1. Introduction
Tapered piles, characterized by a cross-section that decreases in diameter from top to bottom along a linear variation with depth, represent an innovative cylindrical foundation type widely applied in railway, highway, or building foundation treatment. The tapered pile has the characteristics of simple construction and high bearing capacity. Studies have shown that compared to cylindrical piles of equal volume, tapered piles exhibit a 0.5–2.5-fold enhancement in vertical load-bearing capacity [
3] and lateral load-bearing capacity by 0.6 to 0.8 times [
5]. However, the above-mentioned research mostly emphasized the static loading properties of tapered piles. The tapered pile foundation used in subgrade engineering or bridge engineering is always affected by traffic, wind, and wave load for a long time, all of which are dynamic loads in the field. Specifically, the piles in the subgrade not only bear the vertical traffic load and reduce the settlement of the foundation, but also play a role of vertical and lateral vibration isolation. Therefore, the lateral and vertical vibration characteristics of tapered piles are crucial considerations when pile foundations are subjected to dynamic traffic loads [
The vertical dynamic response of tapered piles has been investigated through diverse theoretical frameworks. Specifically, Saha and Ghosh [
8] proposed a finite difference-based methodology to investigate the axial vibration response of tapered concrete piles, emphasizing the length–diameter ratio, soil Poisson’s ratio, and taper angle influencing the vertical dynamic properties. Wu et al. [
9] and Wang et al. [
10] developed analytical solutions for vertically vibrating tapered piles using the plane strain model and Rayleigh–Love rod theory. And the effects of constraints of pile end, design, and material parameters of tapered piles on the vertical dynamic response also be investigated [
11]. Hu et al. [
12] and Shua et al. [
13] introduced a simplified calculation method to identify the vertical dynamic response of the tapered pile and studied the effects of pile length, taper angle, and pile diameter on the dynamic stiffness, damping, and resonant frequency of piles with the same volume.
Tapered piles are primarily used to withstand lateral loads in engineering applications, such as foundation pits, slope stabilization, and offshore platforms. However, relatively few studies have been performed on the lateral bearing analysis of tapered piles, especially in terms of lateral dynamics. Ghazavi [
14] performed an investigation of the kinematic seismic response of tapered piles due to earthquakes, where one-dimensional wave propagation theory was used to calculate the lateral free-field displacement of the soil. The results demonstrate that tapered piles exhibit significantly higher energy dissipation susceptibility under seismic excitation compared to uniform-section piles of equivalent volumetric conditions. Dehghanpoor and Ghazavi [
15] obtained the harmonic vibration properties of the tapered pile and the influence of soil properties and loading conditions between pile and soil were investigated based on the simplified analytical model. Yang [
16] analyzed the vibration behavior of tapered piles under lateral loading embedded in a viscoelastic foundation using the Timoshenko beam model. Zhou et al. [
17] derived a simplified equation for the lateral deformation of the tapered pile under harmonic loading by modeling the soil body as a number of springs along the pile shaft in accordance with the Winkler foundation model.
Although existing research have proposed different computational approaches for the vibration response analysis of tapered piles and obtained good results, it can be observed that the analytical theories and computational methodologies for the dynamic responses of tapered piles under vertical and lateral loadings seem to be independent and unrelated, which clearly hinders the design and widespread application of tapered piles. On the other hand, the tapered pile has been modeled as cylindrical segments with varying diameters, the calculation process is the same as the traditional cylindrical pile and it fails to incorporate the dynamic interaction between the inclined surfaces of tapered piles and surrounding soil, which significantly influences their vertical and lateral dynamic responses. Consequently, comprehensive investigations into pile–soil interaction remain warranted to establish refined design criteria for tapered pile foundations.
The purpose of this study is to present a unified analytical model for the dynamic properties of tapered piles under vertical or lateral loadings, accompanied by considerations of the dynamic interaction between the pile and soil. To effectively account for the mechanical characteristics of tapered piles, the dynamic responses of tapered piles embedded in layered soils under vertical and lateral loadings were investigated using the four-springs dynamic Winkler model and the impedance function transfer matrix approach. The results are compared with the existing analytical solutions and finite element simulations. Finally, through an example, the effects of dimensional design parameters of tapered piles and the layered soil properties on the vertical and lateral dynamic impedance of the pile are discussed, which provides a theoretical reference for the engineering practice.
2. Analyzing the Vertical Dynamic Characteristics of Tapered Piles in Layered Soils
The dynamic Winkler model can effectively simulate the radiation damping effect and inertial coupling mechanisms of the soil surrounding piles through a distributed spring-damper system [
18]. Meanwhile, the recursive nature of the transfer matrix method inherently aligns with the continuously varying cross-sectional characteristics of tapered piles [
8]. By employing a piecewise homogenization approach, the problem of solving vibration partial differential equations is reduced to the computation of impedance function transfer matrices while maintaining computational accuracy. Therefore, this study adopts the dynamic Winkler model and impedance function transfer matrix method to perform dynamic analysis of tapered piles.
The computational model adopts Winkler’s dynamic formulation, wherein the pile satisfies three criteria: vertical, linear elastic, and fully bonded to the soil. Assuming the tapered pile with a taper angle
θ, pile length
L, and pile end diameter
d are subjected to a sinusoidal steady excitation
Veiωt, the pile must account for the combined action of the shear and normal force due to the slope of the pile shaft which is different from the equal diameter pile assumption. As shown in
Figure 1, the pile vertical displacement vector can be decomposed into two directions, utilizing a coordinate system in which the
y0 axis represents the normal direction to the slope of the pile body. A dynamic Winkler model with four springs is then proposed, with both lateral and vertical springs, along with dashpots at the pile side and end. It is important to note that the pile is subdivided into frustum segments, with the number of segments
n determined by the number of soil segments.
The tapered pile is generally made of concrete or steel material, which has a small damping coefficient relative to the soil, so the damping coefficient of the pile can be ignored. And assuming the pile segment
i has a vertical displacement
wi, the vertical vibration differential equation of the pile can be derived from the force equilibrium analysis of the tapered pile unit, given by the following:
psi is the shear force of the pile segment
i, and
pni is the normal force of the pile segment
mpi, and
Api denote the pile elastic modulus, mass, and the cross-section area for segment
i. To simplify,
mpi and
Api are computed with the central cross-section of the pile segment, as both the mass and cross-sectional area of the tapered pile vary with depth
The dynamic impedance of vertical and lateral springs considering pile–soil interaction, including stiffness and damping, can be determined by the formula below [
where the
ρsi, and
βsi represent the soil elastic modulus, soil density, and soil damping at layer
i, respectively.
a0i represents the dimensionless frequency, calculated by
Vsi, where
Vsi, and
ω are the diameter of the pile segment
i, the shear wave velocity of soil at layer
i, and the circular frequency of excitation force, respectively.
For steady vertical vibration, substituting
= wi(
eiωt into Equation (1), the dynamic equilibrium equation for the
ith pile unit can be calculated as follows:
For the
ith pile segment, the displacement and axial force relationship between the endpoints of pile segment
i − 1 and
i can be calculated from the unit force equilibrium, given as follows:
wi and
wi−1 are the vertical displacements of the base center and top center of pile segment
i, respectively.
Ni and
Ni−1 represent the axial force of the base center and top center of pile segment
i, respectively.
Combined with Equation (11), the formula between the vertical displacement and the axial force at the node of pile head and pile end can be determined using the impedance function transfer matrix method, as follows:
wL and
w0 are the vertical displacement at the base center and top center of the tapered pile, respectively. Similarly,
NL and
N0 are the axial force of the base center and top center of the tapered pile, respectively.
, and
are the four sub-matrices of the impedance function matrix [
The vertical displacement
wL and axial force
NL can be determined through the solution of axisymmetric vertical vibration in a homogeneous, fully elastic half-space containing a rigid disk embedded at its surface [
Kb is the foundation stiffness,
Gb is the shear modulus of soil at the pile end,
Cw1 and
Cw2 are the damping factors of the soil at the pile end. The values of
Cw1 and
Cw2 are related to the soil Poisson’s ratio and can be found in
Table 1 [
23]. It can be calculated using the interpolation method when the soil’s Poisson’s ratio is not equal to 0, 0.25, or 0.5.
By substituting Equation (14) into Equation (12), the dynamic impedance of the tapered pile under vertical loading vibration can be derived as follows:
where Γ
v is the dynamic impedance of the pile at the pile head under vertical loading vibration,
Kv is the vertical dynamic stiffness and
Cv is the dynamic damping coefficient of the tapered pile, respectively.
3. Analyzing the Lateral Dynamic Characteristics of Tapered Piles in Layered Soils
Similarly, assuming the tapered pile is elastic, vertical, and fully bound to the soil. The pile length, pile diameter, and taper angle of the tapered pile are characterized by
L d, and
θ, respectively. The pile is assumed to be exposed to sinusoidal harmonic excitation
Heiωt and
Meiωt. Considering the combined action of the shear and normal force due to the slope of the pile, the soil surrounding the pile shaft was considered to be continuous springs and dashpots and was decomposed into two directions. The dynamic Winkler four-spring model for lateral dynamic analysis presented in this paper is shown in
Figure 2. It is important to note that the tapered pile is subdivided into frustum segments, with the number of segments
n determined by the number of soil layers.
Similarly to the tapered pile under vertical vibration, the damping of the pile is also neglected in the lateral vibration analysis. And assuming the pile segment
i has a lateral displacement
ui, the tapered pile is divided into frustum segments, the differential equation of the tapered pile under lateral vibration can be derived from the force equilibrium analysis of the tapered pile unit, given as follows:
where the
pni, and
Ipi are the shear force, normal force, the mass moment of inertia of the tapered pile segment
i, respectively.
Ep is the pile elastic modulus.
For lateral steady vibration, substituting
= ui(
eiωt into Equation (18), the derivation procedures for dynamic equilibrium governing the i-th tapered pile segment can be established as follows:
For the
ith pile segment, the displacement, rocking angle, lateral force, and bending moment relationship between the two endpoints of pile segment
i − 1 and
i can be computed as follows:
k2, and
k3 are the normalized functions related to pile characteristics, and can be expressed as
k1 = −
k2 =
EpIpiλi2) and
k3 =
EpIpiλi3), respectively.
By combining this with Equation (24), the formula between displacement, rocking angle, lateral force, and bending moment at the pile head and end can be derived using the transfer matrix method, as follows:
HL, and
ML are the lateral displacement, rocking angle, lateral loading, and bending moment of the bottom center of the pile, respectively.
H0, and
M0 are the lateral displacement, rocking angle, lateral loading, and bending moment of the top center of the tapered pile, respectively.
are the four sub-matrices of the impedance function matrix [
Hu et al. [
24] pointed out that when the pile length
L exceeds 10~15 times pile diameter
d, The fixed boundary at the end of the pile or the free boundary at the end of the pile has little effect on the pile head impedance. In engineering practice, the pile length
L typically exceeds 10~15 times pile diameter
d. Therefore, assuming the pile end was fixed during the lateral excitation, then both
uL and
φL are equal to 0. The dynamic impedance Γ
h under lateral loading vibration and the rocking dynamic impedance Γ
r under bending moment vibration of the tapered pile at the pile head can be derived as follows:
where [
fs] is the flexibility matrix at the pile head.
Kh and
Kr are the lateral and rocking dynamic stiffness, respectively.
Ch and
Cr are the lateral and rocking dynamic damping of the tapered pile, respectively.
5. Parametric Analysis
Unlike the cylindrical pile with a constant diameter, the geometric feature of the tapered pile is characterized by a progressive change in pile diameter from the head to the end of the pile, and the degree of change is controlled by the taper angle. Additionally, considering that soil is typically layered in engineering practice, two types of typical soil foundations (upper hard and lower weak, and upper weak and lower hard) are analyzed, and the dynamic properties of the tapered pile in these layered foundations are examined.
5.1. Effect of the Taper Angle on Dynamic Impedance
Soil properties and geometric parameters of tapered piles are as follows: elastic modulus ratio
Es = 1000, density ratio
ρs = 1.5, length–diameter ratio
L/req = 30, pile elastic modulus
Ep = 20 GPa, and pile length
L = 15 m. In order to study the effect of taper angle on dynamic stiffness and dynamic damping, the dynamic characteristics of three kinds of tapered piles with taper angles
θ equal to 0°, 1.5°, and 3° were first calculated and analyzed for comparison [
7]. To ensure that the tapered piles have the same volume at different taper angles, the radius of the pile head and pile end were calculated using Equation (28).
The effect of the taper angle
θ on the vertical dynamic impedance of the tapered pile is depicted in
Figure 8. The number
n of soil segments is equal to 20. The results show that the dynamic stiffness and dynamic damping decrease with decreasing taper angle. Nevertheless, the overall increase amplitude is relatively small. This indicates that with increasing taper angle
θ leading to pile end diameter reduction, the magnitude of dynamic impedance increases along the pile shaft until it becomes comparable to the corresponding decrease at the pile end.
Figure 9 and
Figure 10 show the effects of the taper angle
θ on the lateral dynamic stiffness and damping of the tapered pile. The results demonstrate that the change in dynamic impedance pattern is in the same trend as that of
Figure 8, where the lateral and rocking dynamic properties both increase with increasing taper angle, and the increase in lateral dynamic impedance is greater than that of vertical dynamic impedance, particularly for the rocking stiffness. The lateral stiffness of the lateral dynamic impedance increases by approximately 200~300% from taper angle
θ = 0° to 3° when the
a0 is in the range of 0~0.2. However, the gap in dynamic stiffness decreases gradually at higher dimensionless frequencies. Meanwhile, the lateral stiffness decreases as the dimensionless frequency
a0 increases, while the rocking dynamic stiffness is slightly influenced by the
a0. The results also indicate that the lateral dynamic impedance of a tapered pile is greatly affected by the geometric feature of the pile. Specifically, a larger diameter near the pile head improves the lateral dynamic impedance, assuming other conditions remain constant. This may be attributed to the fact that the dynamic impedance is closely related to the stiffness of the pile foundation. For vertically vibrating pile foundations, the dynamic impedance is affected by the axial stiffness
z), but the dynamic impedance of laterally vibrating pile foundations relies on the moment of inertia of the pile section,
z), which is second to the fourth power of the depth, and a change in the taper angle apparently exacerbates the change in the bending stiffness
z). In the meantime, vertical vibration propagation in the soil is dominated by compression wave (P-wave), and the wave velocity is determined by the elastic modulus of the pile body and the soil density, whereas horizontal vibrations manifest as shear wave (S-wave) whose propagation characteristics depends on
z) and soil shear modulus. This fundamental difference in wave mechanics also explains why taper angle exerts more pronounced influences on horizontal vibration behavior than vertical dynamics.
Therefore, the taper angle can be set to a relatively small value when the vertical dynamic characteristics of the pile foundation are mainly considered, while the taper angle can be set to a larger value for the pile foundation mainly subjected to lateral dynamic loading. It is also possible to set the tapered piles in a stepped shape by increasing the taper angle on the upper part of the pile in order to improve the lateral dynamic stiffness. However, it is important to note that the taper angle cannot be increased indefinitely, as increasing the taper angle accelerates the reduction in the pile end diameter, which also alters the vertical loading characteristics of the pile foundation.
5.2. Effect of Soil Layer Distribution on Dynamic Impedance
The effect of two typical double-layer soil foundations is discussed in this section, as demonstrated in
Figure 11. The tapered pile (
θ = 1.5°) was adopted to study the dynamic impedance. Other parameters of piles and soils are identical to those in
Section 5.1.
Figure 12 illustrates the correlation between soil properties and vibrational characteristics of vertically loaded tapered piles. The results show that increasing the soil elastic modulus around the pile side can significantly improve the vertical dynamic stiffness and dynamic damping of a single pile. Specifically, the vertical dynamic stiffness of the pile in double-layered soil is approximately twice that of homogeneous soil. The increase in vertical dynamic impedance due to the increasing elastic modulus of soil around the upper part of the pile is more pronounced than the increasing elastic modulus of soil around the lower part. It should be noted that the results are obtained based on the friction pile assumption. For end-bearing piles, the soil elastic modulus around the pile side is much smaller than the soil elastic modulus at the pile end, which may lead to different behaviors.
Figure 13 and
Figure 14 demonstrate the effect of the soil properties on the dynamic impedance of the tapered pile under lateral vibration. The simulation results indicate that the lateral dynamic impedance characteristics of tapered pile foundations demonstrate a proportional increase corresponding to the enhancement of elastic modulus in the surrounding soil medium. However, the increase in lateral dynamic stiffness is much greater in the upper hard and lower weak soil compared to the upper weak and lower hard soil. In particular, the lateral stiffness of lateral dynamic impedance in upper hard and lower weak soil increases by approximately 300% compared to that of homogenous soil. On the other hand, the rocking stiffness increases as the soil elastic modulus increases, while the rocking damping is less affected by the soil parameters. On the whole, parametric sensitivity analysis reveals that while the lateral dynamic impedance demonstrates marked susceptibility to soil parameter alterations, the rotational stiffness and damping components maintain relative insensitivity. Stratigraphic control mechanisms are principally governed by the upper soil stratum, accounting for a majority of the lateral and rocking dynamic impedance of the tapered pile.
Therefore, strengthening the soil characteristics around the upper part of the pile helps to improve the vertical, lateral, and rocking impedance functions, especially for the vertical and lateral stiffness of the tapered pile, which can guide engineering practices. Regarding the engineering considerations of tapered pile configurations in civil engineering, the soil parameters surrounding the upper part of the tapered pile can be improved when the tapered pile is mainly subjected to vertical dynamic loading, and while the tapered pile foundation is mainly subjected to horizontal dynamic loading, the dynamic characteristics can be improved from the taper angle and the soil properties surrounding the upper part of the pile.
6. Conclusions
This paper proposes a unified dynamic Winkler model for vertical and lateral dynamic analysis of tapered piles in layered soils using the impedance function transfer matrix method. The model can effectively account for the combined action of shear and normal force caused by the slope of the pile shaft which is different from the equal diameter pile assumption. Combined with the simplified method, the influences of dimensional parameters of the tapered pile and soil properties on the vertical, lateral, and rocking dynamic impedance of the tapered pile are discussed.
(1) The dynamic impedance of the tapered piles with equivalent volume under vertical vibration exhibits a positive correlation with taper angle enlargement, while both dynamic stiffness and damping of the tapered piles demonstrate a rate of increase that remains relatively modest.
(2) With an increase in the taper angle, the lateral and rocking dynamic impedance of the tapered pile with the same volume value increases more obviously than the vertical dynamic impedance. The lateral dynamic characteristics are more pronouncedly affected by the geometrical characteristics of the upper part of the pile. A larger diameter near the pile head results in better lateral dynamic impedance. It should be fully considered in subgrade treatment practice.
(3) The soil elastic modulus around the pile side can significantly improve the vertical dynamic impedance of the tapered pile. Specifically, the vertical dynamic stiffness of the tapered pile in double-layered soils is approximately twice that of homogeneous soil.
(4) Similarly, the lateral and rocking dynamic impedance of the tapered pile increases as the soil elastic modulus around the pile shaft increases. The increase in lateral dynamic stiffness is much larger in upper hard and lower weak soils than in upper weak and lower hard soils, while the rocking damping is less influenced by soil parameters.
(5) The soil parameters around the upper pile shaft are the primary factors affecting the vertical, lateral and rocking dynamic impedance of the tapered pile, which can guide engineering practice.
It should be declared that the frequency domain analysis method proposed in this study cannot effectively consider the nonlinear characteristics of foundations, including the cumulative strain effect of foundations under long-term cyclic loading [
30]. For the case of large deformation, the equivalent nonlinear analysis theory based on the frequency domain method or the transient dynamic nonlinear analysis theory based on the time domain method can be further proposed to consider the nonlinear characteristics of the soil [