Genome-Wide Methylation Profiling of Peripheral T–Cell Lymphomas Identifies TRIP13 as a Critical Driver of Tumor Proliferation and Survival
<p>DNA methylome and transcriptome of normal human T–cells. (<b>A</b>) Breakdown of CpG methylation as determined by WGBS in two independent CD4+ (CD4, CD4_1) and one CD8+ (CD8) normal human T–cell samples. Individual CpGs were placed into four categories based on percent methylation (0–25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, and 76–100%). (<b>B</b>) Breakdown of promoter methylation for 34,858 genes in CD4+ and CD8+ normal human T–cell samples. Methylation percentages for all CpGs across the 2000 bp region (−1500 bp to +500 bp relative to TSS) were averaged to give a mean methylation value for each gene promoter. Promoters were placed into four categories based on percent methylation (0–25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, and 76–100%). (<b>C</b>) Methylation status of 34,858 promoters in CD4+ and CD8+ samples determined by WGBS. Mean promoter methylation was determined as described in (<b>B</b>). A scale is shown below the heat map, in which yellow and blue correspond to a lower and higher methylation status, respectively. (<b>D</b>) Pearson’s correlation coefficients (R values) derived from pairwise comparisons of 34,858 promoter methylation between CD4+, CD4_1, and CD8+ samples. Values > 0.9 indicate a strong positive correlation. (<b>E</b>) Heat map displaying the methylation status of 19,253 promoters in normal human CD4+ and CD8+ T–cells as determined by Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS), analyzed using the same method described in (<b>B</b>), alongside corresponding gene expression levels (FPKM values obtained from RNA-seq analysis). A scale is shown below the heat map, in which yellow and blue correspond to a lower and higher methylation status, respectively. The corresponding expression is shown as a heat map with highly expressed genes denoted in red and lowly expressed genes denoted in green. (<b>F</b>) Analysis of promoter methylation and gene expression in normal human T–cells for 19,253 genes. Genes were divided into four groups based on the percentage of promoter methylation (0–25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, and 76–100%). Bars represent Mean +/−SEM FPKM. Pairwise comparisons were made for four methylation groups within each sample. All differences were statistically significant (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05, two-tailed Student’s <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test) except 0–25% vs. 26–50% and 26–50% vs. 51–75% in the CD4+ (blue) sample. (<b>G</b>) Pearson correlation coefficients (R values) derived from pairwise comparisons of gene expression values of 19,253 genes in normal CD4+ and CD8+ T–cells based on RNA-seq data. Values > 0.85 indicate a strong positive correlation. (<b>H</b>) Pathway enrichment analysis of 3001 highly expressed genes (FPKM ≥ 5) by <span class="html-italic">EnrichR.</span> The most significant pathways in “<span class="html-italic">Biocarta 2016</span>” are shown (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05). (<b>I</b>) Pairwise comparison of CpG methylation in normal CD4+ (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3), CD8+ (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 1), and CD3+ (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 1) T–cells. The density of points increases from green to red. R values represent Pearson’s correlation coefficients.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>DNA methylome of human peripheral T–cell lymphomas. (<b>A</b>) Pairwise comparison of CpG methylation in human PTCLs against the average of five normal T–cell controls (CD3, CD4_1, CD4_2, CD4_3, CD8) averaged out by <span class="html-italic">Metilene</span>. The density of points increases from green to red. R values represent Pearson’s correlation coefficients. (<b>B</b>) The number of hypomethylated (yellow), hypermethylated (blue), and unchanged (white) CpGs in human PTCLs when compared to respective normal controls. (meth. diff. ≥ 10%). (<b>C</b>) The numbers of hypo- and hypermethylated DMRs in promoter regions of human PTCLs when compared to normal controls (DMRs; regions with methylation difference ≥ 10% in the same direction in ≥3 consecutive DMCs separated by <100 bp; p (MWU) < 0.05). The numbers of hypo- and hypermethylated DMRs in enhancers (<b>D</b>), introns (<b>E</b>)<b>,</b> exons (<b>F</b>), and repetitive elements (<b>G</b>) of human PTCLs when compared to normal controls. (<b>H</b>) Heat maps of the ‘Core PTCL Methylation Signature’ containing 767 hypo- and 567 hypermethylated DMRs present in all seven PTCLs tested. DMRs were analyzed as described in the (<b>C</b>) part of this figure. A scale of % methylation relative to the average of controls is shown below the heat map. Yellow and blue correspond to a lower and higher methylation status, respectively. (<b>I</b>) Distribution of DMRs in the ‘Core PTCL Methylation Signature’ across indicated genomic elements. (<b>J</b>) Percentage of methylation at individual CpGs in DMRs at <span class="html-italic">MPZL1</span> locus (left) and <span class="html-italic">MIATNB</span> (right) at indicated genomic coordinates consistently hypo- and hypermethylated in PTCLs, respectively, as visualized by IGB software 10.0.1.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Gene expression signatures and deregulated pathways in PTCLs. (<b>A</b>) Heat map showing fold change expression values of a subset of differentially expressed genes (DEGs; FC ≥ 1.5, adjusted <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 by DESeq2) in human T–cell lymphomas (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 10) relative to control T–cells (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4) as analyzed by RNA-seq. A scale is shown below the heat map, in which green and red correspond to a decrease and increase in expression, respectively. (<b>B</b>) Results of ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) performed on all DEGs in individual tumors. The top 15 up- and downregulated canonical pathways that were most consistently deregulated in analyzed human lymphomas are shown. (<b>C</b>) ‘Core PTCL Gene Expression Signature’ consisting of 231 up- and 91 downregulated genes relative to the average of normal T–cells (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4) in all 10 tested lymphomas as determined by RNA-seq data analysis. (<b>D</b>) Pathway enrichment analysis of upregulated genes in the ‘Core PTCL Gene Expression Signature’ in the category GO Biological Process by EnrichR (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05). (<b>E</b>) Pathway enrichment analysis of downregulated genes in the ‘Core PTCL Gene Expression Signature’ in the category GO Biological Process by EnrichR (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Expression of DNA methylation modifiers is deregulated in human PTCLs. (<b>A</b>) Expression of <span class="html-italic">DNMT3A</span>, <span class="html-italic">DNMT3B</span>, <span class="html-italic">DNMT1</span>, <span class="html-italic">TET1</span>, and <span class="html-italic">TCL1A</span> in human PTCLs and control T–cells as analyzed by RNA-seq. Statistical analysis was performed by comparison of individual tumors to average values obtained from control T–cells (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4). The statistically significant differences (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 by DESeq2) are indicated by *. (<b>B</b>) <span class="html-italic">DNMT3A</span>, <span class="html-italic">DNMT3B</span>, <span class="html-italic">DNMT1</span>, <span class="html-italic">TET2</span>, and <span class="html-italic">TCL1A</span> expression as determined by RNA-seq analysis of normal human T–cells (C, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4), two sets of human anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCL-1, n = 5 tumors T1–T5 profiled in this study; ALCL-2, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 21 publicly available data), NKTCL T–cell lymphoma lines (NKTCL, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 15), adult T–cell leukemia/lymphomas (ATLL, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 8), T-lymphoblastic lymphomas (TLBL, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 8) and PTCL-NOS (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5, tumors T6-T10 profiled in this study). The horizontal line represents the median, bounds of the box-like range of variation, and whiskers min and max values. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 (by DESeq2).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Promoter methylation is associated with changed gene expression for a subset of genes. (<b>A</b>) Left panel. Heat map displaying 39 genes with hypomethylated promoters (presence of one or more hypomethylated DMRs in −1500 bp to +500 bp) at a frequency at least six out of seven PTCLs and whose expression is increased relative to normal T–cell controls (≥2-fold change, <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05) as determined by RNA-seq analysis. Numbers indicate individual tumors, the extent of hypomethylation is shown in yellow and hypermethylation in blue, while overexpression is shown in red and under expression in green. Right panel. Heat map displaying 56 genes with hypermethylated promoters (presence of one or more hypermethylated DMRs in −1500 bp to +500 bp) at a frequency of at least six out of seven PTCLs and that were also under-expressed relative to normal T- cell controls (≥2-fold change and a <span class="html-italic">p</span> value < 0.05) as determined by RNA-seq analysis. (<b>B</b>) The number of lymphoid (blue) and myeloid (red) cell lines for which the knockout of <span class="html-italic">RCC1</span>, <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span>, or <span class="html-italic">RACGAP1</span> genes was lethal. The numbers were determined using DepMap portal’s (Broad Institute) perturbation effects analysis and the gene effect was considered lethal if the expression log2(TPM+1) was ≤−1.</p> "> Figure 6
<p><span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> is frequently upregulated in primary human PTCL. (<b>A</b>) Relative <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> expression as determined by RNA-seq. Data are presented as fold differences in FPKM values relative to the mean of normal T–cells (C; n = 4) obtained by RNA-seq analysis. Statistically significant differences are indicated by *. (<b>B</b>) <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> expression as determined by RNA-seq analysis of normal human T–cells (C, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4), two sets of human anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCL-1, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5 tumors T1-T5 profiled in this study; ALCL-2, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 21 publicly available data), natural killer T–cell lymphomas (NKTCL, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 15), adult T–cell leukemia/lymphomas (ATLL, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 8), T-lymphoblastic lymphomas (TLBL, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 8) and PTCL-NOS (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5, tumors T6-T10 profiled in this study). The horizontal line represents the median, bounds of the box-like range of variation, and whiskers min and max values. Pairwise comparisons between each tumor group and controls are statistically significant (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 by DESeq2) indicated by *. (<b>C</b>) Immunoblot analysis of TRIP13 protein levels in human lymphomas and leukemia cell lines. T8ML-1 (PTCL-NOS); JURKAT (acute T–cell leukemia); SUP-T1 (T–cell lymphoblastic lymphoma); HH (cutaneous T–cell leukemia/lymphoma), MEC1, MEC2 (chronic B-cell leukemia); RAJI (Burkitt’s lymphoma); K-562 (chronic myelogenous leukemia); LOUCY, CCRF-CEM (acute T–cell lymphoblastic leukemia); Mo T (hairy T–cell leukemia); MJ (cutaneous T–cell lymphoma); DND41 (acute T–cell lymphoblastic leukemia); MOLT4 (T lymphoblast cell); CTV-1 (T-ALL). HSC70 served as a loading control.</p> "> Figure 7
<p><span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> downregulation results in impaired cellular proliferation of malignant T–cells. (<b>A</b>) Representative examples of FACS diagrams indicating mCherry expression measured in unselected T8ML-1 cell line transduced with lentiviruses expressing shRNA against either scrambled (scr) or <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> (shRNA-1). Data obtained at days 2 and 18 upon continuous culturing in vitro are shown. The percentage of mCherry positive cells is shown above the gated population. (<b>B</b>) Percentage of mCherry-positive cells expressing shRNA-1 against either scrambled or <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> upon continuous culturing in vitro at indicated times as measured by FACS. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (from three independent experiments) relative to scrambled, <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05. <span class="html-italic">p</span> values were calculated by a two-tailed Student’s <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test. (<b>C</b>) Relative mCherry expression in T8ML-1 cells transduced with lentivirus encoding shRNA-1 against <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> or scrambled, measured by FACS 48 h after transduction (day 2) and 20 days later upon continuous culturing in vitro. The transduction efficiency, as measured by mCherry expression at day 2 was set to 100%, for both cells transduced with scrambled and <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> shRNAs. The values obtained for the percentage of mCherry-positive cells at each time point were plotted relative to the percentage at day 2. Data are presented as mean ±SEM (from three independent experiments) relative to scrambled, <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05. <span class="html-italic">p</span> values were calculated by a two-tailed Student’s <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test. (<b>D</b>) Immunoblot analysis of TRIP13 protein levels in JURKAT cells transduced with lentiviruses expressing either scrambled or <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> shRNAs. Cells were harvested and analyzed 72 h after transduction. HSC70 served as a loading control. (<b>E</b>) Relative percentage of live unselected JURKAT cells transduced with the indicated lentiviruses at 99% efficiency as measured by FACS analysis of mCherry expression coexpressed from the lentiviral constructs. Viability was determined as the percentage of cells in the “live gate” in forward scatter FACS diagrams at indicated times. The values obtained for the percentage of mCherry-positive cells at each time point were plotted relative to the percentage at day 2. (<b>F</b>) Representative examples of FACS diagrams obtained from BrdU incorporation assays of JURKAT cells transduced with lentivirus expressing shRNA against either scrambled or <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> as determined at 4 and 5 after transduction. Cells were exposed to BrdU for 60 min, harvested and FACS analysis was used to evaluate the percentage of cells that incorporated BrdU. The percentage of positive cells in the FACS profile is shown within each plot. A representative example of two independent experiments is shown. (<b>G</b>) Representative examples of FACS diagrams obtained from cell cycle analysis of JURKAT cells transduced with lentivirus expressing shRNA against either scrambled or <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> as determined at 4 and 5 days after transduction. A combination of BrdU incorporation assay and staining with 7-ADD followed by FACS was used. (<b>H</b>) Percentage of cells in various phases of the cell cycle in JURKAT cells transduced with lentiviruses expressing shRNA against either scrambled or <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span>, determined 4 and 5 days by BrdU incorporation assay coupled with 7-AAD staining and FACS-based analysis. (<b>I</b>) Representative examples of FACS diagrams obtained from Annexin V assays of JURKAT cells transduced with lentivirus expressing shRNA against either scrambled or <span class="html-italic">TRIP13</span> as determined at 4 and 5 days after transduction. The percentage of positive cells in the FACS profile is shown within each plot and indicates ongoing apoptosis.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The treatment of T8ML-1 cells with DCZ0415 inhibits cellular growth by inducing G2-M arrest and cell death. (<b>A</b>) T8ML-1 cells were treated with either DMSO (vehicle) or DCZ0415 at indicated concentrations for 15 days and counted using Trypan Blue exclusion dye. Bar graphs represent the relative percent count of live cells after 4, 7, 10, and 15 days of continuous drug treatment. Each data point is the average of three measurements taken in parallel and bar graphs represent ±SEM. (<b>B</b>) Representative FACS diagrams of the BrdU incorporation assay of T8ML-1 cells treated with either DMSO, 5 or 10 μM of DCZ0415 after 96 and 120 h. Numbers in corners of FACS diagrams represent percentages obtained from quadrant statistics using FlowJo X software. (<b>C</b>) Percentage of cells in various phases of the cell cycle in T8ML-1 cells treated with either DMSO, 5 or 10 μM of DCZ0415 for 96 and 120 h. The numbers used to generate stacked graphs were obtained by analysis shown in (<b>B</b>) using the FACS data obtained from the BrdU incorporation assay coupled with 7-AAD staining and analyzed by FlowJo X software 10.0.7r2. (<b>D</b>) T8ML-1 cells were treated with either DMSO (vehicle) or DCZ0415 at indicated concentrations and counted using Trypan Blue exclusion dye. Bar graphs represent the total cell counts of live cells after 48 h (blue) or 72 h (red) of continuous drug treatment. Each data point is the average of three measurements taken in parallel and bar graphs represent ±SEM. (<b>E</b>) Immunoblot analysis of Cyclin B1 and Cyclin D1 protein levels in the T8ML-1 cell line treated with either DMSO (vehicle) or 10 uM DCZ0415 harvested and analyzed after 48 and 72 h of continuous drug treatment. HSC70 served as a loading control.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. DNA Methylome and Transcriptome of Normal Human CD4+ and CD8+ T–Cells
2.2. DNA Methylome of Peripheral T–Cell Lymphomas
2.3. Analysis of Gene Expression in ALCL and PTCL-NOS
2.4. DNA Methylation Modifiers Are Deregulated in Human PTCL
2.5. Deregulated Promoter Methylation Is Associated with Changes in Gene Expression
2.6. Loss of DNA Methylation Correlates with Upregulation of Genes Critical for Cancer Cell Proliferation
2.7. TRIP13 Downregulation Inhibits the Proliferation of Malignant T–Cells
2.8. Treatment of T8ML-1 Cells with TRIP13 Inhibitor DCZ0415 Impairs Proliferation and Induces Cell Death
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Clinical Samples and Data Sources
4.2. Plasmid DNA Constructs
4.3. Cell Lines and Lentiviral Production
4.4. FACS, BrdU Incorporation, and Apoptosis Assays
4.5. WGBS and Bioinformatics Analysis
4.6. Immunoblotting
4.7. RNA Isolation, RNA-Seq, and Bioinformatics Analysis
4.8. TRIP13 Drug Treatment, Cell Counting, and Molecular Assays
4.9. Real-Time qRT-PCR
4.10. Statistical Analysis
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Nowialis, P.; Tobon, J.; Lopusna, K.; Opavska, J.; Badar, A.; Chen, D.; Abdelghany, R.; Pozas, G.; Fingeret, J.; Noel, E.; et al. Genome-Wide Methylation Profiling of Peripheral T–Cell Lymphomas Identifies TRIP13 as a Critical Driver of Tumor Proliferation and Survival. Epigenomes 2024, 8, 32.
Nowialis P, Tobon J, Lopusna K, Opavska J, Badar A, Chen D, Abdelghany R, Pozas G, Fingeret J, Noel E, et al. Genome-Wide Methylation Profiling of Peripheral T–Cell Lymphomas Identifies TRIP13 as a Critical Driver of Tumor Proliferation and Survival. Epigenomes. 2024; 8(3):32.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNowialis, Pawel, Julian Tobon, Katarina Lopusna, Jana Opavska, Arshee Badar, Duo Chen, Reem Abdelghany, Gene Pozas, Jacob Fingeret, Emma Noel, and et al. 2024. "Genome-Wide Methylation Profiling of Peripheral T–Cell Lymphomas Identifies TRIP13 as a Critical Driver of Tumor Proliferation and Survival" Epigenomes 8, no. 3: 32.
APA StyleNowialis, P., Tobon, J., Lopusna, K., Opavska, J., Badar, A., Chen, D., Abdelghany, R., Pozas, G., Fingeret, J., Noel, E., Riva, A., Fujiwara, H., Ishov, A., & Opavsky, R. (2024). Genome-Wide Methylation Profiling of Peripheral T–Cell Lymphomas Identifies TRIP13 as a Critical Driver of Tumor Proliferation and Survival. Epigenomes, 8(3), 32.