CNN Variants for Computer Vision: History, Architecture, Application, Challenges and Future Scope
<p>How computers visualize an image.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>CNN components.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Convolution layer [<a href="#B7-electronics-10-02470" class="html-bibr">7</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Input and filter image [<a href="#B8-electronics-10-02470" class="html-bibr">8</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Calculation of filter slides over input image [<a href="#B8-electronics-10-02470" class="html-bibr">8</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>First step of convolution [<a href="#B8-electronics-10-02470" class="html-bibr">8</a>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Matrix calculation.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Padding [<a href="#B8-electronics-10-02470" class="html-bibr">8</a>].</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Max pooling [<a href="#B8-electronics-10-02470" class="html-bibr">8</a>].</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Average pooling [<a href="#B8-electronics-10-02470" class="html-bibr">8</a>].</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Fully connected Layer [<a href="#B8-electronics-10-02470" class="html-bibr">8</a>].</p> "> Figure 12
<p>CNN variants categories.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Applications of CNN.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- This review assists readers in making sound decisions about their research work in the area of CNN for computer vision;
- This manuscript includes existing CNN architectures and their architectural limitations, leading it to design new architecture. Furthermore, it clearly explains the merits and demerits of almost all popular CNN variants;
- It divides the CNN architecture into eight categories based on their implementation criteria, which is an exciting part of this survey paper;
- Various applications of CNN are also explained so that readers can also take on any other application area of CNN other than computer vision;
- It provides a clear listing of future research trends in the area of CNN for computer vision.
2. Literature Review
2.1. CNN Fundamentals
2.1.1. Input Image
2.1.2. Convolution Layer
Feature Extraction
- A type in which the dimensionality of the convoluted feature is reduced in comparison to the input;
- A type in which the dimensionality is not reduced but is either enhanced or maintained. Padding is used to satisfy this task.
2.1.3. Pooling Layer
Maximum Pooling
Average Pooling
2.1.4. Nonlinearity Layer (Activation Function)
- Linear Activation FunctionThis uses function F(x) = CY. It takes the input and multiplies it with constant c (weight of each neuron), and produces the output signal proportional to the input. The linear function can be better than the step function, as it only give the yes or no answer and not the multiple answers.
- Non-linear Activation FunctionsIn modern neural networks, non-linear activation functions are used. They enable the model to build complicated mappings between the network’s inputs and outputs, which are critical for learning and modelling complex data, including images, video, audio, and non-linear or high-dimensional data sets.
2.1.5. Fully Connected Layer
2.2. Architectural Evolution of Deep CNNs
2.2.1. Spatial Exploitation-Based CNNs
2.2.2. CNN Based on Depth
2.2.3. CNNs with Multiple Paths
2.2.4. Feature-Map Exploitation Based CNNs
2.2.5. Multi-Connection Depending on the Width
2.2.6. Exploitation-Based Feature-Map (ChannelFMap) CNNs
2.2.7. CNNs That Are Based on Attention
2.2.8. Dimension-Based CNN
CNN Competitive Architectures
Mask R-CNN (2017)
G-RCNN (Graph Recognition Convolutional Neural Network) (2021)
MFRNet: (2021) (Multi-Level Feature Review Network)
DDGD: Disentangled Dynamic Graph Deep Generation (2021)
YOLOv4 (2020)
Net2Vis (2021)
Sketch-R2CNN (2021)
DeepThin (2021)
YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021 (2021)
ChebNet: Chebyshev Polynomial Based Graph Convolution (2016)
GCN: Graph Convolutional Network (2016)
FastGCN: Minibatch Training for Graph Convolutional Network (2018)
LanczosNet (2019)
SplineCNN (2018)
ECC: Edge-Conditioned Convolution (2017)
GAT: Graph Attention Network (2017) Ioffe 2013
3. CNN Application
3.1. Computer Vision and Associated Applications
3.2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
3.3. Object Detection and Segmentation
3.4. Image Classification
3.5. Recognition of Speech
3.6. Video Processing
3.7. Images with Low Resolution
3.8. System with Limited Resources
3.9. CNN for Various Dimensional Data
3.10. Object Counting
4. CNN Challenges
- As deep CNNs are typically a black box, they may be challenging to comprehend and explain. As a result, verifying them can be challenging at times;
- According to Szegedy et al. (2013), training a CNN on noisy picture data can increase the misclassification error (Szegedy et al., 2014). Adding a small amount of random noise to the input image can deceive the network, causing the original and slightly agitated variant to be classified incorrectly;
- Each CNN layer is organized in such a manner that it extracts problem-specific information associated with the task automatically. In some of the cases, before classification, some jobs require knowledge of the behavior of features retrieved by deep CNN. Thus, the feature visualization concept in CNN may be helpful. Similarly, Hinton stated that lower levels should only pass on their knowledge to the relevant neurons of the following layer. Hinton presented an intriguing capsule network technique in this area [66];
- Deep CNNs use supervised learning processes, which require huge amount of annotated data to train the network. Humans, on the other hand, can learn from a few examples;
- The choice of hyper-parameters has a significant impact on the CNN performance. A slight change can influence the overall performance of a CNN in hyper-parameter values. As a result, selecting hyper-parameters with care is a critical design issue that must be addressed using an appropriate optimization technique;
- One of CNN’s limitations in vision-related jobs is that it rarely performs well when used to estimate an object’s pose, orientation, or location. In 2012, AlexNet attempted to address this difficulty by developing data augmentation, which solved the problem to some extent. In addition, data augmentation aids CNN in learning a variety of internal representations, potentially improving its performance.
5. Future Directions
- Ensemble learning is an upcoming research area in CNN. By extracting distinct semantic representations, the model can improve the generalization and resilience of many categories of images by combining multiple and diverse designs;
- In picture segmentation tasks, although it performs well, a CNN’s ability as a “generative learner” is limited. The use of CNNs’ generative learning capabilities throughout feature extraction phases can improve the model’s representational power. At the intermediate phases of CNN, fresh examples can be incorporated to improve the learning capability by using auxiliary learners (Khan et al., 2018a);
- Attention is a crucial process in the human visual system for acquiring information from images. Furthermore, the attention mechanism collects the crucial information from the image and stores its context in relation to the other visual components. In the future, the research could be conducted to preserve the spatial importance of objects and their distinguishing characteristics during subsequent stages of learning;
- It is observed that the learning capability of a CNN is mainly increased by increasing the network’s size, and this may be achieved by modern advanced hardware technologies, such as the Nvidia DGX-2 supercomputer. Nonetheless, training more deep and high-capacity CNN architectures consumes a substantial amount of memory and computing resources [68,69];
- The fundamental disadvantage of CNNs is their inability to be applied in real-time. Furthermore, the CNN is delayed in compact hardware due to its high computational cost, particularly in mobile systems. Therefore, various hardware accelerators are necessary for this scenario to reduce the execution time and power consumption. Thus far, numerous highly interesting accelerators have been presented in this field. Examples include Eyeriss, FPGA, and application-specific integrated circuits (Moons and Verhelst 2017);
- The activation function (e.g., RELU, sigmoid, etc.), number of neurons per layer, kernel size, layer organization, and other hyper-parameters of deep CNN are critical. There is a trade-off between the selection of hyper-parameters and the evaluation time. Hyper-parameter tuning is a time-consuming and intuitive process that cannot be specified explicitly. In this case, genetic algorithms can be used to automatically enhance hyper-parameters by conducting searches both at random and by directing searches based on previous results (Khan et al., 2019);
- Deep and broad CNN poses a significant difficulty in developing and executing them on devices with limited resources;
- Pipeline parallelism can be utilized to scale up in-depth CNN training to overcome hardware limitations. The Google group has presented GPipe, a distributed machine learning library that includes a model parallelism option for training. Pipelining could be utilized in the future to speed up the training of big models and scale performance without having to tune hyper parameters;
- Cloud-based platforms’ promise in creating computationally expensive CNN applications is projected to be fully realized in the future. Cloud computing helps the user to deal with large amounts of data and provides them with an exceptional computational efficiency at a reasonable cost. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and IBM, among others, provide public cloud computing resources with superb scalability, speed, and flexibility for training-resource-intensive CNN designs. Furthermore, the cloud environment makes it simple for researchers and new practitioners to set up libraries;
- As CNN primarily uses image processing, implementing state-of-the-art CNN architectures on sequential data necessitates transforming 1D data to 2D data. The trend of using 1D-CNNs for sequential data is being advocated because of their excellent feature extraction capabilities and efficient computations with a small number of parameters [70];
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Architecture Name | Year | Category | Main Role | Parameter | Error Rate |
LeNet | 1998 | Spatial Exploitation | It was the first prevalent CNN architecture | 0.060 M | dist]MNIST: 0.8 MNIST: 0.95 |
AlexNet | 2012 | Spatial Exploitation |
GPUs NVIDIA GTX 580 | 60 M | ImageNet: 16.4 |
ZfNet | 2014 | Spatial Exploitation | Provided visualization of intermediate layers | 60 M | ImageNet: 11.7 |
VGG | 2014 | Spatial Exploitation | It used small-sized kernels and had homogeneous topology | 138 M | ImageNet: 7.3 |
GoogleNet | 2015 | Spatial Exploitation | It was first architecture to introduce block concept. It used split transform and then merge idea | 4 M | ImageNet: 6.7 |
InceptionV-3 | 2015 | Depth + Width | It was able to handle bottleneck issue and applied small filters rather than using large filters | 23.6 M | ImageNet: 3.5 Multi-Crop: 3.58 Single-Crop: 5.6 |
Highway Network | 2015 | Depth + Multi-Path | First architecture to introduce the idea of multi path | 2.3 M | CIFAR-10: 7.76 |
Inception V-4 | 2016 | Depth + Width | It used asymmetric filters with split transform and merge concept | 35 M | ImageNet: 4.01 |
Inception ResNet | 2016 | Depth + Width + Multi-Path | It used residual link with split transform and merge concept | 55.8 M | ImageNet: 3.52 |
ResNet | 2016 | Depth + Multi-Path | Identified mapping-based skip connections with residual learning | 25.6 M 1.7 M | ImageNet: 3.6 CIFAR-10: 6.43 |
Deluge Net | 2016 | Multi-path | Allowed cross layer information flow in deep networks | 20.2 M | CIFAR-10: 3.76 CIFAR-100: 19.02 |
Fractal Net | 2016 | Multi-path | Various path lengths interacted with each other without any residual connection | 38.6 M | CIFAR-10: 7.27 CIFAR-10+: 4.60 CIFAR-10++: 4.59 CIFAR-100: 28.20 CIFAR-100+: 22.49 CIFAR100++: 21.49 |
WideResNet | 2016 | Width | Width was increased in comparison to depth | 36.5 M | CIFAR-10: 3.89 CIFAR-100: 18.85 |
Xception | 2017 | Width | Depth-based convolution was followed by point-based convolution | 22.8 M | ImageNet: 0.055 |
Residual Attention Neural Network | 2017 | Attention | First architecture to introduce attention mechanism | 8.6 M | CIFAR-10: 3.90 CIFAR-100: 20.4 ImageNet: 4.8 |
ResNext | 2017 | Width | Introduced cardinality, homogeneous topology and grouped convolution | 68.1 M | CIFAR-10: 3.58 CIFAR-100: 17.31 ImageNet: 4.4 |
Squeeze and Excittation Network | 2017 | Feature-Map Exploitation | Modeled interdependencies between feature maps | 27.5 M | ImageNet 2.3 |
DenseNet | 2017 | Multi-Path | Crosslayer information flow | 25.6 M 25.6 M 15.3 M 15.3 M | CIFAR-10+: 3.46 CIFAR100+: 17.18 CIFAR-10: 5.19 CIFAR-100: 19.64 |
PolyNet | 2017 | Width | Implemented structural diversity and poly-inception module and generalized residual unit | 92 M | ImageNet: Single: 4.25 Multi: 3.45 |
PyramidalNet | 2017 | Width | Increased width gradually per unit | 116.4 M 27.0 M 27.0 M | ImageNet: 4.7 CIFAR-10: 3.48 CIFAR-100: 17.01 |
Convolutional Block Attention Module (ResNeXt101 (32x4d) + CBAM) | 2018 | Attention | It exploited both spatial and feature map information | 48.96 M | ImageNet: 5.59 |
Concurrent Spatial and Channel Excitation Mechanism | 2018 | Attention | Implemented spatial attention, feature-map attention, and concurrent placement of spatial and channel attention | - | MALC: 0.12 Visceral: 0.09 |
Channel Boosted CNN | 2018 | Channel Boosting | Boosted original channels with additional information by artificial channels | - | - |
Competitive Squeeze and Excitation Network CMPE_SE_WRN_28 | 2018 | Feature-Map Exploitation | Identity mapping and residual mapping were both used | 36.92 M 36.90 M | CIFAR-10: 3.58 CIFAR-100: 18.47 |
EdgeNet | 2019 | Dimension Based | Introduced concept of visual intelligence at the edge. | - | - |
ESPNetV2 | 2019 | Dimension Based | Used light-weight and power-efficient general purpose CNN | - | 68% accuracy |
DiceNET | 2021 | Dimension Based | Introduced dimension-based CNN, including height, width, and depth | - | 75.1% Accuracy |
Architecture | Merits | Demerits |
LeNet |
AlexNet |
ZfNet |
GoogleNet |
Architecture | Merits | Demerits |
Inception-V3 |
Highway Networks |
Inception-ResNet |
| |
Inception-V4 |
ResNet |
Architecture | Merits | Demerits |
Highway Networks | By introducing cross-layer connectivity, it mitigates the constraints of deep networks. | Because gates are data dependent, they may become expensive. |
Resent |
DenseNet |
Architecture | Merits | Demerits |
Wide ResNet |
Pyramidal Net |
Xception |
Inception |
ResNeXt |
Architecture | Merits | Demerits |
Squeeze and Excitation Network |
Competitive Squeeze and Excitation Networks |
Architecture | Merits | Demerits |
Channel Boosted CNN using Transfer Learning |
Architecture | Merits | Demerits |
Residual Attention Neural Network |
Convolutional Block Attention Module |
Architecture | Merits | Demerits |
Dice-Net |
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Share and Cite
Bhatt, D.; Patel, C.; Talsania, H.; Patel, J.; Vaghela, R.; Pandya, S.; Modi, K.; Ghayvat, H. CNN Variants for Computer Vision: History, Architecture, Application, Challenges and Future Scope. Electronics 2021, 10, 2470.
Bhatt D, Patel C, Talsania H, Patel J, Vaghela R, Pandya S, Modi K, Ghayvat H. CNN Variants for Computer Vision: History, Architecture, Application, Challenges and Future Scope. Electronics. 2021; 10(20):2470.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBhatt, Dulari, Chirag Patel, Hardik Talsania, Jigar Patel, Rasmika Vaghela, Sharnil Pandya, Kirit Modi, and Hemant Ghayvat. 2021. "CNN Variants for Computer Vision: History, Architecture, Application, Challenges and Future Scope" Electronics 10, no. 20: 2470.
APA StyleBhatt, D., Patel, C., Talsania, H., Patel, J., Vaghela, R., Pandya, S., Modi, K., & Ghayvat, H. (2021). CNN Variants for Computer Vision: History, Architecture, Application, Challenges and Future Scope. Electronics, 10(20), 2470.