Assessing the Accuracy of Digital Surface Models Derived from Optical Imagery Acquired with Unmanned Aerial Systems
"> Figure 1
<p>Digital surface models (DSMs) accuracy in terms of planar and vertical root mean squared error (RMSE) as a function of the ground control points (GCPs) density (data extracted from the literature reported in <a href="#drones-03-00015-t001" class="html-table">Table 1</a>).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>(<b>A</b>) Position of the study area within Europe (45.927N, 21.335E). (<b>B</b>) Description of the study area and distribution of the GCPs. (<b>C</b>) Unmanned aerial system (UAS)-derived DSM of the area.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Characteristics of the different surveys carried out during the experiment: flight pattern, above ground level (AGL) at the take-off, average AGL, camera tilt, average ground sample distance (GSD), and number of images.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Images of the central part of the dam body acquired during flight (<b>A</b>) N.1, (<b>B</b>) N.2, (<b>C</b>) N.3, (<b>D</b>) N.4, (<b>E</b>) N.5, and (<b>F</b>) N.6. In each image, a GCP is emphasized and magnified.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>RMSE of the DSM raster model as a function of the number of GCPs adopted for the elaboration: (<b>A</b>) RMSE in planar coordinates, (<b>B</b>) RMSE in relative elevation, and (<b>C</b>) RMSE in X, Y, and Z obtained for the flight N.2.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>RMSE of the 3D model as a function of the number of GCPs adopted in the model run. (<b>A</b>) The RMSE in planar coordinates, (<b>B</b>) the RMSE in relative elevation, and (<b>C</b>) the RMSE in X, Y, and Z directions for the combination of flights N.1 and N.4.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Comparison of results obtained changing the number of GCPs and adopting a single flight or a two-flight combination dataset on the (<b>A</b>) plane and (<b>B</b>) z-axis.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Relative change in RMSE with respect to the mean value associated with a given number of GCPs as a function of the mean distance between GCPs obtained for (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) flight N.2 and (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) the combination of flights N.1 and N.4. In each panel, linear regression is reported to provide a measure of the existing dependence between the two variables.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Data Processing
3. Accuracy Assessment of the 3D Models
3.1. Impact of Mission Planning on DSMs
3.2. Use of GCPs in SfM-MVS Processing
3.2.1. DSMs Derived from a Single Flight
3.2.2. DSMs Derived from the Combination of Two Flights
3.2.3. Spatial Distribution of GCPs
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- UAS-derived orthomosaics can produce a planar accuracy of a few centimeters, whereas the vertical accuracy of DSMs is always lower. This is likely due to the fact that most UASs adopt a camera in a zenithal position that provides a more accurate description of planar features. Vertical measurements are generally more complex, but also critical for studies of change detection.
- (2)
- The flight plan and camera configuration may significantly impact the overall quality of the resulting DSM. Therefore, it should be planned thoroughly to produce the best depiction of the entire area. For instance, a transversal survey with respect to a given structure provides better description and quality of the resulting 3D surface.
- (3)
- The use of a tilted camera can improve the amount of information (retrieved number of points) for inclined surfaces, providing higher DSM elevation accuracy. The tilted camera images increase the robustness of the geometrical model, providing also a possible strategy to reduce the total number of GCPs adopted over a given area. This can be beneficial especially in inaccessible areas.
- (4)
- The combination of several flights may be extremely beneficial for DSM accuracy. This improves the overall quality of the results, exploiting information redundancy derived by different flight plans and camera configurations.
- (5)
- The planar and vertical accuracies can be improved by increasing the number of GCPs and their relative distances. It is therefore convenient to evenly spread GCPs in space. In many cases, such ideal settings are not possible and a combination of flights, that include the use of a tilted camera, can be used to reduce sensitivity to this parameter in the final vertical accuracy of the DSMs.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Area (ha) | Number of GCPs | AGL (m) | RMSEX,Y (cm) | RMSEZ (cm) | RMSE Total (cm) |
Rock et al. [18] | N/A | 1042 | 50–550 | N/A | 5.5 | N/A |
Tahar [19] | 150 | 8–9 | N/A | 50.0 | 78.0 | N/A |
Mancini et al. [20] | 2.75 | 18 | 40 | 0.8 | 10.0 | N/A |
Hugenholtz et al. [21] | 4.5 | 28 | 200 | 18 | 29 | N/A |
Lucieer et al. [11] | 0.75 | 39 | N/A | 7.4 | 6.2 | N/A |
Cryderman et al. [22] | 7.12 | 11 | 118 | 3.3 | 3.1 | 4.6 |
Gómez–Candón et al. [23] | 1.0 | 11–45 | 30–100 | N/A | N/A | 0.29–0.12 |
Uysal et al. [24] | 5.0 | 27 | 60 | N/A | 6.62 | N/A |
Kung et al. [25] | 210.0 | 19 | 262 | 38 | 107 | 125 |
Agüera-Vega et al. [26] | 17.64 | 4–15–20 | 120 | 7–4.5–1.7 | 33–5.8–4.7 | N/A |
Koci et al. [27] | 41–45–72 | 6–7 | 100 | N/A | 30.9–68.7–95.9 | N/A |
James et al. [14] | 7.5 | 4–27 | 100 | 4.9 | N/A | 1.6 |
Oniga et al. [28] | 1.0 | 3–40 | 28–35 | 4.5–8.9 | 6.6–4.0 | 7.4–7.9 |
Planar Coordinates—RMSEX,Y (m) | |||||||
Flight | N.1 | N.2 | N.3 | N.4 | N.5 | N.6 | |
N.1 | 4.47 | ||||||
N.2 | 2.39 | 2.03 | |||||
N.3 | 136.05 | 1497.25 | - | ||||
N.4 | 1.64 | 3.08 | 3835.20 | 7.75 | |||
N.5 | 2.09 | 1.95 | 15,042.56 | 8.05 | 7.15 | ||
N.6 | 3.06 | 3.35 | 1750.11 | 8.63 | 6.94 | 19.70 | |
Elevation—RMSEZ (m) | |||||||
Flight | N.1 | N.2 | N.3 | N.4 | N.5 | N.6 | |
N.1 | 82.90 | ||||||
N.2 | 81.18 | 78.72 | |||||
N.3 | 80.32 | 56.94 | - | ||||
N.4 | 79.21 | 76.94 | 15.51 | 75.02 | |||
N.5 | 77.90 | 77.86 | 7.70 | 73.35 | 71.86 | ||
N.6 | 78.79 | 75.48 | 20.25 | 72.85 | 70.27 | 59.75 | |
Relative Elevation—RMSEZ (m) | |||||||
Flight | N.1 | N.2 | N.3 | N.4 | N.5 | N.6 | |
N.1 | 1.06 | ||||||
N.2 | 0.39 | 0.37 | |||||
N.3 | 3.74 | 19.55 | - | ||||
N.4 | 0.55 | 0.42 | 5.88 | 0.11 | |||
N.5 | 0.39 | 0.25 | 8.00 | 0.47 | 0.26 | ||
N.6 | 0.22 | 0.94 | 13.85 | 0.80 | 0.40 | 3.44 | |
Planar and vertical—RMSE (m) | |||||||
Flight | N.1 | N.2 | N.3 | N.4 | N.5 | N.6 | |
N.1 | 4.59 | ||||||
N.2 | 2.42 | 2.06 | Performances | ||||
N.3 | 136.10 | 1497.38 | - | Good | |||
N.4 | 1.73 | 3.11 | 3835.20 | 7.75 | Medium | ||
N.5 | 2.13 | 1.97 | 15,042.56 | 8.06 | 7.15 | Low | |
N.6 | 3.07 | 3.48 | 1750.16 | 8.67 | 6.95 | 20.00 |
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Manfreda, S.; Dvorak, P.; Mullerova, J.; Herban, S.; Vuono, P.; Arranz Justel, J.J.; Perks, M. Assessing the Accuracy of Digital Surface Models Derived from Optical Imagery Acquired with Unmanned Aerial Systems. Drones 2019, 3, 15.
Manfreda S, Dvorak P, Mullerova J, Herban S, Vuono P, Arranz Justel JJ, Perks M. Assessing the Accuracy of Digital Surface Models Derived from Optical Imagery Acquired with Unmanned Aerial Systems. Drones. 2019; 3(1):15.
Chicago/Turabian StyleManfreda, Salvatore, Petr Dvorak, Jana Mullerova, Sorin Herban, Pietro Vuono, José Juan Arranz Justel, and Matthew Perks. 2019. "Assessing the Accuracy of Digital Surface Models Derived from Optical Imagery Acquired with Unmanned Aerial Systems" Drones 3, no. 1: 15.
APA StyleManfreda, S., Dvorak, P., Mullerova, J., Herban, S., Vuono, P., Arranz Justel, J. J., & Perks, M. (2019). Assessing the Accuracy of Digital Surface Models Derived from Optical Imagery Acquired with Unmanned Aerial Systems. Drones, 3(1), 15.