Virtual Synchronous Generator Control of Grid Connected Modular Multilevel Converters with an Improved Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method
<p>Multilevel converter topology: (<b>a</b>) MMC; (<b>b</b>) half-bridge and full-bridge SM.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Block diagram of the proposed CVB-VSG control.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>VSG based control scheme.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Flowchart of the CVB algorithm.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Simulation results of applying CVB−VSG control and CVB−PQ control to the MMC. (<b>a</b>) Three−phase voltages and currents of the MMC. (<b>b</b>) Three−phase voltages and currents of the grid. (<b>c</b>) Estimation of the voltages of the SM capacitor of phase A by the CVB−PQ control. (<b>d</b>) Estimation of the voltages of the SM capacitor of phase A by the CVB-VSG control. (<b>e</b>) Estimation and measurement of phase A SM capacitor voltages for both commands. (<b>f</b>) Phase A circulating current. (<b>g</b>) Average value of DC current. (<b>h</b>) DC current. (<b>i</b>) Active and reactive power.</p> "> Figure 5 Cont.
<p>Simulation results of applying CVB−VSG control and CVB−PQ control to the MMC. (<b>a</b>) Three−phase voltages and currents of the MMC. (<b>b</b>) Three−phase voltages and currents of the grid. (<b>c</b>) Estimation of the voltages of the SM capacitor of phase A by the CVB−PQ control. (<b>d</b>) Estimation of the voltages of the SM capacitor of phase A by the CVB-VSG control. (<b>e</b>) Estimation and measurement of phase A SM capacitor voltages for both commands. (<b>f</b>) Phase A circulating current. (<b>g</b>) Average value of DC current. (<b>h</b>) DC current. (<b>i</b>) Active and reactive power.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Total harmonic distortion of grid current.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Experimental platform of the three-phase MMC.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Experimental results of applying VSG and PQ control to the MMC. (<b>a</b>) Three-phase voltages of the MMC. (<b>b</b>) Three-phase voltages and currents of the grid. (<b>c</b>) Voltages of SM capacitors in phase B. (<b>d</b>) Phase A circulating current. (<b>e</b>) DC current. (<b>f</b>) Active and reactive power.</p> "> Figure 8 Cont.
<p>Experimental results of applying VSG and PQ control to the MMC. (<b>a</b>) Three-phase voltages of the MMC. (<b>b</b>) Three-phase voltages and currents of the grid. (<b>c</b>) Voltages of SM capacitors in phase B. (<b>d</b>) Phase A circulating current. (<b>e</b>) DC current. (<b>f</b>) Active and reactive power.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Experimental results of applying CVB−VSG and CVB−PQ control to the MMC. (<b>a</b>) Three-phase voltages of the MMC. (<b>b</b>) Three-phase voltages and currents of the grid. (<b>c</b>) Voltages of SM capacitors in phase B. (<b>d</b>) Phase A circulating current. (<b>e</b>) DC current. (<b>f</b>) Active and reactive power.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. MMC Modeling and Operating Principle
3. The Proposed Control System
3.1. VSG-Based Control of Grid-Connected MMC
3.2. Improved CVB Method
4. Discussion
4.1. Simulation Results
4.2. Experimental Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Simulation | Experimental |
DC voltage (VDC) | 400 V | 100 V |
AC voltage (VAC) | 155 V | 30 V |
AC frequency | 50 Hz | 50 Hz |
Power active | 6–7.5–9 Kw | 100–120 W |
Number of SMs per arm | 2 | 2 |
Capacitor value for a SM | 50 mF | 3.3 mF |
Arm inductance/arm resistor | 1 mH/0.5 Ω | 10 mH/0.5 Ω |
Phase inductor/phase resistor | 20 mH/0.5 Ω | 20 mH/0.5 Ω |
Control | THD | ΔIdc | ΔIcirc | ΔVc | Vcref–Vcestm |
CVB-PQ | 0.45% | 28 A | 6.8 A | 0.4 V | 4.8 V |
CVB-VSG | 0.17% | 10 A | 2.3 A | 0.15 V | 1.7 V |
Control | ΔIdc | ΔIcirc | ΔVc | Vcref–Vcestm |
PQ | 1.6 A | 3.6 A | 12 V | 100 V |
VSG | 1.4 A | 3.4 A | 9 V | 100 V |
CVB-PQ | 1 A | 1.6 A | 1.5 V | 7 V |
CVB-VSG | 0.9 A | 1.4 A | 1.5 V | 3 V |
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Bensiali, H.; Khoucha, F.; Benrabah, A.; Benhamimid, L.; Benbouzid, M. Virtual Synchronous Generator Control of Grid Connected Modular Multilevel Converters with an Improved Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 2865.
Bensiali H, Khoucha F, Benrabah A, Benhamimid L, Benbouzid M. Virtual Synchronous Generator Control of Grid Connected Modular Multilevel Converters with an Improved Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method. Applied Sciences. 2025; 15(5):2865.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBensiali, Haroun, Farid Khoucha, Abdeldjabar Benrabah, Lakhdar Benhamimid, and Mohamed Benbouzid. 2025. "Virtual Synchronous Generator Control of Grid Connected Modular Multilevel Converters with an Improved Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method" Applied Sciences 15, no. 5: 2865.
APA StyleBensiali, H., Khoucha, F., Benrabah, A., Benhamimid, L., & Benbouzid, M. (2025). Virtual Synchronous Generator Control of Grid Connected Modular Multilevel Converters with an Improved Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method. Applied Sciences, 15(5), 2865.