Colocalization Analysis
4.2.4. The Phenotype Enrichment Analysis
4.2.5. Pleiotropy Analysis with Neuropsychiatric Disorders
4.2.6. Druggable Targets Exploration
4.2.7. Mediation Analysis
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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IDPs | Exposure | Mediator | Outcome | Total Effect | Indirect Effect (95% CI) | Proportion (%) |
ROI | ACADVL a | right precuneus | SCZ | −0.343 | −0.187 (−0.316, −0.092) | 54.54 |
DTI | CREB3L4 a | RLIC.MO | SCZ | 0.144 | 0.021 (0.009, 0.037) | 14.59 |
ICA1L b | IFO.MO | AD | −0.783 | −0.214 (−0.355, −0.097) | 27.30 | |
EGFR b | PLIC.RD | AD | 0.807 | 0.153 (0.055, 0.270) | 18.99 | |
TMEM106B b | PLIC.RD | AD | 0.150 | 0.017 (0.005, 0.032) | 11.18 | |
EGFR b | SCC.RD | AD | 0.807 | 0.184 (0.087, 0.306) | 22.79 | |
EGFR b | SCC.FA | AD | 0.807 | 0.161 (0.075, 0.273) | 19.91 | |
C9orf64 b | CGC.RD | BIP | 0.424 | 0.096 (0.039,0.174) | 22.62 | |
LRP4 b | CST.FA | MDD | −0.219 | −0.171 (−0.292, −0.070) | 78.14 |
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Wang, Y.; Zhang, S.; Gong, W.; Liu, X.; Mo, Q.; Shen, L.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, S.; Yuan, Z. Multi-Omics Integration Analysis Pinpoint Proteins Influencing Brain Structure and Function: Toward Drug Targets and Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 9223.
Wang Y, Zhang S, Gong W, Liu X, Mo Q, Shen L, Zhao Y, Wang S, Yuan Z. Multi-Omics Integration Analysis Pinpoint Proteins Influencing Brain Structure and Function: Toward Drug Targets and Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Neuropsychiatric Disorders. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(17):9223.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Yunzhuang, Sunjie Zhang, Weiming Gong, Xinyu Liu, Qinyou Mo, Lujia Shen, Yansong Zhao, Shukang Wang, and Zhongshang Yuan. 2024. "Multi-Omics Integration Analysis Pinpoint Proteins Influencing Brain Structure and Function: Toward Drug Targets and Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Neuropsychiatric Disorders" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 17: 9223.
APA StyleWang, Y., Zhang, S., Gong, W., Liu, X., Mo, Q., Shen, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, S., & Yuan, Z. (2024). Multi-Omics Integration Analysis Pinpoint Proteins Influencing Brain Structure and Function: Toward Drug Targets and Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Neuropsychiatric Disorders. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(17), 9223.