A Review of Data-Driven Approaches for Measurement and Verification Analysis of Building Energy Retrofits
<p>Actual energy consumption and modeled building baseline vs. time.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Number of research papers using data-driven approaches for building energy modeling.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Sunburst chart of bibliometric analysis methods used in data-drive building energy modeling.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Sunburst chart of bibliometric analysis building types used in data-drive building energy modeling.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Simple structure of decision tree for regression.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>One-dimensional support vector machine for regression.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Feed forward neural network architecture.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Measurement and Verification Analysis
2.1. Measurement and Verification Protocols
2.1.1. International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)
2.1.2. ASHRAE Guideline 14
2.1.3. Advanced Measurement and Verification
2.2. Baseline Modeling
3. Data-Driven Trend in Building Energy Modeling
3.1. Interest in Data-Driven Approaches
- Data-driven Building Energy Modeling.
- Building Energy Prediction.
- Building Electricity Prediction.
- Machine Learning Building Energy Modeling.
3.2. Data-Driven Approaches
- Linear Regression (LR): it is a category that involves linearly regressed models as described in Section 4.1.
- Ensemble methods and Decision Tree (DT): The two methods are grouped in one category based on their similarity as explained in Section 4.2.
- Support Vector Machine (SVM): it is a modeling method of using supporting vectors to fit a hyperplane for regression and classification as demonstrated in Section 4.3.
- Artificial Neural Network (ANN): it is a category that utilizes deep learning and human brain-inspired function of neurons and layers as discussed in Section 4.4.
- Kernel regression: it is a family of non-parametric techniques to fit changing coefficients on data points as outlined in Section 4.5.
3.3. Building Typologies
- Actual or metered data: these consist of energy consumption recorded using standalone measurement devices or Building Management Systems (BMS).
- –
- Non-residential: encompassing mostly commercial buildings and office spaces. Educational buildings represent cases where the building’s purpose is mostly for classrooms and teaching such as schools and universities. Other buildings with a commercial nature such as restaurants and retail buildings are grouped into one category.
- –
- Residential: including buildings that are used mostly for housing and living spaces. Residential buildings are divided into detached houses, apartment buildings, and other types of residential buildings.
- Simulated or synthesized data: are typically generated using simulation analysis tools such as EnergyPlus and DOE-2.
- Public datasets: are obtained from public databases such as Open Energy Data Initiative (OEDI) [36].
4. Data-Driven Approaches
4.1. Linear Regression
4.1.1. Definition
- : Linear regression coefficients.
- : Linear regression features or predictors.
- : Linear regression prediction of the output variable.
4.1.2. Applications
4.2. Decision Tree and Ensemble Methods
4.2.1. Definition
- s: A decision dividing a node into two leaves.
- : Resulted leaf.
- : Feature from the dataset.
- X: Realizations from the dataset.
4.2.2. Applications
4.3. Support Vector Machine
4.3.1. Definition
- b: Model bias.
- : Kernel function that maps data to higher dimension.
- w: Model weights.
- : Loss or cost function.
- C: Direction regularization coefficient.
- : The distance from data observation to any of the supporting vectors which is minimized by the cost function.
4.3.2. Applications
4.4. Artificial Neural Network
Feed Forward Neural Network
- W: Weights associated with the connection between neurons.
- X: Inputs form the input layer or the output of an activation layer.
- b: Bias term for each neuron.
- : Activation function.
4.5. Kernel Regression
4.5.1. Definition
- N: Neighborhood of points similar based on Euclidean distance.
- h: Count of points in neighborhood N.
- : Kernel equation that weighs points in neighborhood N.
4.5.2. Applications
5. Feature Engineering
5.1. Features
5.2. Feature Processing and Extraction
5.3. Feature Selection
6. Data Requirements
7. Existing Open-Source M&V Frameworks
8. Models Evaluation
8.1. Evaluation Approaches
8.2. Evaluation Metrics
9. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AIC | Akaike Information Criterion |
AMI | Advanced Metering Infrastructure |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating Ventilation Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers |
BIC | Bayesian Information Criterion |
BMS | Building Management System |
CDD | Cooling Degree Days |
DT | Decision Tree |
ECM | Energy Conservation Measure |
EIA | Energy Information Administration |
ELM | Extreme Learning Machine |
FFNN | Feed Forward Neural Network |
GBM | Gradient Boosting Machine |
HVAC | Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
IPMVP | International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol |
KNN | K-Nearest Neighbor |
LCA | Life Cycle Assessment |
LGBM | Light Gradient Boosting Machine |
LR | Linear Regression |
LS-SVM | Least Squares Support Vector Machine |
M&V | Measurement and Verification |
MBE | Mean Bias Error |
MLP | Multilayer Percepton |
NARX | Nonlinear Autoregressive with Exogenous inputs |
NMBE | Normalized Mean Bias Error |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OEDI | Open Energy Data Initiative |
OLS | Ordinary Least Square |
PI-SVM | Parallel Implemented Support Vector Machine |
RBFNN | Radial Basis Function Neural Network |
RC | Resistance and Capacitance |
RF | Random Forest |
ReLU | Rectified Linear Unit |
RSS | Residual Sum of Squares |
SLP | Single Layer Perceptron |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
TOWT | Time of Week and Temperature |
VIF | Variance Inflation Factor |
WLS | Weighted Least Squares |
XGB | Extreme Gradient Boosting Machine |
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- LBNL. RMV2.0—LBNL M&V2.0 Tool. 2020. Available online: https://github.com/LBNL-ETA/RMV2.0 (accessed on 12 May 2022).
M&V Options | Boundary | Parameters | Process |
Option A | System | Key system parameters with estimation | Simple calculations with the estimated parameters |
Option B | System | All system parameters with no estimation | More rigorous calculations with all related parameters |
Option C | Whole Building | Whole building energy consumption historical data | whole building baseline modeling with building energy consumption and related parameters |
Option D | Whole Building and/or System | Whole building and/or system parameters with energy bills | Calibrated simulation of the boundary using data and modeling tools |
Building Type and Number | Features | Data Granularity | Model Type | References |
Bakery, office, and furniture store | Date and temperature | Hourly | OLS | [38] |
537 commercial buildings | Varies from model to model with temperature and date as main features | Hourly | OLS and MARS | [39] |
Educational building | Date, Weather, Occupancy | Hourly | OLS | [40] |
Health Center | Temperature | Monthly | OLS | [41] |
Office Building | Temperature and Occupancy | Monthly | OLS | [42] |
Genome Project 2 open dataset of 1578 non-residential buildings | Date, and Meteorological data | 3-h | Baysian LR | [43] |
Two office buildings, two shopping malls, one hotel, and one multi-function building | Date, Meteorological data, and Occupancy | 15-min | GPR | [44] |
2 Educational buildings | Date and Meteorological data | Daily | OLS | [45] |
Building Type and Number | Features | Data Granularity | Model Type | References |
410 Commercial building | Date and Temperature | 15-min | XGB | [53] |
12 Office building | Date and Meteorological data | Hourly | RF and DT | [54] |
10 Commercial and 1 residential buildings | Meteorological data | Monthly and Daily | RF and DT | [55] |
2 Educational Buildings | Date, Meteorological data, and Occupancy | Hourly | RF and DT | [57] |
Residential Quarter | Date and Meteorological data | Hourly | DT, GBM, XGB | [58] |
507 Non-residential Buildings from Genome Database | Date and Meteorological data | Hourly | Stacking | [59] |
Educational Building | Date, Meteorological data, and Occupancy | Hourly | Bagging Trees | [60] |
Healthcare | Date, Meteorological data, and Occupancy | Daily and Weekly | XGB and RF | [61] |
Hotel | Date, Meteorological data, and Occupancy | Hourly | RF | [62] |
1325 air conditioners | Date, Meteorological data, and indoor environmental parameters | Daily | XGB, RF, GBDT, AdaBoost | [63] |
Heat pump in a residential building | Date, Meteorological data, and HVAC system operating parameters | 30-min | XGB, Stacking | [64] |
House | Meteorological data, and indoor environmental parameters | 10-min | XGB | [65] |
Building Type and Number | Features | Data Granularity | Model Type | References |
3 Residential Buildings | Date, and Meteorological data | Hourly | SVM, LS-SVM | [67] |
Simulated Office building | Date, and Meteorological data | Hourly | PI-SVM | [70] |
4 Commercial Buildings | Temperature | Monthly | SVM | [71] |
Hotel | Date, Meteorological data, and Occupancy | Hourly | SVM with RBF | [72] |
Commercial Building | Date, Meteorological data | 15-min | SVM with RBF | [73] |
Hotel | Date, Meteorological data, and HVAC operation parameters | Hourly | SVM with RBF | [74] |
Building Type and Number | Features | Data Granularity | Model Type | References |
Biomedical manufacturing’s chilled water system | HVAC system operating variables | 15-min to weekly | SLP | [77] |
Office building HVAC hot water system | Outside dry-bulb temperature | Hourly and Daily | MLP | [78] |
5 Office buildings | Date, Meteorological data, and HVAC loads | Hourly | SLP | [79] |
1 Educational building, 1 real and 2 simulated office buildings | Date and Temperature | Hourly | SLP | [80] |
47 buildings in an educational campus | Date and Meteorological data | Hourly | SLP | [81] |
7 Dormitory buildings | Date, Meteorological data, and Occupancy | Hourly | SLP | [82] |
Library and ASHRAE Energy Prediction Competition I dataset | Date and Meteorological data | Hourly | SLP | [83] |
Educational building | Date, Meteorological data, and Occupancy | 15-min | SLP | [84] |
Building Type and Number | Features | Data Granularity | Model Type | References |
2 Educational buildings | Date and Meteorological data | 30-min and Hourly | KNN | [92] |
Biomedical manufacturing facility | Date, Temperature, and manufacturing factors | Intervals from 15-min to Monthly | KNN | [91] |
Educational building | Date, Meteorological data, and chiller operating variables | 15-min | KNN | [90] |
68 Commercial and 54 residential buildings | Date | Hourly | KNPTS and KNFTS | [93] |
Chiller in a public building | Meteorological data and Chiller operating parameters | 15-min | KNN | [94] |
Feature Categories | Feature | References |
Date-Related | 15-min of an hour | [53,65,76,84] |
Hour | [40,61,63,74,82,84,98,99] | |
Day | [40,45,55,57,74,84,99] | |
Week | [45,57] | |
Holiday | [53,55,100] | |
Month or/and Biannually | [57,84,99] | |
Meteorological | Outside Dry-Bulb and/or Wet-bulb Temperature | [38,40,45,53,54,55,57,65,70,72,74,76,84] |
Relative Humidity and/or Humidity Ratio | [40,45,57,74,84] | |
Solar Irradiance | [40,55,57,84] | |
Enthalpy | [45,55] | |
Wind Direction and/or Speed | [40,55,57,84] | |
Occupancy-Related | Infrared Sensors and/or recorded Equipment use | [40,74,84] |
Schedules and Records | [57,73] | |
Operation-Related | Indoor Dry-Bulb Temperature | [63,74] |
Building Systems’ Operating Variables | [45,65,74,99] |
Feature Engineering Category | Feature | Method | References |
Processing | Outdoor Temperature | CDD and HDD | [45,104] |
Change-Point | [54,104] | ||
Piece-wise Fitting | [38,53,105] | ||
Time | Hot-encoding | [38,53,55,100,105] | |
All or Multiple Features | Clustering | [98,105] | |
All or Multiple Features | PCA | [73,83,106] | |
All or Multiple Features | Deep Feature Extraction | [107] | |
Selection | All or Multiple Features | Forward and Backward Selection | [54,67] |
All or Multiple Features | Feature Importance | [55,63,64,65] | |
All or Multiple Features | EDA | [56,63,73,82,97] |
Framework | Models | Inputs | Frequency | Development Language | Reference |
ECAM | LR | Date, Dry-bulb temperature, and Occupancy | Hourly, Daily, and Monthly | Excel add-in | [110] |
EEMeter | LR, GBM | Date, Dry-bulb temperature, and Occupancy | Hourly, Daily, and Monthly | Python | [108] |
NMECR | LR | Date, Dry-bulb temperature, Occupancy, and independent variables | Hourly, Daily, and Monthly | R | [111] |
RMV2.0 | LR | Date, Dry-bulb temperature, and Occupancy | Hourly | R | [112] |
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Share and Cite
Alrobaie, A.; Krarti, M. A Review of Data-Driven Approaches for Measurement and Verification Analysis of Building Energy Retrofits. Energies 2022, 15, 7824. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15217824
Alrobaie A, Krarti M. A Review of Data-Driven Approaches for Measurement and Verification Analysis of Building Energy Retrofits. Energies. 2022; 15(21):7824. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15217824
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlrobaie, Abdurahman, and Moncef Krarti. 2022. "A Review of Data-Driven Approaches for Measurement and Verification Analysis of Building Energy Retrofits" Energies 15, no. 21: 7824. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15217824
APA StyleAlrobaie, A., & Krarti, M. (2022). A Review of Data-Driven Approaches for Measurement and Verification Analysis of Building Energy Retrofits. Energies, 15(21), 7824. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15217824