Generative Adversarial Network for Overcoming Occlusion in Images: A Survey
<p>Architecture of the original GAN [<a href="#B53-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">53</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The three sub-tasks in amodal completion.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Different types of image segmentation.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Outline of the approaches for addressing the challenges in overcoming occlusion through GAN. For amodal segmentation the implemented architecture are, a discriminator with a two hourglass generator [<a href="#B60-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">60</a>], a coarse-to-fine architecture with contextual attention [<a href="#B63-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">63</a>] or multiple discriminators [<a href="#B67-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">67</a>], and a generator with priori knowledge [<a href="#B66-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">66</a>]. For order recovery, GAN is designed as a generator with a single discriminator [<a href="#B71-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">71</a>,<a href="#B73-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">73</a>], or multiple discriminators [<a href="#B69-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">69</a>,<a href="#B70-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">70</a>]. To perform amodal content completion for facial images, the architectures include: a single generator and discriminator [<a href="#B79-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">79</a>,<a href="#B80-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">80</a>,<a href="#B81-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">81</a>], multiple discriminators [<a href="#B82-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">82</a>,<a href="#B83-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">83</a>,<a href="#B84-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">84</a>,<a href="#B85-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">85</a>,<a href="#B86-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">86</a>,<a href="#B87-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">87</a>], multiple generators [<a href="#B88-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">88</a>], multiple generators and discriminators [<a href="#B89-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">89</a>,<a href="#B90-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">90</a>], or a coarse-to-fine architecture [<a href="#B91-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">91</a>,<a href="#B92-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">92</a>,<a href="#B93-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">93</a>]. Generic object completion is carried out through coarse-to-fine architecture [<a href="#B63-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">63</a>], multiple discriminators with contextual attention [<a href="#B78-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">78</a>], or partial convolution and CGAN [<a href="#B75-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">75</a>,<a href="#B76-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">76</a>]. Human completion for attribute classification is utilized in [<a href="#B108-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">108</a>,<a href="#B110-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">110</a>]. Other works use GAN to complete the images of food [<a href="#B112-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">112</a>], vehicles [<a href="#B67-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">67</a>], and humans [<a href="#B66-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">66</a>,<a href="#B114-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">114</a>]. GAN is also used to generate training data of generic objects [<a href="#B115-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">115</a>,<a href="#B117-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">117</a>], humans [<a href="#B113-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">113</a>,<a href="#B119-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">119</a>,<a href="#B120-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">120</a>], and face images [<a href="#B106-algorithms-16-00175" class="html-bibr">106</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We survey the literature for the available frameworks where they utilize GAN in one or more aspects of amodal completion.
- We discuss in detail the architecture of existing works and how they have incorporated GAN in tackling the problems that occur from occlusion.
- We summarize the loss function, the dataset, and the reported results of the available works.
- We also provide an overview of prevalent objective functions in training the GAN model for amodal completion tasks.
- Finally, we discuss several directions for the future research in tasks of occlusion handling wherein GAN can be utilized.
2. Methodology
3. Related Works
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2 | Comparative study on generative adversarial networks [51] | arXiv | 2018 |
3 | Generative adversarial networks: An overview [52] | IEEE | 2018 |
4 | Recent progress on generative adversarial networks (GANs): A survey [34] | IEEE | 2019 |
5 | How generative adversarial networks and their variants work: An overview [32] | ACM | 2019 |
6 | Generative adversarial networks (GANs): An overview of theoretical model, evaluation metrics, and recent developments [35] | arXiv | 2020 |
7 | Generative adversarial network technologies and applications in computer vision [36] | Hindawi | 2020 |
8 | Generative adversarial networks in digital pathology: a survey on trends and future potential [42] | Elsevier | 2020 |
9 | Deep generative adversarial networks for image-to-image translation: A review [38] | MDPI | 2020 |
10 | A Review on Generative Adversarial Networks: Algorithms, Theory, and Applications [50] | IEEE | 2021 |
11 | Generative adversarial network: An overview of theory and applications [49] | Elsevier | 2021 |
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14 | Generative adversarial networks: a survey on applications and challenges [31] | Springer | 2021 |
15 | A survey on generative adversarial networks for imbalance problems in computer vision tasks [46] | Springer | 2021 |
16 | Generative Adversarial Networks and their Application to 3D Face Generation: A Survey [41] | Elsevier | 2021 |
17 | Applications of generative adversarial networks (GANs): An updated review [45] | Springer | 2021 |
18 | Generative Adversarial Networks in Computer Vision: A Survey and Taxonomy [3] | ACM | 2022 |
19 | Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks and Adversarial Training [27] | Elsevier | 2022 |
20 | Generative Adversarial Networks for face generation: A survey [40] | ACM | 2022 |
21 | Generative Adversarial Networks: A Survey on Training, Variants, and Applications [30] | Springer | 2022 |
22 | Augmenting data with generative adversarial networks: An overview [47] | IOS | 2022 |
23 | A Survey on Training Challenges in Generative Adversarial Networks for Biomedical Image Analysis [43] | arXiv | 2022 |
24 | Attention-based generative adversarial network in medical imaging: A narrative review [44] | Elsevier | 2022 |
25 | Generative adversarial networks for image super-resolution: A survey [48] | arXiv | 2022 |
26 | Generic image application using GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks): A Review [39] | Springer | 2022 |
27 | A Survey on Generative Adversarial Networks: Variants, Applications, and Training [29] | ACM | 2022 |
4. Background
4.1. Generative Adversarial Network
4.1.1. Achieving Nash Equilibrium
4.1.2. Mode Collapse
4.1.3. Vanishing Gradient
4.1.4. Lack of Evaluation Metrics
4.2. Amodal Completion
5. GAN in Amodal Completion
5.1. Amodal Segmentation
5.2. Order Recovery
5.3. Amodal Appearance Reconstruction
5.3.1. Generic Object Completion
5.3.2. Face Completion
5.3.3. Attribute Classification
5.3.4. Miscellaneous Applications
5.4. Training Data
6. Loss Functions
- Adversarial Loss: The loss function used in training GAN is known as an adversarial loss. It measures the distance between the distribution of the generated sample and the real sample. Each of G and D have their dedicated loss function which together form the adversarial loss, as shown in Equation (1). However, G is trained as the term that reflects the distribution of the generated data (). Extensions to the original loss function are the conditional loss and the Wasserstein loss defined in CGAN and WGAN, respectively.
- Content Loss: In image generation, content loss [138] measures the difference between the content representation of the real and the generated images, to make them more similar in terms of perceptual content. If p and x are the original and the generated images, and and are their respective representations in layer l, the content loss is calculated as
- Reconstruction Loss: The key idea behind reconstruction loss proposed by Li et al. [139] is to benefit from the visual features learned by D from the training data. The extracted features from the real data by D are fed to G to regenerate real data. By adding reconstruction loss to the GAN’s loss function, G is encouraged to reconstruct from the features of D, which brings G closer to the configurations of the real data. The reconstruction loss equation is as follows:
- Style Loss: The style loss, originally designed for image style transfer by Gatys et al. [138], is defined to ensure that the style representation of the generated image matches that of the input style image. It depends on the feature correlation between the feature maps, given by the Gram matrix (). Let a and x be the original image and the generated image, respectively, and and their corresponding style representation in layer l. The style loss is computed by the element-wise mean square difference between and ,
- andLoss: loss function is the absolute difference between the ground-truth and the generated image. On the other hand, loss is the squared difference between the actual and the generated data. When used alone, these loss functions lead to blurred results [140]. However, when combined with other loss functions, they can improve the quality of the generated images, especially loss. The generator is encouraged to not only fool the discriminator but also to be closer to the real data in or sense. Although these losses cannot capture high-frequency details, they accurately capture low frequencies. loss enforces correctness in low-frequency features; hence, it results in less blurred images compared to [8]. Both losses are defined in Equations (6) and (7).
- Perceptual Loss: The perceptual loss measures the high-level perceptual and semantic differences between the real and the fake images. Several works [141,142] introduce perceptual loss as a combination of the content loss (or feature reconstruction loss) and the style loss. However, Liu et al. [62] simply compute the distance between the real and the completed images. Others incorporate more similarity metrics into it [140].
- BCE Loss: BCE loss measures how close the probability of the predicted data is to the real data. Its value increases as the predicted probability deviates from the real label. The BCE is defined as
- Hinge Loss: In GAN, Hinge loss is used to help the convergence to a Nash equilibrium. Proposed by Lim and Ye [143], the objective function for G is
7. Open Challenges and Future Directions
- Amodal training data: Up until now, there has been no fully annotated generic amodal dataset with sufficient ground-truth labels for the three sub-tasks in amodal completion. Most of the existing datasets are specific to a particular application or task. This not only makes training the models themselves more difficult, but verifying their learning capability as well. In many cases, there is no sufficient labeled amodal validation data to establish the accuracy of the model. We present the challenges related to each sub-task in amodal completion.For amodal segmentation, the current datasets do not contain sufficient occlusion cases between similar objects. Hence, the model cannot tell where the boundary of one object ends and the other one begins.The existing real (manually annotated) amodal datasets have no ground-truth appearance for the occluded region. This makes training and validating the model for amodal content completion more challenging.As for the case of order recovery, some occlusion situations are very rare in the existing datasets. On the other hand, it is impossible to cover all probable cases of occlusion in the real datasets. Nevertheless, in the future, the current datasets can be extended through generated occlusion to include more of those infrequent cases with varying degrees of occlusion.
- Evaluation metrics: There are several quantitative and qualitative evaluation measures for GAN [59]. However, as it can be noticed from the results, there is no standard and unanimous evaluation metric for assessing the performance of GAN when it generates the occluded content. Many existing works depend on the human preference judgement which can be biased and subjective. Therefore, designing a consensus evaluation metric is of utmost importance.
- Reference data: Existing GAN models fail to generate occluded content accurately if the hidden area is large. Particularly, when the occluded object is non-symmetric, such as the face or the human body. The visible region of the object may not hold sufficient relevant features to guide a visually plausible regeneration. As the next step, reference images can be used along the input image to guide the completion more effectively.
8. Discussion
- Architecture: While the original GAN consists of a single generator and discriminator, several works utilize multiple generators and discriminators. The implementation of local and global discriminators is especially common, because it enhances the quality of the generated data. The generator is encouraged to concentrate on both the global contextual and local features, and produce images that are closer to the distribution of the real data. In addition to this, an initial-to-refined (also called coarse-to-fine) architecture is implemented in many models. The initial stage produces a coarse output from the input image, which is then further refined in the refinement step.
- Objective function: To improve the quality of the generated output and stabilize the training of the GAN, a combination of loss terms is used. While adversarial loss and Hinge loss are used in training the two networks in the GAN, other objective functions encourage the model to produce an image that is consistent with the ground-truth image.
- Input: Under severe occlusion, the GAN may fail to produce a visually pleasing output solely depending on the visible region. Therefore, providing additional input information guides GAN in producing better results. In the amodal shape and content completion, synthetic instances similar to the occluded object are useful, because they can be used as a reference by the model. A priori knowledge is also beneficial, as it can either be manually encoded (e.g., utilizing various human poses for human deocclusion) or transferred from a pre-trained model (e.g., using a pre-trained face recognition model in face deocclusion). In addition to these, employing the amodal mask and the category of the occluded object in the content completion task restricts the GAN model to focus on completing the object in question. For producing the amodal mask, a modal mask is needed as an input. If the input is not available, most of existing works depend on a pre-trained segmentation model to predict the visible segmentation mask.
- Feature extraction: The pixels in the visible region of an image are rather important and contain essential information for various tasks; hence, they are considered as valid pixels. Contrary to this, the invisible pixels are invalid ones; hence, they should not be included in the feature extraction/encoding process. However, the vanilla convolution process cannot differentiate between valid and invalid pixels, which generates images with visual artifacts and color discrepancies. Therefore, partial convolution and a soft gating mechanism are implemented to enforce the generator to focus only on valid pixels and eliminate/minimize the effect of the invalid ones. On the other hand, dilated convolution layers can replace the vanilla convolution layers to borrow information from relevant spatially distant pixels. Additionally, contextual attention layers and attention mechanism are added to the networks of the GAN to leverage the information from the image context and capture global dependencies.
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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# | Title | Pub. | Year |
1 | Multiple camera based multiple object tracking under occlusion: A survey [14] | IEEE | 2017 |
2 | Facial expression analysis under partial occlusion: A survey [18] | ACM | 2018 |
3 | Occlusion detection and restoration techniques for 3D face recognition: a literature review [19] | Springer | 2018 |
4 | Overcoming occlusion in the automotive environment—A review [23] | IEEE | 2019 |
5 | A comprehensive survey on multi object tracking under occlusion in aerial image sequences [15] | IEEE | 2019 |
6 | A Survey on Occluded Face recognition [26] | ACM | 2020 |
7 | Occlusion Handling in Generic Object Detection: A Review [2] | IEEE | 2021 |
8 | Occlusion Handling in Augmented Reality: Past, Present and Future [25] | IEEE | 2021 |
9 | A survey of face recognition techniques under occlusion [20] | Wiley | 2021 |
10 | Survey of pedestrian detection with occlusion [16] | Springer | 2021 |
11 | Occlusion Handling and Multi-scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Deep Learning: A Review [17] | IEEE | 2022 |
12 | Image Amodal Completion: A Survey [13] | arXiv | 2022 |
13 | A Literature Survey of Face Recognition Under Different Occlusion Conditions [21] | IEEE | 2022 |
# | Paper | Type of GAN | Loss Function | Dataset | Results |
1. | Cai et al. [79] | OA-GAN | 1. Training with synthetic occlusion: PL, style loss, pixel loss, smoothness loss, 2 loss, and AL. 2. Training with natural images: smoothness loss, 2 loss, and AL. | CelebA [94] | PSNR = 22.61, SSIM = 0.787 |
2. | Chen et al. [80] | DCGAN | AL. | LFW [95] | Equal Error Rate (EER) * = 0.88 |
3. | Cheung et al. [81] | FSG-GAN | 1 loss, identity-preserve loss, and AL. | CelebA, and LFW. | CelebA: PSNR * = 20.7513, SSIM = 0.8318; LFW: PSNR * = 20.8905, SSIM = 0.8527 |
4. | Li et al. [82] | GAN with two discriminators | Local and global AL, RL (2), and pixel-wise softmax loss. | CelebA, and Helen [96]. | PSNR * = 19.60, SSIM * = 0.803, ID = 0.470 |
5. | Mathai et al. [83] | GAN (modified generator) with two discriminators | RL (1), global WGAN loss, and local PatchGAN loss. | 1. Training the inpainter: CASIA WebFaces [97], VGG Faces [98], and MS-Celeb-1M [99]. 2. Testing the model: LFW, and LFW-BLUFR [100]. | DIR@FAR = 89.68 |
6. | Liu et al. [84] | GAN (modified generator) with two discriminators | RL (2), and AL. | CelebAMask-HQ [101] | NRMSE = 6.96 (result of facial landmark detection) |
7. | Cai et al. [85] | FCSR-GAN | MSE loss, PL, local and global AL, and face parsing loss. | CelebA, and Helen. | CelebA: PSNR = 20.22, SSIM = 0.780; Helen: PSNR = 20.01, SSIM = 0.761 |
8. | Li et al. [87] | GAN (modified generator) with two discriminators | Local and global AL, RL, and contextual attention loss. | CelebA, AR [102], and LFW. | Recognition accuracy = 95.44% |
9. | Dong et al. [88] | OA-GAN | AL and 1 loss | CelebA, and CK+ [103], with additional occlusion images from the Internet. | PSNR * = 22.402, SSIM * = 0.753 |
10. | Jabbar et al. [89] | AFD-StackGAN (PatchGAN discriminators) | 1 loss, RL (1, and SSIM), PL, and AL. | Custom dataset. | PSNR = 33.201, SSIM = 0.978, MSE = 32.435, NIQE (↓) = 4.902, BRISQUE (↓) = 39.872 |
11. | Li et al. [90] | DF-GAN | AL and cycle loss. | AR, Multi-PIE [104], Color FERET [105], and LFW. | AR: PSNR = 23.85, SSIM = 0.9168; MultiPIE: PSNR = 28.21, SSIM = 0.9176; FERET: PSNR = 28.15, SSIM = 0.931; LFW: PSNR = 23.18, SSIM = 0.869 |
12. | Jabbar et al. [91] | FD-StackGAN | RL (1, and SSIM loss), PL, and AL. | Custom dataset. | PSNR = 32.803, SSIM = 0.981, MSE = 34.145, NIQE (↓) = 4.499, BRISQUE (↓) = 42.504 |
13. | Duan and Zhang. [92] | BoostGAN | AL, identity preserving loss, 1 loss, symmetry loss, and total variation (TV) loss. | Multi-PIE and LFW. | Recognition rate = 96.02 |
14. | Duan et al. [93] | TSGAN | AL, dual triplet loss, 1 loss, symmetry loss, and TV loss. | Multi-PIE and LFW. | Recognition rate = 96.87 |
15. | Cong and Zhou. [106] | DCGAN | Cycle consistency loss from CycleGAN, AL, and Wasserstain distance loss. | Wider Face [107]. | IS = 10.36; FID = 8.85 |
# | Paper | Model | Loss Function | Dataset | Task | Results |
1. | Zhou et al. [60] | GAN with PGA | 1. For mask generation: binary cross-entropy (BCE), adversarial loss, and 1 loss. 2. For content completion: adversarial loss, 1 loss, perceptual loss, and style loss. | AHP (custom dataset) | Amodal segmentation and content completion | For mask generation: IoU = 86.1/40.3, L1 = 0.1635; For content completion: FID = 19.49, L1 = 0.0617 |
2. | Xiong et al. [63] | Coarse-to-fine structure with a PatchGAN discriminator | 1. For contour completion: a focal loss based content loss, and Hinge loss for adversarial loss. 2. For content completion: 1 loss. | Places2 [121], and custom-designed dataset | Contour and content completion | L1 = 0.009327, L2 = 0.002329, PSNR = 29.86, SSIM = 0.9383, user study = 731 out of 1099 valid votes |
3. | Zhang et al. [66] | GAN with multiple PatchGAN discriminators | 1. For mask generation: adversarial loss, perceptual loss, and BCE loss. 2. For content generation: adversarial loss, 1 loss, style loss, content loss, and TV loss. | Custom dataset | Amodal segmentation and content completion | For mask generation: mIoU = 0.82, L1 = 0.0638; For content completion: L1 = 0.0344, L2 = 0.0324, FID = 33.28 |
4. | Yan et al. [67] | GAN with multiple PatchGAN-based discriminators | 1 loss, perceptual loss, and adversarial loss. | OVD (custom dataset) | Amodal segmentation and content completion | For mask generation: P = 0.9854, R = 0.8148, F1 = 0.8898, IoU = 0.8066, L1 = 0.0320, L2 = 0.0314; For content completion: ICP = 0.8350, SS = 0.9356, L1 = 0.0173, L2 = 0.0063 |
5. | Dhamo et al. [69] | PatchGAN-based | Adversarial loss and 1 loss | SceneNet [122] and NYU depth v2 [123] | RGB-D completion | Rel = 0.017, RMSE = 0.095, SSIM = 0.903, RMSE = 19.76, PSNR = 22.22 |
6. | Dhamo et al. [73] | Original GAN | 1. For object completion: 1 loss 2. For layout prediction: reconstruction (1) loss, perceptual loss, and adversarial loss. | SunCG [124] and Stanford2D-3D [125] | RGBA-D completion | SunCG: MPE = 43.12, RMSE = 65.66; Stanford2D-3D: MPE = 42.45, RMSE = 54.92 |
7. | Mani et al. [70] | GAN with two discriminators | 2 loss, adversarial loss, and the discriminator loss. | KITTI [126] and Argoverse [127] | Scene completion | KITTI object: mIoU = 26.08, mAP = 40.79; KITTI tracking: mIoU = 24.16, mAP = 36.83; Argoverse: mIoU = 32.05, mAP = 48.31 |
8. | Zheng et al. [71] | GAN with two discriminators | Reconstruction loss, adversarial loss, and perceptual (1) loss. | COCOA [128], KINS [129], and CSD (custom dataset) | Scene completion | RMSE = 0.0914, SSIM = 0.8768, PSNR = 30.45 |
9. | Zhan et al. [75] | PCNet with CGAN | 1. For mask generation: BCE loss. 2. For content completion: losses in PC [62], 1 loss, perceptual loss, and adversarial loss. | COCOA, and KINS | Content completion | KINS: mIoU = 94.76%; COCOA: mIoU = 81.35% |
10. | Ehsani et al. [76] | SeGAN | 1. For mask generation: BCE loss. 2. For content generation: Adversarial loss and 1 loss. | DYCE (custom dataset) | Content completion | L1 = 0.07, L2 = 0.03, user study = 69.78% |
11. | Kahatapitiya et al. [78] | Inpainter with contextual attention | Spatially discounted reconstruction 1 loss, local and global WGAN-GP adversarial loss. | COCO-Stuff [130] and MS COCO [131] | Content completion | User study positive = 79.7%, negative = 20.3% |
12. | Fabbri et al. [108] | DCGAN-based | 1. For attribute classification: weighted BCE loss. 2. For content completion: reconstruction loss and adversarial loss of the generator. | RAP [132] | Content completion | mA = 65.82, accuracy = 76.01, P = 48.98, R = 55.50, F1 = 52.04 |
13. | Fulgeri et al. [110] | Modified GAN (one generator and three discriminators) | Adversarial loss, content loss, and attribute loss (weighted BCE). | RAP, and Aic (custom dataset) | Content completion | RAP: mA = 72.18, accuracy = 59.59, P = 73.51, R = 73.72, F1 = 73.62, SSIM = 0.8239, PSNR = 20.65; AiC: mA = 78.37, accuracy = 53.3, P = 55.73, R = 85.46, F1 = 67.46, SSIM = 0.7101, PSNR = 21.81 |
14. | Papadopoulos et al. [112] | PizzaGAN | Adversarial loss, classification loss, cycle consistency loss as in CycleGAN, mask regularization mask. | Custom dataset | Amodal segmentation and content completion | Mask generation mIoU = 29.30% (quantitative results are not reported for content generation) |
15. | Zhang et al. [113] | CGAN | Adversarial loss. | Market-1501 [133] | Content completion | mAP = 90.42, Rank-1 = 93.35, Rank-5 = 96.87, Rank-10 = 97.92 |
16. | Tagore et al. [114] | OHGAN | BCE loss, and 2 loss. | CUHK01 [134], CUHK03 [135], Market-1501, and DukeMTMC-reID [136] | Content completion | CUHK01: Rank-1 = 93.4, Rank-5 = 96.4, Rank-10 = 98.8; CUHK03: Rank-1 = 92.8, Rank-5 = 95.4, Rank-10 = 97.0; Market-1501: Rank-1 = 94.0, Rank-5 = 96.4, Rank-10 = 97.5, mAP = 86.4; DukeMTMC-reID: Rank-1 = 91.2, Rank-5 = 93.4, Rank-10 = 95.8, mAP = 82.4 |
17. | Wang et al. [115] | A custom-designed adversarial network | BCE loss. | VOC2007, VOC2012 [137], and MS COCO | Occlusion generation and deformation | VOC2007: mAP = 73.6; VOC2012: mAP = 69.0; MS COCO: AP = 27.1 |
18. | Han et al. [117] | Adversary occlusion module | BCE loss. | VOC2007, VOC2012, MS COCO, and KITTI | Occlusion generation | VOC2007: mAP = 78.1; VOC2012: mAP = 76.7; MS COCO: AP = 42.7; KITTI: mAP = 89.01 |
19. | Wu et al. [120] | Original GAN | Euclidean loss, and BCE loss. | CUHK03, Market-1501, and DukeMTMC-reID | Content completion | Market-1501: mAP = 90.36, Rank-1 = 93.29, Rank-5 = 96.96, Rank-10 = 97.68; DukeMTMC-reID: mAP = 82.81, Rank-1 = 86.35, Rank-5 = 92.87, Rank-10 = 94.56; CUHK03: mAP = 61.95, Rank-1 = 59.78, Rank-5 = 70.64 |
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Saleh, K.; Szénási, S.; Vámossy, Z. Generative Adversarial Network for Overcoming Occlusion in Images: A Survey. Algorithms 2023, 16, 175.
Saleh K, Szénási S, Vámossy Z. Generative Adversarial Network for Overcoming Occlusion in Images: A Survey. Algorithms. 2023; 16(3):175.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaleh, Kaziwa, Sándor Szénási, and Zoltán Vámossy. 2023. "Generative Adversarial Network for Overcoming Occlusion in Images: A Survey" Algorithms 16, no. 3: 175.
APA StyleSaleh, K., Szénási, S., & Vámossy, Z. (2023). Generative Adversarial Network for Overcoming Occlusion in Images: A Survey. Algorithms, 16(3), 175.