A Thermodynamic Entropy Approach to Reliability Assessment with Applications to Corrosion Fatigue
<p>Entropy generation’s relationship to damage.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Entropy flow in the control volume under corrosion fatigue.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>(<b>a</b>) Al 7075-T6 finite element analysis; (<b>b</b>) specimen cross section with thickness of 6.3 (dimensions are in mm).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Experimental setup.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Tensile stress–strain curves for aluminum alloy 7075-T651 in air and NaCl 3.5 wt %.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Open circuit potential variation during cyclic load application.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>(<b>a</b>) Polarization curves at different stress levels; (<b>b</b>) the corrosion current as a function of potential was obtained by fitting the sum of two exponential functions to the interval of potential values corresponding to OCP variations during corrosion fatigue tests; (<b>c</b>) polarization curves after different immersion time periods.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Stress–strain and corrosion potential–current hysteresis energy loops.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>(<b>a</b>) Cumulative entropy evolutions at different loading conditions; (<b>b</b>) box plot of fracture entropies (entropy to failure) at each loading condition where boxes represent the interval of fracture entropy distributions, and mid lines reflect the mean of fracture entropies at each loading condition.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Normalized corrosion entropy <span class="html-italic">versus</span> normalized fatigue entropy.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Distribution of damage-to-failure data points and time-to-failure data points.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>(<b>a</b>) Normalized entropy evolution of aluminum specimens; filled diamond and filled circles show the CTF and NETF; respectively. (<b>b</b>) Weibull distribution function was fitted to the NETF; (<b>c</b>) derived PDF of CTF based on NETF PDF <span class="html-italic">versus</span> true CTF distribution.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Entropy Generation and Damage
Fundamentals of Irreversible Thermodynamics
3. Entropic-Based Damage in Corrosion Fatigue
3.1. Activation Overpotential
3.2. Ohmic Overpotential
3.3. Diffusion Losses
3.4. Mechanical Losses
3.5. Total Entropy Generation during Corrosion Fatigue
4. Materials and Experimental Procedures
5. Quantification of Entropy in Corrosion Fatigue
6. Entropic-Based Reliability Assessment
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Parameter | Unit | Description |
J | Chemical affinity (i = 1, 2, ...) | |
v | Electrochemical affinity of oxidation reaction | |
v | Electrochemical affinity of reduction reaction | |
Unitless | Damage | |
d | Unitless | Superscript for dissipative part of the entropy |
Unitless | Damage threshold | |
(J K−1) | Variation of exchange entropy | |
(J K−1) | Variation of dissipative entropy | |
v | Applied overpotential | |
v | Electrode open circuit potential | |
v | Anodic overpotential for oxidation reaction | |
v | Cathodic overpotential for oxidation reaction | |
v | Anodic overpotential for reduction reaction | |
v | Cathodic overpotential for reduction reaction | |
v | Concentration overpotential for cathodic oxidation | |
v | Concentration overpotential for cathodic reduction | |
e | Unitless | Superscript for exchange part of the entropy |
C mol−1 | Faraday’s constant | |
A | Electrical current | |
J K−1 m−2 s−1 | Total entropy flow per unit area per unit time | |
W m−2 | Heat flux | |
mol m−2 s−1 | Diffusion flux | |
A | Irreversible flux of anodic half-reaction of oxidation | |
A | Irreversible flux of cathodic half-reaction of oxidation | |
A | Irreversible flux of anodic half-reaction of reduction | |
A | Irreversible flux of cathodic half-reaction of reduction | |
Cycle | Number of fatigue load cycles | |
mol m−3 | Molar number per unit volume | |
P | Pa | Maximum stress in cyclic load-unload |
Unitless | Probability | |
J K−1 | Entropy | |
J kg−1 K−1 | Specific entropy | |
K | Temperature | |
Cycle | Endurance level | |
s | Time random variable | |
u | Jm−3 | Specific energy |
m3 | Volume element | |
m3 mol−1 | Molar volume | |
v | Unitless | Specific volume |
mol s−1 | Chemical reaction rate | |
Unitless | Number of moles of electrons exchanged in the oxidation process | |
Unitless | Number of moles of electrons exchanged in the reduction process | |
Unitless | Charge transport coefficient for the oxidation process | |
Unitless | Charge transport coefficient for the reduction process | |
J m−3 K−1 | Volumetric entropy | |
J m−3 K−1 | Volumetric entropy generation | |
J m−3 K−1 | Entropic-endurance | |
Unitless | Plastic strain | |
Cycle | Distribution parameter | |
J mol−1 | Chemical potential | |
J mol−1 | Electrochemical potential | |
kg m−3 | Density | |
σ | J m−3 K−1 | Entropy generation per unit volume per unit time |
J m−3 K−1 | Entropy generation due to activation losses per unit volume per unit time | |
J m−3 K−1 | Entropy generation due to concentration losses per unit volume per unit time | |
J m−3 K−1 | Entropy generation due to Ohmic losses per unit volume per unit time | |
Pa | Stress tensor | |
Pa | Hydrostatic part of the stress | |
Unitless | Stoichiometric coefficient | |
v | Potential of the external field |
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Imanian, A.; Modarres, M. A Thermodynamic Entropy Approach to Reliability Assessment with Applications to Corrosion Fatigue. Entropy 2015, 17, 6995-7020. https://doi.org/10.3390/e17106995
Imanian A, Modarres M. A Thermodynamic Entropy Approach to Reliability Assessment with Applications to Corrosion Fatigue. Entropy. 2015; 17(10):6995-7020. https://doi.org/10.3390/e17106995
Chicago/Turabian StyleImanian, Anahita, and Mohammad Modarres. 2015. "A Thermodynamic Entropy Approach to Reliability Assessment with Applications to Corrosion Fatigue" Entropy 17, no. 10: 6995-7020. https://doi.org/10.3390/e17106995
APA StyleImanian, A., & Modarres, M. (2015). A Thermodynamic Entropy Approach to Reliability Assessment with Applications to Corrosion Fatigue. Entropy, 17(10), 6995-7020. https://doi.org/10.3390/e17106995