The Development of a Model System for the Visualization of Information on Cultural Activities and Events
<p>System architecture.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Functional modules and infrastructure.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>System implementation technologies.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Finding features suitable for the AR technology application.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Functional modules and architectural design of the mobile application.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>User workflow diagram.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Access to the camera of the handheld device and the AR functions. In the left image, the recognition of a marker (text) and the display in 3-D of a cello. In the next image, the marker (image) recognized in an analogue poster, and in the last two images, the marker (text) recognized and display of additional informative text.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The State Conservatory of Thessaloniki (SCT).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The cover of the music event brochure (10 December 2022) and the poster.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>On the left, the cover of the analogue brochure and the smartphone app, showing (in the second image too) the icons of the geospatial location, the 360° VR tour (the event venue) and the transition to the content of the smart brochure. In the third image, the geospatial location of the event is activated, and in the last image, the 360° VR tour of the event venue is activated.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>On the left, the inside of the analogue print and the smartphone app. In the middle image (and also in the left image) the application recognizes the marker (text and displays a red frame on the screen of the mobile device), where descriptive information (text, right image) is provided.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>On the left, the inside of the analogue brochure and the smartphone app. In the second image (but also in the first one) the application recognizes the marker (image and displays a red frame on the screen of the mobile device), where a video of the artist’s interview (middle image) about the specific music event, his biography in text (fourth image) and his photos (last image) are displayed.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>The graphs refer to the evaluation conducted on 10 December 2022.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>The cover of the music event brochure (16 June 2023) and the poster.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>On the left, the cover of the analogue brochure and the smartphone app, showing (in the second image too) the geospatial location of the music event. In the last two images, the 360° VR tour of the event venue is activated.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>In the left image, the inside of the analogue brochure and the smartphone app. In the second image (but also in the first one), it can be seen that the application recognizes the marker and creates a blue frame on the screen of the mobile device where it contains descriptive (third image in order) information (text), photos (fourth in order) of the artist and an interview with the artist (fifth image in order) about this particular musical event (or videos of his other musical events).</p> "> Figure 17
<p>The graphs refer to the evaluation conducted on 16 June 2023.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Images from the cover, some of the inside pages and the back cover of the brochure “Music tames”.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>The 3-D model of the viola (and the violin) (<b>left image</b>) and the activation of the viola sound (<b>right image</b>) through the AR application.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>The 3-D model of the clarinet (and also the flute) (<b>left image</b>) and the clarinet sound activation (<b>right image</b>) through the AR application.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Enriched content presentation: Using AR technology, the analogue brochure and/or poster can present enriched content, such as audio clips, videos, live performances of artists, interviews with artists for a specific music event, etc. This could enhance the audience’s sense of the music, who may experience the music in an optimal way.
- Interactive experience: AR allows the audience to interact with the analogue brochure and/or poster via a smartphone or tablet to access additional information, change the presentation of the content or participate in activities.
- Continuous update: Through AR technology, the content of the analogue brochure and/or poster can be updated and enriched in real time. This allows the audience to access new data, news and information related to an event or the featured artists.
1.1. Expected Outcomes
- Clearly presents the content of each event via AR.
- Supports content management through a corresponding system (content management system).
- Provides user-friendly interfaces.
- Organizes the content based on the analogue brochure created each time by the SCT for one or more of its activities/events.
- For each of the analogue brochures created, a link is made to the corresponding content, and at the same time, the content functions are defined. Each function is linked to the content that is necessary for viewing.
- Feeds the AR application with the appropriate function documentation, which should be present per analogue brochure and/or poster of a music event/action, and at the same time, it guides the application through the access paths of the content.
1.2. Innovation
- Use of marker feature matching and not barcoding.
- A “neutral” content management system (CMS) as a major infrastructure where all future applications are implemented simply by introducing the new data.
- “Smart” implementation of the data flows, which supports large data communications using low-end devices (smart phones) and limited time frames.
- “Intuitive” user interface able to support different applications.
1.3. Methodological Steps
- The methodology follows the following steps: Personalized management and recording of user access and actions.
- Access to a central database, which is the index of documentation for each version of the application (different prints, different events, etc.).
- Interface with the ability to upload content, but also the ability to connect with external content: Uploading audio, video and 3-D models and mapping them to markers of the analogue brochure, importing hyperlinks and mapping them to objects of the analogue brochure, interfacing with third-party web resources, and finally, tools for mapping different entities to each other (e.g., brochures to events, brochures to functions, functions to content, etc.).
- Multimedia viewing (text, video, audio and image);
- Grouping of these media to achieve encapsulation of the information;
- Viewing of 3-D models;
- The possibility of viewing the location of the event;
- Virtual reality (VR) tour viewing.
- System architecture;
- Functional modules and infrastructure;
- AR application user workflows.
2. System Architecture
- Content management tools.
- Tools to access third-party content and data sources.
- User management tools.
- Tools to support the viewing application.
3. Functional Modules and Infrastructure
- Content Management System Database: Manages the content that will be uploaded and/or linked, while allowing the system to archive the content and maintain the necessary metadata.
- Mobile App Support Database: Manages the number of entities related to the planning of content promotion per music event, brochure, function, etc. Supports the workflows for the creation of both the content and the functions of the app.
- REST API and microservices support infrastructure (REST Services Infrastructure): Infrastructure for the provision of services to the front end in order to easily manage access to the DBs and content. At the same time, it is possible to access the file system infrastructure through the services for uploading content to the mobile application.
- Content Management System (CMS): Provides an initial content management interface to support the web application, so that users can log in by going through the necessary user authentication procedures and then proceed to the tasks they need to implement.
- Data Management and Content Storage Component: an interface that enables the user, in a user-friendly environment, to upload, categorize and organize the content of a text, 3-D models and other data, so that it can be accessed by the other interfaces of the system.
- Multimedia Data Management Component: an interface that enables the user, in a user-friendly environment, to upload, categorize and organize multimedia data content so that it can be accessed by the other interfaces of the system.
- Interface for organizing and linking the mobile application’s operating entities to content (Assign Entities to Content Component): an interface that enables the user to manage and organize the content that is available from the other interfaces, in a user-friendly environment, in such a way that it is linked to events, displays prints, etc., as well as to feed the mobile application in such a way that it dynamically provides the display material.
- Dynamic Information Services Management Component: an interface to connect with third-party sources and enrich the content with additional information that is available from the web.
- AR content management interface and dynamic projection through the camera of the mobile device (AR-Camera Interaction Component): dynamic projection of 3-D objects in space in the AR format, with interaction through the camera and shapes in analogue brochures and/or posters.
- Multimedia and non-content viewing interface (Multimedia Management Tools): the mobile application provides tools for viewing and integrating multimedia data, text material, photos and dynamic content from third-party sources.
- Virtual Reality Content Management Interface (VR Component): manages virtual tour content as well as video and 360° virtual tour content.
4. AR Application User Workflows
- The section providing the general information of the application and the event/activity organizer (Figure 6, area 1: square with beige color).
- Information section on current music events, event history and possibly other printed materials (selection of a specific music event, camera function for use directly in a smart brochure, information on the geographical location of the event and index of smart printed material) (Figure 6, area 2: square with red color).
- Event-specific/action-specific information management module and “smart” brochures (Figure 6, area 3: square with green color).
- Function to display external links such as operator websites and information links for specific content.
- Functions of AR objects and the enrichment of these with video, audio, text and other information.
- Multimedia viewing functions.
5. The AR App Versions for Music Events
6. Educational Version of the AR Application
7. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Cost of the device used to evaluate the application: up to 100 EUR, 101 EUR–500 EUR, more than 500 EUR. |
Browsing navigation mode: 1 to 5 (Poor to Excellent). |
Information display: 1 to 5 (Poor to Excellent). |
Options response time: 1 to 5 (Poor to Excellent). |
Rate the overall application’s design quality: 1 to 5 stars. |
Rate the overall quality of the “smart brochure”: 1 to 5 stars. |
Rate the usefulness of the application: 1 to 5 stars. |
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Share and Cite
Kaimaris, D.; Patias, P.; Roustanis, T.; Klimantakis, K.; Georgiadis, C.; Papadopoulos, G.-J.; Poulopoulos, K.; Karadimas, D. The Development of a Model System for the Visualization of Information on Cultural Activities and Events. Electronics 2023, 12, 4769.
Kaimaris D, Patias P, Roustanis T, Klimantakis K, Georgiadis C, Papadopoulos G-J, Poulopoulos K, Karadimas D. The Development of a Model System for the Visualization of Information on Cultural Activities and Events. Electronics. 2023; 12(23):4769.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKaimaris, Dimitris, Petros Patias, Themistoklis Roustanis, Kostas Klimantakis, Charalampos Georgiadis, George-Julius Papadopoulos, Kostas Poulopoulos, and Dimitris Karadimas. 2023. "The Development of a Model System for the Visualization of Information on Cultural Activities and Events" Electronics 12, no. 23: 4769.
APA StyleKaimaris, D., Patias, P., Roustanis, T., Klimantakis, K., Georgiadis, C., Papadopoulos, G.-J., Poulopoulos, K., & Karadimas, D. (2023). The Development of a Model System for the Visualization of Information on Cultural Activities and Events. Electronics, 12(23), 4769.