Virtual Machine Placement in Edge Computing Based on Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning
<p>The three-tier architecture for MEC.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The hypervolume of a maximization problem with two objective functions.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The hypervolume of the eight tuples of weighting coefficients when the MEC server number is 80 and the VM request number is 500.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The relationship between the response latency of all VM requests and the VM request number for different numbers of MEC servers.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The relationship between the energy consumption of all servers and the VM request number for different numbers of MEC servers.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The connection between hypervolume and the VM request number when the MEC server number is 80.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Variation in hypervolume with iterations when the MEC server number is 80 and the VM request number is 500.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The running time of EVMPRL when the MEC server number is 160.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- This paper uses the Chebyshev scalarization function to design EVMPRL, which could solve the weighting coefficient selection problem in multi-objective VM placement in edge computing and significantly improve the solution set quality.
- EVMPRL can always search for solutions in the feasible domain, which is guaranteed through selecting the servers that can satisfy the current VM request as the next action. Thus, the additional operations required in the previous work are avoided.
- EVMPRL scalarizes the Q-value instead of the objective function, thus avoiding the problem in previous work in which the order-of-magnitude difference between the optimization objectives makes the impact of an objective function on the final result too small. To prevent excessive order-of-magnitude differences from affecting the results, we normalize two reward functions and keep the reward values between [0,1].
- The experimental results prove that EVMPRL is superior to the state-of-the-art algorithm in terms of objectives and the solution set quality.
2. Related Work
2.1. VM Placement in Cloud Computing
2.2. VM Placement in Edge Computing
3. Background
3.1. Pareto Domination
- , .
- , .
3.2. Reinforcement Learning
4. Problem Formulation
4.1. Systems Modeling
4.2. Response Latency Model
4.3. Energy Consumption Model
4.4. Mathematical Formulation
5. Proposed Algorithms
5.1. The Learning Agent
5.1.1. State Space
5.1.2. Action Space
5.1.3. Reward Vector
5.2. Scalarization Functions in RL Algorithms
5.2.1. Linear Scalarization Function
5.2.2. Chebyshev Scalarization Function
5.3. Scalarized Policies
5.3.1. The Scalarized Policy of EVMPRL
Algorithm 1 -sgreedy() |
5.3.2. The Scalarized Policy of L-EVMPRL
5.4. The Detailed Pseudo-Codes of Two Algorithms
- Parameter initialization. Initialize the current approximate optimal solution set , the -value table, and the set of current unplaced VMs.
- Solution construction. The learning agent selects the action for the current state based on Algorithm 1, updates the decision variable, calculates the reward vector, and updates the corresponding -value.
- Update the approximate solution set. EVMPRL compares the constructed with the current approximate solution set and updates .
- Termination detection. If the maximum iteration is reached, EVMPRL returns the approximate solution set . If not, return to step 2.
Algorithm 2 Pseudocode of EVMPRL |
6. Experimental Results
6.1. Simulation Setup
6.2. The Quality of the Solution Set
6.3. The Selection of Weighting Coefficients
6.4. Algorithm Comparison
6.5. Convergence Analysis
6.6. Scalability Analysis
- Based on the reward functions for response latency and energy consumption, EVMPRL prefers servers that produce the lowest possible response latency and energy consumption for the current VM request. At the cost of narrowing the search space, the response latency and energy consumption can approximate to relatively optimal values.
- When selecting an action, the scalarized strategy can remove low-quality solutions. This evaluates the distance from the current solution to the utopian point, and prefers the action with the smallest SQ-value to accelerate algorithm convergence.
- To avoid falling into local optimal, we balance exploration and exploitation by using the scalarized -sgreedy policy.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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MEC Server Type | Number of Cores | Memory Size (GB) | CPU Processing Speed (MIPS) |
HP Proliant ML110 G5 | 2 | 4 | 2660 |
HP Proliant DL360 G7 | 12 | 16 | 3067 |
HP Proliant DL360 Gen9 | 36 | 64 | 2300 |
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Yi, S.; Hong, S.; Qin, Y.; Wang, H.; Liu, N. Virtual Machine Placement in Edge Computing Based on Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning. Electronics 2025, 14, 633.
Yi S, Hong S, Qin Y, Wang H, Liu N. Virtual Machine Placement in Edge Computing Based on Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning. Electronics. 2025; 14(3):633.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYi, Shanwen, Shengyi Hong, Yao Qin, Hua Wang, and Naili Liu. 2025. "Virtual Machine Placement in Edge Computing Based on Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning" Electronics 14, no. 3: 633.
APA StyleYi, S., Hong, S., Qin, Y., Wang, H., & Liu, N. (2025). Virtual Machine Placement in Edge Computing Based on Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning. Electronics, 14(3), 633.