Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke 2015 Issue 128, Pages: 47-55
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Metabolic activity of gut microbiota and xenobiotics
Bojić Gordana (Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina, Novi Sad)
Goločorbin-Kohn Svetlana (Medical Faculty, Department of Pharmacy, Novi Sad)
Stojančević Maja (Medical Faculty, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Novi Sad)
Mikov Momir (Medical Faculty, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Novi Sad)
Suvajdžić Ljiljana (Medical Faculty, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Novi Sad)
The intestine habitat is the natural collection of symbiotic microorganisms.
The bacterial population enables many permanent metabolic activities in this
environment. Inside the intestine of mammals there are an extended genome of
millions of bacterial genes named microbiome. In recent years, there has been
an increased interest of scientists to discover the place and the role of
bio-ecological content and modulation of gut microbiota in a host organism
using prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics, which may have a great benefit
for human health.
Keywords: gut flora, metabolism, xenobiotics
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