Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Game Performance in Normal and Cognitively Impaired Elderly Subjects Using Serious Games
<p>Experiment flow.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Cognitive Game based on Nostalgia Theory.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Whack-a-Mole Game.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Hit-the-Ball Game. The subject has to distinguish between the two ball types and press the correct button when the football reaches the target area.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Traditional Machine Learning Pipeline.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects
2.2. Experimental Design
2.3. Physiological Measurement and Signal Preprocessing
2.4. Feature Extraction
2.5. Statistical Analysis
2.6. Classification
3. Results
3.1. Demography and Characteristics of Subjects
3.2. Statistical Analysis Results
3.2.1. Measured HRV Features
3.2.2. Game Performance
3.3. Classification Results
3.3.1. HRV Features Only
3.3.2. Game Performance Features Only
3.3.3. Combination of HRV and Game Performance
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset | Total Number of Features |
HRV features only | 40 (4 sessions × 10 HRV features) |
Game features only | 13 |
HRV and Game features | 53 |
Factors | NC (n = 24) | MCI (n = 24) | p-Value |
Gender (%) | 0.093 (Χ2) | ||
Male | 9 (37.5%) | 3 (12.5%) | |
Female | 15 (62.5%) | 21 (87.5%) | |
Age, years | 72.0833 ± 5.1068 | 76.6250 ± 7.0267 | 0.014 * |
Education, years | 10.3333 ± 3.5098 | 7.0833 ± 4.4224 | 0.004 * |
MoCA score | 26.6250 ± 1.81330 | 15.6250 ± 7.5746 | 0.000 * |
Normal Cognition | ||||
Feature | Rest 1 | Game 1 | Rest 2 | Game 2&3 |
HR | 71.75 (11.73) | 73.90 (12.50) | 68.60 (11.13) | 69.25 (12.33) |
RRI | 839.50 (141.25) | 812.25 (135.02) | 876.10 (137.13) | 867.85 (147.73) |
SDNN | 34.40 (21.85) | 23.15 (13.30) | 27.90 (21.30) | 25.00 (15.50) |
pNN50 | 0.00 (4.68) | 0.15 (2.10) | 0.40 (7.50) | 0.30 (7.03) |
RMSSD | 17.15 (15.88) | 13.65 (10.03) | 18.10 (17.60) | 17.35 (14.45) |
TP | 149.735 (346.08) | 112.925 (170.71) | 162.090 (321.51) | 163.490 (163.93) |
LF | 34.205 (98.3525) | 37.08 (56.475) | 33.225 (89.9975) | 46.450 (82.78) |
HF | 43.23 (68.245) | 21.885 (30.415) | 40.05 (105.8) | 37.145 (53.3925) |
LF/HF | 0.614 (1.6123) | 1.6445 (1.6950) | 0.746 (1.1583) | 1.306 (1.2670) |
SampEn | 1.5040 (0.52) | 1.5500 (0.57) | 1.6770 (0.57) | 1.6460 (0.52) |
Mild Cognitive Impairment | ||||
Feature | Rest 1 | Game 1 | Rest 2 | Game 2&3 |
HR | 72.50 (15.53) | 76.95 (19.17) | 73.25 (18.15) | 72.45 (18.05) |
RRI | 828.40 (185.10) | 781.55 (193.60) | 820.75 (218.60) | 830.35 (215.12) |
SDNN | 26.0500 (20.68) | 26.45 (13.60) | 26.10 (20.75) | 24.65 (16.63) |
pNN50 | 0.90 (4.45) | 0.60 (7.08) | 0.25 (16.88) | 0.60 (11.30) |
RMSSD | 19.20 (14.30) | 16.95 (12.85) | 18.75 (22.65) | 18.15 (18.80) |
TP | 127.89 (417.74) | 142.43 (145.16) | 110.36 (277.21) | 126.58 (204.09) |
LF | 23.49 (53.32) | 32.18 (54.94) | 21.04 (71.78) | 41.38 (40.66) |
HF | 37.58 (58.935) | 24.175 (42.90) | 40.415 (75.545) | 27.205 (60.753) |
LF/HF | 0.697 (1.003) | 1.602 (2.024) | 1.018 (1.086) | 1.325 (1.955) |
SampEn | 1.6245 (0.66) | 1.5025 (0.67) | 1.8195 (0.56) | 1.7205 (0.54) |
Feature | Group | Session | Interaction (Group × Session) | |||
F | p-Value | F | p-Value | F | p-Value | |
HR | 0.3465 | 0.5609 | 46.4722 | 0.0000 * | 0.6184 | 0.6099 |
RRI | 0.2623 | 0.6125 | 50.2898 | 0.0000 * | 0.6073 | 0.6168 |
SDNN | 0.0597 | 0.8087 | 1.7519 | 0.1849 | 0.5464 | 0.6556 |
pNN50 | 0.4471 | 0.5105 | 0.9443 | 0.4374 | 0.1001 | 0.9591 |
RMSSD | 0.1383 | 0.7127 | 3.4800 | 0.0319 * | 0.2237 | 0.8790 |
TP | 0.0791 | 0.7804 | 1.7584 | 0.1854 | 0.8876 | 0.4634 |
LF | 0.4417 | 0.5116 | 0.9289 | 0.4426 | 0.2199 | 0.8816 |
HF | 0.1752 | 0.6786 | 4.3286 | 0.0143 * | 0.8641 | 0.4733 |
LF/HF | 0.0732 | 0.7887 | 7.7473 | 0.0009 * | 0.7757 | 0.5189 |
SampEn | 0.5227 | 0.4753 | 2.2279 | 0.1124 | 1.2333 | 0.3206 |
Feature | Post-Hoc Analysis |
HR | (2) > (1); (2) > (3); (2) > (4) |
RRI | (2) < (1); (2) < (3); (2) < (4) |
RMSSD | (2) < (1) |
HF | (2) < (1); (2) < (3); (2) < (4); (4) < (1) |
LF/HF | (2) > (1); (2) > (3); (4) > (1); (4) > (3) |
Game | NC | MCI | p-Value | |
Nostalgic Game | 23.3333 (1.7110) | 19.1250 (4.7026) | 0.000 * | |
Whack-a-Mole Game | ||||
Level 1 | Hit Ratio | 0.9958 (0.0204) | 0.8318 (0.2476) | 0.001 * |
Response Time | 1.2318 (0.2083) | 1.8416 (0.8458) | 0.000 * | |
Level 2 | Hit Ratio | 0.9792 (0.0415) | 0.8455 (0.3035) | 0.051 |
Response Time | 1.0992 (0.1603) | 1.5788 (0.6251) | 0.000 * | |
Level 3 | Hit Ratio | 0.9167 (0.0637) | 0.7591 (0.2889) | 0.024 * |
Response Time | 1.0238 (0.1263) | 1.4606 (0.6348) | 0.000 * | |
Hit-the-Ball Game | ||||
Level 1 | Hit Ratio | 0.9500 (0.0780) | 0.9034 (0.1528) | 0.203 |
Response Time | 0.3212 (0.2770) | 0.5652 (0.5996) | 0.085 | |
Level 2 | Hit Ratio | 0.9958 (0.0204) | 0.8818 (0.2108) | 0.004 * |
Response Time | 0.1068 (0.1147) | 0.2490 (0.3424) | 0.090 | |
Level 3 | Hit Ratio | 1.0000 (0.0000) | 0.8818 (0.1991) | 0.000 * |
Response Time | 0.2005 (0.1073) | 0.4485 (0.3839) | 0.001 * |
Predicted | Total | Recall Rate | |||
MCI | NC | ||||
Actual | MCI | 16 | 8 | 24 | 66.67% |
NC | 7 | 17 | 24 | 70.83% | |
Total | 23 | 25 | 48 | ||
Precision Rate | 69.57% | 68% | Accuracy: 68.75% |
Predicted | Total | Recall Rate | |||
MCI | NC | ||||
Actual | MCI | 19 | 5 | 24 | 79.17% |
NC | 3 | 21 | 24 | 87.50% | |
Total | 22 | 26 | 48 | ||
Precision Rate | 86.36% | 80.77% | Accuracy: 83.33% |
Predicted | Total | Recall Rate | |||
MCI | NC | ||||
Actual | MCI | 21 | 3 | 24 | 87.50% |
NC | 6 | 18 | 24 | 75% | |
Total | 27 | 21 | 48 | ||
Precision Rate | 77.78% | 85.71% | Accuracy: 81.20% |
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Hou, C.-J.; Chen, Y.-T.; Capilayan, M.A.; Huang, M.-W.; Huang, J.-J. Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Game Performance in Normal and Cognitively Impaired Elderly Subjects Using Serious Games. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 4164.
Hou C-J, Chen Y-T, Capilayan MA, Huang M-W, Huang J-J. Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Game Performance in Normal and Cognitively Impaired Elderly Subjects Using Serious Games. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(9):4164.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHou, Chun-Ju, Yen-Ting Chen, Mycel A. Capilayan, Min-Wei Huang, and Ji-Jer Huang. 2022. "Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Game Performance in Normal and Cognitively Impaired Elderly Subjects Using Serious Games" Applied Sciences 12, no. 9: 4164.
APA StyleHou, C.-J., Chen, Y.-T., Capilayan, M. A., Huang, M.-W., & Huang, J.-J. (2022). Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Game Performance in Normal and Cognitively Impaired Elderly Subjects Using Serious Games. Applied Sciences, 12(9), 4164.