Inferring What to Do (And What Not to)
"> Figure 1
<p>This schematic illustrates inference through message passing. The graphic on the left in blue shows a factor graph expressing a simple generative model. This shows factors of a generative model as squares and variables in circles. The generative model shown here says simply that observations (<span class="html-italic">o</span>) are generated by hidden states (<span class="html-italic">s</span>) via a likelihood distribution with parameters (<span class="html-italic">θ</span>). The graphic on the right shows that this model may be inverted to find the probability of states given past observations (<span class="html-italic">o</span><sub><</sub>), as indicated by the arrow from the <span class="html-italic">o</span><sub><</sub> circle to the <b>s</b> circle, and prior beliefs about states, as indicated by the arrow from <b>s</b> to <b>s</b>. The former depends upon beliefs about the parameters of the likelihood mapping—this is shown through the circular arrowhead going from <b>θ</b> to the connection between the <span class="html-italic">o</span><sub><</sub> circle and the <b>s</b> circle. Similarly, beliefs about parameters are updated based upon prior beliefs about parameters and observations contextualised by beliefs about states. We will consistently use bold in subsequent figures to represent sufficient statistics of probability distributions.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The graphic in this figure shows the anatomy that underwrites the saccadic exploration of a visual scene. This is framed in terms of the connections between the dorsal frontal cortex and more ventral regions of the posterior cortices (i.e., those neurons whose axons run in the second branch of the superior longitudinal fasciculus). When these connections are damaged in the right hemisphere, this causes visual neglect, a condition in which the left-side of space is ignored. The “active learning” panel offers an explanation for why this is. When an axon is cut, the efficacy associated with that connection can no longer be changed by making new observations. Scoring eye-movements (<span class="html-italic">π</span>) in terms of their information gain, this means there is little point looking at the left side of space as there is a greater expected change in efficacy associated with saccades to the right.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>This schematic deals with the anatomy that underwrites many common experiments of prefrontal cortical function. This is formulated in line with lateral to medial functional gradients such that lateral cortices receive sensory information derived from exteroceptive sensory streams (e.g., visual and auditory cortices [<a href="#B85-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">85</a>,<a href="#B86-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">86</a>]), while medial and orbitofrontal regions receive input from interoceptive streams (e.g., the insula and amygdala [<a href="#B81-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">81</a>,<a href="#B82-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">82</a>,<a href="#B83-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">83</a>,<a href="#B84-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">84</a>]). This medial-to-lateral interoceptive-to-exteroceptive axis has been characterised as the “hot” and “cold” axis [<a href="#B98-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">98</a>]. The relevance of this is that inferences about the context afforded by the external world influence the relationship between alternative choices a creature might make (policy-dependent states) and the interoceptive consequences of those choices. For example, an experimental stimulus could provide a clue as to which option results in a gustatorily rewarding outcome. As we said above, interoceptive outcomes are the most tightly regulated. This implicates medial regions like the orbitofrontal cortex in this aspect of motivated behaviour.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>This graphic shows the form of message passing implied by a deep temporal model. This image focuses upon inference about states but emphasises the importance of inferences about policies in contextualising message passing between hierarchical levels. Each level is indexed with a bracketed superscript. At each level, ascending messages from the level below constrain activity based upon sensory data (either vicariously or directly—in the case of level 1). This enables inferences about the states conditioned upon a policy. This may be averaged under beliefs about the policy at that level. The resulting inference about states provides the ascending message to the higher level. Inferences about states conditioned upon a policy form descending messages, averaged under beliefs about the policy at the same level. Note the asymmetry of message passing—characteristic of cortical connectivity [<a href="#B104-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">104</a>,<a href="#B105-entropy-22-00536" class="html-bibr">105</a>]—in the ascending and descending directions as a result of this averaging.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>This coronal section through the basal ganglia shows how inferences over different timescales interact in informing policy priors. Here, the distinction between the <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="script">E</mi> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="script">G</mi> </semantics></math> potentials has been cartooned as the distinction between the direct and indirect pathways, the softmax parameter <span class="html-italic">β</span> influencing the balance between the two. Note that the softmax ensures a form of reciprocal inhibition, such that a large weight on <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="script">E</mi> </semantics></math> implies a diminishing effect of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="script">G</mi> </semantics></math>. This is the reason we show the softmax parameter as influencing both the direct and indirect pathways. By facilitating one, the other is implicitly suppressed.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>This graphic emphasises the reciprocity of Bayesian message passing. The structure from <a href="#entropy-22-00536-f005" class="html-fig">Figure 5</a> has been incorporated and extended to deal with inference about the precision. Here, the influence of the precision over the mapping from the expected free energy and empirical priors to the policies is reciprocated, such that the precision is itself updated based upon an expectation under posterior beliefs about the policy. This is depicted here in terms of a series of hierarchical nigrostriatal loops, each of which deals with a separate timescale of inference.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Graphical Models and Inference
3. Information and Experimental Design
3.1. Mutual Information
3.2. Attention Networks and Disconnection
4. Utility and Steady State
4.1. KL-Control
4.2. Prefrontal Cortex
5. Planning as Inference
5.1. Expected Free Energy
5.2. Perseveration
6. Deep Generative Models
6.1. Temporal Hierarchies
6.2. Direct and Indirect Pathways
7. Precision Optimisation
7.1. Reciprocal Messages
7.2. Nigrostriatal Loops
8. Discussion
9. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parr, T. Inferring What to Do (And What Not to). Entropy 2020, 22, 536.
Parr T. Inferring What to Do (And What Not to). Entropy. 2020; 22(5):536.
Chicago/Turabian StyleParr, Thomas. 2020. "Inferring What to Do (And What Not to)" Entropy 22, no. 5: 536.
APA StyleParr, T. (2020). Inferring What to Do (And What Not to). Entropy, 22(5), 536.