A Scalable Data Structure for Efficient Graph Analytics and In-Place Mutations
<p>(1) An example graph with newly inserted edges in green, represented in different graph structures, (2) CSR, (3) ALs, and (4) LLAMA with implicit linking and deletion vectors.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The building blocks of CSR++ for graph topology representation: segments, vertices, and edges.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Diagram of vertex-property representation in CSR++.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Diagram of edge-property representation in CSR++.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Sensitivity analysis of segment size. (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) Execution time and lock contention when inserting batches of 2 million edges of different sizes in CSR++ using one lock per segment and 1 to 24 threads. (<b>b</b>,<b>d</b>) Execution time and lock contention when inserting batches of 2 million edges of different sizes in CSR++ using HTM, one lock per segment, and 1 to 24 threads. (<b>f</b>,<b>h</b>) Execution time of sequential and random scans using one lock per segment compared with the performance with size 8. (<b>g</b>,<b>i</b>) Execution time of sequential and random scans using HTM and lock elision compared with the performance with size 8. (<b>e</b>) Abort rate of HTM transactions when executing insertions from plot (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Impact of allocators on the update performance of CSR++. (<b>a</b>) Time taken to load 80% of Twitter (∼1.12 billion edges) in CSR++ using 3 different allocators using 1 to 36 threads. (<b>b</b>) Time taken to insert a batch of 1.6% (∼22 million edges) on the previously loaded 80% of Twitter in CSR++ without sorting and using 1 to 36 threads and 3 different allocators.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Read-only performance of CSR, CSR++, LLAMA, and ALs (BGL).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Scan performance on uniform-24 using multiple threads. (<b>a</b>,<b>d</b>) Time taken to retrieve out-degrees of all sorted and unsorted vertices, respectively, in CSR++ and the other systems using 1 to 36 threads. (<b>b</b>,<b>e</b>) Time taken to retrieve the first neighbor in the list of neighbors for all sorted and unsorted vertices, respectively, in CSR++ and other systems using 1 to 36 threads. (<b>c</b>,<b>f</b>) Time taken to retrieve all neighbors of all vertices, respectively, in the graph in CSR++ and other systems using 1 to 36 threads.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Scan performance on graph500-22 using multiple threads. (<b>a</b>,<b>d</b>) Time taken to retrieve out-degrees of all sorted and unsorted vertices, respectively, in CSR++ and the other systems using 1 to 36 threads. (<b>b</b>,<b>e</b>) Time taken to retrieve the first neighbor in the list of neighbors for all sorted and unsorted vertices, respectively, in CSR++ and other systems using 1 to 36 threads. (<b>c</b>,<b>f</b>) Time taken to retrieve all neighbors of all vertices, respectively, in the graph in CSR++ and other systems using 1 to 36 threads.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Graph mutations on Twitter. (<b>a</b>) Time taken to insert batches of edges of different sizes in CSR and CSR++ and sorting the edge arrays using 36 threads. (<b>b</b>) Time taken to insert different batch sizes in CSR++ without sorting using 1 to 36 threads. (<b>c</b>) Time taken to delete batch sizes of 0.2% and 0.02% from Twitter in CSR++ using physical (P) and logical (L) deletions.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Edge insertions on graph500-22 and uniform-24. (<b>a</b>) Time taken to insert the edges of uniform-22 as a stream of single updates in CSR++, STINGER, GraphOne, Teseo, and LLAMA using 1 to 24 threads. (<b>b</b>) Time taken to insert the edges of uniform-24 as a stream of single updates in CSR++, STINGER, GraphOne, Teseo, and LLAMA using 1 to 24 threads.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Memory consumption and batch insertion latency of update workloads with 36 threads. (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) Comparing CSR++ and LLAMA without compaction. (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) Comparing CSR++ and LLAMA with compaction after every 100th batch insertion.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>(<b>a</b>) Memory consumption of updates on uniform-24 graph during the first hour of execution;. (<b>b</b>) Update throughput on uniform-24 as a stream of single updates in CSR++, STINGER, GraphOne, and LLAMA using 36 threads during the first 7 min of execution.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>PR performance after graph updates. (<b>a</b>) Comparing performance of CSR, CSR++, and LLAMA after applying 100 (of size 0.2%) batches of new edges. (<b>b</b>) Performance of CSR++ after applying 12 (1.6%), 20 (2%), 100 (0.2%), and 1000 (0.02%) batches of new edges; CSR is used as a baseline. (<b>c</b>) Performance of CSR++ and LLAMA after deleting one batch of edges of different sizes.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Performance of data structures with LDBC Graphalytics PR after inserting edges into an empty graph from the uniform-24 and graph500-22 graphs. (<b>a</b>) Performance of CSR++ after running PR on a populated graph; (<b>b</b>) the latency of edge insertions into an empty graph prior to the execution of PR in (<b>a</b>).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- CSR++, a new graph data structure that supports fast in-place updates without sacrificing read-only performance or memory consumption.
- Our thorough evaluation that shows that CSR++ achieves the best of both read-only and update-friendly worlds.
- An in-depth analysis of the design space, regarding memory allocation, segment size, and synchronization mechanisms, to further improve the read and update performance of CSR++.
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. Graph Representations
2.1.1. Adjacency Matrices and Lists
2.1.2. Compressed Sparse Row (CSR)
2.2. Graph Mutations
2.2.1. In-Place Updates
2.2.2. Batching
2.2.3. Multi-Versioning and Deltas
3. CSR++: Design and Implementation
3.1. Graph Topology and Properties
3.1.1. Segments
3.1.2. Vertices
- length (4 bytes): The vertex degree. A length of −1 indicates a deleted vertex.
- neighbors (8 bytes): A pointer to the set of neighbors. As a space optimization feature, if length = 1, this field directly contains the neighbor’s vertex ID.
- edge_properties (8 bytes): A pointer to the set of edge properties. As a space optimization feature, this field can be disabled in case the graph does not define edge properties.
3.1.3. Edges
- deleted_flag (2 bytes): For logical deletion of edges.
- vertex_id (2 bytes): The index of the neighbor in the segment; using 16 bits allows for segments with a capacity NUM_V_SEG of up to 65,536 entries.
- segment_id (4 bytes): The segment ID where the neighbor is stored.
3.1.4. Properties
3.1.5. Additional Structures
3.1.6. Synchronization
3.2. Update Protocols
3.2.1. Vertex and Edge Insertion
- Group the edges by their source vertices and convert both source and destination user keys to internal keys. The new vertices are inserted in CSR++, where each acquires a new internal ID. Keep this step sequential in CSR++, as it is very lightweight (see Section 4.7).
- Sort the new edges (parallel for each source vertex); then, insert them into the direct and reverse maps (also parallel for each source vertex).
- Sort the final edge arrays using a technique that merges two sorted arrays (i.e., the old edges and the new ones) and reallocate the edge properties (parallel for each modified segment) according to the new order of edges.
3.2.2. Vertex and Edge Deletion
3.3. Algorithms on Top of CSR++
4. Evaluation
- How does CSR++ perform with read-only and with update workloads?
- How much memory does CSR++ consume with these workloads?
4.1. Experimental Methodology
4.2. Sensitivity Analysis: Segment Size
4.3. Sensitivity Analysis: Improving Update Performance with HTM
4.4. Sensitivity Analysis: Memory Allocators
4.5. Read-Only: Algorithms
4.6. Read-Only: Sequential and Random Scans
4.7. Updates: Vertex Insertions
4.8. Updates: Batch Edge Insertions
4.9. Updates: Edge Insertions with Properties
4.10. Updates: Memory Consumption
4.11. Updates: Edge Deletions
4.12. Analytics after Graph Updates
4.13. Memory Footprint
5. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | This article extends the OPODIS ’20 Conference publication by Firmli et al. [26] with (i) a more in-depth analysis of CSR++ in terms of design and performance; (ii) a sensitivity analysis of different design parameters, namely, the segment sizes in CSR++, the use of different memory allocators, and synchronization with Intel’s Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM); and (iii) an extended performance evaluation, which compares CSR++’s performance to that of three more graph data structures, namely, GraphOne [22], Teseo [24], and STINGER [23], and includes a new set of experiments from an external graph update benchmark framework, the GFE driver [27], as well as new data sets. |
2 | CSR++ can support growing factors different from to enable the tuning of edge insertion and memory consumption performance. |
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Data Set | #Vertices | #Edges | Source |
41 million | 1.4 billion | Real-world graph | |
LiveJournal | 4.8 million | 68 million | Real-world graph |
Graph500-22 | 2.3 million | 64 million | Synthetic graph |
Uniform-24 | 8 million | 260 million | Synthetic graph |
Name | Type | Configuration |
CSR++ | Segmentation-based | Pre-allocated extra space for new edges. Deletion support enabled only with deletion workloads, in order to have a fair comparison with LLAMA, which does not support deletions by default. |
BGL [43] | AL | Bidirectional with default parameters. |
CSR [53] | CSR | Implementation in the Green-Marl library [53]. |
LLAMA [57] | CSR with delta logs | Read- and space-optimized with explicit linking. The fastest overall variant of LLAMA. Deletion support enabled only with deletion workloads. |
STINGER [23] | Blocked AL | Linked list of blocks storing up to 14 edges. |
GraphOne [22] | Multi-level AL and circular-edge log | Ignored archiving phase. |
Teseo [24] | Transactional Fat Tree based on PMA | Asynchronous rebalances delayed to 200 ms and 1 MB maximum leaf capacity. |
Algorithm | Description |
PR | Computes ranking scores for vertices based on their incoming edges. |
Weakly Connected Components (WCCs) | Computes affinity of vertices within a network. |
Breadth-First Search (BFS) | Traverses the graph starting from a root vertex; visits neighbors; and stores the distance of vertices from the root vertex, as well as parents. |
Weighted PR | Computes ranking scores like the original PR but with weights and allows for a weight associated with every edge. It requires accesses to edge properties. |
Segment Size | 8 | 32 | 128 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096 | 16,384 | 32,768 |
Memory overhead in bytes | 869,616 | 217,368 | 54,288 | 13,536 | 6768 | 3384 | 1656 | 360 | 144 |
#Vertices | 10 K | 100 K | 1 M | 10 M |
Time (ms)—0 vertex properties | 1.6 | 11 | 120 | 1188 |
Time (ms)—50 vertex properties | 10 | 32 | 181 | 1259 |
Graph Structure | LiveJournal | Twitter-12 | Twitter-20 | Twitter-100 | |
CSR | 0.53 | 11.09 | 11.09 | 11.09 | 11.09 |
CSR++ read-only | 0.57 | 11.54 | - | - | - |
CSR++ | 0.82 | 16.55 | 16.55 | 16.55 | 16.55 |
LLAMA | 0.58 | 11.56 | 21.66 | 27.03 | 78.00 |
LLAMA implicit linking | 0.58 | 11.56 | 19.02 | 23.99 | 73.64 |
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Share and Cite
Firmli, S.; Chiadmi, D. A Scalable Data Structure for Efficient Graph Analytics and In-Place Mutations. Data 2023, 8, 166. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8110166
Firmli S, Chiadmi D. A Scalable Data Structure for Efficient Graph Analytics and In-Place Mutations. Data. 2023; 8(11):166. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8110166
Chicago/Turabian StyleFirmli, Soukaina, and Dalila Chiadmi. 2023. "A Scalable Data Structure for Efficient Graph Analytics and In-Place Mutations" Data 8, no. 11: 166. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8110166
APA StyleFirmli, S., & Chiadmi, D. (2023). A Scalable Data Structure for Efficient Graph Analytics and In-Place Mutations. Data, 8(11), 166. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8110166