IoT Serverless Computing at the Edge: A Systematic Mapping Review
<p>Number of included and excluded records during study selection.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Publication medium for the selected papers.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Number of publications per year.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Availability of open-access papers.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Derived IoT serverless categories and related subcategories.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Primary category distribution per year and open-access classification.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Research Method
3.1. Research Aim
3.2. Search
- Studies containing the keywords: “serverless” or “faas” or “function-as-a-service” or “function as a service” or “baas” or “backend-as-a-service” or “backend as a service” AND
- Studies containing the keywords: “IoT” or “internet of things” or “internet-of-things”
3.3. Study Selection and Quality Assessment
- English language conference papers, journal papers or scientific magazine articles;
- Publish date between 1 January 2015 and 1 September 2021;
- Full-text accessible to the authors of this paper;
- Clear relation to serverless computing in an IoT context at the network edge.
3.4. Data Extraction
3.5. Analysis and Classification
- Classification notes—applicable keywords, as well as relevancy to other selected papers;
- Summary—paper summary, limited to 3 sentences, outlining the main topics;
- General notes—general information about the paper, used technologies, tackled problems;
- Technical notes—technical information regarding the research, detailed description and implementation details for the proposed solution;
- Citations—potentially relevant articles that have been cited by the analyzed paper, subject to further analysis.
4. Results
4.1. Range and Direction of Existing Research
4.2. Classification Framework
4.3. Classification of Existing Literature
5. Discussion
- Development of efficient scheduling algorithms that are capable of handling high volumes of function instantiations and deletions in short amounts of times, across different infrastructures, providing an edge–cloud continuum.
- Safe migration of running serverless functions across different environments, allowing for better resiliency and cost effectiveness.
- Performance improvement of existing serverless function runtimes to make them suitable for resource constrained devices located at the edge, and migration away from containerization technologies altogether, by adopting more lightweight alternatives, such as WebAssembly, and unikernels. However, further research is needed in terms of execution speed performance, and development of easy-to-use solutions, which would in turn lead to an increase in popularity.
- Eliminating the cold start problem associated with the dynamic nature of serverless functions and the scale-to-zero feature.
- Eliminating vendor lock-in, as a prerequisite for a wider adoption, as well as constructing more elaborate hierarchical infrastructures, which would include both commercial and private elements. This is also the main issue preventing the establishment of cross-platform function marketplaces where users can freely exchange existing serverless functions.
- Improvements to serverless function security and isolation, especially in multi-tenant environments. Even though security is of great concern for resource constrained IoT devices, innovative ways in which greater function isolation can be established, without resulting in increased execution or start-up time are needed. Exhaustion of resources as a result of ever more present denial of service attacks is also an open issue, especially for serverless functions utilizing a commercial platform, where billing is done depending on the number of invocations and the total runtime. An increase in denial of service attacks aiming to take a given service offline by incurring large monetary cost to its owners is not excluded.
- Improvements to function chaining, and shift to asynchronous execution where possible. One of the main benefits of serverless, the scale-down-to-zero feature, cannot be realized when a chain of subsequent functions is executed in a serial manner, all waiting for an intermediate result before they can be terminated. Not only does this lead to less efficient resource utiliziation, but also to increased cost, as a result of each function being billed independently, even when it is stuck waiting on another one.
- Lack of comprehensive guidelines for development of new serverless IoT applications, or migration of existing ones, taking into account the specifics of this new paradigm.
- Support for hardware-acceleration and utilization of specific hardware, essential for artificial intelligence and video processing workloads.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Database | Results | Accepted | Query |
IEEEXplore | 77 | 29 | (“serverless” or “faas” or “function as a service” or “function-as-a-service” or “baas” or “backend-as-a-service” or “backend as a service”) and (“iot” or “internet of things” or “internet-of-things”) |
ACM | 27 | 14 | |
Arxiv | 10 | 2 | |
Google Scholar | 45 | 6 | |
Springer | 56 | 3 | |
Science Direct | 2 | 0 |
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Category Name | Discussed By |
Application Implementation | [13,14,16,19,21,22,23,32,39,40,41] |
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[49] | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[50] | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[51] | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[52] | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[15] | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[53] | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[54] | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[27] | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[55] | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ |
[56] | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[57] | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[58] | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[59] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[60] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[61] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[62] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[63] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[64] | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[65] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[66] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[67] | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[68] | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ |
[69] | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[70] | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[26] | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ |
[71] | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[72] | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[73] | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[74] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[75] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[76] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[77] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[78] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[79] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[80] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ |
[81] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
[82] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[20] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★✩✩ |
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[84] | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★✩ | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[28] | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[85] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★★★ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
[31] | ★✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ |
[86] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★✩ | ★★★ | ★★★ | ★★✩ |
[87] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★✩✩ | ★★✩ | ✩✩✩ | ★★★ | ★✩✩ |
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Kjorveziroski, V.; Filiposka, S.; Trajkovik, V. IoT Serverless Computing at the Edge: A Systematic Mapping Review. Computers 2021, 10, 130.
Kjorveziroski V, Filiposka S, Trajkovik V. IoT Serverless Computing at the Edge: A Systematic Mapping Review. Computers. 2021; 10(10):130.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKjorveziroski, Vojdan, Sonja Filiposka, and Vladimir Trajkovik. 2021. "IoT Serverless Computing at the Edge: A Systematic Mapping Review" Computers 10, no. 10: 130.
APA StyleKjorveziroski, V., Filiposka, S., & Trajkovik, V. (2021). IoT Serverless Computing at the Edge: A Systematic Mapping Review. Computers, 10(10), 130.