A Model for Naturalistic Programming with Implementation
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
2. Background
Related Work
3. Conceptual Model
- A noun as a base abstraction that is either singular or plural.
- An adjective as a complement to the noun.
- A verb as an action undertaken by a noun.
- A circumstance as a determinant that responds to events.
- A phrase used to define instructions with a complexity beyond that of the subject and the predicate.
- The element must enable the definition of instructions in terms of those elements previously described (anaphoras).
- As types are defined explicitly and statically, they are used in the construction of instructions comprising phrases.
- The conceptual model is implemented via a textual language that offers a level of expressiveness similar to a natural language, but which is formalized in order to avoid ambiguity.
- Complete support for the deixis, which implies that the instructions are defined according to the elements that are described not only before but also after the same text.
- Support for identifiers that enable work with the abstractions by means of direct references.
- Property-based typing, which requires the classification of a noun based on its properties, and, therefore, has the capacity to add new properties to an abstraction when it is created.
3.1. Circumstance
3.2. Sentence
3.3. Indirect Reference
3.4. Explicit Typing
4. Language
- 1 main Example:
- 2 System prints “Hello World”.
- 1 class Example {
- 2 public static void main(String...arg) {
- 3 System.out.print(“Hello World”);}}
4.1. Abstractions
4.1.1. Noun
- noun House.
- noun Building.
- noun House is a Building.
- noun House is a Building with plural as Houses.
4.1.2. Adjective
- adjective Luxurious.
- adjective Big.
- adjective Luxurious is Big.
- adjective Costly.
- adjective Luxurious is Big and Costly.
- noun Mansion is a Luxurious House.
4.2. Instance Creation
- a House.
- some Houses.
- a House with 5000.0 as price.
- noun House:
- attribute price as a Real Number.
- a Luxurious House.
4.3. Noun Phrases in Sentences
- the first House
- the last Building
- the second House
- a House with 20,000.00 as price.
- a House with 60,000.00 as price.
- a House with 40,000.00 as price.
- the first House where price is equal to 40,000.00
- the last House where price is lesser than 60,000.00
- noun Building with plural as Buildings:
- attribute price as Real Number.
- adjective Costly.
- adjective Big.
- noun House is a Building with plural as Houses.
- noun Mansion is a Big and Costly House.
- 1 a House with 20,000.00 as price.
- 2 a Costly House with 60,000.00 as price.
- 3 a Mansion with 80,000.00 as price.
- 4 a Building with 10,000.00 as price.
- 1 System prints the first Building.
- 2 System prints the first Building where price is equal to 60,000.00.
- 3 System prints the second Building.
- 4 System prints the last House.
- 5 System prints the Big House.
- 6 System prints the House where price is equal to 30,000.00.
- all Houses
- the last 3 Houses
- all Houses where price is greater than 25,000
- the last 3 Houses where price is equal to 500,000
- 1 System prints all Buildings.
- 2 System prints the first 3 Buildings.
- 3 System prints the last 2 Buildings.
- 4 System prints the first 2 Costly House.
4.4. Local Identifiers
- house is a Luxurious House.
- h is house.
- num is 5.
- str is “A string”.
4.5. Circumstance
4.5.1. Circumstances Applied to Instances
- 1 noun Building:
- 2 circumstance: this cannot be Integer or Real.
- 3 circumstance: Office and Habitable are mutually excluded.
- 4 circumstance: this requires Habitable or Office.
- 1 adjective Office:
- 2 circumstance: this cannot be Habitable.
- 3 adjective Habitable:
- 4 circumstance: this cannot be Office.
- 1 a Building.
- 2 an Office Building.
- 3 an Integer Building.
- 4 a Habitable Building.
- 5 an Office and Habitable Building.
- 1 adjective Printable:
- 2 verb print itself:
- 3 System prints “A new house was created”.
- 4 circumstance: print this after this is created.
- a Printable House.
- A new house was created
4.5.2. Circumstances Applied to Attributes
- 1 noun House:
- 2 attribute description as String.
- 3 verb itself prints desc as String:
- 4 System prints desc.
- 5 circumstance: it prints description
- when the description is assigned.
- a House with “A beautiful house” as description.
- the description of the House is “Another description”.
- System prints the description of the House.
- A beautiful house
- Another description
- 1 noun House:
- 2 attribute description is “”.
- 3 verb itself prints desc as String:
- 4 System prints desc.
- 5 circumstance: it prints description
- when the length of description is 0.
- a House with “A beautiful house” as description.
- the description of the House is “Another description”.
- System prints the description of the House.
- Another description
- a House.
- the description of the House is “Another description”.
- System prints the description of the House.
- Another description
- Another description
4.5.3. Circumstances Applied to Verbs
- 1 noun Mansion:
- 2 attribute price as an Integer Number.
- 3 verb assign p as Integer Number to itself:
- 4 the price of this is p.
- 5 derived attribute string as a String:
- 6 a String with “Mansion valued as ”.
- 7 add price to the String.
- 8 return it.
- 1 adjective Validated:
- 2 verb itself validates val as Integer Number:
- 3 execute the next instruction when val is null.
- 4 the price of this is 0.
- 5 execute the next instruction when val is not null.
- 6 the price of this is val.
- 7 circumstance: this validates val instead assign val to something.
- a Mansion.
- a Validated Mansion.
- the price of it is null.
- System prints the first Mansion and newline.
- System prints the last Mansion and newline.
- Mansion valued as null
- Mansion valued as 0
4.6. Naturalistic Control Structures
4.6.1. Naturalistic Iterator
4.6.2. Naturalistic Conditional
- flag is false.
- execute the next 3 instructions when flag is equal to false.
- System prints “Optional output”.
- System prints “Another output”.
- flag is true.
- System prints “From the outside”.
5. Compiler
5.1. Scala Generation
- noun House.
- adjective Big.
- adjective Costly.
- class House
- trait Big
- trait Costly
- main Example:
- h1 is a Big House.
- h2 is a Costly House.
- h3 is a Big and Costly House.
- h4 is a Costly and Big House.
- object Example extends scala.App {
- var h1 = new House with Big
- var h2 = new House with Costly
- var h3 = new House with Big with Costly
- var h4 = new House with Costly with Big}
- Big.class
- Costly.class
- House.class
- Example.class
- Example$.class
- Example$$anon$delayedInit$body.class
- Example$$anon$1.class
- Example$$anon$2.class
- Example$$anon$3.class
- Example$$anon$4.class
- noun Number:
- verb itself plus arg as Number.
- class Number
- public Number plus(arg : Number)
5.2. AspectJ Generation
- noun House:
- circumstance: Big and Costly are mutually excluded.
- House_ValidatorAspect.class
6. Test Scenarios
6.1. Case 1: Operations with Numbers
- 1 abstract noun Number is a Thing with plural as Numbers:
- 2 verb add number as Number to itself.
- 3 verb itself plus number as Number.
- 4 verb subtract number as Number from itself.
- 5 verb itself minus number as Number.
- 6 verb multiply number as Number by itself.
- 7 verb itself times number as Number.
- 8 verb divide number as Number by itself.
- 9 verb itself by number as Number.
- 10 verb leftover number as Number by itself.
- 11 verb itself mod number as Number.
- 12 adjective Integer.
6.2. Case 2: Database Connection
6.3. Case 3: Encoding Process
7. SN Evaluation
7.1. Programming Example
7.2. Questionnaire
8. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ACE | Attempto Controlled English |
AOP | Aspect-Oriented Programming |
API | Application Programming Interface |
CPL | Computer-Processable Language |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine |
LTW | Load-Time Weaving |
NLC | Natural Language Computer |
NLCI | Natural Language Command Interpreter |
OOP | Object-Oriented Programming |
SBT | Simple Build Tool |
CONACyT | Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología |
Appendix A. Conceptual Model Description
Appendix A.1. Noun
Appendix A.2. Adjective
Appendix A.3. Verb
Appendix A.4. Property-Based Typing
Appendix B. SN Grammar
Appendix B.1. Program Structure
Appendix B.2. Main
Appendix B.3. Noun
Appendix B.4. Adjective
Appendix B.5. Attribute
Appendix B.6. Verb
- a House.
- sell the House.
- a House.
- a Client.
- add the Client to the House.
- a House.
- the House sold.
Appendix B.7. Circumstance
Appendix B.7.1. Instance Circumstance
Appendix B.7.2. Attribute Circumstance
Appendix B.7.3. Verb Circumstance
Appendix B.8. Derived Attribute
Appendix B.9. Plurals
Appendix B.10. Noun Phrase
Appendix B.11. Sentence
Appendix B.12. Access to Attributes
Appendix B.13. Naturalistic Iterator
Appendix B.14. Naturalistic Conditional
Appendix B.15. Composite Sentence
Appendix B.16. Composite Iterator and Composite Decision
Appendix B.17. Local Identifiers
Appendix B.18. Complementary rules
Appendix C. Database Access with PostgreSQL
Appendix C.1. Storable (Adjective)
Appendix C.2. Person (Noun)
Appendix C.3. Insert
Appendix C.4. Delete
Appendix C.5. Update
Appendix D. Questionnaire
Appendix D.1. Question 1
Appendix D.2. Question 2
Appendix D.3. Question 3
Appendix D.4. Question 4
Appendix D.5. Question 5
Appendix D.6. Question 6
Appendix D.7. Question 7
Appendix D.8. Question 8
Appendix D.9. Question 9
Appendix D.10. Question 10
Appendix D.11. Question 11
Appendix D.12. Question 12
Appendix D.13. Question 13
Appendix D.14. Question 14
Appendix D.15. Question 15
Appendix D.16. Question 16
Appendix D.17. Question 17
Appendix D.18. Question 18
Appendix D.19. Question 19
Appendix D.20. Question 20
Appendix D.21. Question 21
Appendix D.22. Question 22
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Question | Inexpressive/ Not Useful | Little Expressive Little Useful | Moderately Expressive Moderately Useful | Highly Expressive Very Useful |
1 | 10.2% | 36.7% | 40.8% | 12.2% |
2 | 2% | 38.8% | 51% | 8.2% |
3 | 8.2% | 34.7% | 36.7% | 20.4% |
6 | 10.2% | 34.7% | 49% | 6.1% |
7 | 2% | 38.8% | 46.9% | 12.2% |
8 | 4.1% | 34.7% | 38.8% | 22.4% |
9 | 2% | 26.5% | 57.1% | 14.3% |
10 | 4.1% | 36.7% | 46.9% | 12.2% |
11 | 4.1% | 32.7% | 51% | 12.2% |
12 | 10.2% | 28.6% | 49% | 12.2% |
13 | 6.1% | 32.7% | 38.8% | 22.4% |
14 | 14.3% | 32.7% | 40.8% | 12.2% |
15 | 14.3% | 20.4% | 57.1% | 8.2% |
16 | 6.1% | 30.6% | 40.8% | 22.4% |
17 | 8.2% | 28.6% | 53.1% | 10.2% |
18 | 0 | 8.2% | 59.2% | 32.7% |
19 | 4.1% | 42.9% | 40.8% | 12.2% |
20 | 10.2% | 22.4% | 59.2% | 8.2% |
21 | 6.1% | 22.4% | 55.1% | 16.3% |
22 | 0 | 20.4% | 59.2% | 20.4% |
Question | Yes | No |
4 | 55.1% | 44.9 |
5 | 51% | 49 |
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Pulido-Prieto, O.; Juárez-Martínez, U. A Model for Naturalistic Programming with Implementation. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3936. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9183936
Pulido-Prieto O, Juárez-Martínez U. A Model for Naturalistic Programming with Implementation. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(18):3936. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9183936
Chicago/Turabian StylePulido-Prieto, Oscar, and Ulises Juárez-Martínez. 2019. "A Model for Naturalistic Programming with Implementation" Applied Sciences 9, no. 18: 3936. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9183936
APA StylePulido-Prieto, O., & Juárez-Martínez, U. (2019). A Model for Naturalistic Programming with Implementation. Applied Sciences, 9(18), 3936. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9183936