Knowing Knowledge: Epistemological Study of Knowledge in Transformers
:1. Introduction
2. Subject and Methods
- gnoseological nature of human knowledge;
- origin and encoding of human knowledge in Artificial Neural Networks;
- specificity of artificial knowledge based on symbols and numbers;
- relationship between Human Neural Networks and Artificial Neural Networks;
3. Obtained Results
3.1. Innateness
3.2. No-Innateness
3.3. The Truth Lies in the Middle
4. Experiments
4.2. Transformer
- encoder-decoder attention layers, in this type of layer, the queries come from the previous decoder layer while the keys and values come from the encoder output. This allows each position in the decoder to give attention to all the positions of the input sequence.
- self-attention layer contained in the encoder receives key, value, and query input from the output of the previous encoder layer. Each position in the encoder can get an attention score from every position in the previous encoder layer.
- self-attention in the decoder, this is similar to self-attention in the encoder where all queries, keys, and values come from the previous layer. The self-attention decoder allows each position to attend each position up to and including that position. The future values are masked with (-Inf). This is known as masked-self attention.
4.3. Experimental Set-Up
4.4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
“The distance that makes objects smaller to the eye enlarges them at the thought.”
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Model | CoLa | STSB | QQP | WNLI |
BERT | 67.5( | |||
KERMIT | ||||
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Ranaldi, L.; Pucci, G. Knowing Knowledge: Epistemological Study of Knowledge in Transformers. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 677.
Ranaldi L, Pucci G. Knowing Knowledge: Epistemological Study of Knowledge in Transformers. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(2):677.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRanaldi, Leonardo, and Giulia Pucci. 2023. "Knowing Knowledge: Epistemological Study of Knowledge in Transformers" Applied Sciences 13, no. 2: 677.
APA StyleRanaldi, L., & Pucci, G. (2023). Knowing Knowledge: Epistemological Study of Knowledge in Transformers. Applied Sciences, 13(2), 677.