Federated Learning to Safeguard Patients Data: A Medical Image Retrieval Case
<p>Local training and global aggregation workflow.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Accuracy in Centralized IID case of use.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Accuracy in the scenario with IID data when varying the number of clients.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Accuracy in the scenario with NO-IID data when varying the number of clients.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Accuracy comparison between the IID, NO IID, and centralized IID cases.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Confusion matrices for the IID and centralized scenarios.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Confusion matrices for the NO-IID scenario.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Privacy: through the use of FL, we try to provide a distributed learning solution that is privacy oriented, as clients do not forward their information to a central server.
- Data quality and robustness: we carried out tests on the variation of the distribution of datasets held by individual clients, and we demonstrated that the proposed solution is robust as it does not depend on the quality of the data held by individual clients.
- Scalability: we carried out a study based on scalability by evaluating the performance of our solution as the number of FL clients varies.
- Medical domain: where data are often distributed across different hospitals, clinics, and research organizations. We proposed a way in which FL can be used in the medical domain. In this particular case, our goal was to define a system based on a neural network capable of recognizing a case of COVID-19 from other pathologies through the use of X-ray images.
1.1. General Data Protection Regulation
1.2. Challenges of Fl in Healthcare
2. Related Work
3. Federated Learning
3.1. Definition
- At least two different groups have shown interest in constructing a machine learning model together, and each group has data that it would want to utilize to train the model.
- During the process of training a model, each partner is responsible for keeping all of the data.
- The model might be encrypted and partly shared between parties, preventing third parties from re-engineering the data from a particular party. This would be accomplished by employing a method for encryption.
- The performance of the finished model is equivalent to that of an ideal model that was built with all data submitted to a single party throughout the construction process.
3.2. Horizontal Federated Learning
3.3. Vertical Federated Learning
3.4. Privacy
3.4.1. Data Anonymization
3.4.2. Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMC)
3.4.3. Differential Privacy
3.5. Federated Learning and Healthcare
4. Approach
4.1. Dataset
4.2. Dataset Distribution
5. Results
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Number of Layer | Layer Type | Output Shape | Number of Trainable Parameters |
1 | Conv2d | [8, 256, 256] | 216 |
2 | Conv2d | [16, 128, 128] | 1152 |
3 | Conv2d | [32, 64, 64] | 4608 |
4 | Conv2d | [16, 66, 66] | 512 |
5 | Conv2d | [32, 256, 256] | 4608 |
6 | Conv2d | [64, 33, 33] | 18,432 |
7 | Conv2d | [32, 35, 35] | 2048 |
8 | Conv2d | [64, 35, 35] | 18,432 |
9 | Conv2d | [128, 17, 17] | 73,728 |
10 | Conv2d | [74, 19, 19] | 8192 |
11 | Conv2d | [128, 19, 19] | 73,728 |
12 | Conv2d | [256, 9, 9] | 294,912 |
13 | Conv2d | [128, 11, 11] | 32,768 |
14 | Conv2d | [256, 11, 11] | 294,912 |
Attribute | Description | ||
Patient ID | Internal identifier | ||
Offset | Number of days since the start of symptoms or hospitalization for each image. If a report indicates “after a few days”, then 5 days is assumed | ||
Sex | Male (M), Female (F), or blank | ||
Age | Age of the patient in years | ||
Finding | Type of pneumonia | ||
Survival | Yes or No | ||
View | Posteroanterior (PA), Anteroposterior (AP), AP Supine (APS), or Lateral (L) for X-rays; Axial or Coronal for CT scans | ||
Modality | CT, X-ray, or something else | ||
Number of Layer | Layer Type | Output Shape | Number of Trainable Parameters |
15 | Conv2d | [128, 13, 13] | 256 |
16 | Conv2d | [256, 13, 13] | 294,912 |
17 | Conv2d | [2, 13, 13] | 4608 |
18 | Flatten | [338] | 0 |
19 | Linear | [2] | 678 |
Scenario | IID | NO-IID |
FL with 5 clients | 0.97 | 0.93 |
FL with 10 clients | 0.9 | 0.87 |
FL with 15 clients | 0.93 | 0.85 |
Centralized | 0.98 | 0.98 |
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Share and Cite
Singh, G.; Violi, V.; Fisichella, M. Federated Learning to Safeguard Patients Data: A Medical Image Retrieval Case. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2023, 7, 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc7010018
Singh G, Violi V, Fisichella M. Federated Learning to Safeguard Patients Data: A Medical Image Retrieval Case. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 2023; 7(1):18. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc7010018
Chicago/Turabian StyleSingh, Gurtaj, Vincenzo Violi, and Marco Fisichella. 2023. "Federated Learning to Safeguard Patients Data: A Medical Image Retrieval Case" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 7, no. 1: 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc7010018
APA StyleSingh, G., Violi, V., & Fisichella, M. (2023). Federated Learning to Safeguard Patients Data: A Medical Image Retrieval Case. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 7(1), 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc7010018