An Enhanced Virtual Cord Protocol Based Multi-Casting Strategy for the Effective and Efficient Management of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
<p>Data flow diagram for discovery of routes.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Structure of forwarding mesh in on-demand multicast routing protocol (ODMRP).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Message propagation in distance vector multi-cast routing protocol (DVMRP).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Network topology of multi-cast ad hoc on-demand distance vector (MADOV) protocol.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Traffic flow of router in a multi-cast mesh network (MMN).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Traditional broadcasting in multi-cast group.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Proposed system model of enhanced virtual cord protocol.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Example of trace file.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>MAC transmission.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Routing transmission/Packet delivery ratio.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Comparison of end to end delay in transmission.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- In this study, an enhanced VCP protocol for multi-casting in a DHT-based network has been implemented to save network bandwidth and battery power by exploiting virtual coordinates (VC) and low aspect ratio of VCP protocol.
- We modified traditional VCP protocol and transmission of data from the sender to multiple receivers is improved in a way that intermediate nodes can also forward or re-transmit the data to interested nodes.
- Flooding leads to wastage of network resources. In this study, flooding is avoided by using VCP for multi-casting purpose.
- Reduced number of MAC transmissions, minimized end-to-end delay, and maximized packet delivery ratio are the significant contributions of our proposed enhanced virtual cord protocol-based multi-casting strategy.
2. Background and Literature Review
2.1. Route Discovery
Algorithm 1: Pseudo-code for route discovery |
Set S as source Set |
D1 to DN as destinations |
Broadcast sourceID, destinationIDs in RREQ |
For (Destinations 1 to N) |
While (node != Destination) |
If any familiar route exists |
Do not broadcast RREQ Fetch route |
else |
Broadcast RREQ |
2.2. Virtual Cord Protocol (VCP)
- It is easier and simpler to be implement the protocol at the MAC layer.
- Since VCP requires only knowledge of direct neighbours for routing, it is scalable.
- A node’s immediate environment includes both its predecessors and successors, reducing the communication load when nodes join or leave the network.
- Greedy routing along the cable always leads to a path to the destination. It cannot be affected by packets stuck in dead ends.
- There is no need to know the exact position, which could be expensive in terms of communications or system requirements. Instead, we use a simple relative position.
- To enable effective and fault resistant routing and data management, the virtual cord protocol uses virtual coordinates.
- Energy, bandwidth, storage, and communication constraints can all be addressed with VCP based on virtual relative position/coordinates and its low aspect ratio.
2.3. Literature Review
3. Problem Statement and Proposed System Model
3.1. Problem Statement
3.2. Proposed System Model
4. Experiments and Evaluation
4.1. Simulation Setup and Methodology
4.2. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ADMR | Adaptive demand-driven multi-cast routing |
CAMP | Core-assisted mesh protocol |
DART | Dynamic access routing |
DHT | Distributed hash table |
DVMRP | Distance vector multi-cast routing protocol |
EMP | Enhanced multi-cast protocol |
FGMP | Forward group multi-cast protocol |
FRMM | Familiar route retrieval multi-casting |
JQ | Join query |
MADOV | Mmulti-cast ad hoc on-demand distance vector |
MMN | Multi-cast mesh network |
MANETs | Mobile ad hoc networks |
NS-2 | Network imulator-2 |
ODMRP | On-demand multicast routing protocol |
RDG | Route driven gossip |
VC | Virtual coordinates |
VCP | Virtual cord protocol |
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Protocol | Parameters | # of Nodes | Results Range |
VCP | Number of MAC transmissions | 50–150 | 2000–16,500 |
Routing transmission/Packet delivery ratio | 50–150 | 2000–16,500 | |
End-to-end delay | 50–150 | 0.04–0.047 | |
Enhanced VCP | Number of MAC transmissions | 50-150 | 3500–8500 |
Routing transmission/Packet delivery ratio | 50–150 | 2100–2700 | |
End-to-end delay | 50–150 | 0.017–0.022 |
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Share and Cite
Latif, S.; Fang, X.; Mohsin, S.M.; Akber, S.M.A.; Aslam, S.; Mujlid, H.; Ullah, K. An Enhanced Virtual Cord Protocol Based Multi-Casting Strategy for the Effective and Efficient Management of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Computers 2023, 12, 21.
Latif S, Fang X, Mohsin SM, Akber SMA, Aslam S, Mujlid H, Ullah K. An Enhanced Virtual Cord Protocol Based Multi-Casting Strategy for the Effective and Efficient Management of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Computers. 2023; 12(1):21.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLatif, Sohaib, Xianwen Fang, Syed Muhammad Mohsin, Syed Muhammad Abrar Akber, Sheraz Aslam, Hana Mujlid, and Kaleem Ullah. 2023. "An Enhanced Virtual Cord Protocol Based Multi-Casting Strategy for the Effective and Efficient Management of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" Computers 12, no. 1: 21.
APA StyleLatif, S., Fang, X., Mohsin, S. M., Akber, S. M. A., Aslam, S., Mujlid, H., & Ullah, K. (2023). An Enhanced Virtual Cord Protocol Based Multi-Casting Strategy for the Effective and Efficient Management of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Computers, 12(1), 21.