Powerful Plant Antioxidants: A New Biosustainable Approach to the Production of Rosmarinic Acid
<p>Chemical structure of rosmarinic acid.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Scheme of the biosynthetic pathway of rosmarinic acid in <span class="html-italic">Coleus blumei</span>. PAL: phenylalanine ammonialyase, C4H: cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase, 4CL: 4- coumarate:coenzyme A ligase, TAT: tyrosine aminotransferase, HPPR: hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase, HPPD: hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase, RAS: rosmarinic acid synthase, 4C-pHPL 3/3′-H 4-coumaroyl-4′-hydroxyphenyllactate 3/3′-hydroxylase(s), Caf-pHPL 3H caffeoyl-4′-hydroxyphenyllactate 3-hydroxylase, 4C-DHPL 3H 4-coumaroyl-3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactate 3-hydroxylase (modified from Hücherig and Petersen, 2013 [<a href="#B74-antioxidants-09-01273" class="html-bibr">74</a>] ).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>A cultivated <span class="html-italic">Satureja khuzistanica</span> Jamzad plant in southwestern Iran.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>State-of-the-art biotechnological production of plant secondary metabolites in plant cell cultures (modified from Georgiev et al. [<a href="#B129-antioxidants-09-01273" class="html-bibr">129</a>]).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Steps for obtaining cell suspensions of <span class="html-italic">S. khuzistanica</span>. (<b>A</b>) Plantlet in vitro culture developing callus; (<b>B</b>) Callus culture; (<b>C</b>) Cell suspension.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Disposable bioreactors classified according to their driving system (modified from Lehmann et al. [<a href="#B162-antioxidants-09-01273" class="html-bibr">162</a>]).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Comparative scheme of single-step and holistic approaches in plant metabolic engineering (modified from Onrubia et al. [<a href="#B187-antioxidants-09-01273" class="html-bibr">187</a>]).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Methodological design based on the biotechnological strategy “increasing income and reducing expenditure” proposed by Zhang et al. [<a href="#B200-antioxidants-09-01273" class="html-bibr">200</a>] for improving RA production. CCR, cinnamoyl-CoA reductase; CCoAMT, caffeoyl-CoA O methyltransferase; C3′H, coumarate 3′-hydroxylase; C4H, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase; 4CL, hydroxycinnamate-CoA ligase; COMT, caffeic acid O-methyltransferase; GT, glycosyl transferase; HCT, hydroxycinnamoyl transferase; HPPR, hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase; PAL, phenylalanine ammonia lyase; RAS, rosmarinic acid synthase; TAT, tyrosine aminotransferase.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Phenolic Compounds
Rosmarinic Acid
3. Lamiaceae Members: A Rich Source of Phenolic Antioxidants
3.1. Savory (Satureja L.)
3.1.1. Satureja khuzistanica: A Chemical Factory of Rosmarinic Acid
3.1.2. Phytochemical Composition
4. Approaches to the Biotechnological Production of Rosmarinic Acid
4.1. Plant Cell Cultures for RA Production
4.2. Biotechnological Production of RA at a Bioreactor Level
4.3. Use of New Elicitors/Permeabilizing Agents
4.4. Metabolic Engineering Approaches
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Class | Compound | Natural Source |
Phenolic acids | Hydroxycinnamic acids (α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic, caffeic, cichoric, cinnamic, chlorogenic, diferulic, coumaric, ferulic, sinapinic acids) | burdock, hawthorn, artichoke, pear, basil, thyme, oregano, apple, aloe, echinacea, strawberries, pineapple, coffee, sunflower, blueberries, oats, rice, orange, peanut |
Hydroxycinnamoyl esters derivatives (rosmarinic, caftaric, coutaric, and fertaric acids, verbascoside) | wide range of aromatic plants, especially mint family, mullein | |
Hydroxybenzoic acids (salicylic and gallic acids) | olives, green pepper, berries | |
Flavonoids | Flavones (apigenin, luteolin, tangeritin, chrysin, 6-hydroxyflavone, orientin) | citrus, tangerine, celery, broccoli, green pepper, parsley, thyme, dandelion, perilla, carrots, |
Flavonols (quercetin, rutin, fisetin, galangin, kaempferol, myricetin, azaleatin) | wide variety of fruits and vegetables | |
Flavanones (blumeatin, butin, eriodictyol, hesperetin, hesperidin, homoeriodictyol, isosakuranetin, naringenin, naringin, pinocembrin, poncirin, sterubin) | citrus, apple, cereal grains | |
Flavanols (catechin, gallocatechin, epicatechin) | cocoa beans, grape seeds, coffee, tea leaves, apple, apricot | |
Flavononols (taxifolin) | citrus, apple | |
Isoflavonoids (genistein, daidzein) | red clover, soy beans, cereal grains | |
Anthocyanins (glycosides of cyanidin, malvidin, delphinidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and petunidin) | red vegetables and fruits, ornamental pants, black rice, and black soybean | |
Anthocyanidins (capensinidin, cyanidin, delphinidin, europinidin, hirsutidin, pelargonidin, petunidin, cyanidin, malvidin) | grapes, blueberries, roses, purple cabbage, radishes, purple yams | |
Coumarins (coumarin, scopoletin, aesculetin, umbelliferone, aesculetin, herniarin, psoralen, imperatorin) | tonka bean, vanilla grass, sweet woodruff, sweet grass, sweet-clover, cassia, cinnamon, mullein, strawberries, black currants, apricots, cherries | |
Xanthones (mangostin and mangiferin) | mango, mangosteen | |
Quinones | Anthraquinones (emodin, rhein) | rhubarb |
Naphthoquinones (lawsone, lapachol, juglone) | henna, lapacho tree, walnut tree | |
Essential oils | thymol, carvacrol, eugenol, guaiacol, syringol | thyme, savory, oregano, clove |
Stilbenes | resveratrol, piceatannol, pterostilbene, gnetol | grapes |
Lignans | silybin, sesamol, pinoresinol, cordigol | milk thistle, sesame seeds, olive oil |
Biological Activity | Potential Usage |
Antioxidant activity and membrane stabilization a | Protection against chemically induced chromosome breakage and primary DNA damage |
Increase of the physical and oxidative stability of liposomes a | |
Reduction of the frequency of micronuclei and the extent of DNA damage induced by doxorubicin a | |
Suppression of UVB-induced alterations to human keratinocytes a | Skin protection against UVB light |
Reduction of IFN-γ and IL-4 production by activated T cells b | Skin protection against atopic dermatitis |
Protection of neurons against insults a | Rosmarinic acid is a promising neuroprotective compound of potential use at the nutritional/pharmaceutical interface |
Cognitive-enhancing effect b | |
Prevention of the development of Alzheimer’s disease b | |
Attenuation of the degeneration of motor neurons and extension of the life span of model mice b | |
Anti-angiogenic activity against retinal neovascularization b | Treatment of retinopathy |
Inhibition of TNF-α-induced ROS generation and NF-κB activation and activation of TNF-α-induced apoptosis a | Promising for cancer prevention and treatment of a variety of human cancers that are resistant to chemotherapy |
The long-term exposure of animals to RA in the diet is sufficient for cancer chemoprevention b | |
Inhibition of bone metastasis from breast carcinomas b | |
Antifibrotic activity a,b | Drug candidate for ameliorating liver fibrosis |
Dramatic apoptotic activity on potentially pathogenic CD4+CD45RO+ effector T cells a | Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis |
Inhibition of caspase-1 activity, mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and activation of NF-κB by cisplatin a | Prevention of harmful side effects of anticancer agents in patients undergoing chemotherapy |
Plant Species | Elicitor Treatment | RA Production (% DW) | Reference |
Coleus blumei | Fungal elicitor | 2.1 | [153] |
MeJA a | 3.3 | [153] | |
DMSO b | 2.9 | [154] | |
Eritrichium sericeum | MeJA | 5.3 | [155] |
Lithospermun erythrorhizon | MeJA | 4 | [156] |
YE c | 1.4 | [148] | |
Cuprum ions | 1.5 | [148] | |
Ortosiphon aristatus | YE | 7 | [157,158] |
Salvia miltiorriza | SA d | - | [159] |
Agastache rugosa | YE | 8 | [160] |
Satureja khuzistanica | MeJA | 25 | [54] |
Main Traits of the Culture | Microbial Cultures | Plant Cell Cultures |
Size: | Small (1–10 µm) | Big (40–200 µm) |
Growth form: | Single cells and clusters | Clusters and isolated cells |
Growth rate: | Fast | Slow |
Doubling time: | Hours | Days |
Tolerance to shear stress: | Low | Moderate |
Product accumulation: | Extracellular | Intracellular |
Main traits of the process | ||
Culture medium composition: | Simple (few components) | Complex (Salts, sugars, PGRs a, etc.) |
Inoculum density: | Low | High (5–10%) |
Temperature: | 26–36 °C | 25 °C |
Aeration rate: | High | Low |
Culture period: | Days | Weeks |
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Share and Cite
Khojasteh, A.; Mirjalili, M.H.; Alcalde, M.A.; Cusido, R.M.; Eibl, R.; Palazon, J. Powerful Plant Antioxidants: A New Biosustainable Approach to the Production of Rosmarinic Acid. Antioxidants 2020, 9, 1273. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9121273
Khojasteh A, Mirjalili MH, Alcalde MA, Cusido RM, Eibl R, Palazon J. Powerful Plant Antioxidants: A New Biosustainable Approach to the Production of Rosmarinic Acid. Antioxidants. 2020; 9(12):1273. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9121273
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhojasteh, Abbas, Mohammad Hossein Mirjalili, Miguel Angel Alcalde, Rosa M. Cusido, Regine Eibl, and Javier Palazon. 2020. "Powerful Plant Antioxidants: A New Biosustainable Approach to the Production of Rosmarinic Acid" Antioxidants 9, no. 12: 1273. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9121273
APA StyleKhojasteh, A., Mirjalili, M. H., Alcalde, M. A., Cusido, R. M., Eibl, R., & Palazon, J. (2020). Powerful Plant Antioxidants: A New Biosustainable Approach to the Production of Rosmarinic Acid. Antioxidants, 9(12), 1273. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9121273