Load Forecasting Techniques and Their Applications in Smart Grids
<p>Types of load forecasting based on forecasting horizon.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The factors that can affect the LF model.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Shifted dates method to generate extra temperature scenarios.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Bootstrapping method to generate extra temperature scenarios.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>K-means clustering.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>An example of a neural network with three hidden layers.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Very short-term load forecasting (VSTLF): The forecasting process is performed a few minutes before, and the forecasted values are sent to the operator to be used in almost real time. It is eligible to be utilized in high-speed applications to interact with the very fast variation in electricity demands [26]
- Short-term load forecasting (STLF): It aims to predict the load for the following thirty minutes till the next fifteen days. The reliability and operation costing of the energy system are affected by the precision of this method. The improper method could cause a deficiency of reserved capacity which will be distributed costly or waste resources by reservation of not needed capacity [27,28].
- Medium-term load forecasting (MTLF): It aims to estimate the load that covers a time span of a month up to a year and depends on growth factors. This forecasting method suits outage and maintenance planning in addition to load-switching operations [29].
- Long-term load forecasting (LTLF): It aims to estimate the load that covers forecasting of a year up to ten years and sometimes up to several decades. This method is important for energy utilities and planners in terms of smart grid expansion planning, future investments, and distribution planning [30,31].
- Weather: It includes the most significant parameters that affect the STLF such as temperature degree, wind speed, humidity condition, and cloudiness status [35].
- Calendar: The prediction process could vary extremely throughout the week. Typically, electricity usage is high during weekdays as most users are at working buildings or educational buildings, and usage is usually low during the weekend as users are at home and some businesses are closed [36].
- Rooftop Solar: The solar panels and other types of electricity generators installed can reduce the amount of electricity a user draws from the grid. Rooftop installations can be hard to gauge as the addition and removal of these panels are hard to pinpoint at a given time [37].
- Economic Conditions: The amount of electricity required by commercial and industrial consumers is an important factor in the total demand. In a strong economy, manufacturers with power-intensive machines are likely to use more energy than in a weak economy [38].
- Consumer Behavior: It includes the quantity and quality of electrical instruments that customers utilize in their units or intend to install including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems [39].
- Plug-In EVs: Charging EVs requires a significant amount of electricity. With increasing numbers of EVs, the impact they have on the grid increases proportionally [40].
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Temperature Scenario Generation Methods
- Fixed-date: It selects the climate history of a previous period (maybe year) and determines the range of temperatures chronically to the next years to obtain the complete prediction scenario [43]. The probabilistic forecast (PF) comes from n scenarios with balanced probability, where n is the accumulation of a specific period of the climate profile (range of temperatures) [44].
- Shifted date: It selects the temperature profile exactly like the previous method, then moves it forward and backward with a specific window (could be one day or more), then determines each shifted profile chronically to the next years to get the complete prediction scenario. PF is calculated by scenarios with balanced probability, where d is the number of days and the basic temperature profile is being shifted around [45,46]. Figure 3 explains the shifting process of a temperature series by moving one day forward and backward to make two extra temperature scenarios. The first row represents the basic temperature series. The following rows represent the shifted series by one day forward and backward. This method keeps the correlation of the temperature series while making extra scenarios to improve the efficiency of the PLF.
- Bootstrap: the climate profile of every original year is segmented into blocks with similar lengths, then the blocks are at random picked with surrogates from any of the original years to create a novel temperature profile [47]. Figure 4 explains the method as follows: in the first scenario, the first block could be obtained from the first block of the year 2001, the second block could be obtained from the second block of the year 1973, and so on [48].
2.2. Multiple Linear Regression Models
- T-Cube Model: includes gross state product (GSP) and third-order polynomials of the current hour temperatures.
- Vanilla Model: includes schedule parameters, such as a month, day, and hour, and their interaction with the polynomials of current hour temperatures [51].
- Hong-2014 Model: includes several effects such as recency, weekend, and the holiday effect. The recency effect denotes the reality that the required amount of energy is influenced by the temperatures of the previous hours [52]. The weekend effect denotes the fact that weekend load characteristics have a low level of load and are sensitive to meteorological conditions. The holiday effect denotes the fact that holidays affect electricity load widely, causing inaccurate forecasts.
2.3. K-Means Clustering
2.4. Neural Network
3. Related Work
Ref. | Summarized Highlights |
[15] |
[60] |
[61] |
[62] |
[20] |
[63] |
[64] |
[65] |
[66] |
[67] |
[68] |
[70] |
[71] |
[72] |
[73] |
[74] |
4. Existing Applied Load Forecasting Techniques
4.1. Traditional Load Forecasting Techniques
4.2. Clustering Based Load Forecasting Techniques
4.3. AI-Based Load Forecasting Techniques
4.4. Time Series Load Forecasting Techniques
4.5. Meta-Heuristic-Based Load Forecasting Techniques
5. Recommendations
- Development of more advanced forecasting models that can handle high levels of volatility and uncertainty in load data;
- Implementation of ensemble methods, which have been shown to improve the accuracy of forecasting models;
- Investigation increasing the use of NNs, which have shown promising results in LF in recent studies;
- Exploration of the use of big data and ML techniques for LF in SGs;
- Examination of the potential benefits of integrating LF with demand response programs in SGs;
- Study of the impact of renewable energy sources on LF in smart grids and the development of models that can accurately forecast the impact of these sources on the grid;
- Development of forecasting models that can take into account the specific characteristics of different types of loads, such as residential, commercial, and industrial loads;
- Consideration of the role of distributed energy resources and their impact on LF in SGs.
6. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
RTP | Real-Time Pricing |
SG | Smart Grid |
LF | Load Forecasting |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
MLP | Multi-Layer Perceptron |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization |
FCRBM | Factored Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine |
ARMA | Auto-Regressive Moving Average |
MPC | Model Predictive Control |
VSTLF | Very Short-Term Load Forecasting |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
GSP | Gross State Product |
MLR | Multiple Linear Regression |
SM | Smart Meter |
ELM | Extreme Learning Machine |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
MSC | Multi-Space Collaboration |
RMS | Root Mean Squared |
ARIMA | Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average |
STLF | Short-Term Load Forecasting |
WKELM | Wavelet Kernel Extreme Learning Machine |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
SI | Swarm Intelligence |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
KNN | K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm |
ToU | Time of Use |
MAPE | Mean Absolute Percentage Error |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Networks |
SCADA | Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition |
OLIN | Online Information Network |
IEMD | Improved Empirical Mode Decomposition |
ML | Machine Learning |
MTLF | Medium-Term Load Forecasting |
WNN | Wavelet Neural Network |
NN | Neural Network |
FOA | Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm |
PLF | Probabilistic Load Forecast |
DL | Deep Learning |
SCC | Spearman Correlation Coefficient |
FWK | Functional Wavelet-Kernel |
CHAID | Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning |
XGB | Extreme Gradient Boosting |
MLR | Multi-variable Linear Regression |
SVR | Support Vector Regression |
CRBM | Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine |
LTLF | Long-Term Load Forecasting |
DBN | Deep Belief Network |
FL | Federated Learning |
VMD | Variational Mode Decomposition |
IoT | Internet of Things |
LGBM | Light Gradient Boosting Machine |
GRU | Gated Recurrent Units |
CPP | Critical Peak Pricing |
QDA | Quantifying Dragonfly Algorithm |
KF | Kalman Filtering |
BLTR | Bed Load Transport Rate |
CLC | Closed-Loop Clustering |
HLF | Hierarchical Load Forecasting |
CEEMDAN | Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Adaptive Noise |
IPFE | Inner-Product Functional Encryption |
CAT | Change And Transmit |
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Ref. | Used Models | Summarized Highlights | Pros | Cons |
| It provides accurate hourly predictions of electricity load. | It requires preprocessing of data collected using SMs technology |
[76] | It is dependent solely on occupancy |
| It explores different methods of generating occupancy indexes, which can be useful for predicting hourly consumption in non-inhabitant buildings | It is limited to non-inhabitant buildings |
[77] | system identification schemes based on system features |
| The calculation time is relatively short (60 s) | The proposed model may not be able to predict extreme events or rare situations |
[78] | Time-based data-driven scheme |
| It improves the accuracy of the power demand prediction | The data-driven scheme used in the study may require large amounts of data to achieve high accuracy |
| It is highly accurate and stable | The proposed hybrid model is a complex model that may be difficult to implement in practice |
[79] | PLF |
| It uses a quantitative probabilistic forecast error that measures quantile score, which provides a more accurate measurement of performance | It is not applicable to other types of forecasting scenarios |
Ref. | Used Models | Summarized Highlights | Pros | Cons |
[80] | Longitudinal grouping Cross-sectional grouping |
| Improve intraday LF by clustering groups of customers with similar load patterns from SM data before doing any LF calculations | It is not clear how well the method would perform in other types of datasets or in a large-scale real-world setting |
[81] | SCC LSTM K-means |
| It achieved the best prediction outcomes when tested on actual dataset | It is not clear how well the method would perform in a large-scale real-world setting |
[82] | defining super-consumers set up a hierarchy of partitions |
| Enhancing the prediction of the whole global signal | It does not specify the evaluation metric used to select the best partition |
[83] | Clustering based FWK |
| Clustering-based FWK technique much more accurate than standard FWK. | It does not specify the specific clustering algorithm used, which makes it difficult to replicate the results of the study |
[84] | DLC ARIMA |
| It addresses the problem of LTLF in developed cities | The study does not specify any details about the preprocessing step |
[85] | KF WNN ANN |
| The simulation results showed improved performance for the addressed methods | The method does not specify how the data were scaled for the study |
[86] | CLC |
| The proposed model outperformed the existing hierarchical LF methods | It does not provide any information about the dataset used to evaluate the algorithm |
Ref. | Used Models | Summarized Highlights | Pros | Cons |
[87] | Decision tree |
| High accuracy levels | The method is limited to only the C4.5 model |
[88] | SVR ANN CHAID General linear regression Merged inference model |
| The use of a merged approach and SVR model resulted in the best forecasting for cooling and heating load | The study may not be generalizable to other datasets |
[89] | MLR SVR ANN |
| A simplified LF technique was proposed | The results revealed a large contradiction between the cooling and heating forecasting performance |
[90] | RNN |
| Not limited to managing cooling operations | The technique may not take into account other factors that could affect building energy performance |
[91] | LSTM-RNN-based univariate |
| It surpasses the original SVR model | The study only focused on the unbalanced data and sophisticated systems |
[92] | LSTM-RNN |
| Results showed that nonlinear prediction techniques outperform linear prediction techniques | It is not generalizable to other types of LF, such as heating or electricity consumption |
[93] | new MLSTM |
| The proposed model outperformed traditional ML models | It is not suitable for all types of systems or stability prediction scenarios |
[94] | ANN, fuzzy logic, auto-regression, auto-regressive moving average, auto-regressive integrated moving average, and WNN |
| Investigated data from a small load, equivalent to a single transformer, using six different techniques | It does not provide a clear advantage for one technique over the others for the analyzed data. |
[23] | FL DL FE |
| It provides privacy preservation with high efficiency | It is limited to energy forecasting for net-metering systems |
[95] | ML FE |
| High Accuracy | The study may not take into account other factors that could affect the system being analyzed. |
[96] | FL IPFE CAT |
| It provides accurate predictions while protecting privacy and reducing communication costs | Limited applications |
Ref. | Used Models | Summarized Highlights | Pros | Cons |
[97] | CRBM FCRBM |
| FCRBM surpassed ANN, SVM, RNN, and CRBM | The proposed models may not be generalizable to other applications |
[98] | DBN AFE |
| The results showed that the energy forecasting accuracy in terms of RMSE was enhanced | The proposed models may be complex and difficult to implement |
[99] | DL statistical model |
| Using MAE, RMSE, MAPE, and R2 scores to evaluate the performance. | It needs to be compared to other models |
[100] | RNN |
| High accuracy and performance level | It may not be suitable for all applications |
[101] | LSTM-RNN-based univariate |
| It outperforms seven ML-based LF techniques, and works over both STLF and MTLF | The results may be affected by the specific dataset used in the study |
[31] | LSTM-RNN |
| More accurate forecasts | Not appropriate for online applications |
[102] | ANN MLR adaptive boosting |
| Superior Accuracy | Limited applications |
[103] | LGBM XGB MLP |
| Several case studies were applied | High overhead |
[104] | PLF NN LSTM |
| It outperforms the traditional techniques. | It needs to be compared to other AI models |
[46] | PLF, ITFT, LSTM, GRU, and TFT |
| Efficient learning of long-term dependencies using a GRU | Limited Applications |
[105] | Hierarchical limitations global consuming |
| It enhanced RMSE values | Limited to household electricity consumption data, may not generalize well to other types of data or contexts |
[106] | DNN |
| Improved accuracy of the forecasts | It may not work well for other type of data or hierarchies |
[107] | An enhanced attention-based LSTM |
| Good results with real data | Working only for EV |
[108] | Hierarchical time series approach |
| The ability to forecast at different levels of granularity, using the bottom-up approach | Complexity of the hierarchical structure, which may make it difficult to implement and interpret |
Ref. | Used Models | Summarized Highlights | Pros | Cons |
[109] | Ridgelet-NN Elman-NN |
| Superior accuracy of the proposed method as measured by various error metrics | It requires more computational resources than other forecasting algorithms |
[110] | LSTM MetaREC RNN |
| MetaREC LSTM improves the accuracy and stability of power STLF | The proposed technique may not be generalizable to other applications |
[111] | WKELM BLTR PSO |
| Accurate and reliable prediction compared to SVM | It was not compared to other models |
[112] | XGB Decision Tree RFE Improved-SVM ELM-GA |
| The improved method outperforms the most recent techniques in terms of accuracy and performance | It may require more computational resources than other forecasting algorithms |
[113] | MSC |
| MSC framework outperformed traditional meta-heuristic algorithms | The proposed framework may be complex and difficult to implement |
| It was found to perform better than other models | It is data-sensitive, allowing for more studies with more field data |
[115] | WKELM BLTR PSO |
| Accurate and reliable prediction compared to SVM | It needs to be compared to other models |
Techniques | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Traditional Load Forecasting Techniques |
Clustering-Based Load Forecasting Techniques |
AI-based Load Forecasting Techniques |
Time Series Load Forecasting Techniques |
Meta-Heuristic Based Load Forecasting Techniques |
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© 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Habbak, H.; Mahmoud, M.; Metwally, K.; Fouda, M.M.; Ibrahem, M.I. Load Forecasting Techniques and Their Applications in Smart Grids. Energies 2023, 16, 1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16031480
Habbak H, Mahmoud M, Metwally K, Fouda MM, Ibrahem MI. Load Forecasting Techniques and Their Applications in Smart Grids. Energies. 2023; 16(3):1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16031480
Chicago/Turabian StyleHabbak, Hany, Mohamed Mahmoud, Khaled Metwally, Mostafa M. Fouda, and Mohamed I. Ibrahem. 2023. "Load Forecasting Techniques and Their Applications in Smart Grids" Energies 16, no. 3: 1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16031480
APA StyleHabbak, H., Mahmoud, M., Metwally, K., Fouda, M. M., & Ibrahem, M. I. (2023). Load Forecasting Techniques and Their Applications in Smart Grids. Energies, 16(3), 1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16031480