
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags that meet EPC Gen2 standards are used in many fields such as supply chain operations. The number of the RFID tags, smart cards, wireless sensor nodes, and Internet of things devices is increasing day by day and the areas where they are used are expanding. These devices are very limited in terms of the resources they have. For this reason, many security mechanisms developed for existing computer systems cannot be used for these devices. In order to ensure secure communication, it is necessary to provide authentication process between these lightweight devices and the devices they communicate. The authentication process is the first step that allows the parties to trust each other for communication. Moreover, the authentication protocol should allow simultaneous verification of multiple lightweight devices. Therefore, grouping proof authentication protocol is required. In this study, a new grouping proof authentication protocol is developed for lightweight devices. The proposed protocol implemented on wireless identification and sensing platform passive RFID tag, uses embedded advanced encryption standard encryption method to encrypt transmitted data. Security of the protocol was first evaluated and verified theoretically, then by a tool used for automatic verification of security protocols, called Scyther tool.




Lightweight, wireless identification and sensing platform, grouping proof authentication protocol, security, Scyther tool, xorshift, xorshiftR+, GPAPXR+

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