Fastai: A Layered API for Deep Learning
<p>The layered API from fastai.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>A DataLoaders object built with the fastai library knows how to show its elements in a meaningful way. Here the result on the Oxford IIT Pets image classification dataset.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>A Learner knows from the data and the model type how to represent the results. It can even highlight model errors (here predicted class at bottom and actual at top).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>In this case, fastai knows that the data is for a segmentation task, and therefore it color-codes and overlays, with transparency, the segmentation layer on top of the input images.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>For a segmentation task, the ground-truth mask is laid at the right of the predicted mask.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>In text classification, the batches are shown in a DataFrame with the tokenized texts.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>In text classification, results are displayed in a DataFrame with the tokenized texts.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The hyper-parameters schedule in the 1cycle policy.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The learning rate finder does a mock training with an exponentially growing learning rate over 100 iterations. A good value is then the minimum value on the graph divided by 10.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>The LAMB algorithm and implementation.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>A rotation and a zoom apply to an image with one interpolation only (<b>a</b>) or two interpolations (<b>b</b>). The latter results in more texture loss.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Example of fastai’s documentation, automatically generated using nbdev.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Applications
2.1. Vision
2.2. Text
2.3. Tabular
2.4. Collaborative Filtering
2.5. Deployment
3. High-Level API Design Considerations
3.1. High-Level API Foundations
- Getting the source items,
- Splitting the items into the training set and one or more validation sets,
- Labelling the items,
- Processing the items (such as normalization), and
- Optionally collating the items into batches.
3.2. Incrementally Adapting PyTorch Code
3.3. Consistency Across Domains
4. Mid-Level APIs
4.1. Learner
4.2. Two-Way Callbacks
- A callback should be available at every single point that code can be run during training, so that a user can customise every single detail of the training method;
- Every callback should be able to access every piece of information available at that stage in the training loop, including hyper-parameters, losses, gradients, input and target data, and so forth;
- Every callback should be able to modify all these pieces of information, at any time before they are used, and be able to skip a batch, epoch, training or validation section, or cancel the whole training loop.
Case Study: Generative Adversarial Network Training Using Callbacks
- Freeze the generator and train the critic for one (or more) step by:
- −
- getting one batch of “real” images;
- −
- generating one batch of “fake” images;
- −
- have the critic evaluate each batch and compute a loss function from that, which rewards positively the detection of real images and penalizes the fake ones;
- −
- update the weights of the critic with the gradients of this loss.
- Freeze the critic and train the generator for one (or more) step by:
- −
- generating one batch of “fake” images;
- −
- evaluate the critic on it;
- −
- return a loss that rewards positively the critic thinking those are real images;
- −
- update the weights of the generator with the gradients of this loss.
- begin_fit: Initialises the generator, critic, loss functions, and internal storage
- begin_epoch: Sets the critic or generator to training mode
- begin_validate: Switches to generator mode for showing results
- begin_batch: Sets the appropriate target depending on whether it is in generator or critic mode
- after_batch: Records losses to the generator or critic log
- after_epoch: Optionally shows a sample image
4.3. Generic Optimizer
- stats, which track and aggregate statistics such as gradient moving averages;
- steppers, which combine stats and hyper-parameters to update the weights using some function.
- the means that update and do not appear as this done in a separate function stat;
- the authors do not provide the full definition of the function they use (it depends on undefined parameters), the code below is based on the official TensorFlow implementation.
4.4. Generalized Metric API
4.5. Fastai.Data.External
4.6. Funcs_kwargs and DataLoader
4.7. Fastai.Data.Core
4.8. Layers and Architectures
5. Low-Level APIs
- Pipelines of transforms: Partially reversible composed functions mapped and dispatched over elements of tuples
- Type-dispatch based on the needs of data processing pipelines
- Attaching semantics to tensor objects, and ensuring that these semantics are maintained throughout a Pipeline
- GPU-optimized computer vision operations
- Convenience functionality, such as a decorator to make patching existing objects easier, and a general collection class with a NumPy-like API.
5.1. PyTorch Foundations
5.2. Transforms and Pipelines
5.3. Type Dispatch
5.4. Object-Oriented Semantic Tensors
5.5. GPU-Accelerated Augmentation
5.6. Convenience Functionality
6. Nbdev
- Python modules are automatically created, following best practices such as automatically defining __all__ with exported functions, classes, and variables
- Navigate and edit code in a standard text editor or IDE, and export any changes automatically back into your notebooks
- Automatically create searchable, hyperlinked documentation from your code (as seen in Figure 12; any word surrounded in backticks will by hyperlinked to the appropriate documentation, a sidebar is created in the documentation site with links to each of module, and more
- Pip installers (uploaded to pypi automatically)
- Testing (defined directly in notebooks, and run in parallel)
- Continuous integration
- Version control conflict handling
7. Related Work
8. Results and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Howard, J.; Gugger, S. Fastai: A Layered API for Deep Learning. Information 2020, 11, 108.
Howard J, Gugger S. Fastai: A Layered API for Deep Learning. Information. 2020; 11(2):108.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHoward, Jeremy, and Sylvain Gugger. 2020. "Fastai: A Layered API for Deep Learning" Information 11, no. 2: 108.
APA StyleHoward, J., & Gugger, S. (2020). Fastai: A Layered API for Deep Learning. Information, 11(2), 108.