Self-Reporting Technique-Based Clinical-Trial Service Platform for Real-Time Arrhythmia Detection
<p>Placement of the VP-100 on the chest of a human volunteer.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Information architecture of the mobile app.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Entire network structure and connection configuration.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Real-time ECG obtained from healthy volunteers: (<b>a</b>) Single-channel ECG on the mobile app; (<b>b</b>) Streamed ECG data of four participants in real-time on the web client.</p> "> Figure A1
<p>UI design images of the mobile app: (<b>a</b>) log-in screen; (<b>b</b>) main menu screen; (<b>c</b>) health reporting; (<b>d</b>) medication and diet; (<b>e</b>) concomitant medication; (<b>f</b>) adverse events; (<b>g</b>) monitoring; (<b>h</b>) to-do list.</p> "> Figure A2
<p>Developed web client: (<b>a</b>) project enrollment; (<b>b</b>) participant’s enrollment.</p> ">
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Overview
2.2. Performance Evaluation
3. Results
3.1. Wearable ECG Device Selection
3.2. Developed Mobile App (External Network)
3.2.1. Health Reporting
3.2.2. Medication and Diet
3.2.3. Concomitant Medication
3.2.4. Adverse Events
3.2.5. Monitoring
3.2.6. To-do List
3.3. Developed DMZ
3.3.1. App Server
3.3.2. Push Server
3.4. Developed Internal Network
3.4.1. API Server
3.4.2. Batch Server
3.4.3. MySQL Database
3.4.4. Contents Server
3.5. Developed AWS-VPC
3.5.1. Live-Streaming System
3.5.2. Playback-Reviewer System
3.6. Developed Web Client
3.7. Interworking Experiments
3.8. Design of Case Study
4. Discussion
4.1. Principal Achievements
4.2. Platform Strengths
4.3. Clinical Potential
4.4. Performance Review of Potential Increased Use
4.5. Consideration of the Algorithm Performance
4.6. Benefit–Risk Assessment
4.7. Limitations
4.8. Future Works
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. UI Design Images of the Mobile App
Appendix B. Developed Web Client
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Sampling rate | 250 Hz |
Bandwidth | 1–30 Hz |
Resolution | 24-bit |
Common mode rejection ratio | 105 dB |
Mode of operation | Continuous |
Interface type | Wireless (Bluetooth V2.1) |
Data-transmission distance | Up to 10 m |
Power source | Li/Po rechargeable battery 3.7 V/800 mAh |
Operating time | Up to 16 h with a fully charged battery |
Internal storage | 4 GB secure digital card |
Features | Life Scope TR BSM-6301 (Nihon Kohden) | Infinity M300 Telemetry (Draeger) | u-Vital System (ETRI) | Proposed Platform (SNUH-CTC) a | |
Interface Type | Wired | Wireless | Wireless | Wireless | |
Objective vital sign measurements | ECG a | O | O | O | O |
HRs a | O | O | O | O | |
SpO2 a | O | O | O | O | |
BP a | O | X | O | O | |
BT a | O | X | O | O | |
Subjective self-reports | X | X | X | O | |
Communication between clinicians and patients | X | X | X | O | |
Detection of arrhythmia | X | O | O | O | |
Real-time display | O | O | O | O | |
Storage of full data | O | O | O | O | |
Playback review | X | X | X | O | |
Market approval | FDA a, CE a | FDA, CE | X | X |
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Share and Cite
Kim, H.; Huh, K.Y.; Piao, M.; Ryu, H.; Yang, W.; Lee, S.; Kim, K.H. Self-Reporting Technique-Based Clinical-Trial Service Platform for Real-Time Arrhythmia Detection. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 4558.
Kim H, Huh KY, Piao M, Ryu H, Yang W, Lee S, Kim KH. Self-Reporting Technique-Based Clinical-Trial Service Platform for Real-Time Arrhythmia Detection. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(9):4558.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Heejin, Ki Young Huh, Meihua Piao, Hyeongju Ryu, Wooseok Yang, SeungHwan Lee, and Kyung Hwan Kim. 2022. "Self-Reporting Technique-Based Clinical-Trial Service Platform for Real-Time Arrhythmia Detection" Applied Sciences 12, no. 9: 4558.
APA StyleKim, H., Huh, K. Y., Piao, M., Ryu, H., Yang, W., Lee, S., & Kim, K. H. (2022). Self-Reporting Technique-Based Clinical-Trial Service Platform for Real-Time Arrhythmia Detection. Applied Sciences, 12(9), 4558.