LENNA (Learning Emotions Neural Network Assisted): An Empathic Chatbot Designed to Study the Simulation of Emotions in a Bot and Their Analysis in a Conversation
<p>General organization of LENNA depicting the response tables for the emotional states (H = healthy, D = depressed, E = excitation and S = stress), natural language processing (NLP) module, perceptron neural network with the inputs AL (arousal level) and V (valence) and the sentiment analysis module and Bayesian classifiers B1 and B2.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>LENNA 1 default architecture.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>LENNA 2 alternative architecture.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>LENNA bot perceptron neural network (for explanation, see text).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Frequency histogram of the entropy of the sequence of emotional states in a conversation with LENNA.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Box-and-whisker plot for Metric entropy in each experiment (Group) showing median entropy (notch) and its mean (cross). Conversation (1) bot-LENNA 1, (2) bot-LENNA 2, (3) HKV-LENNA 1, (4) HIV-LENNA 1, (5) HKV-LENNA 2 and (6) HIV-LENNA 2.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Biplot showing 60 conversations as a function of the first (PC1) and second (PC2) principal components. The figure shows emotions (ang = anger, fear = fear, ant = anticipation, trust = trust, sur = surprise, sad = sadness, joy = joy and dis = disgust) and two sentiments (neg = negative and pos = positive).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Discriminant analysis (F1 and F2 are classification functions) of the conversations. Group G1 is composed of conversations between a bot (1 = alice, 2 = parry, 3 = rosie, 4 = Einstein, 5 = bible, 6 = plumber, 7 = eliza, 8 = brain_bot, 9 = AMA and 10 = robo_woman) and LENNA. Group G2 is composed of conversations between a person and LENNA in the case where the person knows LENNA’s vocabulary (HKV). Conversations between a person ignoring LENNA’s vocabulary (HIV) and LENNA correspond to the scattered points between two clusters. In the figure, the classes of points refer to the following conversations: 1 = bot-LENNA 1, 2 = bot-LENNA 2, 3 = HKV-LENNA 1, 4 = HIV-LENNA 1, 5 = HKV-LENNA 2 and 6 = HIV-LENNA 2.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Fourier transform of the emotional valence with respect to the narrative time of the conversations: (<b>a</b>) alice-LENNA 2, (<b>b</b>) eliza-LENNA 2, (<b>c</b>) parry-LENNA 2 and (<b>d</b>) person HIV-LENNA 1 (for explanation, see text).</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Fourier transform of the emotional valence with respect to the narrative time of the conversation between a person HIV and LENNA 1 (for explanation, see text).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. LENNA Architecture
- (“alarmed”, “neg”), (“tense”, “neg”), (“angry”, “neg”), (“afraid”, “neg”), (“annoyed”, “neg”), (“distressed”, “neg”), (“frustrated”, “neg”), (“fear”, “neg”), (“anxiety”, “neg”), (“agitated”, “neg”), (“furious”, “neg”), “bitter”, “neg”), (“irritated”, “neg”), (“mad”, “neg”), (“resentful”, “neg”), (“fed up”, “neg”), (“aroused”, “neg”), (“astonished”, “neg”), (“excited”, “neg”), (“delighted”, “neg”), (“happy”, “neg”), (“surprised”, “neg”), (“determined”, “neg”), (“awe”, “neg”), (“amusement”, “neg”), (“joyful”, “neg”), (“optimistic”, “neg”), (“enthusiastic”, “neg”), (“loving”, “neg”), (“pleased”, “neg”), (“charmed”, “neg”), (“grateful”, “neg”), (“miserable”, “pos”), (“sad”, “pos”), (“gloomy”, “pos”), (“depressed”, “pos”), (“bored”, “pos”), (“droopy”, “pos”), (“tired”, “pos”), (“worried”, “pos”), (“taken back”, “pos”), (“shocked”, “pos”), (“dull”, “pos”), (“anxious”, “pos”), (“guilty”, “pos”), (“lonely”, “pos”), (“disappointed”, “pos”), (“indifferent”, “pos”), (“fatigued”, “pos”), (“desperate”, “pos”), (“troubled”, “pos”), (“pleased”, “pos”), (“glad”, “pos”), (“serene”, “pos”), (“content”, “pos”), (“at ease”, “pos”), (“satisfied”, “pos”), (“relaxed”, “pos”), (“calm”, “pos”), (“confident”, “pos”), (“hopeful”, “pos”), (“peaceful”, “pos”), (“comforted”, “pos”), (“powerful”, “pos”), (“empowered”, “pos”), (“sure”, “pos”), (“dynamic”, “pos”), (“ambitious”, “pos”). In the training set, “neg” labels class 0 and “pos” labels class 1.
- (“alarmed”, “neg”), (“tense”, “neg”), (“angry”, “neg”), (“afraid”, “neg”), (“annoyed”, “neg”), (“distressed”, “neg”), (“frustrated”, “neg”), (“fear”, “neg”), (“anxiety”, “neg”), (“agitated”, “neg”), (“furious”, “neg”), (“bitter”, “neg”), (“irritated”, “neg”), (“mad”, “neg”), (“resentful”, “neg”), (“fed up”, “neg”), (“aroused”, “pos”), (“astonished”, “pos”), (“excited”, “pos”), (“delighted”, “pos”), (“happy”, “pos”), (“surprised”, “pos”), (“determined”, “pos”), (“awe”, “pos”), (“amusement”, “pos”), (“joyful”, “pos”), (“optimistic”, “pos”), (“enthusiastic”, “pos”), (“loving”, “pos”), (“pleased”, “pos”), (“charmed”, “pos”), (“grateful”, “pos”), (“miserable”, “neg”), (“sad”, “neg”), (“gloomy”, “neg”), (“depressed”, “neg”), (“bored”, “neg”), (“droopy”, “neg”), (“tired”, “neg”), (“worried”, “neg”), (“taken back”, “neg”), (“shocked”, “neg”), (“dull”, “neg”), (“anxious”, “neg”), (“guilty”, “neg”), (“lonely”, “neg”), (“disappointed”, “neg”), (“indifferent”, “neg”), (“fatigued”, “neg”), (“desperate”, “neg”), (“troubled”, “neg”), (“pleased”, “pos”), (“glad”, “pos”), (“serene”, “pos”), (“content”, “pos”), (“at ease”, “pos”), (“satisfied”, “pos”), (“relaxed”, “pos”), (“calm”, “pos”), (“confident”, “pos”), (“hopeful”, “pos”), (“peaceful”, “pos”), (“comforted”, “pos”), (“powerful”, “pos”), (“empowered”, “pos”), (“sure”, “pos”), (“dynamic”, “pos”), (“ambitious”, “pos”). In this training set, “neg” refers to class 0 and “pos” to class 1.
- For each one of the inputs, AL and V, of the neural network, we calculate the output y(t) of the network. Thus, once we have calculated the net value of the following:We obtain output y(t), which is given by the following sigmoid activation function.
- In cases where y is different from d, which is the neuron with an error, the weights of the connections should be modified according to the following learning rule.
2.2. Simulation Experiments
- -
- A human interlocutor knowing the LENNA vocabulary converses with LENNA. The interlocutor in this experiment is labeled as HKV (human knows vocabulary).
- -
- A human interlocutor has a conversation with LENNA, but the person does not know the vocabulary with which LENNA has been trained. The interlocutor in this experiment is labeled as HIV (human ignores vocabulary).
- -
- A bot, i.e., an artificial interlocutor, converses with LENNA. Obviously, the bot ignores LENNA vocabulary. The following bots were selected from a chatbot repository [30]: alice, AMA, bible, brain_bot, Einstein, eliza, parry, plumber, robo_woman and rosie, and they exhibit different “personalities”. For example, eliza and alice are the classic Weizenbaum bots that imitate the style of a “rongerian psychotherapist”, while Einstein and plumber have a specialized conversation. Others such as parry simulate a subject suffering from paranoid schizophrenia or bible who always responds with quotes from Genesis.
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Conclusions
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Unpleasant 0 | Pleasant 1 | |
High arousal 0 | Stress 00 (state 1) | Excitation 01 (state 2) |
Low arousal 1 | Depression 10 (state 3) | Healthy 11 (state 4) |
Stress | Excitation | Depression | Healthy |
Alarmed, tense, angry, afraid, annoyed, distressed, frustrated, fed up, resentful, mad, irritated, fear, anxiety, agitated, furious and bitter. | Aroused, astonished, excited, delighted, happy, surprised, determined, awe, amusement, joyful, optimistic, enthusiastic, loving, pleased, charmed and grateful. | Miserable, sad, gloomy, depressed, bored, droopy, tired, worried, taken back, dull, anxious, guilty, lonely, disappointed, indifferent, fatigued, desperate and troubled. | Pleased, glad, serene, content, at ease, satisfied, relaxed, calm, hopeful, powerful, empowered, sure, dynamic, ambitious, confident, peaceful and comforted. |
Bayes 2/Polarity Test | ||
Bayes 1 | Stress 00 (state 1) | Excitation 01 (state 2) |
Depression 10 (state 3) | Healthy 11 (state 4) |
AV | V | d |
0 | 0 | 0.00 |
0 | 1 | 0.50 |
1 | 0 | 0.75 |
1 | 1 | 1.00 |
Group | n | Average | Standard Deviation |
1 | 10 | 0.078221 | 0.051652 |
2 | 10 | 0.134791 | 0.0489143 |
3 | 10 | 0.134751 | 0.0426167 |
4 | 10 | 0.088339 | 0.0403524 |
5 | 10 | 0.166452 | 0.0260079 |
6 | 10 | 0.110264 | 0.0312346 |
Total | 60 | 0.118803 | 0.0496933 |
Bot | Emotional States | Entropy (Mean Entropy 0.07822) |
alice | 0333334333333 | 0.05948 |
AMA | 033333 | 0.10834 |
bible | 0333333 | 0.08452 |
brain_bot | 0333333333 | 0.04690 |
Einstein | 0333333343333 | 0.0594 |
eliza | 03333333444433333 | 0.06390 |
parry | 03333333333 | 0.03995 |
plumber | 034333 | 0.20860 |
robo_woman | 0333333 | 0.08452 |
rosie | 03333333333333 | 0.02652 |
Bot | Emotional States | Entropy (Mean Entropy 0.13479) |
alice | 0343434333 | 0.12955 |
AMA | 03333 | 0.14439 |
bible | 04343334443 | 0.12260 |
brain_bot | 03444443344 | 0.11279 |
Einstein | 04343434 | 0.17570 |
eliza | 03434344443 | 0.12020 |
parry | 03333333 | 0.06795 |
plumber | 044334 | 0.24319 |
robo_woman | 0333333 | 0.08452 |
rosie | 01433343334 | 0.14702 |
HKV (Mean Entropy 0.13475) | HIV (Mean Entropy 0.08833) | ||
Emotional States | Entropy | Emotional States | Entropy |
01111333134 | 0.15243 | 0333331333 | 0.09219 |
03333333334 | 0.07871 | 0434333043433333333 | 0.06262 |
0232233322 | 0.13610 | 03333333333 | 0.03995 |
0433342434 | 0.17219 | 03143133333 | 0.13556 |
0333333333 | 0.04690 | 03333333333 | 0.03995 |
03131431313 | 0.15243 | 0333333333 | 0.04690 |
04344231333 | 0.17925 | 03333333433 | 0.07871 |
0231333333 | 0.13568 | 0334233333 | 0.13568 |
012133413343 | 0.17122 | 0333233343 | 0.13568 |
03223322323 | 0.12260 | 03431333333 | 0.11615 |
HKV (Mean Entropy 0.16645) | HLV (Mean Entropy 0.11026) | ||
Emotional States | Entropy | Emotional States | Entropy |
013231333111 | 0.13750 | 03333433343 | 0.09962 |
03444434433 | 0.12020 | 03334331313 | 0.13556 |
02123142222 | 0.16978 | 0333333334 | 0.09219 |
0333313431 | 0.15710 | 0333033333430303344444333 | 0.05437 |
04432411334 | 0.19255 | 03333333343 | 0.07871 |
02423333422 | 0.16573 | 0343133343 | 0.15710 |
01113211331 | 0.14702 | 044443444 | 0.10960 |
03332343421 | 0.18549 | 02433343334 | 0.14702 |
01144312242 | 0.19660 | 0333343343 | 0.11568 |
02434114334 | 0.19255 | 03343434333 | 0.11279 |
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Share and Cite
Lahoz-Beltra, R.; López, C.C. LENNA (Learning Emotions Neural Network Assisted): An Empathic Chatbot Designed to Study the Simulation of Emotions in a Bot and Their Analysis in a Conversation. Computers 2021, 10, 170. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers10120170
Lahoz-Beltra R, López CC. LENNA (Learning Emotions Neural Network Assisted): An Empathic Chatbot Designed to Study the Simulation of Emotions in a Bot and Their Analysis in a Conversation. Computers. 2021; 10(12):170. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers10120170
Chicago/Turabian StyleLahoz-Beltra, Rafael, and Claudia Corona López. 2021. "LENNA (Learning Emotions Neural Network Assisted): An Empathic Chatbot Designed to Study the Simulation of Emotions in a Bot and Their Analysis in a Conversation" Computers 10, no. 12: 170. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers10120170
APA StyleLahoz-Beltra, R., & López, C. C. (2021). LENNA (Learning Emotions Neural Network Assisted): An Empathic Chatbot Designed to Study the Simulation of Emotions in a Bot and Their Analysis in a Conversation. Computers, 10(12), 170. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers10120170