Review of Autonomous Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots
<p>Schematic diagram of the path planning algorithm based on the A*.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Flow chart of genetic algorithm evolution [<a href="#B21-drones-07-00211" class="html-bibr">21</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The mechanism of the ant colony algorithm.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The bird’s swarm searching for the optimal food source represents the particle swarm optimization process.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Schematic diagram of the path planning algorithm based on the DWA.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Schematic diagram of the path planning algorithm based on APF.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Path Planning Algorithm
2.1. Algorithms Based on Graph Search
2.1.1. A* Algorithm
2.1.2. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
2.2. Heuristic Intelligent Search Algorithm
2.2.1. Genetic Algorithm
2.2.2. Ant Colony Algorithm
2.2.3. Particle Swarm Optimization
2.3. Algorithm Based on Local Obstacle-Avoidance
2.3.1. Dynamic Window Approach
2.3.2. Artificial Potential Field Method
2.3.3. Time Elastic Banding Algorithm
2.4. Algorithm Based on Artificial Intelligence
2.4.1. Neural Networks
2.4.2. Reinforcement Learning
2.4.3. Brain-like Navigation
2.5. Sampling-Based Algorithms
2.5.1. Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree
2.5.2. Probabilistic Roadmap Method
2.6. Planner-Based Algorithms
2.6.1. Covariant Hamilton Optimization Motion Planning
2.6.2. Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning
2.7. Constraint Satisfaction Problem-Based Algorithms
2.7.1. Chance Constrained Programming
2.7.2. Model Predictive Control
2.7.3. Quadratic Programming
2.7.4. Soft-Constrained Programming
2.8. Other Algorithms
2.8.1. Differential Evolutionary Algorithm
2.8.2. Biogeography Optimization Algorithm
2.8.3. Level Set Approach
2.8.4. Fast Marching Method
2.8.5. Fuzzy Logic Method
2.9. Discussion
3. Multi-Robot
4. Ground Robot, Unmanned Aerial Robots Cooperative
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Algorithms | Mechanism | References | Year | Improvements | Advantages | Limitations |
A* | Find the shortest path to the current node but to the destination | [9] | 2020 | Incorporate the A* algorithm into linear time logic. | Reduces the number of nodes and the time to generate paths. | / |
[11] | 2019 | The risk cost and distance cost functions are simplified, and the critical path points are extracted, which are combined with the window method | Reduces the number of A* nodes and eliminates the need for speed space modeling | Most parameters are determined in simulation experiments | ||
[13] | 2021 | The turning cost function is added, the generated trajectory is optimized, and the maximum search distance and maximum path length are limited | Reduces search time, path length, and number of nodes | / | ||
[14] | 2019 | New cost function designed using ray tracing technique to simulate reflection paths | Provides a safe path based on position error prediction | Energy loss to the unmanned aerial robot when there are sharp turns in the path | ||
[15] | 2019 | A cost function is designed that considers both path length and risk cost | Minimizing the risk to the crowd | There is no guarantee that the path is the optimal solution | ||
[16] | 2016 | Fusing sparse A* algorithms with bio-inspired neurodynamic models | Mitigates the computational bulk of the A* algorithm during 3D track planning | More complex dynamic impediments such as air resistance are not taken into account | ||
GA | Populations generate new populations through crossover and mutation | [21] | 2017 | Combined with Q-learning algorithms and designed for continuous environments with R-values and actions | Autonomously finding suitable obstacle avoidance routes and using Q-learning algorithms for dynamic obstacle avoidance | Q-learning algorithms need to learn from mistakes and robots need to experience failures to find a route |
[22] | 2013 | Combining co-evolutionary mechanisms with improved genetic algorithms | Faster convergence by avoiding local optimum problems | Currently only running in known static environments | ||
[23] | 2015 | Combines genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization algorithms for global path planning in autonomous underwater robots and uses current factors as evaluation factors for genetic algorithms | Reduces energy consumption of autonomous underwater robots when navigating in a wide range of marine environments | No consideration of the impact of autonomous underwater robot movement on the performance assessment | ||
[24] | 2010 | Combined with dynamic planning, use a B-spline curve to optimize the path | Optimizes path length, minimum turning call, and a maximum pitch angle | / | ||
[25] | 2018 | Combining mixed integer linear programming with genetic algorithms | Better paths can be achieved through lower energy costs | / | ||
[27] | 2016 | Combining genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic | Improving the accuracy of route planning | Its cost function takes slightly longer to run | ||
ACO | Ants move toward areas of high pheromone concentration | [28] | 2017 | Introduced probability multiplication factor | Reduced computational effort and smoother paths | The planned path closely follows the edge of obstacles |
[29] | 2020 | Propose an adaptive pheromone volatility factor strategy; propose a load balancing strategy | Improved efficiency of algorithm operation | Planned paths through the corners of adjacent obstacles | ||
[30] | 2018 | RA and AACO navigation controller designed; RA-AACO hybrid controller designed using the logic RA and AACO logic | Enabling path planning for humanoid robots | 6–7% error in the planned path length and time spent | ||
[31] | 2020 | Introduction of particle swarm optimization algorithms to improve pheromone update rules | Improved search efficiency and shorter optimization paths | Slow convergence rate | ||
[32] | 2018 | Combined with the A* algorithm | The optimal path is obtained | As the number of search dimensions increases, there is a risk of falling into a local optimum | ||
[33] | 2022 | Transformation of the path planning task into a multi-objective optimization task with multiple constraints, introducing an exact population intelligence search method that improves ant colony optimization | Improving the effectiveness of unmanned aerial robot mission planning | / | ||
[35] | 2017 | Two different pheromone table encodings for MTS-ACO are proposed and a minimum time search heuristic function is designed | Better route planning solutions in less time | The trajectories obtained can only be flown directly by drones with specific capabilities | ||
PSO | Individual and group collaboration and information sharing | [37] | 2021 | Introduction of adaptive fractional speed | Enhanced ability to step out of the local optimum solution | Computationally intensive, unstable numerical oscillations, and difficulty in model optimization |
[38] | 2016 | Combination of improved particle swarm optimization algorithm and gravitational search algorithm | Optimized path length, number of turns, and arrival events | Focusing only on evacuation path optimization problems with a single evacuation path | ||
[39] | 2019 | Converts inertial weighting factors and learning factors from linear to non-linear to describe the obstacle with a penalty function | Reduced energy consumption of autonomous underwater robots in underwater environments | May fall into a local optimum solution | ||
[40] | 2019 | Introduction of adaptive laws and quantum behavior for global time optimization | Improved search performance | Slow convergence at later stages | ||
[42] | 2022 | A combination of a selfish population optimizer and a particle swarm optimizer is proposed | Simplifies the structure of SHO and improves SHO search capabilities | / | ||
[43] | 2021 | Parallel evolution of segmented paths using DC strategies to transform high-dimensional problems into multiple parallel low-dimensional problems | Ability to search for viable routes in complex environments with a large number of waypoints, providing better stability | / | ||
Dijkstra | Finding the shortest path in a directed graph | [18] | 2022 | The error caused by the sensor is considered | Generates the planning path with the minimum cumulative error | Inadequate handling in large environments |
[19] | 2019 | Introduction of equivalent paths | Optimal paths were calculated | No experimental results for verification | ||
DWA | Sampling of the surroundings (robot speed, motion parameters, and position) at the current moment | [45] | 2020 | Add two new evaluation functions that use Q-learning to adaptively learn the parameters of DWA | The shortcomings of the original evaluation function have been modified to enhance global navigation with strong self-learning and self-adaptation | The planned path is not optimal |
[46] | 2019 | A dynamic collision model is proposed | Consider the movement of other obstacles and predict future environmental collisions | May provide incorrect modeling when dealing with a large number of dynamic obstacles | ||
[47] | 2012 | Abandoned weighted objective function and used model predictive control | The navigation function is defined as the optimization objective based on the configuration space | Limitations when applied to robots with constrained kinematics | ||
APF | Changing the direction of motion of a robot by repulsive and gravitational forces | [49] | 2015 | Combining the bacterial evolutionary algorithm with the artificial potential field method the bacterial potential field method is proposed | No need to calculate the global optimal path enhancing the local and global controllability of the robot in dynamic environments | Trajectory planning is highly dependent on the hardware architecture of the robot |
[50] | 2020 | Use reinforcement learning to adjust the parameters of a potential field | It has better running time and cost function value | / | ||
[51] | 2020 | Addition of a distance correction factor to the repulsive potential field function; combined with the positive hexagonal bootstrap method | Reduced calculations during navigation | Obstacle avoidance in 3D environments was not considered in the experiment | ||
[52] | 2022 | Improved calculation of the direction of combined forces using the space vector method | Improved computational efficiency of algorithms and reduced cost of obstacle avoidance for autonomous underwater robots | No consideration of the mechanical constraints of the autonomous underwater robot and the size of the obstacle | ||
[53] | 2021 | A method of moving around the nearest obstacle is introduced, and a parallel search algorithm is proposed | Avoiding the trap of local minima in artificial potential fields | / | ||
[54] | 2022 | Proposing a new and improved attraction to enhance the sensitivity of unmanned aerial robots to wind speed and direction | A modified wind resistance gravitational function that takes into account any small changes in relative displacement caused by the wind causing the unmanned aerial robot to drift in a certain direction | / | ||
Neural Network | An information processing system that mimics the structure and function of the brain’s neural networks | [61] | 2014 | Introduction of directional automatic wave control and accelerated neuronal discharge based on dynamic thresholding techniques | Improved path query times, the model uses parameters independent of configuration space and neuron properties | Training neural networks offline is time-consuming |
[62] | 2019 | Combining Q-learning algorithms with convolutional neural networks | Improved path planning performance | Limited to a single scenario, if the target changes it will not work without a large amount of additional training data | ||
[63] | 2015 | Online compensation of range errors using multilayer neural networks and estimation of robot paths and states of environmental maps using Gaussian weighted integration of third-order volume rules | Mitigation of error accumulation caused by inaccurate linearization of the SLAM non-linear functions and incorrect range models | / | ||
TEB | Start point and target point states are specified by the global planner, with N robot poses inserted between, and movement times defined between points | [58] | 2020 | Proposing actively timed elastic bands, incorporating a hybrid inverse velocity barrier model into the objective function of the TEB algorithm | Drive mobile robots to actively avoid dynamic obstacles | There is a tendency to oversteer in corners with partial meandering |
[59] | 2022 | Add penalty function factor constraint, acceleration jump suppression constraint, end-smoothing constraint | Reduced maximum impact on the robot, smooth and accurate arrival at the target point and reduced end impact | Small improvement compared to static weights | ||
reinforcement learning | Train intelligence to take action to maximize their returns | [67] | 2020 | Combining deep Q-learning with experience replay mechanisms and heuristic knowledge | Solves the “dimensional catastrophe” problem, avoiding blind exploration and faster convergence to the optimal action strategy | Only possible in idealized environments |
[68] | 2020 | Increase the choice of extension points, introduce the idea of biased targets, use task return functions, target distance functions, and angle constraints | Reduces the number of invalid nodes and improves the performance of the RRT algorithm | The algorithm has limited generalization capabilities | ||
[70] | 2017 | Designed a learning-based mapless path planner | Training the planner by asynchronous deep reinforcement learning methods so that training and sample collection can be performed in parallel | Insufficient theoretical support and low sample sampling rate | ||
[72] | 2022 | A line-of-sight-based guidance method is used to generate the target angle for path tracking and to generate the error relative to the carrier coordinate system | Facilitates the filtering of irrelevant environmental information and the generation of corresponding policies, enabling more efficient policy approximation | Considers the effect of only a single environmental variable | ||
[73] | 2020 | A deep reinforcement learning method for unmanned aerial robot path planning based on global situational information is proposed, using competing dual-depth Q networks | Higher cumulative rewards and success rates can be achieved | For most winged tactical drones, this option is not suitable | ||
[76] | 2021 | A multi-step competitive DDQN-based algorithm is proposed to design locally optimal unmanned aerial robot paths using the constructed coverage graph | Improved stability and faster convergence of the algorithm | / | ||
Rapid-exploration Random Tree | Built by the random spanning tree method, connecting the generated tree to the trunk of the starting point | [87] | 2019 | Extending the retrospective scope of the two optimization processes of the RRT* algorithm; combined with a sampling strategy | Guaranteed better paths and faster convergence with the same time and space complexity | More computing resources required |
[89] | 2019 | Assessing the feasibility of RRT extensions and exploration through fuzzy controllers combined with six-degree-of-freedom nonlinear models | Handling of random and uncertain information Highly competent | High chance and low accuracy | ||
[91] | 2018 | Combining bi-directional artificial potential field methods with the idea of bi-directional bias sampling | Reduced invalid spatial sampling and increased convergence speed | / | ||
Other Algorithms | [106] | 2022 | Designed path evaluator | Helps autonomous underwater robots use ocean currents to avoid collisions | No consideration of the cost of local paths | |
[107] | 2018 | Using differential evolutionary algorithms to optimize control points for B spline generation | Effective handling of obstacles in three-dimensional space | Failure to consider the complexity of the underwater terrain | ||
[113] | 2016 | Derivation of stochastic dynamic orthogonal level set equations that can be used in dynamically varying current fields | Minimises energy consumption and optimizes the optimal path | The final path is vulnerable to currents | ||
[114] | 2020 | A new discrete iterative equation is derived by localizing the traditional level set function and introducing a polynomial distance regularisation (P-DRE) term | Improved computational efficiency of the level set algorithm | The simulation does not provide performance results in the case of obstacle avoidance | ||
[116] | 2015 | Introduction of multiple constraints and decision criteria to process water flows according to velocity profiles | Reduces path search time and generates 3D smooth paths | / | ||
[118] | 2019 | Introduction of ADRC to manage current disturbances | Improved adaptability of autonomous underwater robots to the marine environment | If the initial values are not set correctly, the control system will be unstable | ||
[119] | 2018 | Optimizing the value of the affiliation function for fuzzy logic using the quantum particle swarm algorithm | Presents a certain resistance to interference and does not require an accurate mathematical model | Insufficient steady-state accuracy in practical applications |
Algorithms | Mechanism | References | Year | Improvements | Advantages | Limitations |
Multi-robot | Cooperation between multiple robots to complete a predetermined task | [121] | 2022 | Constructed a motion situational awareness map, created a rotational potential field, set up a rejection potential function and a robot priority model | The situational awareness map ensures that the robot makes the best decisions at all times, solving the local minima and targeting unreachability problems of the artificial potential field method | Robot control methods are not optimal |
[122] | 2016 | Proposed shortest distance algorithm based on the relative orientation | Ensures smooth and collision-free robot trajectories | The simulation does not provide performance results in the case of obstacle avoidance | ||
[123] | 2022 | Thiessen polygons are used to model and partition the environment, the GRF algorithm is introduced to refine the search, and a multi-robot task allocation method based on an improved market mechanism is used to dynamically allocate exploration target points | The ability to achieve rapid deployment of functional modules and rapid portability of algorithms between various types of multi-robot systems. | Error between simulation results and prototype experimental results | ||
[124] | 2020 | Integration of population-based frameworks and elite selection methods into evolutionary path planning; introduction of simulated annealing methods and particle swarm optimization | Generates trajectories with higher sampling values, a lower standard deviation, and shorter execution times | The method is not applied to 3D workspaces | ||
[125] | 2022 | Combines a novel B-spline data framework with a particle swarm optimization-based solution engine | Robust for handling interference and abnormal operation, providing fast obstacle avoidance | / | ||
[131] | 2018 | An angle-coded particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed to design multiple constraints that combine the shortest path and safe unmanned aerial robot operation | Accelerated particle swarm convergence that generates safe and reliable paths for each unmanned aerial robot in a formation | / |
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Share and Cite
Qin, H.; Shao, S.; Wang, T.; Yu, X.; Jiang, Y.; Cao, Z. Review of Autonomous Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots. Drones 2023, 7, 211.
Qin H, Shao S, Wang T, Yu X, Jiang Y, Cao Z. Review of Autonomous Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots. Drones. 2023; 7(3):211.
Chicago/Turabian StyleQin, Hongwei, Shiliang Shao, Ting Wang, Xiaotian Yu, Yi Jiang, and Zonghan Cao. 2023. "Review of Autonomous Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots" Drones 7, no. 3: 211.
APA StyleQin, H., Shao, S., Wang, T., Yu, X., Jiang, Y., & Cao, Z. (2023). Review of Autonomous Path Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots. Drones, 7(3), 211.