A Review of Computational Methods in Materials Science: Examples from Shock-Wave and Polymer Physics
"> Graphical abstract
<p>(<b>a</b>) Micrograph section of an etched Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> ceramic surface exhibiting the granular structure on the microscale. (<b>b</b>) SEM photograph of the fracture surface of Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> after edge-on impact experiment [<a href="#b18-ijms-10-05135" class="html-bibr">18</a>] with striking speed of <span class="html-italic">v ≈</span> 400<span class="html-italic">m/s</span>. (<b>c,d</b>) Microstructural details of the Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> surface exhibiting structural hierarchies. Figure by M.O. Steinhauser, Fraunhofer EMI.</p> ">
<p>Schematic hierarchical view of structural properties of important classes of materials contrasting typical structural features of inorganic crystalline materials (engineering materials, green) and the structural features of self-organizing organic biological materials (blue). At the nanoscale, the basic constituents of all condensed matter are the atoms bound together in chemical bonds.</p> ">
<p>(a) Light microscopic view of a glass fiber reinforced sheet moulding compound (SMC) which is used in car industry as light-weight material. (b) CT-microscopic reconstruction of a section of the laminar glass fiber structure in the material. (c) Scanning Acoustic microscopic view of a tensile-test SMC specimen exhibiting the glass fiber bundles within the compound. Figure by M.O. Steinhauser, Fraunhofer EMI.</p> ">
<p>Schematic comparing the relevant length scales in materials science according to [<a href="#b3-ijms-10-05135" class="html-bibr">3</a>]. In the field of nano- and microtechnology one usually tries to approach the molecular level from larger scales, miniaturizing technical devices, whereas nature itself always seems to follow a bottom-up approach, assembling and self-organizing its complex (soft) structures from the atomic scale to complex cellular organisms. The typical scopes of important experimental methods using microscopes is displayed as well. The validity of classical physics is limited to length scales down to approximately the size of atoms which, in classical numerical schemes, are often treated as point particles or spheres with a certain eigenvolume.</p> ">
<p>Physical, mathematical and numerical modeling scheme illustrated as flow chart. Starting from the experimental evidence one constructs physical theories for which a mathematical formulation usually leads to differential equations, integral equations, or master (rate) equations for the dynamic (<span class="html-italic">i.e.</span>, time dependent) development of certain state variables within the system’s abstract state space. Analytic solutions of these equations are very rarely possible, except when introducing simplifications usually involving symmetries. Thus, efficient algorithms for the treated problem have to be found and implemented as a computer program. Execution of the code yields approximate numerical solutions to the mathematical model which describes the dynamics of the physical “real” system. Comparison of the obtained numerical results with experimental data allows for a validation of the used model and subsequent iterative improvement of the model and of theory.</p> ">
<p>Principal design of a computer simulation. Usually, some pre-processing as preparation for the main simulation is done with a <span class="html-italic">pre-processor</span>. This piece of computer code might be integrated in the main source code or – in particular in commercial codes –is written as an extra piece of code, compiled and run separately from the main simulation code. During pre-processing, many administration tasks can be done which are not related to the actual simulation run. In large-scale simulations, data are stored during execution for later analysis. This analysis and visualization is done during post-processing. The advantage of separating pre- and post-processing from the actual simulation code is that the code design remains clearly arranged and the important issue of optimization for speed only has to be done for the relevant pieces of the main simulation code. However, in large-scale simulations, involving billions of particles, even the task of data analysis can become a major problem that needs optimization and fast parallelized algorithms [<a href="#b41-ijms-10-05135" class="html-bibr">41</a>].</p> ">
<p>Design schematic of the particle-based multiscale simulation package “MD-Cube” at EMI. A kernel takes care of administrative tasks. Force modules can be added via defined interfaces as well as modules for the demands of different physical applications.</p> ">
<p>(a) The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), one of the first electronic computers that started to operate in 1946. (The very first working electronic computer was the Z3 developed by Konrad Zuse in the 1930s in Germany). The ENIAC weight 30 tons used more than 18.000 vacuum tubes that can be seen in the picture and had a basic clock speed of 10<sup>5</sup> cycles per second. It was programmed by plugging cables and wires and setting switches using a huge plugboard that was distributed over the entire machine. US Army Photo. (b) Illustration of the available system size (edge length of a simulated cube of classical particles or atoms) and the necessary computer hardware for modern large-scale MD.</p> ">
<p>Graph of the total unbounded potential of <a href="#FD25" class="html-disp-formula">Equation (25)</a> which allows for modeling the effects of different solvent qualities.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Physical and Numerical Modeling
2.1. Computer Simulations as a Research Tool
3. Simulation Methods for Different Length and Time Scales
- static equilibrium properties, e.g., the radial distribution function of a liquid, the potential energy of a system averaged over many timesteps, the static structure function of a complex molecule, or the binding energy of an enzyme attached to a biological lipid membrane.
- dynamic or non-equilibrium properties, such as diffusion processes in biomembranes, the viscosity of a liquid, or the dynamics of the propagation of cracks and defects in crystalline materials.
3.1. Electronic/Atomistic Scale
The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
Car-Parinello MD
3.2. Atomistic/Microscopic Scale
3.3. Microscopic/Mesoscopic Scale
3.4. Mesoscopic/Macroscopic Scale
4. The Key Ingredients of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- The knowledge of one single structure, even if it is the structure of the global energy minimum, is not sufficient. It is always necessary to generate a representative ensemble at a given temperature, in order to compute macroscopic properties.
- The atomic details of structure and motion obtained in molecular simulations, is often not relevant for macroscopic properties. This opens the route for simplifications in the description of interactions and averaging over irrelevant details. Statistical mechanics provides the theoretical framework for such simplifications.
4.1. Limitations of MD
- Artificial boundary conditionsThe system size that can be simulated with MD is very small compared to real molecular systems. Hence, a system of particles will have many unwanted artificial boundaries (surfaces). In order to avoid real boundaries one introduces periodic boundary conditions (see Section 4.3.) which can introduce artificial spatial correlations in too small systems. Therefore, one should always check the influence of system size on results.
- Cut off of long-range interactionsUsually, all non-bonded interactions are cut-off at a certain distance in order to keep the cost of force computation (and the search effort for interacting particles) as small as possible. Due to the minimum image convention (see Section 4.4.) the cutoff range may not exceed half the box size. While this is large enough for most systems in practice, problems are only to be expected with systems containing charged particles. Here, simulations can go wrong badly and, e.g., lead to an accumulation of the charged particles in one corner of the box. Here, one has to use special algorithms such as the particle-mesh Ewald method [115,116].
- The simulations are classicalUsing Newton’s equations of motion implies the use of classical mechanics for the description of the atomic motion. All those material properties connected with the fast electronic degrees of freedom are not correctly described. For example, atomic oscillations (e.g., covalent C-C-bond oscillations in polyethylene molecules, or hydrogen-bonded motion in biopolymers such as DNA, proteins or biomembranes) are typically of the order 1014 Hz. The specific heat is another example which is not correctly described in a classical model as here, at room temperature, all degrees of freedom are excited, whereas quantum mechanically, the high-frequency bonding oscillations are not excited, thus leading to a smaller (correct) value of the specific heat than in the classical picture. A general solution to this problem is to treat the bond distances and bond angles as constraints in the equations of motion. Thus, the highest frequencies in the molecular motion are removed and one can use a much higher timestep in the integration [117].
- The electrons are in the ground stateUsing conservative force fields in MD implies that the potential is a function of the atomic positions only. No electronic motions are considered, thus the electrons remain in their ground state and are considered to follow the core movements instantaneously. This means that electronically excited states, electronic transfer processes and chemical reactions cannot be treated.
- Approximative force fieldsForce fields are not really an integral part of the simulation method but are determined from experiments or from a parameterization using ab initio methods. Also, most often, force fields are pair-additive (except for the long-range Coulomb force) and hence cannot incorporate polarizabilities of molecules. However, such force fields exist and there is continuous effort to generate such kind of force fields [118,119]. In most practical applications however, e.g., for biomacromolecules in aqueous solution, pair potentials are quite accurate mostly because of error cancellation. This does not always work, for example ab initio predictions of small proteins still yields mixed results and when the proteins fail to fold, it is often unclear whether the failure is due to a deficiency in the underlying force fields or simply a lack of sufficient simulation time [120,121].
- Force fields are pair additiveAll non-bonded forces result from the sum of non-bonded pair interactions. Non pair-additive interactions such as the polarizability of molecules and atoms, are represented by averaged effective pair potentials. Hence, the pair interactions are not valid for situations that differ considerably from the test systems on which the models were parameterized. The omission of polarizability in the potential implies that the electrons do not provide a dielectric constant with the consequence that the long-range electrostatic interaction between charges is not reduced (as it should be) and thus overestimated in simulations.
4.2. Molecular Interactions
Non-bonded Interactions
Bonded Interactions
4.3. Periodic Boundary Conditions
4.4. Minimum Image Convention
4.5. Force Calculation
Linked-Cell Algorithm
Linked-Cell Algorithm With Neighbor-Lists
4.6. Efficiency of the MD Method
- Testing an if-condition,
- Assigning a value, i.e., changing the contents of a memory,
- Executing one of the elementary operations (+, −, ×, DIV, MOD),
- Initializing a loop variable.
- for i := 1 TO N - 1 DO
- for j := 1 TO N DO
- if a[i] > a[j] then h = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = h
Amdahl’s Law
5. Application: Simulating the Effect of Shock Waves in Polycrystalline Solid States
5.1. Modeling Polycrystalline Solids Using Power Diagrams
5.2. A Particle Model for Simulating Shock Wave Failure in Solids
Model Potentials
Strain, Shear and Impact Load
6. Coarse-Grained MD Simulations of Soft Matter: Polymers and Biomacromolecules
6.1. Coarse-Grained Polymers
- The connectivity of monomers in a chain.
- The topological constraints, e.g., the impenetrability of chain bonds.
- The Flexibility or stiffness of monomer segments.
6.2. Scaling of Linear, Branched and Semiflexible Macromolecules
6.3. Polyelectrolytes
7. Emerging Computational Applications in Biophysics and Medical Tumor Treatment
8. Concluding Remarks
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- .
Scale (m) | Typical Simulation Methods | Typical Applications |
Electronic/Atomistic | ||
∼ 10−12 – 10−9 | Self-Consistent Hartree-Fock (SC-HF) [53,54] | crystal ground states, NMR, IR, UV spectra, molecular geometry, electronic properties, chemical reactions |
∼ 10−12 – 10−9 | Self-Consistent DFT [12,55,56] | |
∼ 10−12 – 10−9 | Car-Parinello (ab initio) Molecular Dynamics [13] | |
∼ 10−12 – 10−9 | Tight-Binding [57] | |
∼ 10−12 – 10−9 | Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) [58–60] | |
Atomistic/Microscopic | ||
∼ 10−9 – 10−6 | Molecular Dynamics [45,46] | equations of state, Ising model, DNA polymers, rheology, transport properties, phase equilibrium, |
∼ 10−9 – 10−6 | Monte Carlo using classical force fields [42,44] | |
∼ 10−9 – 10−6 | Hybrid MD/MC [61–63] | |
∼ 10−9 – 10−6 | Embedded Atom Method [64–66] | |
∼ 10−9 – 10−6 | Particle in Cell [67,68] | |
Microscopic/Mesoscopic | ||
∼ 10−8 – 10−1 | MD and MC using effective force fields [51] | complex fluids, soft matter, granular matter, fracture mechanics, grain growth, phase transformations, polycrystal elasticity, polycrystal plasticity, diffusion, interface motion, dislocations, grain boundaries |
∼ 10−9 – 10−3 | Dissipative Particle Dynamics [69] | |
∼ 10−9 – 10−3 | Phase Field Models [70] | |
∼ 10−9 – 10−3 | Cellular Automata [71] | |
∼ 10−9 – 10−4 | Mean Field Theory | |
∼ 10−6 – 102 | Finite Element Methods including microstructural features [72–75] | |
∼ 10−6 – 102 | Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics [76,77] | |
∼ 10−9 – 10−4 | Lattice-Boltzmann [78] | |
∼ 10−9 – 10−4 | Dislocation Dynamics [79–82] | |
∼ 10−6 – 100 | Discrete Element Method [83] | |
Mesoscopic/Macroscopic | ||
∼ 10−3 – 102 | Hydrodynamics [84] | macroscopic flow, macroscopic elasticity, macroscopic plasticity, fracture mechanics, aging of materials, fatigue and wear |
∼ 10−3 – 102 | Computational Fluid Dynamics [85–87] | |
∼ 10−6 – 102 | Finite Element Methods [88–90] | |
∼ 10−6 – 102 | Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics [8,91,92] | |
∼ 10−6 – 102 | Finite Difference Methods [93,94] | |
∼ 10−6 – 100 | Cluster & Percolation Models |
Algorithm | run time | N = 10 | N = 20 | N = 50 | N = 100 |
10 ES | 10 ES | 10 ES | 10 ES | ||
A1 | N | 10−8 s | 2 × 10−8 s | 5 × 10−8 s | 10−7 s |
100 ES | 400 ES | 2.5 × 103 ES | 105 ES | ||
A2 | N2 | 10−7 s | 4 × 10−7 s | 2.5 × 10−6 s | 10−5 s |
1000 ES | 8 × 103 ES | 105 ES | 106 ES | ||
A3 | N3 | 10−6 s | 8 × 10−6 s | 10−4 s | 0.001 s |
1024 ES | 105 ES | 1015 ES | 1030 ES | ||
A4 | 2N | 10−6 s | 10−3 s | 13 days | ~ 1013 years |
~ 106 ES | ~ 1018 ES | ~ 1064ES | 10158 ES | ||
A5 | N! | 3 × 10−3 s | 77 years | 1048 years | ~ 10141 years |
Algorithm | run time | efficiency | CPU speedup factor 10 | CPU speedup factor 100 |
A1 | N | E1 | 10 × N1 | 100 × N1 |
A2 | N2 | E2 | ||
A3 | N3 | E3 | ||
A4 | 2N | E4 | log2(10 × N4) = N4 + 3.3 | log2(100 × N4) = N4 + 6.6 |
A5 | N! | E5 | ≈ N5 + 1 | ≈ N5 + 2 |
f | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 10 | 12 | 18 |
ν | 0.5989 | 0.601 | 0.603 | 0.614 | 0.617 | 0.603 | 0.599 | 0.601 |
© 2009 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).
Share and Cite
Steinhauser, M.O.; Hiermaier, S. A Review of Computational Methods in Materials Science: Examples from Shock-Wave and Polymer Physics. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2009, 10, 5135-5216. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms10125135
Steinhauser MO, Hiermaier S. A Review of Computational Methods in Materials Science: Examples from Shock-Wave and Polymer Physics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2009; 10(12):5135-5216. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms10125135
Chicago/Turabian StyleSteinhauser, Martin O., and Stefan Hiermaier. 2009. "A Review of Computational Methods in Materials Science: Examples from Shock-Wave and Polymer Physics" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 10, no. 12: 5135-5216. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms10125135
APA StyleSteinhauser, M. O., & Hiermaier, S. (2009). A Review of Computational Methods in Materials Science: Examples from Shock-Wave and Polymer Physics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10(12), 5135-5216. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms10125135