Enable Fair Proof-of-Work (PoW) Consensus for Blockchains in IoT by Miner Twins (MinT)
<p>Illustration of MinT system architecture.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Miner twin-based fair-mining flowchart.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>SSA detection on single miner violation with different parameter combinations. (<b>a</b>) Network level observation at the fog server; (<b>b</b>) Observation on a single miner; (<b>c</b>) Impacts of increasing <span class="html-italic">l</span> from 4 to 8 with the same matrix size; (<b>d</b>) Impacts of increasing the matrix size to 24 while maintain <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>l</mi> <mo>=</mo> <mn>4</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>SSA detection on single miner violation with additive CPU usage. (<b>a</b>) One single miner increases 20% CPU usage at each time point; (<b>b</b>) One single miner increases 30% CPU usage at each time point; (<b>c</b>) One single miner increases 40% CPU usage at each time point; (<b>d</b>) One single miner increases 50% CPU usage at each time point.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Behavior score distribution with sequential time spots. (<b>a</b>) The behavior vector from dishonest workers (red) varies from honest ones (green) when the byzantine workers gain more computing power; (<b>b</b>) Comparison between consensus scores associated with the byzantine nodes (red) and the honest nodes (green).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>False alarm rate with different threshold h.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- A secure-by-design MinT architecture is introduced to allow for fair-mining-as-a-service (FMaaS) in heterogeneous IoT environments;
- (2)
- We propose a novel miner twin-enabled fair-mining mechanism, which can monitor the computing resources usage at miners and can regularly apply anomaly detection to deter misbehaved nodes from unfairly overwhelming honest peers using extra computing power;
- (3)
- A lightweight SSA Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)-based detection is designed to identify individual misbehaved miners that violate fair mining policies, while a Proof-of-Behavior consensus algorithm is designed to detect multiple Byzantine miners that collude to compromise a fair mining network; and
- (4)
- A proof-of-concept prototype is implemented and tested on a small-scale private PoW mining network, and experimental results verified that the MinT is feasible and effective to ensure a fair mining system.
2. Related Work
2.1. Blockchain and Nakamoto Consensus Protocol
2.2. Digital Twins
3. MinT: Rationale and Architecture
4. Miner Twin-Enabled Fair-Mining Mechanism
4.1. MinT Workflow for Fair Mining
4.2. Miner Twin Process
4.3. Fast Anomaly Detection for Fair Mining
4.4. Proof-of-Behavior Consensus Algorithm for Fair Mining Enforcement
5. Experimental Study
5.1. Experimental Setup
5.2. Experimental Results
5.2.1. SSA-Based Detection on Static Single Miner Violation
5.2.2. SSA Detection on Adaptive Single Miner Violation
5.2.3. PoB-Based Fair Mining Detection Effectiveness
5.2.4. Fair Mining Violation Detection Performance Analysis
5.3. Discussions
- Although experimental results verify feasibility of SSA-based fair-mining violation detection, there still need investigation on SSA performance and accuracy given the impact of parameters, such as optimal/sub-optimal threshold selection and detection latency as scaling up miners.
- The PoB consensus is promising to guarantee byzantine fault tolerance in mining violation detection; however, the threat model based on attack scenarios in SSA detection needs more investigation, such as communication security between miner and twin and container’s robustness given failed or compromised conditions. Therefore, the security mechanisms for communication between PO and LO, and container management are among the tasks of top priority.
- It is inevitable that extra overheads are incurred by security enforcement and data synchronization in fair-mining mechanism. Therefore, a comprehensive performance evaluation of the twinning process is necessary, such as computation and communication cost, network latency and storage requirement, etc.
- Furthermore, we also need to tackle scalability and heterogeneity issues such as as applying MinT into large-scale IoT networks. A hierarchical federated network framework is promising to handle the trilemma in blockchain solutions that decentralization, security and scalability cannot perfectly co-exist [4].
6. Conclusions and Future Work
- We will conduct a comprehensive evaluation on SSA method in anomaly detection, especially for detection accuracy and performance, and the impact of parameter selection. Moreover, AI/ML-based algorithms will be investigated to improve anomaly detection accuracy and to support efficient dynamic resources management in the fair mining network.
- To apply MinT in a large-scale application scenario such as a smart surveillance system [48], we will implement a fully function prototype based on edge-fog-cloud architecture, in which physical containerized miners are on edge devices while digital twins are in the fog or cloud. Then, we will make a comprehensive performance analysis and assessment of security features.
- Furthermore, MinT relies on microservices that encapsulate a fair PoW mining algorithm into independent containers running on host machines. Thus, the security and privacy of containers and data reliability are among the top concerns. We will investigate the security of the container running environment, and data audition and integrity in microservice-to-microservice communication.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AR | Augmented Reality |
BFT | Byzantine Fault Tolerant |
CUSUM | Cumulative Sum |
DDDAS | Dynamic Data-Driven Applications Systems |
DLT | Distributed Ledger Technology |
DT | Digital Twins |
FMaaS | Fair Mining as a Service |
EPDS | Electric Propulsion Drive Systems |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
IoT | Internet of Things |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LO | Logical Object |
MinT | Miner Twins |
ML | Machine Learning |
MoA | Microservice-Oriented Architecture |
P2P | Peer-to-Peer |
PBFT | Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance |
PO | Physical Object |
PoB | Proof-of-Behavior |
PoS | Proof-of-Stake |
PoW | Proof-of-Work |
SBC | Single Board Computer |
SSA | Singular Spectrum Analysis |
VR | Virtual Reality |
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Symbol | Descriptions | Symbol | Descriptions |
parameter vector of miner | parameter vector of twin | ||
cpu usage | gpu usage | ||
memory usage | I/O bandwidth | ||
target time series | X | trajectory matrix | |
N | target series length | L | SSA window length |
lagged vectors | K | numbers of lagged vectors | |
eigenvalues | U | left singular matrix | |
V | right singular matrix | I | subset indices |
reconstructed matrix | reconstructed time series | ||
test matrix | vectors of test matrix | ||
p | starting point of test matrix | q | ending point of test matrix |
Q | window length of test matrix | sum of the squared distances | |
normalized sum | CUSUM of squared distances | ||
estimator | constant of | ||
h | threshold for | quantile of the standard normal distribution | |
mining network | miners | ||
dishonest miners | f | fraction of dishonest | |
behavior vector | G | global view of | |
benchmark of | consensus score | ||
ground truth of | d | POB window length |
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Share and Cite
Qu, Q.; Xu, R.; Chen, Y.; Blasch, E.; Aved, A. Enable Fair Proof-of-Work (PoW) Consensus for Blockchains in IoT by Miner Twins (MinT). Future Internet 2021, 13, 291. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13110291
Qu Q, Xu R, Chen Y, Blasch E, Aved A. Enable Fair Proof-of-Work (PoW) Consensus for Blockchains in IoT by Miner Twins (MinT). Future Internet. 2021; 13(11):291. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13110291
Chicago/Turabian StyleQu, Qian, Ronghua Xu, Yu Chen, Erik Blasch, and Alexander Aved. 2021. "Enable Fair Proof-of-Work (PoW) Consensus for Blockchains in IoT by Miner Twins (MinT)" Future Internet 13, no. 11: 291. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13110291
APA StyleQu, Q., Xu, R., Chen, Y., Blasch, E., & Aved, A. (2021). Enable Fair Proof-of-Work (PoW) Consensus for Blockchains in IoT by Miner Twins (MinT). Future Internet, 13(11), 291. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi13110291