A Review on Communications Perspective of Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Key Enabling Wireless Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Open Research Topics
<p>Scope of communication with technological advancements for various applications in FANETs.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Advantages, key wireless technologies, applications, and challenges of flying ad-hoc networks.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Global positioning system (GPS) spoofing vulnerability for the commercial drone of the company 3D Robotics [<a href="#B52-drones-04-00065" class="html-bibr">52</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Key Enabling Wireless Technologies
3. Applications and Feasibility of the Wireless Technologies
3.1. Search and Rescue (SAR)
3.2. Mailing and Delivery
3.3. Traffic Monitoring
3.4. Precision Agriculture
3.5. Reconnaissance
4. Challenges
4.1. Security and Privacy
4.2. Safety
4.3. Energy Limitations
4.4. Storage and Computation Restrictions
4.5. Routing
4.6. Path Planning and Navigation
5. Open Research Topics
5.1. Aerial Blockchain
5.2. High-Speed Backhaul Connectivity
5.3. Deep Reinforcement Learning
5.4. Energy Harvesting Technologies
5.5. Virtualization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)-Enabled 5G Networks
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
FANETs | Flying Ad-Hoc Networks |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
BS | Base Station |
FSO | Free Space Optics |
DSE | Decision Support Engine |
NDVI | Normalized Vegetation Difference Index |
6G | Sixth-Generation |
B5G | Beyond Fifth-Generation |
mmWave | Millimeter Wave |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
LPWAN | Low-Power Wide Area Networks |
MEC | Multi-Access Edge Computing |
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Communication Technology | Standard/Service Category | Spectrum Type | Frequency/Medium | Device Mobility | Theoretical Data Rate | Range Indoor-Outdoor | Latency |
Wi-Fi | 802.11 | Unlicensed | 2.4 GHz IR | Yes | Up to 2 Mbps | 20–100 m | <5 ms |
802.11a | Unlicensed | 5 GHz | Yes | Up to 54 Mbps | 35–120 m | ||
802.11b | Unlicensed | 2.4 GHz | Yes | Up to 11 Mbps | 35–140 m | ||
802.11n | Unlicensed | 2.4/5 GHz | Yes | Up to 600 Mbps | 70–250 m | ||
802.11g | Unlicensed | 2.4 GHz | Yes | Up to 54 Mbps | 38–140 m | ||
802.11ac | Unlicensed | 5 GHz | Yes | Up to 866.7 Mbps | 35–120 m | ||
ZigBee | 802.15.4 | Unlicensed | 2.4 GHz | Yes | Up to 25 kbps | 10–100 m | 15 ms |
Bluetooth V5 | 802.15.1 | Unlicensed | 2.4 GHz | Yes | Up to 2 Mbps | 10–200 m | 3 ms |
LoRaWAN | IEEE 802.15.4g | Unlicensed | 868 MHz, 915 MHz | Yes | Up to 50 kbps | 05–15 km | Device Class Dependent |
Sigfox | - | Unlicensed | 868 MHz, 902 MHz | Yes | Up to 100 bps | 03–30 km | 2 s |
NB-IoT |
| licensed | 200 KHz | Yes | Up to 250 kbps | 10–35 km | 1.6–10 s |
5G |
| licensed |
| Yes | Up to 1 Gbps | Wide Area | 1 ms |
B5G |
| licensed |
| Yes | Up to 100 Gbps | Wide Area | 1 ms |
6G |
| licensed |
| Yes | Up to 1 Tbps | Wide Area | <1 ms |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Noor, F.; Khan, M.A.; Al-Zahrani, A.; Ullah, I.; Al-Dhlan, K.A. A Review on Communications Perspective of Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Key Enabling Wireless Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Open Research Topics. Drones 2020, 4, 65. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones4040065
Noor F, Khan MA, Al-Zahrani A, Ullah I, Al-Dhlan KA. A Review on Communications Perspective of Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Key Enabling Wireless Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Open Research Topics. Drones. 2020; 4(4):65. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones4040065
Chicago/Turabian StyleNoor, Fazal, Muhammad Asghar Khan, Ali Al-Zahrani, Insaf Ullah, and Kawther A. Al-Dhlan. 2020. "A Review on Communications Perspective of Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Key Enabling Wireless Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Open Research Topics" Drones 4, no. 4: 65. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones4040065
APA StyleNoor, F., Khan, M. A., Al-Zahrani, A., Ullah, I., & Al-Dhlan, K. A. (2020). A Review on Communications Perspective of Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Key Enabling Wireless Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Open Research Topics. Drones, 4(4), 65. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones4040065