THOR: A Hybrid Recommender System for the Personalized Travel Experience
<p>High-level representation of THOR.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>THOR’s Training (Learning) Workflow.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The classifiers’ training time for all the users.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The accuracies of each algorithm for all the users. The last box plot provides the scores obtained from the best algorithm for each user.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The probability distribution of different algorithms is used as the best model.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. Ecosystem
2.2. Recommender Systems
Name | Type | Category | Name | Type | Category |
Age | Cat. | Profile | Starting Point | Cat. | Offer |
City | Cat. | Profile | Destination | Cat. | Offer |
Country | Cat. | Profile | Via | List | Offer |
Loyalty Cards | List | Profile | LegMode | List | Offer |
Payment Cards | List | Profile | Class | List | Offer |
PRM Type | List | Profile | Seats Type | List | Offer |
Profile Type | Cat. | Profile | Arrival Time | Cat. | Offer |
Quick | Float | Offer | Departure Time | Cat. | Offer |
Reliable | Float | Offer | Preferred Transp. Types | List | Search |
Cheap | Float | Offer | Preferred Carriers | List | Search |
Comfortable | Float | Offer | Preferred Refund Type | Cat. | Search |
Door-to-door | Float | Offer | Preferred Services | List | Search |
Envir. Friendly | Float | Offer | Max. No. of Transfers | Int. | Search |
Short | Float | Offer | Max. Transfers Duration | Cat. | Search |
Multitasking | Float | Offer | Max. Walking Dist. to Stop | Cat. | Search |
Social | Float | Offer | Walking Speed | Cat. | Search |
Panoramic | Float | Offer | Cycling Distance to Stop | Cat. | Search |
Healthy | Float | Offer | Cycling Speed | Cat. | Search |
Legs Number | Int. | Offer | Driving Speed | Cat. | Search |
2.3. Travelers’ Preferences
2.4. Cold Start Problem
3. The Hybrid Offer Ranker (THOR)
3.1. Overview
3.2. Data Pre-Processing
- One-Hot Encoding:This step translates the raw textual data into a numerical one-hot version. Moreover, null data are replaced with zeros. Consider, for example, the feature “Profile”, which takes one of the following four values: “Basic”, “Business”, “Family”, or “Leisure”. During one-hot encoding, “Profile” is split into four features (one for each possible value) that are mutually exclusive—i.e., only one of them can have a value equal to one, while the rest are zero.
- Information-Less Columns Dropping (ILCD): in this step, the system deletes all columns that have the same value in the dataset. For instance, if the user has never changed their hometown, we can delete it because this feature means nothing to our system. Deleting these columns substantially speeds up the training phase.
- Data Normalization: Since the scales and magnitudes of the features are not the same, if the original data values are used directly during the prediction phase, their degree of influence is different. The system applies a normalization process through which every feature will have the same influence on the result.
3.3. Learner Module
Algorithm 1 Learner |
Algorithm 2 Cluster Model Training |
3.3.1. Cluster Training for New User
3.3.2. User Recommender Model Training
Algorithm 3 Recommender Model Training |
3.4. Ranker
Algorithm 4 RANKER |
3.5. User Feedback
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Validating the Classifiers
4.2. Validating the Ranker
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Javadian Sabet, A.; Shekari, M.; Guan, C.; Rossi, M.; Schreiber, F.; Tanca, L. THOR: A Hybrid Recommender System for the Personalized Travel Experience. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 131.
Javadian Sabet A, Shekari M, Guan C, Rossi M, Schreiber F, Tanca L. THOR: A Hybrid Recommender System for the Personalized Travel Experience. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 2022; 6(4):131.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJavadian Sabet, Alireza, Mahsa Shekari, Chaofeng Guan, Matteo Rossi, Fabio Schreiber, and Letizia Tanca. 2022. "THOR: A Hybrid Recommender System for the Personalized Travel Experience" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6, no. 4: 131.
APA StyleJavadian Sabet, A., Shekari, M., Guan, C., Rossi, M., Schreiber, F., & Tanca, L. (2022). THOR: A Hybrid Recommender System for the Personalized Travel Experience. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(4), 131.